Cree Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the language is Cree.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ahchuchhwahauhhatohapit m Cree
Means "one who has stars for a blanket" in Cree.
Danis f Cree
From Cree otânisimâw meaning "daughter".
Kahkewistahaw m Cree
Means "he who flies around" in Cree.
Kakeesheway m Cree
Means "loud voice" in Cree.
Kamdyistowesit m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "beardy" in Cree.
Kamiokisihkwew m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "fine day" in Cree.
Kapapamahchakwew m Cree
Means "wandering spirit" in Cree.
Keasik f Cree
From Cree ka wâsekwahk "sky blue".
Kee-a-kee-ka-sa-coo-way m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "the man who gives the war whoop" in Cree.
Keskayiwew m Cree
Means "bobtail" in Cree.
Kisikawasan m Cree
Means "flash in the sky" in Cree.
Kiwisünce m Cree
Means "little child" in Cree.
Küpeyakwüskonam m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "one arrow" in Cree.
Mahikan m Cree
Means "wolf" in Cree, from the Cree mahihkan "wolf; grey wolf; timber wolf".
Maskepetoon m Cree
Means "broken arm" or "crooked arm" in Cree.
Maskwa m Cree
The name comes from the Cree word for ''bear'' maskwa.
Minahikosis m Cree
Means "little pine" in Cree.
Mistahi-maskwa m Cree
Means "big bear" in Cree.
Mukitou m Cree
Means "black powder" in Cree.
Papewes m Cree
Means "lucky man" in Cree.
Paskus f Cree
Means "rising" in Cree.
Paskwüw m Cree
Means "the plain", referring to the prairies, in Cree.
Payipwāt m Cree
Means "one who knows the secrets of the Sioux" in Cree.
Peechee m Cree
Means "mountain lion" in Cree.
Petequakey m Cree
Means "come to us with the sound of wings" in Cree.
Pihew-kamihkosit m Cree
Means "red pheasant" in Cree.
Sâkêwêw f & m Cree
Means "He/She comes into view" in Cree.
Sâkowêw f & m Cree
Means "He/She makes a joyful sounds" or "War Whoop" in Cree.
Saswaypew m Cree
Means "cut nose" in Cree.
Sehkosowayanew m Cree
Means "ermine skin" in Cree.
Sikakwayan m Cree
Means "skunk skin" in Cree.
Tantoo m & f Cree, Popular Culture, Apache
Variation of Tonto, from Spanish tonto (“fool”), from Western Apache kounʼnde (“wild rough people”). ... [more]
Wah-wee-oo-kah-tah-mah-hote m Cree
Means "strike him on the back" in Cree.
Wāpiy-mōstōsis m Cree
Means "white calf" in Cree.
Wīhkasko-kisēyin m Cree
Means "sweetgrass" in Cree. This was the name of a 19th-century Crow man who became one of the leading Plains Cree chiefs in the Battleford region of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Wuttunee m Cree
Means "porcupine" in Cree.