Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the gender is masculine; and the pattern is *s.
Nils m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Scandinavian form of Nicholas.
Ninos m Ancient Assyrian (Hellenized)
Probably from the name of the ancient city of Nineveh in Assyria. According to Greek historians this was the name of the husband of Semiramis and the founder of Nineveh. In actuality he does not correspond to any known Assyrian king, and is likely a composite character named after the city.
Nioclás m Irish
Irish form of Nicholas.
Nis m Danish
Contracted form of Nils or Niels 1.
Nisus m Roman Mythology
Meaning unknown. According to Virgil's Aeneid, this was the name of the son of the Trojan Hyrtacus (himself mentioned in the Iliad, though Nisus is not). In the Aeneid Nisus is the friend of Euryalus. After Euryalus is captured by the Rutuli, both are slain when Nisus attempts to save him.
Nodens m Celtic Mythology
Possibly from the old Celtic root *snowdo- meaning "mist, haze". Alternatively it might be related to the Indo-European root *neud- meaning "to acquire, to use". This is the name of a Celtic god associated with healing, hunting and fishing. He is known from a shrine excavated at Gloucestershire, where the name is only found in the dative forms Nodenti and Nodonti. He probably forms the basis for the legendary figures of Nuada (Irish) and Nudd (Welsh).
Nojus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Noah 1.
Nonnos m Late Greek
Meaning unknown, probably of Egyptian or Semitic origin. Saint Nonnos was a 4th-century Egyptian monk who became a bishop of Heliopolis in Syria. The name was also borne by a noted 5th-century Egyptian poet who wrote in Greek.
Nonus m Ancient Roman (Rare)
Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "ninth" in Latin. This was a rare praenomen.
Norris m English
From an English surname, either Norris 1 or Norris 2.
Nostradamus m History
Latinized form of the surname of Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566), a French astrologer famous for his book of prophecies. The surname, meaning "our lady" in Old French, was acquired by his father upon his conversion from Judaism to Christianity.
Notos m Greek Mythology
Greek form of Notus.
Notus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Νότος (Notos) meaning "south wind". This was the name of the god of the south wind in Greek mythology.
Nymphas m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek, Biblical
Short form of Nymphodoros. This name is mentioned briefly by Paul in his epistle to the Colossians in the New Testament. Alternatively, the Greek text might be read as Nympha referring to a woman. Some bible translations use Nymphas, others use Nympha.
Nymphodoros m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek νύμφη (nymphe) meaning "bride, nymph" and δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
Octavius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name derived from Latin octavus meaning "eighth". This was the original family name of the emperor Augustus (born Gaius Octavius). It was also rarely used as a Roman praenomen, or given name.
Odalis f & m Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly an elaboration of Odilia used in Latin America. In most countries it is a feminine name, but in the Dominican Republic it is commonly masculine.
Odysseus m Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from Greek ὀδύσσομαι (odyssomai) meaning "to hate". In Greek legend Odysseus was one of the Greek heroes who fought in the Trojan War. In the Odyssey Homer relates Odysseus's misadventures on his way back to his kingdom and his wife Penelope.
Oedipus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Οἰδίπους (Oidipous), meaning "swollen foot" from οἰδέω (oideo) meaning "to swell" and πούς (pous) meaning "foot". In Greek mythology Oedipus was the son of the Theban king Laius and his wife Jocasta. Laius received a prophesy that he would be killed by his son, so he left the newborn to die of exposure. Oedipus was however rescued and raised in the home of the Corinthian king Polybus. After he had grown and learned of the same prophesy, Oedipus left Corinth so that he would not be a danger to Polybus, whom he assumed was his father. On the road to Delphi he chanced upon his real father Laius and slew him in a petty disagreement, thus fulfilling the prophecy. He then correctly answered the Sphinx's riddle, winning the now vacant throne of Thebes and marrying the widowed Queen Jocasta, his own mother. Years later they learned the truth of their relationship, prompting Jocasta to commit suicide and Oedipus to blind himself.
Ohannes m Armenian
Armenian form of Iohannes (see John).
Okeanos m Greek Mythology
From the name of the river or body of water thought by the ancient Greeks to surround the Earth. In Greek mythology Okeanos was the Titan who personified this body of water.
Oļegs m Latvian
Latvian form of Oleg.
