The "personal impression of a name" topic exists so you can give your own opinion. Judging someone by their name is wrong, but people do have the right to voice their own opinions.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2024, edited 8/5/2024
The name is very good both in spelling and pronunciation. I hope that everyone who has this name can be proud of it and really love it. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a very, very good one in your life. There's no good or bad names, only if you like them. If you like it, that's fine, if you don't like it, and the name doesn't belong to you, then the name has nothing to do with you, you have no right to criticize the person who owns it or criticize the name.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2024
So you wanted a "Unique" name for your child, so you straight up named them Unique? This name is laughably arrogant, please don't bestow such a thing upon your child.
Now how do I give my kid a Unique name... (Some time later after huffing paint thinner) I got the name of our kid we want a Unique name let's just name it Unique because it's the word, see. Write that down doctor.
I don't know anyone with this name but it's nice. I mean every name is nice and nobody should bully anyone because of their name because it means and makes the person sad/upset about their name.
This name is quite stupid and pretty much the epitome of parents not thinking through what they’re naming their child and how it would effect them. Why would you name your child Unique? This name is Unique, but in a bad way. Like wheelbarrow said, there are so many beautiful names with different styles, cultures, etymologies, and more. There’s no point in naming your child Unique just to make them Unique or whatever. Let them decide that for themselves, not their name. What’s even more surprising, this name is bland in personality and extremely unimaginative. Anyhow, not a good name. I also think of Uniqua from the Backyardians. Good show.
Extremely pretentious and so not Unique at all, especially if there are so many others with this ratchet name. It’s trashy and comedic. There was a girl with the middle name Unique that graduated (surprisingly) from my high school. This screams low income neighborhood.
I honestly love the name Unique. Its uniqueness is what makes it so special and beautiful. I don't know what is up with these commenters, they are just completely tasteless and obviously jealous because they don't have a really cool name like Unique. But whatever, that's their problem. If your name is Unique, keep on goin’ strong, cause you're awesome, and so is your beautiful name ;)
Move along, pick a different name. Unique is a very bad way. There are so many other names to choose from, so many. Mysterious, trendy, classic, so many different kinds. You have so many different cultures and naming styles to explore. Yet, you saddle your child with Unique? I met a Unique who was very stuck up and rude. She thought that she was better than everyone else.
People. Just give your child a Unique name, lmao. This is even worse than Queen, or Princess.
― Anonymous User 12/2/2020
Wade "Unique" Adams is a fictional character from the Fox musical comedy-drama series Glee that first appeared in "Saturday Night Glee-ver", the sixteenth episode of the show's third season, first broadcast on April 17, 2012. She is portrayed by actor Alex Newell. The character is notable for being the show's first transgender character.
“Hi, nice to meet you, what’s your name?” “I’m Unique!” No. There are other names out there. This one makes a parent and the unfortunate child with this name seem prideful. You can’t take someone seriously with this name. Spoiler alert: your child is special but is not the only child or the most “different and Unique” child in the world. A correctly spelled name (an actual name) with no modifications will do fine in letting everybody know that your child isn’t that other kid over there.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2020
I agree. Now names are getting named after proper things I'm starting to hate all the modern names. Unique is just so stupid.
Every parent believes their child is special in some way. This name tells me some parents couldn't be bothered to think of a single damn reason why their kid would be special, and didn't really care what kind of person they might grow up to be anyway. "Unique" is not a trait. It requires other traits and qualities to build and define it, good or bad. Whether you intend to use this on a child, a pet, or a fictional character, at least go into it with the awareness that this is a name completely empty of meaning and personality.
It's a nice sounding name, but one should never name their child this due to the negative connotation. Monique would be better.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2019
“Hello! What is your name? It’s Unique. Okay well what is it? I told you it was Unique! We all know that your name is special, but is it something like Aidan or Kaycee? Here, I’ll show you my birth certificate, huhhh!”I personally think this is a silly name to give to your daughter. Kind of like Princess. It’s simply unimaginative. Not to mention it’s a word too! If you really want to name your daughter this, then you better deal with having a name that really is UNIQUE.I just don’t want this name to be any more popular than Courtney. It wouldn’t make sense at all!
Hello! My name is Unique! Yes, my name is literally Unique. I don't like how people on here say that this is a "trashy" or "ghetto" name. I also don't like how the positive comments were downed and I think that they should be upped. I think that this name is amazing and thank you mom and dad for naming me an amazing name!
― Anonymous User 11/28/2018
I actually kinda like this name! So many negative comments, but I definitely respect everyone’s opinions. I would name my girl Unique to be Unique, but it’s kinda weird since the name Unique would be POPULAR, since Unique is the exact opposite of popular. I just think tacky names are interesting when it comes to hilarious puns like “What’s your name? My name is Unique? I know your name is Unique, but what is it?” That pun is kinda cute and kri8tiv, LOL!
