Browse Names

This is a list of names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Drust m Pictish
Pictish name probably derived from the old Celtic root *trusto- meaning "noise, tumult". This name was borne by several kings of the Picts, including their last king Drust X, who ruled in the 9th century.
Drustan m Pictish
Diminutive of Drust. This name was borne by a 7th-century Irish saint who was active among the Picts in Scotland.
Drystan m Welsh
Welsh form of Tristan.
Du m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Eduardo.
Duana f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Duane.
Duane m English
From an Irish surname, an Anglicized form of Ó Dubháin, itself derived from the given name Dubhán. Usage in America began around the start of the 20th century. It last appeared on the top 1000 rankings in 2002, though the variant Dwayne lingered a few years longer.
Duarte m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Edward. This name was borne by a 15th-century king of Portugal, who was named after his maternal ancestor Edward III of England.
Dubán m Old Irish
Old Irish form of Dubhán.
Dubgall m Old Irish
Old Irish form of Dubhghall (see Dougal).
Dubhán m Irish (Rare)
From Old Irish Dubán meaning "little dark one", derived from dub "dark, black" combined with a diminutive suffix. This was the name of a few early saints.
Dubhghall m Medieval Scottish, Medieval Irish
Irish and Scottish Gaelic form of Dougal.
Dubhshláine m Old Irish
Derived from Old Irish dub "dark, black" and either slán "challenge, defiance" or Sláine, the Irish name of the River Slaney.
Dubravka f Croatian, Serbian
Feminine form of Dubravko.
Dubthach m Old Irish
Old Irish name derived from dub "dark, black" in combination with a second element of unknown meaning. This was the name of a 6th-century saint, a bishop of Armagh. It also appears in Irish legend as a companion of Fergus mac Róich.
Duda m & f Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Eduardo or Eduarda.
Dudel m Yiddish
Yiddish diminutive of David.
Dudu m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Eduardo.
Duff m English (Rare)
From a Scottish or Irish surname, derived from Anglicized spellings of Gaelic dubh meaning "dark".
Dugald m Scottish
Scottish variant of Dougal.
Duilio m Italian, Spanish
From the Roman name Duilius, which is possibly derived from Latin duellum "war". This was the name of a Roman consul who defeated the Carthaginians in a naval battle.
Duilius m Ancient Roman
Latin form of Duilio.
Dujam m Croatian (Archaic)
Older Croatian form of Domnius.
Duje m Croatian
Croatian form of Domnius.
Dulce María f Spanish
Combination of Dulce and María.
Dulcibella f English (Archaic)
From Latin dulcis "sweet" and bella "beautiful". The usual medieval spelling of this name was Dowsabel, and the Latinized form Dulcibella was revived in the 18th century.
Dulcinea f Literature
Derived from Spanish dulce meaning "sweet". This name was (first?) used by Miguel de Cervantes in his novel Don Quixote (1605), where it belongs to the love interest of the main character, though she never actually appears in the story.
Dulf m Limburgish
Limburgish short form of Adolf.
Dumi m Zulu, Ndebele
Short form of Dumisani.
Dumitra f Romanian
Romanian feminine form of Demetrius.
Dumitru m Romanian
Romanian form of Demetrius.
Dumnorix m Gaulish
Means "king of the world" from Gaulish dumnos "world" and rix "king". This was the name of a 1st-century BC chief of the Gaulish tribe the Aedui.
Dumuzi m Sumerian Mythology
From Sumerian 𒌉 (dumu) meaning "son, child" and 𒍣 (zid) meaning "true, loyal". This was the name of a Sumerian god of shepherds and vegetation, the husband of Inanna. He was said to spend half of each year in the underworld, resulting in the yearly cycle of seasons. He was known to the Semitic peoples of Mesopotamia as Tammuz.
Duncan m Scottish, English
Anglicized form of the Scottish Gaelic name Donnchadh, derived from Old Irish donn "brown" and cath "battle". This was the name of two kings of Scotland, including the one who was featured in Shakespeare's play Macbeth (1606).