Oles m Ukrainian
Short form of Oleksandr or Oleksiy.
Olivers m Latvian
Latvian form of Oliver.
Olympas m Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Ancient Greek
Probably a shortened form of a longer name such as Olympiodoros. It is mentioned briefly in the New Testament.
Olympiodoros m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name meaning "gift of Olympus", derived from Olympos, the name of the mountain home of the Greek gods, combined with δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift".
Olympos m Ancient Greek
From a Greek personal name that was derived from the place name Olympos, the name of the mountain home of the Greek gods.
Omiros m Greek
Modern Greek form of Homer.
Onesimus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Ὀνήσιμος (Onesimos), which meant "beneficial, profitable". Saint Onesimus was an escaped slave of Philemon who met Saint Paul while in prison and was converted by him. Paul sent him back to Philemon carrying the epistle that appears in the New Testament.
Onesiphorus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Ὀνησίφορος (Onesiphoros), which meant "bringing advantage, beneficial". This name is mentioned briefly in Paul's second epistle to Timothy in the New Testament. According to tradition he was martyred by being tied to horses and then torn apart.
Onuphrius m Egyptian Mythology (Latinized), Late Roman
Latinized form of Greek Ὀνούφριος (Onouphrios), derived from Egyptian wnn-nfr meaning "he who is good, he who is happy". This was an epithet of the god Osiris. It was later used by an Egyptian saint and hermit from the 4th or 5th century.
Ophiuchus m Astronomy
Latinized form of Greek Ὀφιοῦχος (Ophiouchos) meaning "serpent bearer". This is the name of an equatorial constellation that depicts the god Asklepios holding a snake.
Orestes m Greek Mythology
Means "of the mountains", derived from Greek ὄρος (oros) meaning "mountain" and ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to stand". In Greek myth he was the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. He killed his mother and her lover Aegisthus after they killed his father.
Orestis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Orestes.
Orfeas m Greek
Modern Greek form of Orpheus.
Orpheus m Greek Mythology
Perhaps related to Greek ὄρφνη (orphne) meaning "the darkness of night". In Greek mythology Orpheus was a poet and musician who went to the underworld to retrieve his dead wife Eurydice. He succeeded in charming Hades with his lyre, and he was allowed to lead his wife out of the underworld on the condition that he not look back at her until they reached the surface. Unfortunately, just before they arrived his love for her overcame his will and he glanced back at her, causing her to be drawn back to Hades.
Oseas m Biblical Latin, Biblical Spanish
Form of Hoshea used in some versions of the Latin Bible.
Oseias m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Hosea.
Osiris m Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
Greek form of the Egyptian wsjr (reconstructed as Asar, Usir and other forms), which is of unknown meaning, possibly related to wsr "mighty" or jrt "eye". In Egyptian mythology Osiris was the god of fertility, agriculture, and the dead and served as the judge of the underworld. In one tale he was slain by his brother Seth, but restored to life by his wife Isis in order to conceive their son Horus, who would go on to avenge his father.
Oskars m Latvian
Latvian form of Oscar.
Otis m English
From an English surname that was derived from the medieval given name Ode, a cognate of Otto. In America it has been used in honour of the revolutionary James Otis (1725-1783).
Ourbanos m Biblical Greek
Form of Urban used in the Greek New Testament.
Ourias m Biblical Greek
Form of Uriah used in the Greek Bible.
Ovidius m Ancient Roman
Latin form of Ovid.
Ozazias m Biblical Greek
Form of Azaziah used in the Greek Bible.
Ozias m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Biblical French, Biblical
Form of Uzziah used in the Greek, Latin and French Bibles. This spelling is also found in some English translations of the New Testament, in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew.
Pallas 2 m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek πάλλω (pallo) meaning "to brandish". In Greek mythology this was the name of a Titan and several other characters. It was also the name of a female character, though her name is probably from a different source (see Pallas 1).
Pamphilos m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of all" from Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and φίλος (philos) meaning "friend". This was the name of a 4th-century saint from Caesarea in the Roman province of Syria Palaestina.
Panagiotakis m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Panagiotis m Greek
From the Greek title of the Virgin Mary Παναγία (Panagia) meaning "all holy", derived from πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" combined with ἅγιος (hagios) meaning "devoted to the gods, sacred".
