Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
AlbmMedieval Romanian Derived from Romanian alb "white; (figuratively) clean, pure, immaculate".
AlbafMedieval Romanian Derived from Romanian albă, the feminine form of the adjective alb "white; (figuratively) clean, pure, immaculate".
Anindyam & fBengali, Indonesian From Sanskrit अनिन्द्य (anindya) meaning "faultless, blameless, immaculate", derived from the negative prefix अ (a) and निन्द्य (nindya) meaning "blameworthy, reprehensible, reproachable"... [more]
CorazónfSpanish (Rare) Means "heart" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Inmaculado Corazón de María meaning "Immaculate Heart of Mary".