Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Scripts 소라(Korean Hangul)
Other Forms FormsSo-Ra, Seora

Meaning & History

Indigenous Korean name, a single two-syllable word meaning "conch shell". It is one of a number of such native names (called 고유어 이름) that have become more popular in South Korea in recent decades. In some cases, however, parents also choose to register hanja to represent the name, picking them solely for their pronunciation (for example, 曙羅, with hanja meaning "sunlight" and "net", respectively). There are 45 hanja with the reading "so" and 14 hanja with the reading "ra" on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may used in given names.
Added 1/5/2016 by Kate
Edited 4/26/2024 by Mike C, Sofia, LMS and more

Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Derived from Romanian soră "sister". This name was borne by the sister of Ștefan cel Mare (Stephen the Great in English).
Added 3/9/2018 by xssvictem
Edited 8/2/2020 by Frollein Gladys and Lucille

See Also