Dunja f Serbian, Croatian, Slovene
Means "quince" in the South Slavic languages, a quince being a type of fruit similar to a pear.
Dunstan m English (Rare), Anglo-Saxon
From the Old English elements dunn "dark" and stan "stone". This name was borne by a 10th-century saint, the archbishop of Canterbury. It was occasionally used in the Middle Ages, though it died out after the 16th century. It was revived by the Tractarian movement in the 19th century.
Dunya f Russian
Diminutive of Avdotya.
Dunyasha f Russian
Diminutive of Avdotya.
Đurađ m Serbian
Serbian form of George.
Đurađa f Serbian (Rare)
Feminine form of Đurađ.
Durans m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Durante.
Durante m Italian
Italian form of the Late Latin name Durans, which meant "enduring".
Đurđa f Croatian
Croatian feminine form of George.
Đurđica f Croatian
Croatian feminine form of George. It also means "lily of the valley" in Croatian.
Durdona f Uzbek
Means "pearl" in Uzbek (a word of Arabic origin).
Durga f & m Hinduism, Hindi, Nepali, Telugu
Means "unattainable" in Sanskrit. Durga is a Hindu warrior goddess, the fierce, twelve-armed, three-eyed form of the wife of Shiva. She is considered an incarnation of Parvati.
Durk m Frisian
Frisian form of Dirk.
Đuro m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian and Serbian form of George.
Dušanka f Serbian, Slovene, Croatian
Feminine form of Dušan.
Dushyant m Hindi
Modern form of Dushyanta.
Dushyanta m Hinduism
Possibly means "destroyer of evil" in Sanskrit. In Hindu legend this is the name of a king who is the husband of Shakuntala and the father of Bharata.
Dušica f Serbian, Slovene
Feminine diminutive of Dušan.
Dusty m & f English
From a nickname originally given to people perceived as being dusty. It is also used a diminutive of Dustin. A famous bearer was British singer Dusty Springfield (1939-1999), who acquired her nickname as a child.
Dutch m English
From a nickname given to Americans of German descent. It is related to deutsch, the German word meaning "German".
Duuk m Dutch (Modern)
Probably a Dutch form of the English word duke, which was originally derived from Latin dux "leader". The equivalent Dutch word is hertog.
Dvora f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּבוֹרָה (see Devorah).
Dvorah f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּבוֹרָה (see Devorah).
Dwain m English
Variant of Duane.
Dwayne m English
Variant of Duane, with the spelling altered due to the influence of Wayne. A notable bearer is the American actor Dwayne Johnson (1972-), known as The Rock when he was a professional wrestler.
Dwight m English
From an English surname that was derived from the medieval feminine name Diot, a diminutive of Dionysia, the feminine form of Dionysius. In America it was sometimes given in honour of Yale president Timothy Dwight (1752-1817). A famous bearer was the American president Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969).
Dyan f English
Variant of Diane.
Dyaus m Hinduism
From Sanskrit द्यु (dyu) meaning "sky", ultimately connected to the name of the Indo-European god *Dyēws. In the Rigveda he is the sky god, the consort of the earth goddess Prithvi. He is also called Dyaus Pita meaning "father sky". His name is cognate with other Indo-European theonyms such as Greek Zeus and Latin Jupiter.
Dyaus Pita m Hinduism
Form of Dyaus suffixed with the Sanskrit epithet पितृ (pitr) meaning "father".
Dye f Medieval English
Medieval short form of Dionysia.
Dylan m Welsh, English, Welsh Mythology
From the Welsh prefix dy meaning "to, toward" and llanw meaning "tide, flow". According to the Fourth Branch of the Mabinogi, Dylan was a son of Arianrhod and the twin brother of Lleu Llaw Gyffes. Immediately after he was baptized he took to the sea, where he could swim as well as a fish. He was slain accidentally by his uncle Gofannon. According to some theories the character might be rooted in an earlier and otherwise unattested Celtic god of the sea.... [more]
Dylis f Welsh
Variant of Dilys.
