Name List: Top Favorites

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Aderyn f ah-DARE-in
Adrasteia f ad-ra-STAY-uh
Agrafena f ah-grah-FEE_nah
Alethea f I like the spelling Aletheia - al-eh-THEE-ah
Anatolia f
Andromache f Also smitten by this.
Andromeda f
Annora f
Apolline f
Artemisia f
Augusta f
Aureliana f
Aurélie f ow-ray-LEE
Austėja f ow-STAY-ah
Avelina 1 f
Aviva f
Bellatrix f
Belphoebe f
Camellia f
Candelaria f
Chrysanthe f cris-AN-thee
Delphia f
Desdemona f
Desiderata f
Doriane f do-ree-AHN
Elowen f
Elspeth f
Enobarbus m Rate this as the name Enobaria- which isn't in the database.
Eseld f
Esfir f EZ-feer
Esta f
Euphemia f yoo-FEEM-ee-ah
Evadne f
Evangeline f old favorite.
Evelina f
Fleur f
Freya f
Genoveffa f
Giada f JAH-dah
Godelieve f kho-deh-LEE-veh only for this spelling.
Godeliva f goh-deh-LEE-vah
Guinevere f GWEN-ev-eer
Gwendoline f
Gwenhwyfar f gwen-HWEE-var / GWEN-hwee-var
Héloïse f
Ishild f as Ishilda
Ismene f is-MEEN-ee
Isolda f
Isotta f
Ixchel f ee-SHEL/EE-shel
Katelijne f kaht-eh-LIE-nah
Keturah f <3 <3 <3
Lavinia f
Leda f
Leocadia f <3
Lilibeth f
Liora f
Lovisa f
Ludmila f lood-MEE-lah
Lumi f
Mahalia f mah-HAL-ee-ah
Megaera f
Mélisande f
Melusine f MAY-loo-zeen
Naamah f NAY-ah-mah/NAH-ah-mah. Also a second favorite.
Nimue f NIM-oo-ay
Noelani f second favorite? probably.
Peninnah f peh-NEE-nah
Persephone f all-time favorite.
Philomène f
Raziela f
Rosemary f
Roshanara f
Roxelana f
Sarangerel f
Scheherazade f I adore this the most. sheh-HAIR-ah-zahd.
Sedna f
Sepphora f :D I love this too, when. prn. as SEFF-or-ah
Séraphine f
Shahar f / m
Sieglinde f zee-GLIN-dah
Silvana f
Siri f
Socorro f
Sophronia f
Sunniva f soo-NEEV-ah
Thalia f (thah-LIE-ah)
Theodosia f Love this too
Tisiphone f
Viveka f
Willemina f
Xanthe f KSAHN-thee
Xene f Rate this as Xenokleia (ksehn-oh-KLEE-ah; since it's not in the database and I love it)
Zhanna f
Zosime f zaw-SIH-mee
Zuleika f