I really just think Sienna is such a beautiful name. The meaning, the spelling, the pronunciation. If you hate, why? That's just mean. It's a gorgeous name and I love it.
Wendy's disdain for the name "Sienna" ran deep, a sentiment she couldn't shake no matter how hard she tried. To her, it reeked of pretentiousness and artificiality, a name chosen by parents desperate to appear trendy and sophisticated. She couldn't help but roll her eyes whenever she encountered someone bearing the name, envisioning them as shallow social climbers obsessed with Instagram likes and designer labels. To Wendy, "Sienna" was a name that screamed "try-hard," a transparent attempt to mask mediocrity with a veneer of glamour. She couldn't fathom how anyone could willingly saddle their child with such an affected moniker, let alone willingly respond to it. In Wendy's eyes, "Sienna" was the epitome of everything wrong with modern society – superficial, shallow, and utterly devoid of substance.
Siena Blaze (also spelled Sienna Blaze) is a fictional mutant appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character has appeared in the X-Men comics series. Introduced as a villain in the Marvel Universe, she later became a hero during her brief period in the Ultraverse. Following a long absence, the character returned in X-Force vol. 3, #22.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2023
Sienna the laxative?
― Anonymous User 1/19/2023
Sienna Morris is an American artist. Sienna Morris is an illustrator best known for her drawing technique called 'Numberism'. This technique is similar to stippling or pointillism, but uses numbers and equations in place of dots.
Sienna Shields is an American abstract artist specializing in large-format collage pieces. She was also the chief organizer of the HowDoYouSayYaminAfrican? Artist collective and the director of its digital work, Good Stock on the Dimension Floor: An Opera which was accepted for the 2014 Whitney Biennial.
Sienna Guillory is an English actress and former model. She portrayed Jill Valentine in several entries of the Resident Evil action-horror film series. Other prominent roles include elf princess Arya Dröttningu in the fantasy-adventure film Eragon, and the title role in the TV miniseries Helen of Troy. She has appeared in TV shows including Fortitude, Stan Lee's Lucky Man, and Luther.
I’m a nurse and we give out a laxative in hospital called ‘Senna’, so I just associate the laxative with the name Sienna because they sound so alike! Sienna is very similar to Senna. Lol.
― Anonymous User 6/17/2022
I don’t like the meaning ‘brownish red’. Why would you call your child after ‘brownish - red’ is beyond me.
I like Sienna. I feel like it’s one of those names that just need to grow on you. I like the variant Siena too, but this feels a little more complete. Sienna is beautiful, lively, and fun. I can appreciate the history too. I like the color too. It reminds me of the other color names like Scarlet, Violet, Ivory, or Ebony. They’re all just so cool.
My name is Sienna and I was born in 1968 and as a child it was so unusual and I always had to explain the meaning and wanted to be a Sarah to fit in. I love it now. My Dad is an artist and has a sense of humour and as my maiden name was Brown my name was on pencils! I am a fiery personality and love adventure or can be extremely quiet. I am one extreme to the other, all or nothing! I was born way before Sienna Miller so maybe she was named after me! Lol! I also have brown hair and green eyes so not a pretty blonde for sure. It is so strange to hear mothers calling out my name to their daughters, it was never heard of in the 60s!
For some reason NO ONE can pronounce my name. It’s Sienna and frankly I’m starting not to like it. It’s pronounced SEE EN UH. But people always pronounce it SIE as in eye with an s in front, and then Enna. People also pronounce it See ANNA, Senna, SEENA, and many more, it’s such a simple name- just get it right.
I really like my name, Sienna, but I find it upsetting that the only definition of my name is "reddish brown". Why can't it have an actual meaning (example: delicate, kind, etc.) and not just some brown! It feels like an insult that there isn't a good definition of what my name means. I search it up, and all I see is, "reddish brown." All of my friends' names mean something like peace, strength, wisdom, and even beautiful flower! Can someone be nice enough to give the name Sienna an actually nice meaning, and not just an color you find in a 64-count Crayola Crayons box?
My name is Sienna, and honestly I’m not so sure I like it anymore, everyone says this name is Italian but it is actually Old English. My family is German and Irish but I was named after the Italian city Siena. I used to like it because it was unique and pretty but now people call me Anus because backwards my name is Anneis. Anyway I like the name, it’s strong yet light, and not too long or short, I have ginger or strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes so it doesn’t really fit me, everyone says I look like an Emily or Kaitlyn, which is annoying because those names are such boring white girl's names. I like Sienna Rose, I am Sienna Joy T_____, two middle names and yeah that’s my opinion. Bye.
My name is Sienna Rose and I personally hate my name. The biased version of Sienna is dirty blond/blond hair with dark brown eyes and they keep to themselves. Personally I’m loud and talkative I have jet black hair and hazel eyes. I’m tired of the soft feminine pink girl name. I despise pink and dresses. I also don’t wanna hear the crap about colors. I hate my name but it might be nice on others.
Personally when I think of my name it reminds me of a field of yellow flowers, sometimes sunflowers with a sunset in the background. I feel like this captures the color part of the name. Then again, it is biased but I definitely think I look like a Sienna because I have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes but again it’s biased.
― Anonymous User 3/23/2019
As my name is Sienna I was named after the colors Burnt Sienna and Raw Sienna. Just to put out the name is also used based on the color.
The name Sienna comes from the Italian town Siena. It also means orange brown, almost a burnt brown colour like the tiles used on the rooftops there. It also means old and wise. I love the name Sienna Rose. It is unique and classy and beautiful for a girl. It is a lot better than Paris, Channel, Scarlott or Mia(h), those are kind of unusual but chavy names and remind me of popular, prissy girls at school. I know a few Sienna's and they are very good natured and well liked. Also very beautiful! Maybe it's all to do with the name!
