Even if you were to worship him, it is just simply odd to name your child after the devil. It's different to name your child after a god or goddess from mythology, which that's completely fine, but to name them Satan? Not a fine idea, my dear.
Satan itself is kinda fun to say. But religiously and culturally, it's such a no-go. I'm an atheist and follow no religion, but the cultural and social aspect of naming your kid Satan... and then people will probably think you're baiting that reaction you know they will give (whether you're that mean a person or not) and that's a whole other thing. As an atheist who doesn't like or observe religion, I still recognise 'Satan' as an icon of all the evil humans do, I still think it's a weird thing to idolise and name your child after. You might not like religion, but do not name your child after evil.Evil is evil, and we all understand evil, religious or not. In Western culture, Satan = evil.But at the same time, those saying Adolf is better than Satan need to goddamn check themselves, one is just a fictional personification of evil, the other caused the biggest mass genocide in living memory, if you think they're in any way comparable you are the walking embodiment of how being a Christian does not = being a good person. If I had a choice of naming my kid Adolf or Satan, I'd be choosing Satan 100%, that you think that is even an acceptable thing to say is so scary. You know who you are, and we know what you are.
β Anonymous User 10/2/2022
Unfortunately, I disagree with the opinion on this site saying "sounds cool". No thanks. It makes me going to hell. π₯.
This is not the best thing to name someone, I will say that, but calm down, people! Chances are, all the Satans in the world would never live up to their name. What if your name was universally disliked? Yeah, so stand up straight and stop worrying about the possibility that somebody named their child this.
The fact that this name is rated better than the name Adolf says a lot about society. I mean, I understand why people wouldn't like the name Adolf, but this is the name of the devil.
β Anonymous User 1/11/2022
Honestly, I kind of like this name. I'm not Christian, I don't really have a reason not to. The only reason I wouldn't use it is because it means "adversary" which isn't exactly the greatest meaning. Use Lucifer instead.
β Anonymous User 1/6/2022
I feel creepy and evil even just being on a page for this horrid name.
β Anonymous User 12/15/2021
Honestly 10/10 name just because a huge evil figure in the bible who is well known around the world as a terrible name shouldn't stop you from naming your child this, free choice after all.
Everyone, listen to me please. This is the devil's name. Anyone named it is most likely a devil. Don't name your sweet innocent little child a HORRIBLE NAME!
I honestly like this name. It sounds very cool. Hail Satan!
β Anonymous User 10/21/2020
You can legally name your child Satan in the U.S.
β Anonymous User 10/6/2020
No thanks.
β Anonymous User 9/5/2020
I'm starting to think this website is full of mothers or expecting mothers because people keep talking about how this is a terrible name for your child. Of course this is a terrible name for your kid! Nobody is saying they would pick that! If someone does say this, they're obviously trolling. It's on here for informational purposes and writers like me often come to names like this so they can make sure they are accurate in their writing.
Once all devilish associations are put away, the name is still awful. It had a bad meaning, and sounds and looks harsh. Thereβs a reason this became the name of the devil.
β Anonymous User 7/25/2020
For obvious reasons this would be a horrible choice.
Even if you donβt believe in the devil or arenβt bothered by the association, the meaning is still pretty awful.
β Anonymous User 6/22/2020
Satan is not one to be played with. Repent your sins to God and ask him to your heart (become a Christian) and you'll find yourself in Heaven when you die. If you don't you'll burn in Hell with Satan. Jesus came to Earth to save you from that. Now please, spread this good news of Jesus and Heaven. Romans 5:8.
In Hebrew, the word "Satan" translates to "the adversary" or the "the accuser" depending on whether there is a definite article written in front of the word. It must be necessary to note that Satan, the figure, and the devil is an entirely Christian ideology (other than it's various influences from other cultures and religions such as Greek mythology), and Satan with regards to the old testament originally wasn't meant to represent the devilish figure that we see in Christian belief today.***This comment is not meant to discredit anyone's beliefs, but rather build upon how they developed, as religion and beliefs change based on major occurrences, events, and cultures.