Dymphna f History (Ecclesiastical), Irish
Form of Damhnait. According to legend, Saint Dymphna was a young 7th-century woman from Ireland who was martyred by her father in the Belgian town of Geel. She is the patron saint of the mentally ill.
Dyson m English (Rare)
From an English surname that meant "son of Dye". As a given name it is likely inspired by similar-sounding names such as Bryson and Tyson.
Džafer m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Jafar.
Džan m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Can.
Džana f Bosnian
Feminine form of Džan.
Džejla f Bosnian
Short form of Džejlana.
Džejlana f Bosnian
Bosnian form of Ceylan.
Dzhabrail m Chechen
Chechen form of Gabriel.
Dzhamal m Chechen
Chechen form of Jamal.
Dzhamilya f Tajik, Turkmen
Tajik and Turkmen form of Jamilah.
Dzianis m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Denis.
Dzidris m Latvian
Masculine form of Dzidra.
Dzintra f Latvian
Feminine form of Dzintars.
Dzmitry m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Demetrius.
Dzsenifer f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Jennifer.
Dzvezdan m Macedonian
Masculine form of Dzvezda.
Dzvonimir m Macedonian
Macedonian form of Zvonimir.
Dzvonko m Macedonian
Diminutive of Dzvonimir.
Ea 1 m Semitic Mythology
Meaning unknown, perhaps from Sumerian meaning "house of water", or perhaps of Akkadian or Hurrian origin. This was the Akkadian, Assyrian, Hurrian and Babylonian name of the Sumerian water god Enki.
Ea 2 f Danish, Norwegian
Short form of names ending in ea.
Éabha f Irish
Irish form of Eve.
Eachann m Scottish Gaelic
From the Old Irish name Echdonn meaning "brown horse", from ech "horse" and donn "brown". This name was historically common among the chiefs of Clan MacLean. It has sometimes been Anglicized as Hector.
Eadán f Irish Mythology
Modern Irish form of Étan.
Éadaoin f Irish, Irish Mythology
Modern Irish form of Étaín.
Eadberht m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and beorht "bright". This was the name of an 8th-century king of Northumbria and three kings of Kent.
Eadbhárd m Irish
Irish form of Edward.
Eadgar m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edgar.
Eadgyð f Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edith.
Eadmund m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edmund.
Eadric m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edric.
Eadwald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weald "powerful, mighty". This was the name of an 8th-century king of East Anglia.
Eadweard m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edward.
Eadwig m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and wig "war". This was the name of a Saxon king of England in the 10th century. The name fell out of use after the Norman Conquest.
Eadwine m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Edwin.
Eadwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and wulf "wolf". This name fell out of use after the Norman Conquest.
Ealar m Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Hilary.
Ealasaid f Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Elizabeth.
Ealdgyð f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements eald "old" and guð "battle" (a cognate of Old German Aldegund).
Ealdhelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements eald "old" and helm "helmet, protection". This was the name of a 7th-century English saint (commonly called Aldhelm).
Ealhswiþ f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English element ealh "temple" combined with swiþ "strong". This was the name of the 9th-century wife of Alfred the Great.
Ealisaid f Manx
Manx form of Elizabeth.
Éamon m Irish
Variant of Éamonn. This name was borne by American-born Irish president Éamon de Valera (1882-1975), whose birth name was Edward.
Eamon m Irish
Variant of Éamonn.
Éamonn m Irish
Irish form of Edmund.
Ean m Manx
Manx form of John.
Éanna m Irish
Modern Irish form of Énna.
Eanraig m Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Henry.
Earle m English
Variant of Earl.
Earleen f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Earl.
Earlene f English
Feminine form of Earl.
Earline f English
Feminine form of Earl.
Earnest m English
Variant of Ernest influenced by the spelling of the English word earnest.
Eartha f English
Combination of the English word earth with the feminine name suffix a. It has been used in honour of African-American philanthropist Eartha M. M. White (1876-1974). Another famous bearer was American singer and actress Eartha Kitt (1927-2008).
