This name is from the same root as the Cornish surname Teague. As a commenter below says, her maiden name was Teague, so she used Teagan for her daughter.
Teagan Micah is an Australian international soccer player who plays as a goalkeeper for the Australia women's national soccer team and FC Rosengård in Sweden's Damallsvenskan.
The surname definition means "descendant of the little poet".
― Anonymous User 2/24/2023
Used in the title of Teagan of Tomorrow, third book in the Legend of Rhyme Series. Teagan is also one of the characters, Teagan Rogers, a orphaned modern day girl who was sucked into a fantasy world.
My name is Tegan. I'm a girl and I quite like my name, I love its uniqueness and I feel like it fits me perfectly. Some of my nicknames are Teegy-Beagy, Tigger and Teeg. Just in my opinion I don't really feel like my name is too masculine, sure if you want to call your boy Tegan or Teagan that is completely fine, but to people who are saying that my name is too boyish I disagree. If you want it can be both genders but you can't just tease females for having a perfectly female name.
a I am 13 year old boy named Tegan and hate my name. My mom says it’s for both genders but when I look it up, it says “girl's name”, “Welsh girl's name”. And I don’t have any role model who is a male named Tegan. There are also haters saying that they hate the name regardless of the gender. (There’s probably one right above or below my comment). I wish I would of been named something at least a little more masculine like James or Patrick. I wish I could just change my name in court or something? ;(
― Anonymous User 3/31/2021
Cool! It has a unique vibe to it, although I would never use it.
My ex boyfriend who is now one of my best friends is named Teagan and I like his name. I had never heard it before I met him and it is unique. Before I looked it up I never thought of it as a girl's name I always thought of it as a boy name but maybe that's just because I had never heard that name before I met my ex boyfriend, one of my best friends Teagan.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2019
My name is Teagan, and I really like the name, if I were a boy my name might have been Parker because of "Peter Parker" and my dad's favorite superhero is Spiderman.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2019
Teagan is a beautiful beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL name! I am going to have 92 kids- 43 boys and 42 girls and name them all Teagan! The name is truly magnificent for a boy or a girl! I could never get sick of it! I LOVE THE NAME TEAGAN⭐️.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2019
I prefer the Tegan spelling. I pronounce it like Megan with a t.
― Anonymous User 4/12/2019
The name Tegan reminds me of a car, as in the Dodge Tegan, or the Honda Tegan. It sounds like a machine, or something with artificial intelligence.
Teagan is used mainly as a feminine name. It was originally a female's name and parents started to choose this name for their sons. So technically, this isn’t a boy’s name on a girl, this is a girl’s name on a boy. People get so uptight about boy names getting stolen by girls, but this is vice versa right here! Teagan was derived from a surname that is feminine, so feminine names can be surnames too, so a guy wouldn’t always get teased for having a feminine surname. Teagan seems cute for a boy, but I prefer it as a girl’s name, because it’s made to be mostly feminine!
― Anonymous User 1/16/2019
My maiden name is Teague so I took the “ue” off and added “an” to become Teagan, her middle name is Rhianna which is a variation of the name Rhiannon not the singer Rihanna. I thought I made it up but looks like I was wrong. Never heard it before.
― Anonymous User 8/8/2018
My 6 year old daughter’s name is Teagan. I love the name, and I think it’s fitting for my beautiful girl.
I am naming my baby girl Teagan Jolene. She will be called Tea for her nickname. The reason I picked Teagan is because my son's name is Trevor. I love T-names and wanted the same amount of letters in both my son's and daughter's name. I call my son Trev and Tea will be good nickname for her. I researched the meaning to Teagan and it will fit her personality perfectly. Our family is big into motocross and we plan on getting her on a bike as well. Teagan is a tuff girl name and it’s perfect for my little firecracker aries baby girl.