Panayiotis m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Παναγιώτης (see Panagiotis).
Pancras m English (Archaic)
Medieval English form of Pancratius. The relics of the 4th-century saint Pancratius were sent to England by Pope Gregory the Great, leading to the saint's veneration there.
Pancratius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Παγκράτιος (Pankratios), derived from the Greek word παγκρατής (pankrates) meaning "all-powerful", from the roots πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power". Early Byzantine Christians used this as a title of Christ. It was borne by two saints, a 1st-century Sicilian martyr and a semi-legendary 4th-century Roman martyr.
Panos m Greek
Diminutive of Panagiotis.
Pantelis m Greek
Short form of Panteleimon.
Pantheras m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek πάνθηρ (panther) meaning "panther", a word ultimately of Sanskrit origin, though folk etymology connects it to Greek πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and θηράω (therao) meaning "to hunt". According to some legends a Roman soldier named Panthera was the father of Jesus.
Paphnutius m Ancient Egyptian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Παφνούτιος (Paphnoutios), derived from Egyptian pꜣj-pꜣ-nṯr meaning "the one of God". This was the name of several saints, including the 4th-century bishop Paphnutius of Thebes.
Paramonos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek παραμονή (paramone) meaning "endurance, constancy".
Paraskevas m Greek, Late Greek
Masculine form of Paraskeve.
Paris 1 m Greek Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly of Luwian or Hittite origin. In Greek mythology he was the Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen and began the Trojan War. Though presented as a somewhat of a coward in the Iliad, he did manage to slay the great hero Achilles. He was himself eventually slain in battle by Philoctetes.
Parris m & f English (Rare)
From an English surname that originally denoted a person who came from the French city of Paris (see Paris 2).
Paschalis m Late Roman, Greek
Latin and Greek form of Pascal.
Patricius m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Patrick.
Patriks m Latvian
Latvian form of Patrick.
Patroclus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek Πάτροκλος (Patroklos) meaning "glory of the father", derived from πατήρ (pater) meaning "father" (genitive πατρός) and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". In Greek legend he was one of the heroes who fought against the Trojans. His death at the hands of Hector drew his friend Achilles back into the war.
Paulinus m Ancient Roman
Original Latin form of Paulino.
Paulius m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Paul.
Paulos m Biblical Greek
Biblical Greek form of Paul.
Pauls m Latvian
Latvian form of Paul.
Pausanias m Ancient Greek
From the Greek word παυσανίας (pausanias) meaning "reliever of sorrow", itself from παῦσις (pausis) meaning "stopping" and ἀνία (ania) meaning "grief, sorrow". Notable bearers include the kings Pausanias of Sparta (5th century BC) and Pausanias of Macedon (4th century BC), as well as a 2nd-century geographer.
Pāvels m Latvian
Latvian form of Paul.
Pāvils m Latvian (Archaic)
Latvian form of Paul.
Pavlos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Paul.
Pegasus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Πήγασος (Pegasos), possibly either from πηγός (pegos) meaning "strong" or πηγαῖος (pegaios) meaning "from a water spring". In Greek mythology Pegasus was the winged horse that sprang from the blood of Medusa after she was killed by Perseus. There is a constellation in the northern sky named after the horse.
Pelagius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Πελάγιος (Pelagios), which was derived from πέλαγος (pelagos) meaning "the sea". This was the name of several saints and two popes. It was also borne by a 4th-century British theologian whose teachings were eventually declared heretical.
Peleus m Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek πηλός (pelos) meaning "clay". In Greek mythology Peleus was a king of Phthia. With his wife the sea nymph Thetis he was the father of the hero Achilles.
Pelias m Greek Mythology
Perhaps derived from Greek πέλεια (peleia) meaning "rock pigeon". In Greek mythology, Pelias was the king of Iolcus who sent Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece.
Pelleas m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from the Greek name Peleus. In Arthurian legend this is the name of a knight in love with Arcade or Ettarde. He first appears in the Old French Post-Vulgate Cycle in the 13th century, later in Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur (15th century) and Alfred Tennyson's Idylls of the King (1859).
Pelles m Arthurian Cycle
Possibly from the Welsh name Beli. In the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail Cycle of Arthurian romance this was the name of the Fisher King, the son of Pellehan. He was also the father of Elaine and grandfather of Galahad.