― Anonymous User 11/27/2018
Atrocious, brainless and “un Kre8tyv” People should stop naming their children this, it's torture.
Why would anyone name their child, or anything, this? It's very lazy.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2018
My name is literally Unique and you all are probably wondering why did my mom name me Unique to begin with? First off, my dad named me Unique, my mom wanted to name me Keisha. Of course I'm black for all you stereotypical people but I wasn't raised in the Ghetto. I was raised in a white neighborhood with my 3 siblings. And I'm proud of my name... yes of course I get all the comments "Oh, you have a Unique name, Unique" "Your name is very Unique, I bet you heard that a lot of times" or in school when the teacher says my name in a sentence as an adjective everybody would look at me and smile. But there is no reason for you all to say rude things about the name or word Unique, we are all equal no matter what, people who are named Unique are not different from others. So don't treat people non-equally because their name is Unique!
― Anonymous User 3/21/2018
I actually work with a girl named Unique. She's in her mid-late 20's just now. That's the only person I've ever come across with this name though.
I have never actually met anyone called Unique, and I think that the name is just ridiculous! It is a WORD not a NAME and seems to me like it's just a cheat way of not having to put too much thinking or effort into naming a child.
― Anonymous User 9/25/2015
I love this name! Definitely a nice modern moniker!
I don't think this is a name that one could take very seriously. If I were an employer, I don't like to judge people by their names, but I would much rather hire a James or William than a Unique. It just sounds stupid.
― Anonymous User 5/1/2015
This is my stepsister's name. I love my sister, but definitely not a fan of her name. I seriously wonder what her mother was thinking at the time.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2015
Well gee, people be hating on my name. :'( *starts singing* WHY YOU GOTTA BE SOOOO RUDEEE?!?!?!?!?!I actually like my name, but what I don't like are peoples' 'Unique' responses to it. "Oh what's your name?" "Unique" "Oh that's a Unique name." *laughs* "Yeah hilarious..." *rolls eyes* "Do you get it do you get it?" *laughs more* "Not at all" *says sarcastically*
Hmm. I sorta just typed this in and look what showed up... maybe I could see someone French with this name, but parents, please please please please PLEASE don't name your child this! All the teachers and kids will be like, "Ummm... so what's your real name?"
Blondieboo629, you just made me crack up. XD fine, I get where you're coming from with your remark that "maybe [you] could see someone French with this name", given that the names "Angélique", "Dominique", "Frédérique", "Monique" and "Véronique" all end in "-(i)que"; this suffix is also used in many French adjectives. From what I've seen thus far, though, the French have sense enough to not jump on this particular bandwagon, and I wholeheartedly agree with you in that every well-meaning parent would do well to steer clear of it!
It sucks that not too many people can truly appreciate the irony of the popularity of the name Unique, because not too many people use the word "Unique" correctly anymore. It's not a synonym of "rare" or "creative"- maybe "rare/creative to the max". If not in terms of popularity, then it would be something that Captain Obvious would name his daughter*, if he was lazy and/or trashy. Face the terrible truth that for a name to be Unique, you need to make it up from scratch, (e.g. Wmnvbmkkighf), which is not legitimate and will not give your child an easy life.* Why are only girls given this name? Not that anyone deserves to be given this name, but still, do the parents think boys can't be their definition of unique?
I can't say I'm a big fan of this name; it's rather silly, I'll have to admit. Plus, it reminds me of the saying: "You're Unique, just like everyone else.
To EsmeeRose: a big no to "Nique" as a diminutive. The word doesn't have the best of connotations in French. If you're going with a name-nickname combination of Unique and Nique, you might as well scrap the idea of using this adjective as a name and call the child Nikki (or any spelling variant thereof). And "Uni" as a diminutive just doesn't cut it; where I come from, "uni" is used as an abbreviated form of "university" - and thus, while "going to uni" is a perfectly acceptable phrase in my society, if your child was the one being "gone to", I don't think that connotes the best of things either. So while you may like the name, in one word: don't.
This is a stupid name. Someone named Unique will have a tough time being taken seriously. And variants such as Uneek and Uniqua are even worse. Since this has been on the top 1000, Unique certainly isn't "Unique" anymore!
What if it becomes popular? Oh, wait, I know, call the kid Unique, and make her middle name IRONY. It's not a bad name in itself, but the very idea really isn't good.
