Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Pashto
Scripts سدو(Pashto)

Meaning & History

Means "wise" or "intelligent" in Pashto. This is the name of a famous afghan tribal leader of the 17th century.
Added 11/2/2016 by pal192
Edited 5/14/2018 by Evil

Gender Masculine
Scripts ሳዶ(Amharic)
Other Forms FormsSaaddoo, Saddo, Sad

Meaning & History

A form of the arabic name Sa'id, meaning "happy, lucky", used by the Oromo people of Ethiopia. Notable people with this name includes Junedin Sado, a former Ethiopian Cabinet Minister, Haji Adam Sado, a political leader, and his father, Sado Sheka.
Added 6/3/2022 by Rory Kamau
Edited 12/20/2022 by Mike C and Rory Kamau

See Also

User submission Sa-do