Pericles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek name Περικλῆς (Perikles), which was derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, exceedingly" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". This was the name of a 5th-century BC Athenian statesman and general. It is also the name of the central character in the play Pericles, Prince of Tyre (1608) written (or co-written) by William Shakespeare.
Perikles m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Pericles.
Periklis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Pericles.
Perseus m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek πέρθω (pertho) meaning "to destroy". In Greek mythology Perseus was a hero who was said to have founded the ancient city of Mycenae. He was the son of Zeus and Danaë. Mother and child were exiled by Danaë's father Acrisius, and Perseus was raised on the island of Seriphos. The king of the island compelled Perseus to kill the Gorgon Medusa, who was so ugly that anyone who gazed upon her was turned to stone. After obtaining winged sandals and other tools from the gods, he succeeded in his task by looking at Medusa in the reflection of his shield and slaying her in her sleep. On his return he defeated a sea monster in order to save Andromeda, who became his wife.
Pēteris m Latvian
Latvian form of Peter.
Petras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Peter.
Petronius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name that was possibly derived from Latin petro, petronis meaning "yokel".
Petros m Greek, Armenian, Biblical Greek
Greek and Armenian form of Peter.
Petrus m Dutch, Biblical Latin
Latin form of Peter. As a Dutch name, it is used on birth certificates though a vernacular form such as Pieter is typically used in daily life.
Phaedrus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φαῖδρος (Phaidros), which meant "bright". This was the name of a 5th-century BC Greek philosopher, and also of a 1st-century Roman fabulist who was originally a slave from Thrace.
Phares m Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, Biblical
Form of Perez used in the Greek and Latin Bibles, as well as some English translations of the New Testament.
Phestos m Biblical Greek
Form of Festus used in the Greek New Testament.
Philadelphos m Ancient Greek
From Greek φιλέω (phileo) meaning "to love" and ἀδελφός (adelphos) meaning "brother".
Philetus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Greek name Φίλητος (Philetos) meaning "beloved". In the New Testament, Philetus is a heretic in the church at Ephesus denounced by Paul.
Philoctetes m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover" and‎ κτάομαι (ktaomai) meaning "to acquire". In Greek legend this was the name of a hero who was stranded on the island of Lemnos on his way to the Trojan War.
Philokrates m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of power" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power".
Philotheos m Ancient Greek
Means "friend of god" from Greek φίλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend" and θεός (theos) meaning "god".
Phineas m Biblical
Variant of Phinehas used in some English versions of the Old Testament.
Phinees m Biblical Greek
Form of Phinehas used in the Greek Old Testament.
Phinehas m Biblical
Probably means "Nubian" from the Egyptian name Panhsj, though some believe it means "serpent's mouth" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Phinehas is a grandson of Aaron who kills an Israelite because he is intimate with a Midianite woman, thus stopping a plague sent by God. Also in the Bible this is the son of Eli, killed in battle with the Philistines.
Phineus m Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Greek φίνις (phinis), a variant of φήνη (phene) meaning "vulture". According to Greek mythology this was the name of a king of Thrace visited by Jason and the Argonauts.
Phobos m Greek Mythology
Means "fear, panic" in Greek. This was one of the sons of Ares in Greek mythology. Also, one of the moons of Mars bears this name.
Phocas m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φωκᾶς (Phokas), which meant "seal (animal)" from Greek φώκη (phoke). This was the name of an early saint and martyr from Asia Minor. Sentenced to death for being a Christian, he is said to have given his killers lodging and then dug his own grave before he was executed.
Phoebus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Φοῖβος (Phoibos), which meant "bright, pure". This was an epithet of the Greek god Apollo.
Phokas m Ancient Greek
Greek form of Phocas.
Photios m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek φῶς (phos) meaning "light" (genitive φωτός (photos)).
Phraates m Parthian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Frahat (see Farhad).
Phrixus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From the Greek Φρίξος (Phrixos) meaning "thrilling, causing shivers", derived from φρίξ (phrix) meaning "ripple, shiver". In Greek myth Phrixus was the son of Athamus and Nephele. He was to be sacrificed to Zeus, but he escaped with his sister Helle on the back of the ram with the Golden Fleece.
