[Games] Re: question CAF
in reply to a message by Leona
DH: Jack Malcolm
Your favorite fruit is:
Peach - fn has one syllable, mn has two
DW: Isolde Agrona
You'd describe yourself as:
A free spirit, happy, care free - names from Celtic myth
DD: Helena Hippolyta
Your favorite kinds of movies are:
Comedy - names from Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream
DS/DD: Calvin James / Beatrice Elizabeth
You have read, or would read (if you've read more than one use your favorite):
Wuthering Heights - Old English names
DS: Wyatt Samuel Logan
In birth order you are:
The oldest - two middle names
DD: Montana Aspen
Your favorite color is:
Green - place name
Jack & Isolde
Helena, Cal, Betsy, Wyatt, and Montana
Chelsea Nicole (115 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (13) And my baby Taz (3 and 1/2 years old heeler mix - the cutest dog ever!)
9 days until my baby brother is 14!
Your favorite fruit is:
Peach - fn has one syllable, mn has two
DW: Isolde Agrona
You'd describe yourself as:
A free spirit, happy, care free - names from Celtic myth
DD: Helena Hippolyta
Your favorite kinds of movies are:
Comedy - names from Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream
DS/DD: Calvin James / Beatrice Elizabeth
You have read, or would read (if you've read more than one use your favorite):
Wuthering Heights - Old English names
DS: Wyatt Samuel Logan
In birth order you are:
The oldest - two middle names
DD: Montana Aspen
Your favorite color is:
Green - place name
Jack & Isolde
Helena, Cal, Betsy, Wyatt, and Montana
Chelsea Nicole (115 days til my 21st birthday!)
Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (13) And my baby Taz (3 and 1/2 years old heeler mix - the cutest dog ever!)
9 days until my baby brother is 14!