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Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 翠, 粋, 穂, 彗, 遂, 好, 彗衣, 澄衣, 朱依, etc.(Japanese Kanji) すい(Japanese Hiragana) スイ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. [sɨ́ᵝ.ì]  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Sino-Japanese reading of kanji like 翠 meaning "green," 粋 meaning "chic, smart, stylish, refined," 穂 meaning "ear/head (of plant); point, tip," 彗, part of 彗星 (suisei) meaning "comet," and 遂 meaning "accomplishment," among others, also written as 好, stemming from 好き (suki) meaning "(well-)liked, favourite."
These single kanji, alongside those that can be (partially) read as su, like 澄 meaning "lucidity, transparency" or 朱 meaning "vermilion," can be suffixed with an i kanji, such as 衣 meaning "clothing" or 依 meaning "reliance, dependence."
Added 1/12/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 6/23/2020 by m4yb3_daijirou and lilolaf

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Chinese
Scripts 眭, 隋, etc.(Chinese)

Meaning & History

From Chinese 眭 (suī) meaning "evil look of deep-set eyes", 隋 (suí), referring to the Sui dynasty, or other characters which are pronounced similarly.
Added 2/5/2017 by lilolaf
Edited 6/29/2017 by Sofia

Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Chin

Meaning & History

Means "gold" in Hakha Chin.
Added 9/15/2020 by anonymous
Edited 9/20/2024 by sekejap, Frollein Gladys and Felie