Ronan Grimes is an Irish Paralympic cyclist who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Professional soccer player Ronan Kratt. Yes, he's related to the Kratt Brothers; he's the younger son of Martin Kratt.
It means "little seal". Cute.
Ronan is a good name to name your baby boy. It sounds a bit informal, but mature. Kind of historical. I love it. If your name is Ronan, be proud!
Nice choice of names for boys... sounds delicate and cute as well.
I called my son Ronan and it is a fantastic name. My son loves it as well and receives many compliments on it.
Also Portuguese (Brazilian):
The Breton pronounciations are /ʁo.nɑ̃n/≈"RAW-nah^n-n" (in Northern and Western Brittany) or /ʁo.nɑ̃n/≈"rawn-NAH^N-N" (in Southern Brittany).
In Breton one always pronounce "an" and "ann" /ɑ̃n/≈"AH^N-N": first a nasal "A" like the French /ɑ̃/≈"AH^N" in "français", "en masse" or "flambé", then a "N"; like if one pronounced the French word "ennui"/ɑ̃n.ny.i/≈"AH^N-NUY-EE" while skipping the "UY-EE" at the end.
In both those cases the "R" is the French/Breton/German /ʁ/. [noted -ed]
The French one is /ʁo.nɑ̃/≈"RAW-NAH^N".
Ronan is such a masculine and delicate name. I love it!
I'm not a huge fan of this name, but it could be a better alternative to Ronald or Ronaldo.
The centaur from the 1st Harry Potter book.
This is a nice name. Seems classy.
Also pronounced RAHN-ən.
Usages: Breton [noted -ed]Meaning: Breton form of Rónán. The variant Reunan is also found. from name #240572 originally submitted by user cutenose)

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