My youngest child's/son's name is Teagan! I found it on the internet in 2006/2007 as a name for either a boy or a girl! I loved the name because of its uniqueness and because it started with a "T" and my other children's names start with the same letter! There are many names that are unisex and everything works out fine. My son, Teagan Ray gets tons of compliments on his name! We have met a Keagan but not a Teagan before! My son is very masculine and plays sports etc. He has never been teased over his name either. So I personally think that it can be for either gender. I have heard of girls being named Tyler also and my 2nd child/1st son is named Tyler. Just be proud of your name and don't worry what others think. I Love all four of my children's names (1 girl and 3 boys); Taylor, Tyler, Trey, and Teagan! Guess that's why I named them what I did, lol! So whether boy or girl named Teagan, I love the name and my child hasn't been teased at all! The boys on the ball fields everywhere we have traveled don't seem to mind and neither do the kids at school. I also like the nicknames that come along with the name, "T", "Teaga"(pronounced TEE-GUH), and Teag (pronounced Teague) Carry your name with dignity and respect and OWN it whether male or female!
― Anonymous User 6/11/2016
Finding it kind of funny that some of the comments are so adamant it's a boy's name. Names have origins and those origins link the name to gender. Teagan is an Irish girl's name, derived from a Welsh girl's name. So I mean, cool if you chose to use it for your boy, but that doesn't change the origin of the name itself.
A LOT of people batting the Tegan boy corner. I just personally can't get it! I've met countless Teagans, Teegans, Teigans, Taegans, Teghans and they are all lovely young ladies! I think it's certainly being dominated by the population of girls as the years roll on. Anyone who needs a 'hip' description of the name search 'Teagan' on urban dictionary, which I'm told is what the kids use nowadays. Just for a more updated version on how the name's evolving. Tegan is a feminine name and it is taking over- it won't be long and Tegan will no longer be used as a males name.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2016
My name is Teagan and I am a girl. For me personally it's all in how you spell and pronounce different versions of the name which gives it a different identity. I'm 25 and I've met 4 Teagan's in my lifetime (teigan) (taygan) (tegan) which were ALL female, each way spelt and sounding extremely feminine. Because of this I find it really bizarre that this name could be carried off on a male. Probably just because I am yet to meet one. I holiday a lot in Devon where the name is more popular. When meeting people occasionally they would say that they knew a Teagan. Not often spelt the same, but it's always a female they are talking about. So as for people saying it's too masculine to be a female's name I just don't understand your logic. Every definition of the name always suggests it's 'small' and 'pretty', the perfect name to call a little girl. Growing up I had many nicknames that again sound too girly to be given to a male (teags) (tiggy) (teegee)(tae), only my opinion though. Not the type to discriminate against someone for the name they've chosen for their beautiful baby girl... or boy if that is what they choose :) I think it's a lovely name and it's carried me right into adulthood and apart from this forum I've yet to meet someone who doesn't compliment me on my unique yet very feminine name! :)
― Anonymous User 4/2/2016
So I was trying to find out the real meanings of my kid's names. Because honestly, all the websites you go on, are guesses or they themselves look it up. So the meanings most of the time just aren't accurate. So I talked with a toponymist, who specializes in just that. Teagan is Irish/ Welsh and it simply means beautiful. Which to me means it honestly can be for a boy or girl. The way it's pronounced it tends to sound more boyish, and beautiful can be for a boy or a girl. So I guess it's just up to you if you like the name or not. I do. It's a beautiful name for a boy or a girl.
My daughter is Teagan Olivia and to me it sounds girly. It is both a boy and girl name and just depending on how it sounds to YOU determines how you will use it. To me it sounds feminine. Chad sounds masculine not Teagan in my opinion. But however any mother chooses to use it, let's face it people, it's a cute name regardless!
I find it funny how there are such polar opposite opinions about this name. Boy/girl, classic/fad. I can only speak from personal experience that I have only seen it used as a girl's name. I have a best friend named Teigan (pronounced TEE-gan) and she is 30 years old, so it's definitely not a fad name. Not to mention that it never reached popularity past 263(?). If it was a fad name, it would've reached the top 50 by now. But I digress. Call me partial, but I think it's an amazing name for a girl. I only know one Teigan (or Teagan), not counting the female Canadian singer. It's a unique name.