Easter f English
From the English name of the Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. It was ultimately named for the Germanic spring goddess Eostre. It was traditionally given to children born on Easter, though it is rare in modern times.
Eastmund m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Esmond.
Eavan f Irish
Anglicized form of Aoibheann.
Ebba 1 f Swedish, Danish
Feminine form of Ebbe.
Ebba 2 f English (Rare)
From the Old English name Æbbe, meaning unknown, perhaps a contracted form of a longer name. Saint Ebba was a 7th-century daughter of King Æthelfrith of Bernicia and the founder of monasteries in Scotland. Another saint named Ebba was a 9th-century abbess and martyr who mutilated her own face so that she would not be raped by the invading Danes.
Ebbe m Danish, Swedish
Danish short form of Asbjørn.
'Ebdulla m Kurdish
Kurdish form of Abd Allah.
Ebele f Igbo
Variant of Ebere.
Eben m English
Short form of Ebenezer.
Ebenezer m Literature, English
From the name of a monument erected by Samuel in the Old Testament, from Hebrew אֶבֶן הָעָזֶר ('Even Ha'azer) meaning "stone of help". Charles Dickens used it for the miserly character Ebenezer Scrooge in his novel A Christmas Carol (1843). Currently the name is most common in parts of English-influenced Africa, such as Ghana.
Éber m Irish Mythology
Old Irish form of Éibhear.
Eberardo m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Everard.
Eberhard m German, Germanic
Old German name meaning "brave boar", derived from the elements ebur "wild boar" and hart "hard, firm, brave, hardy". This name was borne by an influential 9th-century Duke of Friuli. It was also the name of a 12th-century German saint, an archbishop of Salzburg.
Ebrahim m Persian, Arabic
Persian form of Ibrahim, as well as an alternate Arabic transcription.
Ebrar f & m Turkish
Turkish form of Abrar.
Ebrima m Western African
Form of Ibrahim used in West Africa (Gambia).
Ebru f Turkish
Means "paper marbling" in Turkish. Paper marbling is the art of creating colourful patterns on paper.
Ebu Bekir m Turkish
Turkish form of Abu Bakr.
Ebubekir m Turkish
Turkish form of Abu Bakr.
Ebuka m Igbo
Short form of Chukwuebuka and other Igbo names ending with the same element.
Ecaterina f Romanian
Romanian form of Katherine.
Ecgberht m Anglo-Saxon
Old English form of Egbert.
Echdonn m Old Irish
Old Irish form of Eachann.
Echidna f Greek Mythology
Means "viper, snake" in Greek, a variant of ἔχις (echis). In Greek mythology this was the name of a monster who was half woman and half snake. By Typhon she was the mother of Cerberus, the Hydra, the Chimera, and other monsters.
Echo f Greek Mythology
From the Greek word ἠχώ (echo) meaning "echo, reflected sound", related to ἠχή (eche) meaning "sound". In Greek mythology Echo was a nymph given a speech impediment by Hera, so that she could only repeat what others said. She fell in love with Narcissus, but her love was not returned, and she pined away until nothing remained of her except her voice.
Eckart m German
Variant of Ekkehard.
Eckbert m German (Rare)
German cognate of Egbert.
Eckehard m German
Variant of Ekkehard.
Eckhard m German
Variant of Ekkehard.
Eckhart m German
Variant of Ekkehard.
Ed m English, Dutch
Short form of Edward, Edmund and other names beginning with Ed.
Eda 2 f Medieval English
Medieval diminutive of Edith.
Edan m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew עִידָן (see Idan).
Edana f History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Étaín. This was the name of an early Irish saint.
Edda 1 f Italian
Italian form of Hedda.
Edda 2 f Icelandic, Old Norse
Possibly from Old Norse meaning "great-grandmother". This was the name of two 13th-century Icelandic literary works: the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda. This is also the name of a character in the Poetic Edda, though it is unclear if her name is connected to the name of the collection.
Eddie m & f English
Diminutive of Edward, Edmund and other names beginning with Ed.