Piaras m Irish
Irish form of Piers.
Piers m English (British), Medieval French
Medieval form of Peter. This is the name of the main character in the 14th-century poem Piers Plowman by William Langland.
Pijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Pius.
Pilypas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Philip.
Pinhas m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew פִּינְחָס (see Pinchas).
Pius m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "pious, dutiful". This was the name of twelve popes.
Placidus m Late Roman
Latin form of Placido.
Plinius m Ancient Roman
Original Latin form of Pliny.
Poghos m Armenian
Armenian form of Paul.
Polonius m Literature
From Latin Polonia meaning "Poland". In Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet (1600) this is the name of the counsellor to Claudius and the father of Laertes and Ophelia. He is accidentally murdered by Hamlet.
Polycrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek name Πολυκράτης (Polykrates) meaning "much power", derived from Greek πολύς (polys) meaning "much" and κράτος (kratos) meaning "power". This name was borne by a 6th-century BC ruler of the Greek island of Samos.
Polykarpos m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Polycarp.
Polyphemos m Greek Mythology
Means "abounding in fame", derived from Greek πολύς (polys) meaning "much" and φήμη (pheme) meaning "rumour, fame, reputation". In Greek mythology this was the name of the cyclops who captured Odysseus and his crew, as told in the Odyssey. He ate several of the crew before Odysseus blinded him and orchestrated an escape.
Pompeius m Ancient Roman
Latin form of Pompey.
Pomponius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name that is of unknown meaning, possibly a derivative of Pompeius (see Pompey).
Pons m French (Rare)
French form of Pontius.
Pontius m Ancient Roman, Biblical Latin, Biblical
Roman family name. The family had Samnite roots so the name probably originated from the Oscan language, likely meaning "fifth" (a cognate of Latin Quintus). Alternatively, it could be derived from the name of the ancient province of Pontus in Asia Minor, itself probably from Greek πόντος (pontos) meaning "sea". A notable bearer of this name was Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea who appears in the New Testament.
Pontus 1 m Swedish
Possibly a form of Pontius. It was brought to Sweden by the French general Pontus De la Gardie, who served under the Swedish king John III.
Pontus 2 m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πόντος (Pontos) meaning "sea". This was the name of a Greek god of the sea. He was the son of Gaia.
Porcius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name meaning "pig", derived from Latin porcus. Famous members of the family include the Roman statesmen Cato the Elder (Marcus Porcius Cato) and his great-grandson Cato the Younger (Marcus Porcius Cato Uticencis).
Porphyrios m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek form of Porfirio.
Postumus m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen, or given name, which meant "last" in Latin, postumus being the superlative of posterus meaning "next". It was sometimes given to children born after the death of their father. It was also a nomen and cognomen. A notable bearer was the Roman commander Marcus Cassianius Latinius Postumus, usually known simply as Postumus, who established the breakaway Gallic Empire in the 3rd century.
Pranas m Lithuanian
Short form of Pranciškus.
Pranciškus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Franciscus (see Francis).
Praxiteles m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek elements πρᾶξις (praxis) meaning "action, exercise" and τέλος (telos) meaning "purpose, result, completion". This was the name of a 4th-century BC sculptor from Athens.
Priamos m Greek Mythology
Greek form of Priam.
Priapus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Meaning unknown. This was the name of a Greek god of fertility, gardens, and the phallus.
Primitivus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "first formed". Saint Primitivus was a 3rd-century Spanish martyr.
Primus m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Primo.
Priscus m Ancient Roman
Masculine form of Prisca.
Prochorus m Biblical, Biblical Latin
Latinized form of the Greek name Πρόχορος (Prochoros) meaning "leader of the dance". Saint Prochorus was one of the original seven deacons of the church, as told in Acts in the New Testament.
Proinsias m Irish
Irish form of Francis.
Prokopios m Greek, Late Greek
Derived from Greek προκοπή (prokope) meaning "progress, advance". Saint Prokopios was an early Christian martyr who was beheaded in Palestine during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.
Prokopis m Greek
Modern Greek form of Prokopios.
Prometheus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek προμήθεια (prometheia) meaning "foresight, forethought". In Greek myth he was the Titan who gave the knowledge of fire to mankind. For doing this he was punished by Zeus, who had him chained to a rock and caused an eagle to feast daily on his liver, which regenerated itself each night. Herakles eventually freed him.
