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Gender Masculine
Scripts Σουσαρίων(Ancient Greek)
Other Forms FormsSusarion (latinized form)

Meaning & History

Meaning uncertain. This name should be a compound name, of which the first element might be the Greek noun σοῦς (sous) meaning "upward motion" or the Greek noun σοῦσον (souson) meaning "lily". Even Σοῦσα (Sousa) is technically a possibility, which is a hellenization of the native Elamite name for the capital city of Elam. This city is best known to us as Susa, which is the latinized form of the aforementioned hellenization.

The second element of this name could possibly consist of the Greek diminutive suffix -άριον (-arion), though the name should probably have been written as Σουσάριον instead of as Σουσαρίων then. One literary source theorizes that the second element might consist of the Greek name Arion, in reference to the Greek kitharode of that name, who was credited with inventing the dithyramb.

Sousarion was the name (possibly pseudonym) of a Greek comic poet from Megara, who lived in the 6th century BC. He is better known under the latinized form of his name, which is Susarion.
Added 12/21/2020 by Lucille