β Anonymous User 1/5/2020
This is tagged as "Theology". "These names are used to refer to (Judeo-Christian-Islamic) deities. They are not bestowed upon real people." calm down guys, not all names here are for you to name a child, since this website is simply just a long list of names.
My sweet baby boy has this name! He's named after his grandfather, my family has a tradition to carry it down with every other generation. I can't wait until he's a grandfather too and has a Satan named after him! I'm just so proud of my family.
Not only would it be awful to name your child Satan, but it would be even worse, in a funny way, if you actually said it was someone's 'Christian' name!
Why are people saying it's a horrible and disgusting name? Sure it's just an opinion of yours but what if a person's name is actually Satan? Just imagine that someone says that your name is horrible and disgusting! I'm pretty sure it'll hurt your feelings...
β Anonymous User 1/7/2019
Whether I like it or hate it, I would only give this name to a child who is evil.
β Anonymous User 1/3/2019
Satan is a primary antagonist in the Puyo Puyo series. He is known as "Dark Prince" outside Japan.
Name your child what you want to name your child. Nobody else can tell you what to do. You should think this over carefully, though. Children can be very mean and they may tease your child.
No one uses this name where I live. And because the way they see this name in Christianity no one will. Try telling a Christian bigot why you named your son Satan, and that could get hard.
Absolutely, positively not. It should be illegal for anyone to use this name for a child. One must be totally insane to think this would make a suitable name.
β Anonymous User 3/21/2015
I think that it's a beautiful name because I love the fact that it's a name of a fallen angel and it sounds so evil and beautiful. (You think I'm crazy⦠probably right, I am. People say that I'm a goth).
β Anonymous User 2/20/2015
Were this name not the Devil's biblical title, it would be a great name. However, as a Hindu, I think Satan is not the wisest choice for a child, even in the 21st century. Most people select names not just for their beauty, but for their meanings. What child, Christian or not, would be happy to learn his/her name means 'Devil,' the ultimate evil force?
β Anonymous User 2/10/2014
I just want to point out that the religious text that Satan is generally associated with, never says that the Devil and Satan are the same person. Satan is simply someone who points out different viewpoints to God (like in the book of Job.)
Isn't it funny how just as it's associated with the devil everyone is commenting on how 'disgusting' and 'sickening' the name is. There is nothing wrong with the NAME Satan, it's the association people!
β Anonymous User 4/10/2011
Guys, calm down. Nobody is going to name their kid Satan.
That is a HORRIBLE name! Please don't name your kids that!
β Anonymous User 10/20/2010
Really people, if some religious idiots hadn't decided to name an invisible being's "enemy" Satan, you would not be opposed to this name. It's a nice name. Though I would never use it because people would think you were a Satanist (who don't even worship the devil) or just plain crazy. It's sad this name, like a few others, had to be ruined because people are idiots.
β Anonymous User 10/19/2010
I'm not a Christian, but I DO HOPE no one really names a child Satan. The horror. "Oh, are you mummy's big boy, little Satan?" Wow.
Putting Christianity aside, I hate this name. It doesn't sound good, and the guy'll have a tough time making a good first impression if he has this as a name. His parents will be looked at badly, too; people will think them either cruel, Devil worshippers, or emo-goths. But if you want to stick your son with this and have him teased for the rest of his life, I'm not stopping you.
I think the amount of comments this name gets is insane. Please, calm down. It goes without saying nobody would ever call their child Satan for their lives. This is not a baby name site, nor is it suggesting that people should start calling their sons Satan. This name is just listed so, if you were curious, you could look up what Satan means. It's also the reason why names that nobody would use, like Legolas, Cinderella and Aladdin, are also listed here.
β Anonymous User 10/14/2009
I can't believe you all think that there are people named Satan. No one is going to name their child Satan. Please calm down.
