I love the name Zoey because it's my little sister's name, and she is an amazing person. It's also because there were FOUR Zoey's in my girl scout troop at once... two with the same last name and unrelated, but they were all really good friends. Another thing, The spelling "Zoe" just weirds me out (no offence)... most likely because I've never met someone with that spelling. The name is really graceful and beautiful and I think that if you are looking to name your baby girl, Zoey is a great option.
― Anonymous User 10/23/2024
Zoey is the only correct spelling. The "y" gives out the "E" sound. Every time I see the name "Zoe" I think of it being pronounced like Joe with a Z lol.
― Anonymous User 4/10/2024
I don't particularly care for it in the first place, but I much prefer Zoe. Zoe is more clean, elegant and mature than Zoey.
I feel sorry for girls who have names like this. I had a name that started with "Z" and I got bullied so severely when I was a kid. I was still getting teased even when I was in college and at my first real job. The bullying continued until my mid-20s and didn't stop until I finally changed my name.
― Anonymous User 10/14/2023
Ever thought maybe it was the name and not the letter? Because Zoey is a super normal name, I don't see how anyone could get bullied for it.
Zoey Clark is a British sprinter. She competed in the women's 400 metres and was part of the British 4 × 400 relay team that won the silver medal at the 2017 World Championships in Athletics. Since then she has won two international bronzes in the relay and most recently a silver in the same event at the 2019 European Athletics Indoor Championships. She was selected as part of the 4x400m relay team for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
Zoey Goralski is an American former soccer player. She played for the Chicago Red Stars in the National Women's Soccer League. She was previously a part of the U-15 and U-17 player pool for the women's national team and played for the U-20 women's national team and the U-23 women's national soccer team.
The name Zoey makes me think of a little storm. Because: the Z is like the zigzag lightning bolt symbol; the Y is like a realistic bolt of lightning (there’re lots of Ys in real bolts of lightning); the O is a little thundercloud; and the E is for electric (uppercase and lowercase) and is a swirl of wind (lowercase). Plus Zoey sounds and looks spunky, like a storm is spunky. Zoe doesn’t have a spunky look to it, doesn’t look like a little storm— the Y makes all the difference.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2022
My name is Zoey WITH a y and I am 9 almost 10 and it makes me really sad that some people think my name and anyone else's name that is also Zoey is ugly or that they don't like it. I get bullied at school because of my name and I come home crying, so please to anyone who does not like mine or anyone else's please keep it to yourself.
To me, Zoe and Zoë seem more spunky and it seems to me that these spellings will age better. However, I really like the y in Zoey, it makes it seem more youthful and innocent.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2022
I like the name but I prefer Zoe better.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2021
I think Zoey is a really cute name. Its meaning “life” is so beautiful.
I didn’t know that people hated my name so much until now. I also saw that people think it’s a dog name? I like Zoey the best even though it’s my name. Zoey is getting more popular from when I was born, I only knew people without the y.
Ugly, modern and trendy spelling. It looks childish and like you didn't know how to spell Zoe.It also doesn't even look like it's related to the Greek Zoe, more like a weird spin on Joey.Zoe is much better.Zoey also makes me think of "Zoey 101" which is such a dated show. It screams "late 2000s". Not classic at all.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2021
This spelling is so ugly. I prefer Zoe and its other variants (apart from Zoie and Zowie, of course).
This name has always sounded weird to me. It’s fine for a pet, but I wouldn’t want to be stuck with this name.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2020
Strongly dislike.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2020
The best variant! I love names ending with ‘y’, probably because my name does...
― Anonymous User 11/29/2020
My name is Zoey I was born 07/10/2008. Yes I am 12 and people saying our name sucks are the worst because you can't judge because one person was mean to you or you don't like the spelling. We are all different, we are ourselves and to be honest I love my name.
This name is just annoying for some reason. Dislike!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
Not a fan AT ALL. Not pretty- just weird sounding!
