Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Biblical Hebrew.
Achinoam אֲחִינֹעַם f Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ahinoam.
Adah עָדָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "adornment, ornament" in Hebrew. This was the name of the wives of both Lamech and Esau in the Old Testament.
Aholibamah אָהֳלִיבָמָה f Biblical Hebrew, Biblical
Means "tent of the high place" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is one of the wives of Esau, possibly the same as Judith.
'Akhsah עַכְסָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Achsah.
Anah עֲנָה f & m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "answer" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this name belongs to one female character and two male characters.
'Asenat אָסְנַת f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Asenath.
'Ashtoret עַשְׁתֹרֶת f Biblical Hebrew, Semitic Mythology
Hebrew form of Ashtoreth.
Atalyah עֲתַלְיָה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Athaliah.
Atarah עֲטָרָה f Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "crown" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Atarah is a minor character, the wife of Jerahmeel.
'Avigayil אֲבִיגַיִל f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abigail.
Avishag אֲבִישַׁג f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abishag.
Avital אֲבִיטָל f & m Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abital, sometimes used as a masculine name in modern times.
'Aviyah אֲבִיָה m & f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Abijah.
Basmat בָּשְׂמַת f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Basemath and Basmath.
Bat-Sheva בַּת־שֶׁבַע f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Bathsheba.
Beulah בְּעוּלָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, English
Means "married" in Hebrew. The name is used in the Old Testament to refer to the land of Israel (Isaiah 62:4). As an English given name, Beulah has been used since the Protestant Reformation.
Bilhah בִּלְהָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "bashful" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the handmaid given to Jacob by his wife Rachel. By him she was the mother of Dan and Naphtali.
Bityah בִּתְיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Bithiah.
Chaggit חַגִּית f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Haggith.
Chamutal חֲמוּטָל f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hamutal.
Channah חַנָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Hannah.
Chawwah חַוָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Eve.
Cheftzi-Bah חֶפְצִי־בָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Hephzibah.
Chodesh חֹדֶשׁ f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hodesh.
Chuldah חוּלְדָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Huldah.
Delilah דְּלִילָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, English
Means "delicate, weak, languishing" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament she is the lover of Samson, whom she betrays to the Philistines by cutting his hair, which is the source of his power. Despite her character flaws, the name began to be used by the Puritans in the 17th century. It has been used occasionally in the English-speaking world since that time.
Devorah דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Deborah.
Dinah דִּינָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, English
Means "judged" in Hebrew. According to the Old Testament, Dinah was a daughter of Jacob and Leah who was abducted by Shechem. It has been used as an English given name since after the Protestant Reformation.
'Ednah עֶדְנָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Edna.
Efrat אֶפְרָת f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ephrath.
Elisheva אֱלִישֶׁבַע f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Elizabeth.
'Ester אֶסְתֵר f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Esther.
Gomer גֹּמֶר m & f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "complete" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of both a grandson of Noah and the unfaithful wife of the prophet Hosea.
Hadassah הֲדַסָּה f Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew הֲדַס (hadas) meaning "myrtle tree". In the Old Testament this is the Hebrew name of Queen Esther.
Hagar הָגָר f Biblical, Biblical German, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "flight" in Hebrew, though it could also be of unknown Egyptian origin. In the Old Testament she is the second wife of Abraham and the mother of Ishmael, the founder of the Arab people. After Abraham's first wife Sarah finally gave birth to a child, she had Hagar and Ishmael expelled into the desert. However, God heard their crying and saved them.
Hodiyah הוֹדִיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Hodiah.
'Izevel אִיזֶבֶל f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jezebel.
Kazbi כָּזְבִּי f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Cozbi.
Keren Happukh קֶרֶן הַפּוּך f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Keren-Happuch.
Keturah קְטוּרָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "incense" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament she is Abraham's wife after Sarah dies.
Ketzi'ah קְצִיעָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Keziah.
Leah לֵאָה f English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From the Hebrew name לֵאָה (Le'ah), which was probably derived from the Hebrew word לְאָה (le'ah) meaning "weary". Alternatively it might be related to Akkadian littu meaning "cow". In the Old Testament Leah is the first wife of Jacob and the mother of seven of his children. Jacob's other wife was Leah's younger sister Rachel, whom he preferred. Leah later offered Jacob her handmaid Zilpah in order for him to conceive more children.... [more]
Ma'akhah מַעֲכָה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Maacah.
Machalat מָחֲלַת f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Mahalath.
Machlah מַחְלָה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Mahlah.