It sounds too much like Santa. Your kid will be called Santa Claus all the- ohhhh, wait, more importantly, it's the name of a negative supernatural being in English-speaking countries. Well, even if you're not surrounded by religion-obsessed people, it will be TREMENDOUSLY hard to go through life in English-speaking countries with this name. Countries excluding America aren't as snobby, there will be less association. It sounds pretty nice, but you can't name anything Satan with only that reason.
"Hello, my name is Satan." "Oh my God, Satan, like the devil?" "No, like the tofu." Actually, it's not tofu, it's wheat gluten, and it's spelled seitan, but it stills creeps me out to have to ask for it in the supermarket. What's wrong with being Seitan, people? It's meatless and kill-free!
Actually, Satan is my name. It's a great way to stand out in people's memories.The downside is that people are always trying to sell me their souls, which I don't need; people are always telling me to get behind them in line; and Christians are always casting me out of their churches.
I may not be the most religious person, but I still think it is a ridiculous and crazy idea to name your kid Satan. The teasing he will suffer all his life, the associations. It's not going to work.
Oh, c'mon! I'm not Christian and I still think you should NEVER name your kid this! Just imagine what the poor kid would go through if they had this name.
This sounds like what parents who had twins and decided that they would spoil one of them and treat the other like a piece of toilet paper stuck to their shoe would name the latter. And the kid would be perfect, totally defying his name. Just my impression.
It seems to me that most anyone who uses this name is just intentionally trying to be a wiseass, and know it very well. Although there are probably a few rare people who honestly just like the sound alone. I'd say Satin, Satine, Stan, or even Saturn are similar names that sound much smoother. I do try to look at the name itself and not its associations, but it to me still looks kinda awkward and lacking. Even just adding a sound to the end of it would improve it a lot, like something from here: http://www.behindthename.com/glossary/view/name_element
Imagine if you actually said 'hello, I'm Satan'. Or if the new kid at school had this name and the teacher said 'children, this is Satan'. To be honest, this name is worse or just as bad as Gay or Fanny.
β Anonymous User 10/29/2008
Don't ever name your child Satan.
β Anonymous User 10/22/2008
This is the worst name that has ever existed. Just typing it is bad enough.
Maybe I'm evil and people are going to torch me to death, but I actually like this name. I don't know why. But if I was going to name my kid this, I'd move away. Far away. VERRRY far away. Possibly to Antarctica.
May I please be the voice of reason, here? Satan is clearly an earthly name for the devil, and as such those named Satan may not be anything like him. (People named this might choose to be proud, such as the person who described their name as 'exotic'.) Besides, God is a sensible being and looks beyond names and other properties amongst that. I do believe names are important, though. If a person is truly good, he'll look beyond any human named Satan. I'm not encouraging its use, nor attempting to put down Christianity, Judaism, or whatever. In fact, I fully believe in God. I'm simply trying to knock some sense into people into actually thinking about the circumstances surrounding this name! Thank you very much.
It doesn't SOUND bad, but it would be pretty damn naive and willingly obtuse to use this name because it ''sounds cool''. Honestly, what would be your thoughts if you heard this was someone's name? Pissing off evangelical Christians may be fun, but unfortunately, this name would just make it seem like the parents are a) some total wackos, maybe Satan worshippers or some other cult members b) immature young people who thought it would be hilarious c) very negative, angst-ridden young people who want to state to everyone that they are big time contrarians. Either way, the name will seem like a statement of something negative. Yeah, and imagine a guy named Satan trying to make it in corporate America with that name! Come on, people are rejected for being gay alone!
I think this would be a pretty cool name for a fish or a cat, for a human I think Lucifer would be nice.
β Anonymous User 3/9/2008
I'm a complete athiest. Do not name your child this. This is only on this site because, technically, it's a name, but think of this. "Oh, he's so cute! What's his name?" "Satan Monroe." I don't get why people are defending this name. No, it doesn't deserve to be taken off the site, but it's never been and never will be a proper name.