Eddy m English, French, Dutch
Diminutive of Edward, Edmund and other names beginning with Ed.
Ede m Hungarian
Diminutive of Edvárd or Eduárd.
Edel f Irish
In Ireland this name is given in honour of the Irish missionary Edel Quinn (1907-1944). She was named after the edelweiss flower (species Leontopodium alpinum), which is derived from German edel "noble" and weiß "white".
Edelmira f Spanish
Spanish feminine form of Adelmar.
Edelmiro m Spanish
Spanish form of Adelmar.
Eden f & m Hebrew, English (Modern), French (Modern)
From the biblical place name, itself possibly from Hebrew עֵדֶן ('eden) meaning "pleasure, delight", or perhaps derived from Sumerian 𒂔 (edin) meaning "plain". According to the Old Testament the Garden of Eden was the place where the first people, Adam and Eve, lived before they were expelled.
Eder 1 m Biblical
Means "flock" in Hebrew. This was the name of a son of Beriah in the Old Testament.
Ederne f Basque (Rare)
Feminine variant of Eder 2.
Édgar m Spanish
Spanish form of Edgar.
Edgar m English, French, Portuguese, German
Derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and gar "spear". This was the name of a 10th-century English king, Edgar the Peaceful. The name did not survive long after the Norman Conquest, but it was revived in the 18th century, in part due to a character by this name in Walter Scott's novel The Bride of Lammermoor (1819), which tells of the tragic love between Edgar Ravenswood and Lucy Ashton. Famous bearers include author and poet Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), French impressionist painter Edgar Degas (1834-1917), and author Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950).
Edgaras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Edgar.
Edgard m French
French variant of Edgar.
Edgardo m Spanish, Italian
Spanish and Italian form of Edgar.
Edgars m Latvian
Latvian form of Edgar.
Edi 1 m Slovene, Croatian
Slovene diminutive of Edvard and a Croatian diminutive of Eduard.
Edie f English
Diminutive of Edith.
Edijs m Latvian
Diminutive of Edgars, Eduards or Edmunds.
Edina f Hungarian
Possibly a diminutive of names beginning with the Old German element adal meaning "noble".
Edison m English, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American), Albanian
From an English surname that meant either "son of Eda 2" or "son of Adam". A famous bearer of the surname was the American inventor Thomas Edison (1847-1931).
Edit f Hungarian, Swedish
Hungarian and Swedish form of Edith.
Edita f Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian, Lithuanian
Form of Edith in several languages.
Edīte f Latvian
Latvian form of Edith.
Edite f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Edith.
Édith f French
French form of Edith. A notable bearer was the French cabaret singer Édith Piaf (1915-1963).
Edith f English, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch
From the Old English name Eadgyð, derived from the elements ead "wealth, fortune" and guð "battle". It was popular among Anglo-Saxon royalty, being borne for example by Saint Eadgyeth;, the daughter of King Edgar the Peaceful. It was also borne by the Anglo-Saxon wife of the Holy Roman Emperor Otto I. The name remained common after the Norman Conquest. It became rare after the 15th century, but was revived in the 19th century.
Editha f German, English (Rare)
Latinate form of Edith.
Edmao m Limburgish
Limburgish form of Edmund. Its spelling has been influenced by the French pronunciation of Edmond.
Edmé m French
Short form of Edmond, used independently.
Edmée f French
Feminine form of Edmé.
Edmond m French, Albanian
French and Albanian form of Edmund. A notable bearer was the English astronomer Edmond Halley (1656-1742), for whom Halley's comet is named.
Edmonda f Italian (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Edmund.
Edmonde f French
French feminine form of Edmund.
Edmondo m Italian
Italian form of Edmund.
Edmund m English, German, Polish
Means "rich protection", from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and mund "protection". This was the name of two Anglo-Saxon kings of England. It was also borne by two saints, including a 9th-century king of East Anglia who, according to tradition, was shot to death with arrows after refusing to divide his Christian kingdom with an invading pagan Danish leader. This Old English name remained in use after the Norman Conquest (even being used by King Henry III for one of his sons), though it became less common after the 15th century.... [more]
Edmundas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Edmund.
