Medieval Slavic Submitted Names

These names were used by medieval Slavic peoples.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tacyjana f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Tacjana.
Tajka f Medieval Polish, Slovene
Medieval Polish diminutive of Tatiana and Slovene diminutive of Taja.
Tasław m Medieval Polish
Contracted form of Stanisław.
Tatja f Medieval Polish, German (Rare)
Medieval Polish diminutive of Tatiana.
Tebrich m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Teodoryk.
Tekusa f Medieval Russian
Russian form of Thekusa.
Teta f Medieval Czech, Slavic Mythology
In Bohemian mythology, Teta is the second oldest daughter of the Bohemian ruler Krok (or Crocco). Her sisters are Kazi and Libuše. While Libuše is a soothsayer, Teta is guiding people to worship supernatural beings and worshiping natural forces... [more]
Tetyjana f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Tatiana.
Theuda f Gothic, Medieval Czech, Medieval French
Derived from the Gothic element þiuda meaning "people" (Old High German diota, Old Frankish þeoda), either a short form of Germanic names beginning with this element (such as Theudelinda) or used independently as a standalone name... [more]
Tomyla f Medieval Ukrainian
Ukrainian form of Tomila.
Tretyak m Medieval Ukrainian
Means "third (person)" in Ukrainian. Denoted to the third child in a family.
Trzebimir m Medieval Polish
Composed of the Polish element trzebić from Old Slavic trěbiti "clear, ritually cleanse, sacrifice" and Old Slavic element mirŭ "peace, world".
Turold m Medieval Polish
Polish form of Thorold.
Tverdimir m Medieval Slavic
Medieval Slavic form of Twardomir.
Tyba m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Tybald.
Tybald m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Teobald.
Tyesca f Medieval Czech
Medieval Czech variant of Theuda.
Tylo m Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Tybald.
Tymka f Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Tymona as well as a quasi-feminine form of Tymoteusz.
Vácslav m Medieval Czech
Medieval Czech form of Václav.
Vadimirŭ m Medieval Russian
Old East Slavic form of Vadimir.
Valasca f History, Medieval Slavic (?)
A famous bearer of this name is Valasca, a warrior Queen of Bohemia.
Vasalisa f Medieval Russian
Likely a variant of Vasilisa.
Vlčenka f Medieval Serbian
Medieval Serbian feminine form of Vuk.
Vlkava f Medieval Czech
Medieval Czech feminine form of Vlk.
Volodar m Medieval Ukrainian
Old variant of Volodymyr, or could also come from Ukrainian володар (volodar), meaning "ruler, leader". Alternatively could come from Slavic name elements волдѣти (volděti) "to rule, to control" and даръ (darŭ) "gift".
Voron m Medieval Russian
Derived from either Russian ворон (voron) meaning "raven" or Russian ворона (vorona) meaning "crow" (as in, the bird).
Walcerz m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Walter.
Walenth m Medieval Croatian
Medieval Croatian form of Valentine 1.
Węda f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Wanda.
Wiktorzyjana f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Wiktoriana.
Wilk m Medieval Czech
Derived from Polish wilk "wolf".
Winebald m Germanic, Medieval Polish
Variant form of Winibald. This name was borne by multiple Catholic saints.
Wirszula f Medieval Polish
Medieval variant of Urszula.
Wirzchosława f Medieval Polish
Feminine form of Wirzchosław. This name was borne by a 12th-century Polish princess.
Witołt m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Witold.
Witoslav m Medieval Czech
Derived from Slavic wit, vit "to rule" and slava "glory, fame".
Witowd m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Witold.
Włościbor m Medieval Polish
Derived from włości "rule" and bor "battle".
Wojslav m Medieval Czech
Derived from Slavic voj "war" and slava "glory, fame".
Wok m Medieval Czech
A medieval Czech name meaning "wolf" (see also Vuk).
Wszebąd m Medieval Polish
From the elements wsze ("everything", "everyone", "always", and bąd ("to be", "to exist, "to live").
Wszemir m Medieval Polish
Derived from Slavic wsze "all, always" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Wyola f Medieval Hungarian, Medieval Ukrainian
Medieval Hungarian and Medieval Ukrainian cognate of Viola.
Yulianiya f Medieval Ukrainian, Ukrainian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Medieval Ukrainian feminine form of Yulian also used rarely in the modern day.
Zanka f Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Zuzanna.
Żanna f Medieval Polish, Polish
Medieval Polish diminutive of Żużanna and Polish form of Jeanne.
Zanna f Medieval Polish
Diminutive of Zuzanna.
Zavida m Medieval Serbian, Serbian (Archaic)
Derived from the verb zavideti, meaning "to envy". ... [more]
Zawissius m Medieval Czech (Latinized)
Latinized form of Zawisza. This name was recorded several times in Brno.
Zbincza f Medieval Czech
Feminine form of Zbygniew.
Zbrosław m Medieval Polish
Means "he, who is famous thanks to fighting", from the elements zbro ("to fight") and sław ("fame")
Zbywoj m Medieval Polish
From the elements zby, meaning "to renounce, to get rid of" and woj, meaning "fighter, soldier".
Zdenka f Medieval Czech, Hungarian
Medieval Czech diminutive of Zdeslava. It is also occasionally considered a diminutive of Sidonia.
Zemislav m Medieval Czech, Medieval Slavic
Derived from Slavic siem/ziem "family, land" and sława/slava "glory, fame".
Zhytomyr m Medieval Ukrainian
From Ukrainian життя (zhyttya), meaning "life", and мир (myr), meaning "peace". This was the name of a Kyivan knyaz, whom the city and region Zhytomyr was named after.
Žiznobude m Medieval Russian
An Old Novgorodian name.
Żużanna f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Zuzanna.
Zużka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish diminutive of Zuzanna.
Zybert m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Siegbert.