Bulgarian Submitted Names

Bulgarian names are used in the country of Bulgaria in southeastern Europe. See also about Bulgarian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ventseslava Венцеслава f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Ventseslav.
Verka Верка f Bulgarian, Slovene
Diminutive form of Vera 1.
Veselina Веселина f Bulgarian, Slovene
Feminine form of Veselin.
Veselka Веселка f Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare), Slovene
Feminine form of Veselko.
Veshta Вещта f Bulgarian
Comes from the word Вещтер meaning “witch” in Bulgarian
Vessela Весела f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Весела (see Vesela).
Vesselin m Bulgarian
Variant spelling of Veselin, but in some cases it is also a variant transcription of the name. Known bearers of this name include the Bulgarian pianist Vesselin Stanev (b... [more]
Vesselina Весселина f Bulgarian
Variant spelling of Veselina, but in some cases it is also a variant transcription of the name. A known bearer of this name is the Bulgarian opera singer Vesselina Kasarova (b... [more]
Viara Вяра f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Bulgarian Вяра (see Vyara).
Vichra Вихра f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Вихра (see Vihra).
Videlina Виделина f Bulgarian
Vidoslav Видослав m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
Vihra Вихра f Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian вихър "gale; whirlwind".
Vihren Вихрен m Bulgarian
Masculine form of Vihra.
Vilina Вилина f Russian, Bulgarian, Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the Slavic element vila meaning "fairy".
Violetka Виолетка f Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian виолетка "violet".
Violina Виолина f Bulgarian
Visarion Висарион m Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian and Serbian form of Bessarion via Vissarion. Bearers of this name include Romanian metropolitan bishop Visarion Puiu (1879-1964) and Serbian metropolitan bishop Visarion Ljubiša (1823-1884).
Vjara Вяра f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Вяра (see Vyara).
Vladena Владена f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Vladan.
Vladko Владко m Croatian, Bulgarian, Slovene
Variant of Vlatko.
Volen Волен m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian волен (volen) "free; independent".
Volena f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Volen.
Volimir Волимир m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian
Means "peaceful will", derived from Proto-Slavic volja "will, volition" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Voydan Войдан m Bulgarian, Macedonian
Vurban Върбан m Bulgarian
Derived from Bulgarian върба (vǎrba) "willow".
Vurbana Вербана f Bulgarian, Spanish (?)
Feminine form of Vurban.
Vurbinka Върбинка f Bulgarian
Means "verbena" in Bulgarian.
Wenelin Венелин m Bulgarian (Germanized)
German transcription of Venelin.
Weneta Венета f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Венета (see Veneta).
Wenka Венка f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Венка (see Venka).
Wenko Венко m German (Rare), Bulgarian, Macedonian
German transcription of Venko.
Werka Верка f Bulgarian (Germanized)
Variant transcription of Верка (see Verka).
Wjara Вяра f Bulgarian (Germanized, Rare)
Variant transcription of Вяра (see Vyara).
Wolen Волен m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Волен (see Volen).
Yabǎlka Ябълка f Bulgarian
Means "apple" in Buglarian.
Yagoda Ягода f Bulgarian (Rare)
Derived from Bulgarian ягода "strawberry".
Yancho Янчо m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Jan 1.
Yane Яне m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yan 1.
Yaneta Янета f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Янета (see Janeta).
Yani Яни m Bulgarian, Greek
Variant of Yanni.
Yanica Яница f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Яница (see Yanitsa).
Yanislav Янислав m Bulgarian
Probably a newly coined name from Jan 1 and the Slavic name element slava "fame, glory".
Yanislava Янислава f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yanislav.
Yanita Янита f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yana.
Yanitsa Яница f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yana.
Yasena Ясена f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yasen.
Yasna Ясна f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Jasna.
Yassen m Bulgarian
Variant of Yasen.
Yavora f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yavor.
Yeremiya Йеремия m Bulgarian (Rare), Ganda
Luganda and Bulgarian form of Jeremiah.
Yeronim Йероним m Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).
Yerotey Йеротей m Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Hierotheos.
Yoahim Йоахим m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Joachim.
Yoakim Йоаким m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Joachim.
Yoanna Йоанна f Bulgarian, South American
Variant of Yoana.
Yolina Йолина f Bulgarian (Rare)
Yolita Йолита f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yolanda.
Yona Йона f Bulgarian
Contracted form of Yoana. Yona Markova (1855–1923) was a Bulgarian soldier and war heroine. She became famous as a war heroine as she served as a Bulgarian soldier during the Serbo-Bulgarian War posing as a man.