I am an atheist but I still think this name is just absurd. The name Satan has such a bad namesake, whether he really exists or not, that I wouldn't even consider using this for a child. I do think it would be funny for a very innocent pet like a mouse or a fish or something.
Are you serious? That's like naming your child Evil. I think anyone with the name Satan would have a hard time (at least in the US, maybe a different country might be better) given that our society is highly populated with Christians. It sounds like you either come from a freaky cult or your parents literally hate you.
Well no one has actually done it yet. So I will. The devil is refered to as Satan in Christianity. I know "thanks for stating the obvious" but no one has yet.
Well, it has a great sound. I personally would consider liking this name a lot if not for the meaning or what it gets associated with. I don't think Christianity should have anything to do, I mean of course it's weird to call your kid Satan but just because you are Christian doesn't mean you can't. For some people I guess that it would be blasphemic to name you kid Satan but if you like the name then I don't think that should get in the way. If it was given in love or for some other reason that is not ´´I think my child will be satanic and I want him to worship Satan`` then I think it's okay (except I still think it would be strange: ´´hello my name's Satan how do you do?`` the other guy: ´´(snorts) I can't see you becoming a priest!``)
The literal translation of the Arabic "Shetan," horse in "The Black Stallion" series. Okay, it's not much of a famous bearer, but you try finding this name in real life.
One of my favorite books contains a kindly father figure whose name is Saetan. He has sons named Lucivar and Daemon. All three are good men. I really liked how the author took names that are conventually thought of to describe demons out of the Christian bible and turn that negative association on its head.
Satan is an awful name. That's the name of "Satan the Devil." Kids would sure tease your kid and call them the Devil. You wouldn't want that for your kid, would you?
β Anonymous User 9/14/2007
Who would name their kid Satan? Wow. Unless you want him to be an evil child, haha.
I would never, NEVER name my kid Satan. All the stuff that would come with that name. I mean, the devil, Satan, the Most Evil Person Ever, the opposer of Christ. Why would you name your kid that? A name that's known for its wickedness? Geez, have mercy parents.
β Anonymous User 8/29/2007
Actually, this name is used on children. Granted, the only person I've heard this used on is Anton LaVey's son, in which case it makes perfect sense.
Actually, Satan is not the 'enemy of GD' in the Torah, only in the Christian translation. The concept of duality/an enemy of GD is against Judaic teaching. Satan is first seen by name (though rarely translated as such - il'Satan is also translated as stumbling block) to the gentile prophet Bilaam & his donkey. He's later seen asking permission to test Job. In the Torah, He works for GD to test man as fire to gold - and it is said an angel of accusation/of Satan is created for every wrong deed done to prosecute against the soul at judgement. I wouldn't use this name or any of the angelic names either.
β Anonymous User 8/2/2007
In the New Testament Satan is referred to as Beelzebub ( lord of the flies ). Beelzebub comes from the Caananite fertility god Baal ( Lord ). The Caananites used to sacrifice infants to Baal for the benefit of their farming, also fornication during religious ceremonies was practiced. This is where the immoral connotations to Baal come from. Hence the devil. An invented deity.
For me, I'd totally use this name as a middle name! Think about it this way, most people choose middle names to honour someone like their dead grandma Joyce. I don't really have anyone I want to honour and if I did maybe I'd add a second middle name (I always thought they were sorta regal anyways). I have to live my life with a very boring middle name (Lee- bleugh!) I want my kid to have some wack job crazy middle name, somethig unique. He will barely use his middle name anyways! Why not have fun with it? My top choices are now Patrik Elmo and Ryan Joaquin Satan! ;D!
Don't be stupid. I happen to be a complete atheist, and I would never, EVER wish this name on anyone. Why not name his twin brother Hitler? Um. Duh. The associations alone will be enough to scar that child for life. (Yes, I know, a "general name site". Everyone starts out as a child.) It's just mean.