Hi my name is Teagan and yes I am a girl and I do not think that this name is at all masculine. Whenever I introduce myself to new people they always say things like "Wow, that's a beautiful name", or "it's unique". No one has ever come up to me and said "That's a masculine name- why do you have a boy name?" Well, in my opinion I think it's a unisex name. Just like the name Riley is. I don't see why people would think that this is a boys name only, because I have met my fair share of Teagan's and let me tell you most of them were girls. This name is pretty and suited for me. You have your opinions and I have mine. Mine just happens to think Teagan is a feminine name, and it can be used for either gender. I love my name and I'm glad my parents picked it out.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2015
Well for all of you, my name is Teegan and I am a girl. I personally believe the name Teegan is for me. I have never met another Teegan but I want to. However, I have met a Teagen, a Tegan and a Teagan and we all had a few similar traits. Also, I believe if you wish to give your daughter the name Teegan, expect her to be different. I personally don't like to stay in one place for a long time and I don't like schedules. I do like being clean and organized and have my priorities strait and I like going on adventures a lot. I really like my name. I feel it suits me and since my name is Teegan I feel I can stand for every Teegan. Well, hope you enjoyed my comment.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2015
I have this name and think it is a really masculine name, though I think it is fine on girls too. It is Irish and I do a really good "Top of the mornin' to ya laddies" and I think it is because I'm part Irish.
My 2 year old daughter's name is Teighan. It means pretty and it suits her perfect. I see no body else here has spelled it this way which is interesting :). As regards to whether it is a male or female I think it suits both and is an individual choice.
I named my daughter Teagan. Sure it's not a girly name but why do girls need only girly names... to me it's feminine (I also think Evan is feminine sounding) also, I did months upon months of research before deciding on this name, it started as a girls name! How could you not find that out or look for it while naming your son... do not blame other women for "stealing" your boys' names- they are not yours and never were. Get over it. I also believe that Teagan will be a great name in her adult life.
― Anonymous User 3/2/2015
My 4 year-old daughter's name is Teagan and I'm so happy that I named her that! We have only met one other Teagan, but it was spelt different. She knows whenever someone is talking to her because her name is so unique. She has three friends named Olivia and frankly I'm tired of that name! When she was younger we called her Tigger, but since she started writing her name we just call her T.
The Welsh female name Tegan (pronounced TEG an in Wales, teg as in peg with a short e) is an entirely different name to Teagan and can be found elsewhere in this database.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2014
It actually became popular again in the UK, Australia and NZ in the early 80's due to Doctor Who. Tegan was the Doctors companion and was female. I'm a 30 year old female Tegan and have never ever heard of it being used as a boys name. Honestly, if I was introduced to a boy named Tegan, I would laugh.
I have a daughter named "Tagan" (Tay-gan). When I tell people how to say her name I say it's like Reagan but with a "T". The name is Welsh and means pretty. The most common English way to spell the name is Teagan. And that is almost how we spelled it. However my husband was worried that people would call her Tee-gan so we changed the spelling so people would say her name the way we say her name. She was named after a dear friend of mine (also another female) who spelled her name Tegan. She was an adult who was a strong woman and people loved her. I think the parents who pick this name for their son/daughter take deep thought in what they wanted to name their baby. So it's unfair for anyone to judge if the name itself needs to go to a boy or girl. It's not a common name, and the parent's naming their babies know this and they pick the name for their own reasons. It's a "pretty" name and sounds great on a boy/girl and does work well as the babies grow into adulthood.
― Anonymous User 6/11/2014
My almost 12 year old son's name is Teegan. I've only ever known males named Teegan and it's listed everywhere as a male name, meaning little poet. Is it even listed as a girl's name anywhere? I've never noticed. I think it's fine if girls want to use it too-- I've known girls named Michael, Evan, and James too and those are all clearly male names.
Love this girl's name. Such an old Irish name coming back.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2014
Statistics from the Census Bureau show that Teagan is predominantly a female name. Nearly 90% of people with this name are female. Linkedin shows closer to 95% of users with the name are female.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2013
I had never met anyone with the name Teagan, nor heard of the name until I found it in a native American dialect which was pronounced T-Gan meaning "Friend". I named my son Teagan Cole after a dear friend who was lost in my younger years. We pronounce TEE-gan, I call him T-Gan on the occasion. I've read opinions which some are just terrible and you should probably keep it to yourself. Passives tend to exuberate their opinion while harbored safely behind their computer. I don't see why this name would be called low class, if by that definition you mean monetarily poor you are sadly mistaken. The name is obviously ambiguous and sounds good either way. (there is a female adult performer who uses the name which I didn't enjoy discovering, but to each their own).