Yoncho Йончо m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yoan 2.
Yonka Йонка f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yonko.
Yonko Йонко m Bulgarian
Originally a diminutive of Yoan 2, used as a given name in its own right.
Yov m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Job.
Yovka Йовка f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Yovko.
Yovko Йовко m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Yoan 2.
Yuda Юда m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Judah.
Yuliyan Юлиян m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Julian.
Yuliyana Юлияна f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Juliana.
Yuniy Юний m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Iunius (see Junius).
Yusein Юсеин m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Husayn.
Yustinian Юстиниан m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Iustinianus (see Justinian).
Zaharin Захарин m Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian masculine form of Zaharina.
Zahariya Захария f Bulgarian
Zalo Зало m Bulgarian
The name Zalo means "healthy"
Zdravislav Здравислав m Bulgarian, Croatian
Variant of Zdravoslav.
Zdravomir Здравомир m Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian
The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve or Serbo-Croatian zdravlje "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
Zdravoslav Здравослав m Bulgarian
The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
Zefir Зефир m Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian
Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form of Zephyr.
Zenka Ценка f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Ценка (see Tsenka).
Zezka Цецка f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Цецка (see Tsetska).
Zhan Жан m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Žan.
Zhana Жана f Bulgarian, Belarusian
Bulgarian form of Žana and Belarusian variant transcription of Zhanna.
Zhaneta Жанета f Belarusian (Rare), Bulgarian, Albanian
Albanian, Belarusian and Bulgarian form of Jeannette.
Zhasmina Жасмина f Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Jasmine.
Zheko Жеко m Bulgarian
Short form of Zhelyazko.
Zheliazko Желязко m Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Zhelyazko.
Zhelyaz Желяз m Bulgarian
Variant of Zhelyazko.
Zhelyazka Желязка f Bulgarian (Rare)
Feminine form of Zhelyazko.
Zhelyu Желю m Bulgarian
Short form of Zhelyazko.
Zhitomir Житомир m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Žitomir.
Zhivomir Живомир m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Živomir.
Zhorzh Жорж m Armenian (Rare), Bulgarian (Rare), Georgian (Archaic)
Armenian, Bulgarian and Georgian form of Georges.
Zhorzheta Жоржета f Armenian (Rare), Bulgarian
Armenian and Bulgarian form of Georgette.
Zhulieta Жулиета f Bulgarian
Bulgarian borrowing of Juliette.
Zlatena Златена f Bulgarian
Variant of Zlatina.
Zlatimir Златимир m Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian
Variant of Zlatomir.
Zlatimira Златимира f Bulgarian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatimir.
Zlatin Златин m Bulgarian (Rare)
Variant of Zlatan.
Zlatina Златина f Bulgarian, Russian
Diminutive of Zlata.
Zlatodan Златодан m Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Possibly derived from Slavic elements zlato "gold" and dan "given."
Zlatomir Златомир m Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Derived from Slavic zlato "gold" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Zlatomira Златомира f Bulgarian, Serbian
Feminine form of Zlatomir.
Zlatoslav Златослав m Bulgarian, Belarusian, Serbian
Derived from South Slavic zlato meaning "gold", a derived from Old Slavic zolto combined with slava meaning "glory"
Zoika Зойка f Bulgarian
Variant of Zoya.
Zori Зори f Bulgarian
Short form of Zornitsa.
Zornitza Зорница f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Зорница (see Zornitsa).
Zosim Зосим m Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian (Rare), Serbian, Slovene, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Zosimos (see Zosimus).
Zoui f Bulgarian
Variant of Zoe.
Zoyka Зойка f Bulgarian
Variant of Zoya.
Zvezda Звезда f Macedonian, Bulgarian, Soviet (Rare)
Derived from звезда (zvezda) meaning "star". In Russia, this name was used mostly during the Soviet era as a communist name referencing the red star.
Zvezdelin Звезделин m Bulgarian
Derived from zvezda meaning "star".
Zvezdelina Звезделина f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Zvezdelin.
Zvezdomir Звездомир m Bulgarian
The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zvezda "star", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gvězda "star". Also compare Czech hvězda and Slovak hviezda, both of which mean "star"... [more]
Zvezdomira звездомира f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Zvezdomir.
Zweta Цвета f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Цвета (see Tsveta).
Zwetan Цветан m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Цветан (see Tsvetan).
Zwetana Цветана f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Цветана (see Cvetana).