It's amazing how a simple name associated with the devil can generate so many heated responses. No, Satan is not a favored name, but seitan tofu comes to mind. That I like.
I don't think that this name is on this website because it is actually given to children, it's just here because it is, technically, a name. No one in their right mind would their kid Satan. Actually, neither would any insane people.
As far as the comments go about how this is not about baby names but a general name site. Well of course thats true, however, how do you get your name? Your parents, so of course people are going to give their opinions and suggest you to not name your child this. And guess what so am I. Like it was mentioned. No matter your religion you know how others view the name. So that poor child would be the one to suffer for having a name like that. Sure you have the right to name your kid whatever you want. It is your RIGHT to do so but hopefully you make the RIGHT decision upon doing so and give the child a better name than this. Sure you can have your opinions and suggest that this name sounds awesome or whatever your opinion is but don't suffer a child with it. I sure wouldn't.
I never actually knew anyone would name a child this. How sad!
β Anonymous User 12/15/2006
How could you name your child this? It's awful! Please don't, save your child's soul and life. It is horrible!
β Anonymous User 10/24/2006
Yeah right! Have you ever met anyone named Satan? I suggest to whoever adds names to this site to be a bit more selective. This is not a name any sane parent would EVER use but I think that's more than obvious. [this is not only a site for baby names - all types of names are listed -ed]
I agree that this is a general name site and NOT a baby name site but since we are on the subject I do not believe in god but it would still be stupid to name a child Satan. A parent who would name their child this is only thinking of themselves, and the sense of comedy or rebellion they get from it, not the child. Any person who would do this to a child is not mature enough to have children.
Oh ew. This name is so gross. And as for that weirdo who named their kid Satan, blergh! I'm not a totally overly religious Christian, but I'm not so insane as to name anyone this. Not even a cat.
I think this would be an adorable name for a kitty!
β Anonymous User 8/26/2006
As far as it being illegal to name your child Satan, or anything, I think that's excessive, if not ridiculous. You should be able to name your child whatever you want, as long as they are able to change their own name. Anyway, that comment reminded me of the Japanese government, which has a law that you cannot choose the characters for your child's name if it's not part of an approved list. A few years ago there was a case against a couple who wanted to name their son, I think, with a character that meant "devil" (akuma.)
Don't call your kid Satan? I'll call my kid whatever I want! And if some stuck up Christian fool thinks it's fit to make distasteful comments on my kids names they can go to hell and have fun calling their kids things like 'nosex' or 'antifun'. This isn't a comment on Christians. I have many Christian friends. But if you think it's cruel to call a child Satan you're a complete idiot. I don't care about religion. The word 'Satan' is a beautiful word. Better than 'Jesus' thats just plain ugly, it sounds like a sneeze. That's what I think anyway.
β Anonymous User 8/8/2006
My name is Satan, I really like it, it sounds really exotic.
β Anonymous User 6/12/2006
Heavens, even if you're not Christian, a lot of people are. Can you imagine how much grief you would go through if your name was Satan? Holy cow, PLEASE do not even consider using this name, on behalf of the child.
I would like to make this is remark to all those commenting on the fact that no child should be named this. I think sometimes we all forget that this isn't a baby names site. It's a general name site for ALL names, not just for names to use on children.
Please! If you hear someone say "Hello, my name is Satan", what would be your react? "Hello! Are you crazy?" or "Fun joke (gasp)". In some countries you can't name your kid Satan. (Good law)
Unless of course one doesn't believe in the Judeo-Christian god. Then it wouldn't be blasphemous or cruel really. What if one just likes the sound/look of the name? (This is in response to all the comments here saying what a horrible name it is soley based on what can be summed up as its perceived inherent evil.)
β Anonymous User 3/30/2006
Satan actually made a pretty professional appearance in the Bible when he tempted Jesus in the desert through his own interpretation of the scripture. Compared to Jesus' disciples, such as Peter or Thomas, it's worth mentioning that Satan was pretty well-versed.