VesselinmBulgarian Variant spelling of Veselin, but in some cases it is also a variant transcription of the name. Known bearers of this name include the Bulgarian pianist Vesselin Stanev (b... [more]
VesselinaВесселинаfBulgarian Variant spelling of Veselina, but in some cases it is also a variant transcription of the name. A known bearer of this name is the Bulgarian opera singer Vesselina Kasarova (b... [more]
VidoslavВидославmBulgarian, Croatian, Serbian The first element of this name is probably derived from Serbo-Croatian videti or vidjeti "to see, to sight, to look, to behold", which is derived from Proto-Slavic viděti "to see"... [more]
VihraВихраfBulgarian Derived from Bulgarian вихър "gale; whirlwind".
VisarionВисарионmBulgarian, Croatian, Romanian, Serbian Bulgarian, Croatian, Romanian and Serbian form of Bessarion via Vissarion. Bearers of this name include Romanian metropolitan bishop Visarion Puiu (1879-1964) and Serbian metropolitan bishop Visarion Ljubiša (1823-1884).
VolimirВолимирmBulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Ukrainian Means "peaceful will", derived from Proto-Slavic volja "will, volition" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
YonaЙонаfBulgarian Contracted form of Yoana. Yona Markova (1855–1923) was a Bulgarian soldier and war heroine. She became famous as a war heroine as she served as a Bulgarian soldier during the Serbo-Bulgarian War posing as a man.
ZdravomirЗдравомирmBulgarian, Croatian, Serbian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve or Serbo-Croatian zdravlje "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from either Slavic mir "peace" or Slavic mer "great, famous".
ZdravoslavЗдравославmBulgarian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zdráve "health", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic sъdorvъ "healthy". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
ZvezdaЗвездаfMacedonian, Bulgarian, Soviet (Rare) Derived from звезда (zvezda) meaning "star". In Russia, this name was used mostly during the Soviet era as a communist name referencing the red star.
ZvezdomirЗвездомирmBulgarian The first element of this name is derived from Bulgarian zvezda "star", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic gvězda "star". Also compare Czech hvězda and Slovak hviezda, both of which mean "star"... [more]