Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Thai, Lao
Scripts แสงดาว(Thai) ແສງດາວ(Lao)
Other Forms FormsSaengdaw, Sengdao, Sengdaw, Sangdao, Sangdaw

Meaning & History

Means "starlight" from Thai แสง (saeng) and Lao ແສງ (seng) meaning "light, ray, beam" and Thai ดาว (dao) and Lao ດາວ (dao) meaning "star". It is only a feminine name in Thailand while it is unisex in Laos.
Added 10/19/2016 by HL
Edited 1/21/2025 by Jenkowelten, Mike C and HL