Edmundo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Edmund.
Edmunds m Latvian
Latvian form of Edmund.
Edna f English, Hebrew, Biblical
Means "pleasure" in Hebrew. This name appears in the Old Testament Apocrypha, for instance in the Book of Tobit belonging to the wife of Raguel. It was borne by the American poet Edna Dean Proctor (1829-1923). It did not become popular until the second half of the 19th century, after it was used for the heroine in the successful 1866 novel St. Elmo by Augusta Jane Evans. It peaked around the turn of the century and has declined steadily since then, falling off the American top 1000 list in 1992.
'Ednah f Biblical Hebrew
Biblical Hebrew form of Edna.
Edoardo m Italian
Italian form of Edward.
Edom m Biblical
From Hebrew אָדֹם ('adom) meaning "red". According to the Old Testament, Esau, who is described as having red skin, was given this name because he traded his birthright for a helping of red broth. The bible goes on to tell that Esau was the founder of the ancient nation of Edom, located to the south of the kingdom of Judah.
Edorta m Basque
Basque form of Edward.
Édouard m French
French form of Edward.
Edsel m Various
Variant of Etzel notably borne by Edsel Ford (1893-1943), the son of the American industrialist Henry Ford.
Edu m Spanish, Portuguese
Short form of Eduardo.
Eduárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Edward.
Eduarda f Portuguese
Portuguese feminine form of Edward.
Eduardas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Edward.
Eduardo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Edward.
Eduards m Latvian
Latvian form of Edward.
Eduart m Albanian
Albanian form of Edward.
Edur m Basque (Rare)
Masculine form of Edurne.
Edurne f Basque
Means "snow" in Basque, from edur, a variant of elur "snow". It is an equivalent of Nieves, proposed by the writer Sabino Arana in his 1910 list of Basque saints names.
Edvaldo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a Portuguese form of Eadwald.
Edvárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Edward.
Edvard m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Slovene, Czech, Armenian
Form of Edward in several languages. Notable bearers include the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) and the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch (1863-1944).
Edvardas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Edward.
Edvards m Latvian
Latvian variant form of Edward.
Edvige f Italian
Italian form of Hedwig.
Edvin m Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian
Scandinavian, Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian form of Edwin.
Edvinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Edwin.
Edvīns m Latvian
Latvian form of Edwin.
Edward m English, Polish
Means "rich guard", derived from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and weard "guard". This was the name of several Anglo-Saxon kings, the last being Saint Edward the Confessor shortly before the Norman Conquest in the 11th century. He was known as a just ruler, and because of his popularity his name remained in use after the conquest when most other Old English names were replaced by Norman ones. The 13th-century Plantagenet king Henry III named his son and successor after the saint, and seven subsequent kings of England were also named Edward.... [more]
Edwige f French
French form of Hedwig.
Edwin m English, Dutch
Means "rich friend", from the Old English elements ead "wealth, fortune" and wine "friend". This was the name of a 7th-century Northumbrian king, regarded as a saint. After the Norman Conquest the name was not popular, but it was eventually revived in the 19th century. A notable bearer was the astronaut Edwin Aldrin (1930-), also known as Buzz, the second man to walk on the moon.
Edwina f English
Feminine form of Edwin.
Edyta f Polish
Polish form of Edith.
Edytha f English (Rare)
Elaborated form of Edith.
Edythe f English
Variant of Edith.
Eef m & f Dutch
Short form of names beginning with Ev, such as Eva or Evert.
Eefje f Dutch
Diminutive of Eef.
Eeli m Finnish
Finnish form of Eli 1.
Eelis m Finnish
Finnish form of Elijah.
Eemeli m Finnish
Finnish form of Emil.
Eemi m Finnish
Finnish variant form of Emil.
Eemil m Finnish
Finnish form of Emil.
Eerik m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Eric.
Eerika f Finnish
Finnish form of Erica.
Eerikki m Finnish
Finnish form of Eric.