― Anonymous User 9/20/2020
Zoey is the beautiful name of my firstborn twin daughter. The meaning of the name was everything when naming my kids and coming from Maori decent as well as Australia they were paired with a Maori or Polynesian second name. My eldest was born with a huge frown that wiped away mine and held awe in me like I've never felt before. Zoey Aroha means life and love and I tell you she is such a pure kind heart and as she tries to frown and she does, it's swiftly wiped away to a grin that escapes her for how she holds onto joy. She is conscientious and diligent and a strong stepper towards right.
I love the name Zoe. I would probably name my daughter Zoe if I had one. Zoey is alright I guess, but I knew a girl named Zoey who was very rude and annoying so I don’t like that spelling since it reminds me of her. Plus, Zoey is so Americanized. Zoe is the correct way to spell it because it means “life” in Greek. When they spell it Zoey or Zoie or those other weird spellings, it’s like they don’t have a meaning. So I definitely prefer Zoe over Zoey. Plus, people think that by naming their daughters Zoey with a Y, they are spelling it uniquely. But Zoey is ranked #29 in popularity in the US 2019 and Zoe is #40. So Zoey is actually less unique.
I can't be the only one who has no problem with this spelling. Yes, it does indeed look a little off, but there's way worse variants.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2020
I love the name Zoe. It's probably what I would name my daughter! But I definitely prefer Zoe over the more modern spelling of Zoey. Nothing against people named Zoey, it's just that Zoe is an old Greek name meaning life, and Zoey is the same name but it doesn't really have the Greek meaning. It just seems like Zoe is the better choice to me. Zoey is nice too, though.
If you actually look up the name on this website, it says it is a variant of Zoe, which means that they are technically the same thing just spelled differently, and also I am not against anyone who thinks Zoe is better (except for the person who said Zoey was crappy).
Zoey is a beautiful name. My name is Zoey, I was born on August 23, 2008, yes I'm am only eleven years old but I have a huge perspective of this name- it's BEAUTIFUL!
My name is Zoey with a "y" and I am proud of it. A lot of people say it's wrong but I disagree. I think it is better that people have different names, spellings, and opinions.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Zoey who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 264th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
Bringing Up Bates star Alyssa (Bates) Webster recently named her daughter Zoey Joy.
My name is also Zoey with a 'y' and I was born in 1972 so I was also wondering if I was the first one to have it spelt this way. It was completely unique for most of my life. I absolutely LOVE it and I thank my Mum for choosing to add a 'y' for me. ❤️️.
People who prefer the Zoe spelling, and I'm one, do so because it's the original spelling. Adding the Y makes it look like a gimmicky nickname. And saying that people don't know how to pronounce "Zoe" insults people's intelligence. The name "Chloe" has revived recently, and the "problem" doesn't seem to have come up in that instance. Most people who tune in to reality know how names are pronounced; for the rest, consider it a learning experience.
I'm currently pregnant and my daughter's name will be Zoey. With the Y. Zoey is a unique, futurist name. Without the Y it sounds like So.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2016
I like this name. For those who are saying Zoey is a childish name, I don't get how Zoe is more mature, because it's just a different spelling. I like Zoey more than Zoe because Zoe looks like it rhymes with Joe, and Zoey looks like it rhymes with Joey... Makes sense to me.
― Anonymous User 7/22/2016
I prefer Zoe, as this spelling looks too cute and immature. I don't love the name anyway; not a fan of the OH-ee sound.
I named my Tuxedo kitty "Zoey" and this name fits her perfectly!
― Anonymous User 3/29/2016
My name is Zoey and it's never once occurred to me that people might think it's childish. I had no idea people thought of it that way! I am curious about something though; My mom heard this name on Rabbit Ears Radio when she was pregnant with me. They were telling the story of King Midas, and his daughter's name is Zoë. She'd never heard or seen the name before, but she loved it and its meaning so much that she picked it for me. But because she had been unfamiliar with it, she sort of made up the spelling: Z-O-E-Y. I was born July 16th, 1995, and I'm just wondering if anyone knows any Zoey's with a "y" that are older than that, since the spelling first cropped up in 1995! It'd be a pretty cool claim to fame to say that I'm the first Zoey with a "y."
