[Games] Re: question CAF
in reply to a message by Leona
Your favorite fruit is:
Peach - fn has one syllable, mn has two
DH: John Lukas
You'd describe yourself as:
Strong, proud, confident - names from Roman myth
DW: Maia Minerva
Your favorite kinds of movies are:
Suspense - names from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
DD: Viola Maria
You have read, or would read (if you've read more than one use your favorite):
Les Miserables - French names
DS/DD: Anatole Etienne, Nathalie Mireille
In birth order you are:
The middle child - long fn, short mn
DS: Ebenezer Jack (nn Eben)
Your favorite color is:
Green - place name
DD: Siena Capri
Peach - fn has one syllable, mn has two
DH: John Lukas
You'd describe yourself as:
Strong, proud, confident - names from Roman myth
DW: Maia Minerva
Your favorite kinds of movies are:
Suspense - names from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night
DD: Viola Maria
You have read, or would read (if you've read more than one use your favorite):
Les Miserables - French names
DS/DD: Anatole Etienne, Nathalie Mireille
In birth order you are:
The middle child - long fn, short mn
DS: Ebenezer Jack (nn Eben)
Your favorite color is:
Green - place name
DD: Siena Capri