My name is Sienna and no one else I know has the name. I want to know some meanings behind the name besides the color >:(. Reddish-brown my butt. I'm white with ginger hair and green eyes. So no that doesn't fit me. My family is from Ireland not Italy. :(.
I like the name, it's pretty but there are so many Siennas that I know and most of them are your cliche queen bees. So yeah, don't name your kid Sienna because it's too popular and there will probably be 20 Siennas in their school.
I like it because of the colour meaning. The double N is a bit annoying because the original form is Siena (town) and 'terra di Siena' (colour). But Siena is not a given name so I pick Sienna anyway until Siena will be used more.
I have a Sienna Rose born in 2014. I have gotten so many comments, everyone says it's such a pretty name. I don't see it as "tacky" at all! I think it's gorgeous as a newborn and can also grow with her into adulthood. Also it's not as popular as I thought!
Pretty enough as far as color names go, and I have used it as a name for a character of mine. However, I can't really picture it on anyone past the age of eighteen, and find it a bit too close to Sierra, a name I dislike. Other than this, it's alright.
I LOVE the name. I have since laying my eyes upon Sienna Miller back in 2004 or so, when she broke out in Alfie. I swore she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen in the light of the media. She was strong willed, determined, and cheerful without coming off too pretentious. I named my daughter after her back in 2011. I don't think there's anything tacky with the namesake of a child being that of a movie star. They're well known, and if their work inspires you or you find yourself enthralled with cinema like I do, then anything is a respectable way to name a kid. Tacky to me are just the overdone names, much like the trashier "stripper names" referred to previously. There are a LOT worse names than Sienna. Her little brother Leonardo will be here in the summertime as well!
My name (born in '97) and I like it and I personally don't think it's tacky. My cousin's names are Tiffany and Candice (Candy); which I find a lot more tacky than Sienna. I have a friend named Siena also to further dispel the Sienna Miller association.
My name is Sienna and no offense to anyone, and I value the people's opinions that say the name is sweet and very feminine, but I'd just like to get my opinion out there. It has always seemed more free, spontaneous, smart, and joyful to me, though I'm biased because that's me. It felt more happy and yellow and bright and ecstatic rather than pink and princessy or whatever other girly interpretation people decide. None of those are wrong however, Siennas can be girly and feminine (I myself love dresses and bows and had tea parties with my stuffed animals when I was little) but they don't have to always be proper and perfect, as I feel people were using the word feminine, though I may be wrong. Feminine isn't always playing dolls, it can mean playing sports as well. I do improv comedy and yesterday I ran into a wall quite hard and was perfectly fine and unaffected (though slightly startled). All I'm really saying here is that Sienna's can be pretty and love princesses and pink but are not limited to just that kind of feminine. Also, I do not think it is a tacky name. I mean absolutely no offense to anyone, but I feel like I need to say (write) my opinion down here if other people are. I just disagree with a few people when they say Sienna is a tacky name. Tacky means that something is in bad taste, but if we all have different tastes, who's to say what's bad?
― Anonymous User 11/19/2015
A bogan name. I agree with the commenter above - it has the same feel as Chardonnay & Crystal & Chanel.. if you can't afford to go there on that overseas holiday, or buy that luxury product, name your kid that. Tacky. It also reminds me of acrylic paint colours, like 'Umber' and the like.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2015
I personally love it. My daughter is Sienna Brielle Grace, and I feel like it's such a feminine, sweet name.
I think it's a pretty name. But it's WAY too modern, and it sounds rather artificial and almost made up. It's got its appeal, but I'd skip it, if I were you.
I really really love this name. I think it sounds very elegant and smart, but in a weird rustic, underused way. I want to use it for a character in a story I'm writing, but the plot focuses around fire so I'm afraid it'll be tacky since Sienna means red and all that.
I love the name Sienna, it definitely does not seem in the least bit tacky to me. It sounds so elegant and care free, but will suit a woman well through her whole life.
I think that it definitely grows with the person because it's a nice name for a woman who's 100 years old! This is because it reminds me of "cien" or 100 in Spanish.
― Anonymous User 2/25/2007
I love this name and I like it much more with two n's. I've only ever met one little girl named Sienna (she's about 8 now) but I never knew her well. To me, it is a beautiful and elegant name that can grow with the child. I also find it very funny that it means orange-red because, whenever I think about it, I think of cool blues, pale turquoise and woody browns.
This is my daughter's name and she is 1. I chose it because it's classy, feminine, and light. This name will best suit her when she's an adult, that's why I like it so much. Her nickname is 'Cece'. Sienna is gaining popularity, but she will never be 1 of 4 Olivia or Ava's in her class. Her full name is Sienna Kate and siblings are Callista and soon-to-be brother, Chase.
Not a fan of this name; I can't see its appeal and I'm sure there'll be an outbreak of Siennas, named of course for the lovely Sienna Miller, which I personaly think is tacky.
― Anonymous User 1/5/2007
I think it is a beautiful name, and it goes well with the middle name Mary, Sienna Mary Bla Bla Bla.
I'm seeing this name everywhere here and I don't see it's appeal.
― Anonymous User 5/4/2006
It IS a feminine name but I think that you can call someone this without the risk of them sounding girly and stupid - it feels intelligent too.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2006
My 2 day old granddaughter is named SIENNA KRISTINA. I find the name chosen is perfect for a delicate little girl, feminine in every way. I know she will do the name justice, as will it do her.I love names without letters that 'drag' down. She will have a lovely signature (will look great on her driver's licence), LOL.