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This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Biblical Hebrew.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abigal אֲבִיגַל f Biblical Hebrew, Biblical, Romani (Archaic)
Variant of Abigail. In some Bible translations Abigal is mentioned as the daughter of Nacha and the mother of Amasa.
Abihail m & f Biblical Hebrew
Means "my father is might" or "my father is strength" in Hebrew, from אָבִי‎ ('avi) "my father" and חיל (khayil), which is related to the word חייל (khayal) "soldier"... [more]
Arah f Biblical Hebrew
Means "guest" in Hebrew.
Ashima אֲשִׁימָא f Biblical Hebrew, Semitic Mythology
Means "the name, portion, or lot" depending on context. Possibly from the Semitic šmt 'charge, duty, function'. Also known as Ashim-Yahu, Ashima-Yaho, and Ashim-Beth-El... [more]
Atalie f Biblical Hebrew
Possibly from the Hebrew meaning "God is great".
Ayah איה m & f Biblical Hebrew
Means "falcon" or "vulture" in Hebrew. In the Bible, this is the name of the father of Rizpah as well as the son of Zibeon.
Baara f Biblical Hebrew
Baara was one of the three wives of Shaharaim.
Bitya בִּתְיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Like bityah
Chanine f Biblical Hebrew
God is Gracious
Chavah חווה f Biblical Hebrew
Chavah (Ha-va) is the Hebrew translation for the Biblical name Eve, which means "Mother of all living" or "Life". Eve was the first woman in the Bible, the wife of Adam.
Darah m & f Biblical Hebrew
Meaning "wise". Dara
Eleashah f & m Biblical Hebrew
It means "Whom God made"
Eloheinu f & m Biblical Hebrew
Means "Our God" in Hebrew.
Ephah m & f Biblical Hebrew
In the Hebrew Bible, Ephah was the name of three people: one of Midian's five sons (a descendant of Abraham via Keturah), a son of Jahdai (a descendant of Judah), and a concubine of Caleb.
Ezel אָזַל m & f Turkish, Biblical Hebrew
Unisez name. In Turkish, means "past eternity." In Hebrew, means "departure."
Gibeah m & f Biblical Hebrew
Found in the Old Testament in Hosea 5:8. Meaning Unknown.
Hatzlelponi הַצְלֶלְפּֽוֹנִי f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hazelelponi.
Hazzelelponi f Biblical Hebrew
A Biblical Hebrew name meaning ‘the shade-facing’. She was known as the daughter of Etam and a descendant of Judah, along with being the sister of Idbash, Ishma and Jezreel. In rabbinical sources, she was under the name ‘Zelelponith’ and was the wife of Manoah and mother of Samson... [more]
Iska f Biblical Hebrew
Iska is a feminine name of biblical origin that means "There is a strong woman" or "She has authority", but the name has many different meanings in other languages ​​and cultures.... [more]
Jehoshabeath f Biblical Hebrew
Original Hebrew form of Jehosheba.
Jeroham m & f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Meaning "cherished" or "one who finds mercy."
Jesca יִסְכָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Variation of Iscah. A daughter of Haran, sister of Lot and Milcah according to Genesis 11:29... [more]
Kadash f & m Biblical Hebrew
To set apart for God
Maath f Biblical Hebrew
A biblical girl's name meaning "Wiping away, breaking, fearing, smiting"
Mea מֵאָה f Biblical Hebrew
Mea(h): Hundred or a hundred cubits. Mea(h)/Me'ah/Me'a: a tower on the north wall of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 3:1; Nehemiah 12:39).
Mispar f Biblical Hebrew
Means "numbering, increasing" in Hebrew.
Natanya m & f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "gift of God" in Hebrew. In the Bible, Nethaniah was one of the Levites sent by King Jehoshaphat to teach the Law of the Lord to the people of Judah.
Oholah אהלה f Biblical Hebrew
Means "her own tent" in Hebrew. This is the name of a minor character in the Bible, a personification of Samaria's sin in the book of Ezekiel.
Oholibah f Biblical Hebrew
A personification of Jerusalem's sin in the book of Ezekiel and sister of Oholah.
Rehobah f Biblical Hebrew (Americanized)
American English regional name (Appalachian) influenced by the Biblical Hebrew masculine name Rehoboth.
Rehoboth m & f Biblical Hebrew
Rinnah m & f Biblical Hebrew
1 Chronicles 4:20 from the root ranan meaning joyous cry
Serach f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "abundance" in Hebrew. This was the name of the granddaughter of Jacob, and the daughter of Asher in the Torah, who is said to have lived past the era of Moses until she was taken to heaven (like Enoch and Elijah).
Shephelah f Biblical Hebrew, English (American, Rare, ?)
Shephelah -or Shfela- is a location in Israel containing the Judean Plain.
Taberah f & m Biblical Hebrew
It is from the King James Bible. It means “the fire of God”... [more]
Timna תִּמְנָע, תִּמְנָה f & m Biblical Hebrew (Rare), German (Austrian)
From a Biblical place name. In the Bible, this name is borne by a concubine of Eliphaz son of Esau, and mother of Amalek ( Genesis 36:12 ) (it may be presumed that she was the same as Timna sister of Lotan... [more]
Yovel יוֹבֵל m & f Biblical Hebrew
From the Hebrew noun, יוֹבֵל, meaning a ram horn trumpet (shofar) or the Jubilee year prescribed in the Hebrew Bible.
Zabdy f & m Biblical Hebrew
Means "God has given" in Hebrew.
Zelah צֵלָ֗ע f Biblical Hebrew, English (Rare)
Means "rib, side" in Hebrew. Zelah was a place in the territory of the Tribe of Benjamin, ancient Judea, known as the burial place of King Saul, his father Kish and his son Jonathan.
Zerviah f Biblical Hebrew (Anglicized, Archaic)
Perhaps an anglicized form of the Biblical Hebrew name Zeruiah.