Does eveyone think girls grow up to be dainty? My name is tegan, and I'm a girl and it fits me perfectly. Sure it's a bit masculine for a girl, but I play sports and don't mind a bit of mud. My name just highlights my personality.
Teagan is totally a boy's name. It is the girls named Teagan who come across as really weird to me. That being said, I get that this name has some history (although technically it was a last name long before it was a first name), but it still has a particularly unflattering sound to me. It sounds really unattractive on girls, not so much on boys. And even though it's somewhat historical, it seems to carry a modern, tryndee vibe that puts me off. If I were to use it, it would only be on a boy.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2013
Actually, I think there is some confusion about this name in the U.S. The original origin is Welsh which was originally Tegwin, pronounced TAY-GHIN, meaning little poet and used mainly for boys. However, the Irish form of Tegwin mutated into Teagan in Ireland and is pronounced TEA-GAN which in Irish is a girl's name meaning attractive. So, there are really two pronunciations of the name - the Welsh - TAY-GHIN, intended for a boy and the Irish Tea-gan intended for a girl. Hence the name is pronounced very differently for a girl vs. Boy. So, the Teagan listed here is a girl's name. Oh, and to the uninformed persons who stated this sounded like a trendy name and a low class name - well you couldn't be more ignorant. The name is actually a very ANCIENT Irish name. Http://
Dear lord I hate this name so much. I'm sorry, but don't people realize that babies grow up?! This has to be one of the most childish names out there, I would honestly have a hard time not punching someone in the face if they said they named their daughter "Teagan".
― Anonymous User 1/19/2013
I'd never heard this name before until I met a man named Teagan. He pronounced it TEE-gan. I thought it was a different kind of name, OKAY, I actually thought it was kind of weird, but only because I hadn't heard it before! Anyway, I can't ever picture it as a feminine name. It doesn't sound delicate or pretty to me, but that's just my opinion. It does sound like a wrestling name or something.
― Anonymous User 2/7/2012
I think Teagan is the most beautiful name in the whole entire world! It is totally a girls name and any boy named Teagan is just weird. Haters gone hate.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2011
Personally I prefer the tee-gan pronunciation. In my opinion it is a good unisex name, but I prefer it on a boy. I had thought seriously of naming my son this, but my boyfriend says it's strictly a girls name. He feels the same about Tristan, where as I see it being very much masculine.
I don't get the arguing over Teagan for a boy vs. Teagan for a girl. I am a girl with the name Teagan, but I can totally see how it's masculine, but honestly people, no names are fixed to one specific gender. You could name your daughter Jonathan if you wanted to, there's nothing stopping except your own personal opinion. So chill out. ;D
― Anonymous User 4/26/2009
I love this name, it is very boyish. Teagan can also be used as Timothy.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2008
It is pronounced TEE-gan. TAY-gan is an American misunderstanding.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2008
I have only seen this name on boys. It is a very handsome name. Teagan is a male name that is being used as a temporary fad by parents who think that it is cute to give their daughters boys names. I have heard Teagan many times on boys. Teagan means attractive, poet, philosopher. It is also a form of Timothy(Tadgh, Teague). The feminine form to this name is Tegin pronounced Teg-in or Teg-win this means good looking. Too harsh for a girl and just because a girl has this name doesn't make it a girls name it just makes it a boys name on a girl. I have heard names such as Devon, Wesley, Riley, and Brett on a girl, are those girl names? NO!
― Anonymous User 8/24/2008
Teagan - "attractive. Poet, king, Teague, Tadhg (Gaelic forms of Timothy)." Teague - "bard" or "poet, philosopher" TeaganTeagan Male Irish Attractive - CachedTeagan (M) Meaning wise poet (Irish Gaelic) - CachedTeagan (boy) Teagan (boy) See Also: Tegan, Teighan, Teagan, Tegan (boy)Teagan * TEE-gan O'Tadhgáin SURNAME - O'Tadhgáin, from the male name Tadhg (Timothy). From the Kildare/Laois area. Sex: boy Language(s): Irish Meaning: a form of Teague. Teague Sex: boy Language(s): Irish Meaning: bard, poet. Teagan - "attractive." Teague - "bard" or "poet, philosopher." Teagan. Tadhg - (TAYG)(Gr) "poet" or "honors god"; also can be Timothy. Tadc, Tiomoid, Teague, Taidgh, Tiege. Teagan.
