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Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Inuit
Pronounced Pron. Yu-rah(Inuktitut)  [key]

Meaning & History

Means "beautiful" in Inuit.
Added 4/5/2016 by anonymous
Edited 4/25/2018 by Evil and seekers973

Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 悠良, 夢羅, 結羅(Japanese Kanji) ゆら(Japanese Hiragana) ユラ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. YOO-RAH  [key]
Other Forms FormsYūra, Yuura

Meaning & History

From Japanese kanji 悠 () meaning "permanence" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good". It can be also the combination of 夢 (yu) meaning "dream" or 結 (yu) meaning "tie" and 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric; silk gauze".

Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 4/12/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 12/17/2024 by ShioTanbo1, Mike C, Felie and more

Yura 3
Gender Feminine
Usage Korean
Scripts 유라(Korean Hangul)
Pronounced Pron. Yura  [key]
Other Forms FormsYoora, Yu-ra

Meaning & History

From combination of 由(yu) meaning "cause, reason; from" and 羅 "display, silk". Other hanja combinations are also possible.
Added 2/27/2025 by anonymous

See Also

Yura, and user submission Yu-ra