This is a zero-effort name. Is it even a name? I believe most of the users that have left comments thus far agree with me; if this sample is representative, then you know what the world thinks of this name. To all prospective parents: if you really want a Unique name for your child, you almost always have to craft it yourself. And I'm not mincing my words: you *have* to *craft* it. How? I leave you to discover the techniques - they're not very difficult once you master them. But there are ways - and the direct lifting of such a banal adjective from the world's current lingua franca is *not* one of them (hint).
I think this name is ridiculous. Even worse is that it reminds me of the chapter in Freakonomics about the differences between low-class and high-class names and what they set kids up to become (guess what sort of name Unique is). The book says that 228 babies in California were named Unique in the 1990s, and that there was "1 each of Uneek, Uneque, and Uneqqee". I personally think this name is a huge indicator of how UN-Unique someone is, along with being not very classy.
I was just searching for "Unique" names, and accidentally searched names instead of meanings. I didn't expect anything would come up! ")I don't like most English vocab names, and this is no exception. Personally, I think this is rather cheesy.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2009
It would be ironic if this name got popular. She won't exactly be "unique" then.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2009
People, don't name your kid this. Yes, it WILL make them Unique. But not in a good way.
There are many ways to mould your daughter, but naming her "Unique" is a not one of them. And why call her "Unique" when she already is unique as a person? How can she be "unique" if ten other girls in her Kindergarten class share her name? Plus, this name just screams "impoverished high-school-dropout mother who is so enchanted by her little daughter but is too immature and ignorant to think of a real name". And try to imagine an adult, and especially a major public official, bearing this name ("I present to you, Ladies and Gentlemen, Vice President Unique Schaeffer!"); who would take them seriously? They'd be teased and ostracized everywhere they turn because of their ludicrous name! Pick a real name for your daughters! Something classic and dignified!
I'll have to agree with what others have already said - this is an incredibly unfortunate name for any child. It doesn't even sound good - hopelessly ghetto and white-trash-tryndee. The meaning will definitely attract a few raised eyebrows. And what if Unique turns out to be a trendoid clone? Not all that Unique then! But, I suppose, for non-English speakers, it may be almost acceptable - if I forget the meaning, it makes me think Monique. Just hope your kid never meets an English speaker! Though I do think the above comment is a little excessive. If you met a nice Unique, my bet is you'd be able to look past her name, not "vomit" when you said it.
This is probably my least favorite name of all time. Not only is the spelling and pronunciation ugly, but it will give people false expectations of the poor child who is named Unique. I apologize to all the people who like it, but my first impression of the name is "Good God, what has society come to?"
I used to know a girl named Unique. I remember when the teacher asked, "What's your name again?" She said, "I'm Unique." Some people looked confused when she said that. Don't name ANYTHING this, period.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2008
OMG! this is one of the worst names that I have ever seen! It is not unique, it is a word. Geez why can't people think up better names.
I'm terribly put off by names that were once dictionary words, and this one just seems rediculous. I pity those poor people who are stuck with this name.
Unique is the dumbest, ugliest name you can possibly give to a child. But NO, it's very MODERN to do it now, so you absolutely MUST do it. Ugly!
― Anonymous User 9/15/2007
Okay, I sort of understand how parents want to be "Unique" with naming their kids. But naming their kid "Unique". That's either going too far or they just want to make a point.Let's name our kid Stupid! Pretty! Blue! A BUNCH of adjectives! At least it's UNIQUE. Oi. >:(
― Anonymous User 9/5/2007
I think this is a pretty name, but I would spell it Eunique instead. Like Eunice.
I don't mean to be rude to anyone who has this name, but I think it's sort of ridiculous. It's an adjective! I'm sure there is an actual name out there that means "unique" or something like it and I know there are plenty of names out there that are unique in and of themselves. But naming your kid plain old Unique? That's just silly.
― Anonymous User 7/12/2007
"Unique" is no longer unique! There are now young Uniques scattered throughout the country, all because their parents were too lazy to use a TRULY unique name -- just go to the Random Name Generator for examples! There are so many better choices out there. All you have to do is open your eyes.
Yes, this name is very unique, NOT. If you want a unique name, I suggest you use a baby name book or website, or you can hang out in the #500 to #1,000 rankings of last year's most popular names for newborns in the United States, even though the name Unique is somewhere in there. This is quite possibly the least unique name I have ever heard. It's like naming your child "Radness" or "Important". It's just so, ugh.
"Hi, I'm Unique." "I can see that..." *looks at Unique's odd clothing and bright makeup.* "What's your name, though?"
― Anonymous User 8/2/2006
I apologize for my earlier comment. It was rather petty. But I still think this is a ridiculous name.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2006
I actually did know a girl with this name. She was a cheerleader on a local Pee-Wee Cheerleading Squad and should be about 10 years old now. I don't like this name at all, it's just not my style, but that was a rather petty outburst above.