Prosdocimus m Late Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Προσδόκιμος (Prosdokimos) meaning "expected, looked for". The 1st-century saint Prosdocimus was the first bishop of Padua.
Prosperus m Late Roman
Latin form of Prosper.
Proteus m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πρῶτος (protos) meaning "first". In Greek mythology this was the name of a prophetic god of the sea. Shakespeare later utilized it for a character in his play The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1594).
Prudentius m Late Roman
Late Latin name derived from prudens "prudent, wise, skilled". This was the name of a 9th-century bishop of Troyes. He is considered a local saint there.
Ptolemaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ptolemaios (see Ptolemy).
Publius m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "public" in Latin. This was among the more common of the Roman praenomina, being borne by (among others) the emperor Hadrian and the poet Virgil.
Pyrrhus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek name Πύρρος (Pyrrhos) meaning "flame-coloured, red", related to πῦρ (pyr) meaning "fire". This was another name of Neoptolemus the son of Achilles. This was also the name of a 3rd-century BC king of Epirus who was famed for his victorious yet costly battles against Rome.
Pythagoras m Ancient Greek
Derived from Pythios, a name of Apollo, combined with Greek ἀγορά (agora) meaning "assembly, marketplace". This was the name of a 6th-century BC Greek philosopher and mathematician from Samos. He was the founder of a school of philosophy whose members believed that numbers described the universe.
Pythios m Greek Mythology
From the Greek place name Πυθώ (Pytho), an older name of the city of Delphi, which was probably derived from Greek πύθω (pytho) meaning "to rot". This was an epithet of Apollo.
Qays m Arabic
Means "measurement" in Arabic. This was the real name of Majnun, the lover of Layla, in Nizami Ganjavi's 12th-century poem Layla and Majnun.
Quinctilianus m Ancient Roman
Original Latin form of Quintilian.
Quinctilius m Ancient Roman
Roman family derived from the given name Quintus (which was itself originally spelled Quinctus).
Quinctius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name derived from the given name Quintus (which was itself originally spelled Quinctus). This was the name of a patrician family that was especially prominent during the early Republic.
Quinctus m Ancient Roman
Earlier form of Quintus.
Quintillus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen derived from the given name Quintus.
Quintinus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen that was originally derived from Quintus.
Quintus m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen, or given name, meaning "fifth" in Latin. Originally, during the time of the early Roman Republic, it was spelled Quinctus. This name was traditionally given to the fifth child, or possibly a child born in the fifth month. It was a common praenomen, being more popular than the other numeric Roman names. A notable bearer was the poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus).
Quirinus m Roman Mythology, Late Roman
Possibly derived from the Sabine word quiris meaning "spear". Quirinus was a Sabine and Roman god, sometimes identified with Romulus. He declined in importance after the early Republican era. The name was also borne by several early saints.
Radoš m Serbian
Derived from the Slavic element radŭ meaning "happy, willing", originally a diminutive of names beginning with that element.
Raimondas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Raymond.
Raimonds m Latvian
Latvian form of Raymond.
Rais m Arabic
Means "leader, chief" in Arabic.
Ralfs m Latvian
Latvian form of Ralph.
Ramdas m Marathi, Hindi
Means "servant of Rama" from the name of the Hindu deity Rama 1 combined with Sanskrit दास (dāsa) meaning "servant". This name was borne by a 17th-century Hindu holy man from Maharashtra.
Ramesses m Ancient Egyptian (Anglicized)
From Ῥαμέσσης (Rhamesses), the Greek form of Egyptian rꜥ-ms-sw meaning "born of Ra", composed of the name of the supreme god Ra combined with the root msj "be born". Ramesses was the name of eleven Egyptian pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The most important of these were Ramesses II the Great who campaigned against the Hittites and also built several great monuments (13th century BC), and Ramesses III who defended Egypt from the Libyans and Sea Peoples (12th century BC).
Ramirus m Gothic (Latinized)
Latinized (Old Spanish) form of *Ranamers or possibly *Raginamers (see Ramiro).
Ramūnas m Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian ramus meaning "calm, peaceful" combined with the patronymic suffix ūnas.
