It actually means "daughter of twilight". It signifies the nightingale. should be an accent on the U: Tinúviel.Tinúviel 0
S. Feminine name. Nightingale, (lit.) Daughter of TwilightThe name that Beren gave to Lúthien, translated “Nightingale”, more literally “Daughter of Twilight” (S/165), a derivation of the primitive form ✶Tindōmiselde (PE19/73). It is essentially a combination of tinnu “twilight” and the suffix -iel, except that the archaic final -v lost in tinnu was preserved in the compound.Source: [noted -ed]
So enchanting and mysterious. Never having heard this name before, I love it now.
I absolutely LOVE this name! Elegant, but not frilly, graceful, but not overly feminine, plus it's ELVISH! :) So beautiful! Nicknames can be Ellie, Ella, or Tina.
Tinuviel is the "Lore Name" of Luthien Tinuviel, the elf who helped her lover steal the Silmarils.
The character of Luthien Tinuviel was based upon J.R.R. Tolkien's wife, Edith. The character of Beren was based on himself. The names "Luthien" and "Beren" are carved on their headstones as well.
Tinúviel is pronounced (tihn-OOH-vee-ehl). I think this is a very lovely name, especially if you know its background. The love between Lúthien and Beren is simply beautiful.

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