Your favorite fruit is:
Apple - fn has two syllables, mn has one
Banana - fn and mn have two syllables
Watermelon - fn has three syllables, mn has one
Peach - fn has one syllable, mn has two
You'd describe yourself as:
Strong, proud, confident - names from Roman myth
A free spirit, happy, care free - names from Celtic myth
wisdom seeking, open minded, foward thinking - names from Greek myth
Mysterious, secretive, quiet - names from Egyptian myth
Your favorite kinds of movies are:
Comedy - names from Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Romance - names from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Drama - names from Shakespeare's Hamlet
Suspense - names from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
You have read, or would read (if you've read more than one use your favorite):
Les Miserables - French names
Wuthering Heights - Old English names
Moby Dick - American names
The Diary of Anne Frank - Jewish names
In birth order you are:
The oldest - two middle names
The middle child - long fn, short mn
The youngest child - a short fn, long mn
An only child - a long, fancy name
Your favorite color is:
Red - both fn and mn start with the same letter
Blue - virtue fn
Green - place name
Other - your favorite girl combo
♥Leona♥Do you believe?