Ranamers m Gothic (Hypothetical)
Possible Gothic form of Ramiro.
Rareș m Romanian
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Romanian rar meaning "sparse, rare". This name was borne by Petru Rareș, a 16th-century ruler of Moldavia, whose second name was adopted from a nickname of his mother's husband.
Rasmus m Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Estonian
Scandinavian, Finnish and Estonian form of Erasmus.
Rastus m English (Rare)
Short form of Erastus.
Rees m Welsh
Anglicized form of Rhys.
Régis m French
From a French surname meaning "ruler" in Occitan. This name is often given in honour of Saint Jean-François Régis (1597-1640), a French Jesuit priest.
Regulus m Ancient Roman, Astronomy
Roman cognomen meaning "prince, little king", a diminutive of Latin rex "king". This was the cognomen of several 3rd-century BC consuls from the gens Atilia. It was also the name of several early saints. A star in the constellation Leo bears this name as well.
Reis m Turkish
Turkish form of Rais.
Remigius m Late Roman
Latin form of Rémy.
Remus m Roman Mythology, Romanian
Meaning uncertain, possibly from Old Latin *yemos meaning "twin" with the initial consonant altered due to the influence of Romulus. In Roman legend the twin brothers Romulus and Remus were the founders of the city of Rome. Remus was later slain by his brother.
Renārs m Latvian
Latvian form of Reinhard.
Renatas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Renatus.
Renatus m Late Roman
Late Latin name meaning "born again".
Rens m Dutch
Short form of Laurens or Emerens.
Reyes f & m Spanish
Means "kings" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de los Reyes, meaning "The Virgin of the Kings". According to legend, the Virgin Mary appeared to King Ferdinand III of Castile and told him his armies would defeat those of the Moors in Seville.
Rhamesses m Ancient Egyptian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Egyptian rꜥ-ms-sw (see Ramesses).
Rhys m Welsh, English
From Old Welsh Ris, probably meaning "ardour, enthusiasm". Several Welsh rulers have borne this name, including the 12th-century Rhys ap Gruffydd who fought against the invading Normans.
Ričardas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Richard.
Ričards m Latvian
Latvian form of Richard.
Rihards m Latvian
Latvian form of Richard.
Rimantas m Lithuanian
From Lithuanian rimti "to calm down" combined with mantus "intelligent" or manta "property, wealth".
Rimas m Lithuanian
Short form of Rimantas.
Rinus m Dutch
Short form of Marinus.
Ris m Old Welsh
Old Welsh form of Rhys.
Robertas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Robert.
Roberts m Latvian
Latvian form of Robert.
Rochus m German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Rocco, used in occasionally German and Dutch.
Rogatus m Late Roman
From Latin rogatus meaning "request, entreaty", in turn derived from rogo meaning "to ask, to request". This name was borne by several early and relatively obscure martyrs and saints.
Rokas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Rocco.
Rokus m Dutch
Dutch variant of Rochus.
Rolandas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Roland.
Romaeus m Late Roman
Latin form of Romeo.
Romanos m Late Greek
Greek form of Romanus (see Roman). This was the name of four Byzantine emperors.
Romāns m Latvian
Latvian form of Romanus (see Roman).
Romanus m Late Roman
Latin form of Roman.
Romilius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name derived from the mythological name Romulus.
Romualdas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Romuald.
Romualds m Latvian
Latvian form of Romuald.
Romulus m Roman Mythology, Romanian
From Roma, the Latin name of the city of Rome, combined with a diminutive suffix. In Roman legend Romulus and Remus were the twin sons of Rhea Silvia and the god Mars. Romulus killed his brother when they argued about where to found Rome. According to the tale he gave the city its name, though in reality it was likely the other way around.
Ross m Scottish, English
From a Scottish and English surname that originally indicated a person from a place called Ross (such as the region of Ross in northern Scotland), derived from Gaelic ros meaning "promontory, headland". A famous bearer of the surname was James Clark Ross (1800-1862), an Antarctic explorer.
Rubens m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly from Latin rubens "being red", participle of rubeo "to be red". It may also be inspired by the Flemish painter Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640).
Rudericus m Gothic (Latinized)
Latinized (Old Spanish) form of *Hroþireiks, the Gothic form of Roderick.