Eero m Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Eric. A famous bearer was the architect Eero Saarinen (1910-1961).
Eesa m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic عيسى (see Isa 1).
Eetu m Finnish
Finnish form of Edward.
Eeva f Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Eva.
Eevi f Finnish, Estonian
Finnish and Estonian form of Eva.
Efa f Welsh
Welsh form of Eva.
Efe 2 m & f Urhobo
Short form of Efemena and other names containing efe "wealth".
Effie f English, Scottish
Diminutive of Euphemia. In Scotland it has been used as an Anglicized form of Oighrig.
Effimia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euphemia.
Effrosyni f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euphrosyne.
Efigénia f Portuguese (European, Rare)
European Portuguese form of Iphigeneia.
Efigênia f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Iphigeneia.
Efisio m Italian
From the Latin byname Ephesius, which originally belonged to a person who was from the city of Ephesus in Ionia. This was the name of a saint martyred on Sardinia in the 4th century.
Efnan f Turkish
Turkish form of Afnan.
Efpraxia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eupraxia.
Efraín m Spanish
Spanish form of Ephraim.
Efrem m Russian (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Russian Ефрем (see Yefrem).
Efrén m Spanish
Spanish form of Ephraim (referring to Saint Ephrem the Syrian).
Efstathios m Greek
Modern Greek form of Eustathios.
Efterpi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euterpe.
Efthalia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euthalia.
Efthimia f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ευθυμία (see Efthymia).
Efthimios m Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Ευθύμιος (see Efthymios).
Efthymia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Euthymia.
Efthymios m Greek
Modern Greek form of Euthymius.
Eftychia f Greek
Modern Greek form of Eutychia. It means "happiness" in Modern Greek.
Efua f Akan
Variant of Afua.
Egbert m English, Dutch
Means "bright edge" from the Old English elements ecg "edge, blade" and beorht "bright". This was the name of kings of Kent and Wessex as well as two English saints. The name was rarely used after the Norman Conquest but was revived in the 19th century.
Egidijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Egídio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Egidio m Italian
Italian form of Aegidius (see Giles).
Egil m Norwegian
From the Old Norse name Egill, a diminutive of names that began with the element agi "awe, fear". This was the name of a semi-legendary 10th-century Viking, described in the Icelandic Egill's Saga.
Egilhard m Germanic
Old German name derived from the elements agil "edge, blade" and hart "hard, firm, brave, hardy". Usually called Eilhart, this was a medieval German poet who wrote an early version of the Tristan and Iseult tale.
Egill m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse and Icelandic form of Egil.
Egilmar m Germanic
Derived from the Old German elements agil "edge, blade" and mari "famous". Egilmar (or Elimar) was the name of two counts of Oldenburg in the 12th century.
Egino m Germanic
Old German form of Egon.
Églantine f French
French form of Eglantine.
Eglantine f English (Rare)
From the English word for the flower also known as sweetbrier. It is derived via Old French from Vulgar Latin *aquilentum meaning "prickly". It was early used as a given name (in the form Eglentyne) in Geoffrey Chaucer's 14th-century story The Prioress's Tale (one of The Canterbury Tales).
Eglė f Lithuanian
Means "spruce tree" in Lithuanian. In a Lithuanian folktale Eglė is a young woman who marries a grass snake. At the end of the tale she turns herself into a spruce.
Egnatius m Ancient Roman
Earlier form of Ignatius.
Eguzkiñe f Basque
Feminine form of Eguzki.
Egypt f & m English (Modern)
From the name of the North African country, which derives from Greek Αἴγυπτος (Aigyptos), itself probably from Egyptian ḥwt-kꜣ-ptḥ meaning "the house of the soul of Ptah", the name of the temple to the god Ptah in Memphis.
Egzon m Albanian
Possibly a derivative of Albanian gëzoj "to enjoy".
Egzona f Albanian
Feminine form of Egzon.
Ehecatl m Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Nahuatl
Means "wind" in Nahuatl. This was the name of the Aztec wind god.