Mara 1 מָרָא f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Means "bitter" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is a name that Naomi calls herself after the death of her husband and sons (see Ruth 1:20).
Meheitav'el מְהֵיטַבְאֵל f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Mehetabel.
Merav מֵרַב f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Merab 1.
Meshullemet מְשֻׁלֶּמֶת f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Meshullemeth.
Mikhal מִיכַל f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Michal 2.
Mikhayahu מִיכָיָהוּ m & f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Micaiah.
Milkah מִלְכָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Milcah.
Miriam מִרְיָם f Hebrew, English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Mary. It is used in the Old Testament, where it belongs to the elder sister of Moses and Aaron. She watched over the infant Moses as the pharaoh's daughter drew him from the Nile. The name has long been popular among Jews, and it has been used as an English Christian name (alongside Mary) since the Protestant Reformation.
Na'amah נַעֲמָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Naamah.
Na'omi נָעֳמִי f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Naomi 1.
No'ah נֹעָה, נוֹעָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Noah 2.
Oholibamah אָהֳלִיבָמָה f Biblical Hebrew, Biblical
Form of Aholibamah used in some versions of the Old Testament (the vowel sign, qamatz, can be read both ways).
'Orpah עָרְפָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Orpah.
Pu'ah פּּעָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Puah.
Rachel רָחֵל f English, Hebrew, French, Dutch, German, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Hebrew
From the Hebrew name רָחֵל (Rachel) meaning "ewe". In the Old Testament this is the name of the favourite wife of Jacob. Her father Laban tricked Jacob into marrying her older sister Leah first, though in exchange for seven years of work Laban allowed Jacob to marry Rachel too. Initially barren and facing her husband's anger, she offered her handmaid Bilhah to Jacob to bear him children. Eventually she was herself able to conceive, becoming the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.... [more]
Rivqah רִיבְקָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Rebecca.
Rut רוּת f Spanish, Icelandic, Swedish, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Form of Ruth 1 in several languages.
Sarah שָׂרָה f English, French, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Hebrew, Arabic, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "lady, princess, noblewoman" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of Abraham's wife, considered the matriarch of the Jewish people. She was barren until she unexpectedly became pregnant with Isaac at the age of 90. Her name was originally Sarai, but God changed it at the same time Abraham's name was changed (see Genesis 17:15).... [more]
Sarai שָׂרָי f Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Spanish
Means "my princess" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, this was Sarah's name before God changed it (see Genesis 17:15).
Sheerah שֶׁאֱרָה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "kinswoman" in Hebrew. This is the name of a daughter of Ephraim in the Old Testament.
Shelomit שְׁלֹמֹה f & m Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Shelomith.
Shifra שִׁפְרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Shiphrah.
Shim'at שִׁמְעָת f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Shimeath.
Shoshannah שׁוֹשַׁנָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Susanna.
Shulammit שׁוּלַמִּית f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Shulammite.
Tamar תָּמָר f Hebrew, Georgian, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "date palm" in Hebrew. According to the Old Testament Tamar was the daughter-in-law of Judah and later his wife. This was also the name of a daughter of King David. She was raped by her half-brother Amnon, leading to his murder by her brother Absalom. The name was borne by a 12th-century ruling queen of Georgia who presided over the kingdom at the peak of its power.
Tirtzah תִּרְצָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Tirzah.
Tzeruyah צְרוּיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Zeruiah.
Tzillah צִלָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Zillah.
Tzipporah צִפּוֹרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Zipporah.
Tzivyah צִבְיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Zibiah.
Washti וַשְׁתִּי f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Vashti.
Yael יָעֵל f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jael.
Yedidah יְדִידָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jedidah.
Yeho'addan יְהוֹעָדָּן f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jehoaddan.
Yehosheva יְהוֹשֶׁבַע f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jehosheba.
Yehudit יְהוּדִית f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Judith.
Yehudiyah יְהֻדִיָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jehudijah.
Yekholyah יְכָלְיָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jecoliah.
Yemima יְמִימָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jemima.
Yeri'ot יְרִיעוֹת f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Jerioth.
Yerushah יְרוּשָׁה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jerusha.
Yiskah יִסְכָּה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Iscah.
Yocheved יוֹכֶבֶד f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Jochebed.
Zeresh זֶרֶשׁ f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Meaning unknown, probably of Persian origin. In the Book of Esther in the Old Testament she is the wife of Haman the Agagite.
Zevidah זְבִידָה f Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Zebidah.
Zilpah זִלְפָּה f Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "frailty" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the handmaid who was given to Jacob by Leah.