― Anonymous User 8/11/2008
Teagan is a boys name and is very masculine. Teagan - "attractive." Teague - "bard" or "poet, philosopher." Tadhg - (TAYG)(Gr) "poet" or "honors god"; also can be Timothy, Tadc, Tiomoid, Teague, Taidgh, Tiege, Teagan. Teagan (boy) See Also: Tegan, Teighan, Teagan, Tegan (boy) Teagan * TEE-gan O'Tadhg�in SURNAME - O'Tadhg�in, from the male name Tadhg (Timothy). From the Kildare/Laois area.
This is my son's name and he shares this name with two other boys at his school. I don't know why someone would think a boy with a boys name would get picked on and as a matter of fact he never does and is very popular. We get nothing but compliments on his name. This is a boys name. It is very boyish and way too harsh for a girl. However, the feminine form Tegin (pronounced Tegwin or Teg-in) is softer. I still don't like it for a girl. Call me old fashioned but I like pretty names for girls.
― Anonymous User 7/30/2008
I like the name Teagen on both genders, but I also like the varitaions: Tegan and Teegan.
I'm sorry but if anyone ever named their boy Teagan he'd get teased for sure, it's like naming your son Linda.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2007
I've never met a boy Teagan but I have met several girl Teagans. It sounds too feminine to be a boy's name.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2007
What is with people and thinking that Teagan should be a boys name when it's not! Teagan is my name and I'm a girl and I think that the name Teagan for a girl is great. It sounds nothing like a boys name.
― Anonymous User 5/14/2007
This is my son's name. Parents of girls keep co-opting perfectly masculine names for their daughters (Madison, Reagan, Jordan, etc.), when they have such a variety of available names to choose from already. I'm going to start a campaign to convince parents looking for 'Megan'-rhyming names -- who want an unusual name that sounds oddly familiar -- of the beauty and mystery of 'Pagan'. You can see her already, pigtails bouncing in the wind or whatever. Then they will leave 'Teagan' for the boys.
Teagan (pronounce: tee gan) is a beautiful name for a girl. I just can't see this name on a boy. I have only seen this used on girls.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2007
I thought this was a cute name, and now that I know the meaning I think it's adorable! Unfortunately I don't think it would carry over well into adulthood, so I wouldn't name my child this.
I like Teagan (pronounced Tee gan) very much for a boy, but I would never use this name for a girl. It's too strong and masculine sounding, and doesn’t sound feminine at all. It’s just not a very pretty name for a girl.
Teagan for a girl appeared on the top 1000 list in 2003. Its most popular year was 2005 where it ranked 478. Teagan for a boy appeared on the top 1000 list in 2005 and ranked 869.
― Anonymous User 9/25/2006
Whether it sounds more feminine or not, it simply IS used more as a girls name.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2006
I don't think Teagan sounds very feminine.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2006
Teagan (Tegan) and Keagan (or Kegan) and Reagan (or Regan) are very ambiguous and sound more masculine than feminine. So when given to either, it sounds like another ambiguous fad name.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2006
I like this name for a girl and like this spelling the best and I would pronounce it TEE-gan.
― Anonymous User 7/12/2006
I love Teagan. It is very unique, spirited, and artistic. My baby name book listed it for girls, meaning beautiful or little poet. I have seen Tegan (pronounced TAY-gan or rhyming with Megan). And, I have seen Teague (pronounced teeg) for boys.
I have seen Teagan prounounced TEE-gan and Tegan prounounced TAY-gan (rhymes with Megan).
― Anonymous User 6/13/2006
Teagan seems more feminine to me and Tegan more masculine.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2006
This name has always intrigued me, male or female? I have seen it used for both. Also the pronunciation, I have that it rhymes with Megan and also seen it pronounced TEE-gan or also TAY-gan.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
I first heard this name on an episode of "Supernanny", in which a little girl carried it (her full name was Teagan Olivia). And since then I have always thought it an adorable and curious name. In a baby names book that I own, Teagan is listed as mainly feminine in use, Irish in origin and meaning "Attractive".