Rudesindus m Gothic (Latinized)
Latinized (Old Spanish) form of *Hroþisinþs (see Rosendo).
Rūdolfs m Latvian
Latvian form of Rudolf.
Rufinus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen that was derived from the cognomen Rufus. It was borne by several early saints.
Rufus m Ancient Roman, English, Biblical
Roman cognomen meaning "red-haired" in Latin. Several early saints had this name, including one mentioned in one of Paul's epistles in the New Testament. As a nickname it was used by William II Rufus, a king of England, because of his red hair. It came into general use in the English-speaking world after the Protestant Reformation.
Russ m English
Short form of Russell.
Rusticus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen derived from Latin rusticus meaning "rural, rustic", a derivative of rus meaning "open land, countryside". This name was borne by several early saints.
Rytis m Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian rytas meaning "morning".
Sabas m Spanish
From the Greek name Σάββας (Sabbas), which was derived from Aramaic סַבָא (sava) meaning "old man, grandfather". Saints bearing this name include a 4th-century Gothic martyr, a 5th-century Cappadocian hermit, and a 12th-century archbishop of Serbia who is the patron saint of that country.
Sabbas m Late Greek
Greek form of Sabas.
Sabellius m Late Roman
Latin form of Saveliy.
Sabinus m Ancient Roman
Latin masculine form of Sabina.
Salvius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name derived from Latin salvus meaning "safe". This was the family name of the short-lived Roman emperor Otho. It was also borne by several early saints.
Sanctius m Late Roman
Latin form of Sancho.
Sans m Medieval Spanish
Old variant of Sancho.
Santos m Spanish
Means "saints" in Spanish. It is used in reference to the Christian festival Día de Todos los Santos (All Saints' Day) celebrated on November 1.
Sargis m Armenian
Armenian form of Sergius.
Sarkis m Armenian
Western Armenian transcription of Sargis.
Saturninus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen derived from the name of the Roman god Saturnus (see Saturn). This was the name of several early saints.
Saulius m Lithuanian
Masculine form of Saulė. This is also the Lithuanian form of Saul.
Saulos m Biblical Greek
Form of Saul used in the Greek New Testament.
Savaş m Turkish
Means "war" in Turkish.
Savvas m Greek
Modern Greek transcription of Sabbas.
Scorpius m Astronomy
From a Latin variant of Scorpio. This is the name of a zodiacal constellation said to have the shape of a scorpion. According to Greek and Roman legend it was the monster that was sent to kill Orion.
Séamas m Irish
Irish form of James.
Séamus m Irish
Irish form of James.
Séarlas m Irish
Irish form of Charles.
Secundinus m Ancient Roman
Roman family name derived from the praenomen Secundus. Saint Secundinus, also known as Seachnall, was a 5th-century assistant to Saint Patrick who became the first bishop of Dunshaughlin.
Secundus m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen, or given name, which meant "second" in Latin. This name was borne by a few early saints, including a 2nd-century martyr from Asti, Italy.
Seleucus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Σέλευκος (Seleukos), of unknown meaning. It is possibly related to λευκός (leukos) meaning "bright, white". This was the name of one of Alexander the Great's generals, who established the Seleucid Empire in western Asia after Alexander's death.
Seòras m Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of George.
Septimius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name that was derived from Septimus. Septimius Severus was an early 3rd-century Roman emperor. This was also the name of a 4th-century saint and martyr.
Septimus m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen, or given name, which meant "seventh" in Latin.
Seraphinus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Seraphina.
Serapis m Egyptian Mythology (Hellenized)
From a compound of Asar, the Egyptian form of Osiris, and Apis, the sacred bull of the Egyptians. This was the name of a syncretic Greco-Egyptian god, apparently promoted by Ptolemy I Soter in the 3rd-century BC in an attempt to unite the native Egyptians and the Greeks in the Ptolemaic Kingdom.
Sergejs m Latvian
Latvian form of Sergius.
Sergejus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Sergius.
Sergius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name, possibly meaning "servant" in Latin but most likely of unknown Etruscan origin. Saint Sergius was a 4th-century Roman officer who was martyred in Syria with his companion Bacchus. They are the patron saints of Christian desert nomads. Another saint by this name (in the Russian form Sergey) was a 14th-century Russian spiritual leader. The name was also borne by four popes.