I think Zoey with a 'y' is rather unique and beautiful. With the name spelled Zoe it looks rather plain and unattractive. Adding the y makes it more pleasing to look at while adding a spunky twist to the classic name :)
My daughter is called Zoey, and its with a Y because personally I like it better then Zoe. I don't think it's childish and it's unique as I've not really heard of Zoey's much. We have a few nicknames for her Zozo, Zoooieeee, and Zoolander. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's unique and spunky which is exactly my daughter down to a tee.
Makes me think of Zoey 101 and the character Zoey in Pokémon who is the rival of Dawn. I prefer the spelling Zoe.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2014
Zoey (and Zoe, to a slightly lesser extent) has always seemed unluckily infantile to me. Zoie is a bit better. All forms considered, Zooey is my favorite.
Well, this isn't a particularly famous bearer, but Zoey was the name of a doe from "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: the Movie," who serves as a substitute for Clarice in that adaption of the story. I love both Clarice and Zoey, and this name reminds me of the color yellow, for whatever reason, and sounds whimsical. It is on my list of names to perhaps one day use.
My name is Zoe, and I admit that while I love the name, I loathe and detest this spelling. It is childish and looks disgustingly Americanized. I'm rather disturbed at the rate that this name is catching up with "Zoe", what I believe to be the proper spelling, at such an alarming rate.
I absolutely love this name. I think it's quirky and pretty. Whenever I use this name for a character, she always has crazy dyed hair, a lot of ear piercings, and a sweet persona. I prefer it with a 'y' at the end because it looks like it would sound like zo-ee but the Zoe spelling just looks like it would be pronounced zo to me.
I kinda like this spelling, but it's definitely not 'unique'.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2010
I believe "Zoey/Zoe" spelt any way is a beautiful name. I also think it is very creative to name a child and change the spelling, it makes them very unique. I know an "Emily" spelt "Emmelie" and I think it's pretty.
Someone said that this spelling of Zoey (sorry, I don't know how to do the trema) is defecation. I think it's a cool, American spelling. If I used it, I wouldn't be using the Y to be unique, I would use it because it would rhyme with Joey (my dad's name) and start with a Z like Zandry (my little sister's name). I love this name, and I like this spelling better than Zoe. I do think it is trashy to spell names in a way to be "unique", but I don't think it's wrong to spell your child's name like you like it.
I like this name. It is a unique name. It means "life" in Greek.
― Anonymous User 1/13/2009
I like Zoe better than this spelling. Also makes me think of Jamie Lynn Spear's character from "Zoey 101" - she is snotty and bratty on that show in my opinion. On the other hand I hope I didn't offend or deter anyone from using this name on my opinion. If you like this name or like the show then that's cool. :)
This name has a whole lot of spunky with just a hint of attitude. `Spunky` because of the way it's spelled, and the `attitude` comes from the pronunciation AND the Z letter.
I think Zoë looks ridiculous without the tréma, and even more ridiculous with a "y" on the end. People say they add the "y" just to make it so people can pronounce it easier. Instead, why not just spell it properly with the tréma?
I like this name. But I wouldn't personally name my daughter this.
― Anonymous User 7/29/2007
The lady I know of who named her daughter Zoey spelled it this way to avoid pronunciation problems and she didn't like having to put the 2 dots above the name Zoe. I think this spelling is great.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2007
Zoey is an excellent name. I love it. Anybody who doesn't must be crazy!
Are you out of your mind?! This looks "zoo"ey to me.Honestly, what is wrong with these parents? Why do they think that altering the spellings of perfectly good names will somehow make it "unique"? It's pathetic and it's defecation on a perfectly good name.
I dislike this spelling, it just looks too carried on and long. I don't know why people change the spelling of nice, proper and strong names, it's just tacky.
The name is really graceful and beautiful and I think that if you are looking to name your baby girl, Zoey is a great option.