It's nice- reminds me of Rowan, which I like a bit more. I think of the Roman empire, sure, but I also think of it as a strong name. I don't like Rome as a nickname, though.
When I think of Roman, I don't see great Roman empire, good Italian culture, ancient art. There's only one thing I seeRoman from GTA IV
― Anonymous User 7/7/2024
Also used in Moldova. You'll find numerous bearers on social media.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2024
My 7yr old is Roman and I named him just before it peaked in popularity. Luckily, we've only met one other. I still love his name and he's complimented on it all the time.
I love love love the name Roman. It's so handsome and charming. I use to be obsessed with the name Romeo, so this is a more modern usable version! I love the nickname Rome.
Look at the graphs of usage of this name! It's boomed! Very overused now across England, Europe and America. The name Roman has come from nowhere in the charts a few years ago to now be approaching top 30 names in official statistics in many countries. I like names that are less used so would never consider this name now, know so many baby Romans. 5 years ago might have considered the name Roman. So many other nice names out there that are less overdone so I'll avoid.
It doesn't sound very nice and it always makes me think of Roman Polanski which creeps me out.I would avoid this name because of Polanski. He raped a young girl and I can't think of many worse associations than him. The popularity of the name confuses me.Rónán is so much nicer. Or Rowan.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2021
My 5 year old is Roman and he in constantly being told how cool his name is, which he loves! His brother's name is Cassius (cash-es) and we are considering Aelia (eye-leah) if we have a girl!
Meh, I don't think I like this name. I like the associations with Italy, but meh...idk. I like place names, but I'm not sure about this one. I may change my mind in the future, we'll see.
I work with newborns and am always shocked by how the name Roman has absolutely exploded in popularity over the last 2 years. There's so many baby Romans these days and I feel bad as the parents often say to me they picked the name as it is "a bit different isn't it". I never know if I should tell them before they register the name that the name is the fastest rising name across England, Scotland, Europe and America and is approaching the top 20 looking at the charts. I meet so many baby Romans it's really dull now and overused. Pretty much the opposite of "a bit different". If parents ask my thoughts, should I tell them before they register the baby that the name they have picked is extremely common now? I've gone from meeting a baby Roman just once or twice a year a few years ago but in 2021 I meet a new baby Roman every few days.
Fastest rising boy name in America and UK. Just look at the upswing on the graphs! Shooting up the charts. Unstoppable rise continues. I used to like the name before it was overused. In 2021, every other baby has this name (or a variant). Dull and overdone and used continually by Z list celebrities, which makes it feel downmarket.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2021
Awful name, only used by lower class people, tacky.
I knew a boy named Roman ages ago and he was cheeky and fun to be around.
― Anonymous User 11/27/2020
This name used to be a bit different. Not anymore. Last couple of years there's Romans everywhere in UK and US and it's actually now a really boring name that makes me groan internally a bit and think 'not another one'. Not surprised it's the fastest rising name. So many Roman, Rowan, Rory, Reuben, Ro___ type names rising fast in the top 100 now they all blend together. Would have been nice a few years ago.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2020
Getting extremely popular. Currently the fastest rising name in the US and UK. I would have considered this name a few years ago but it's getting more and more popular each year and by the time the 2020 official statistics are released it will be on its way to top 10. Avoid this name if you are in any way concerned about popularity.
Roman Sanders! Or, used to be known as, Creativity! He's a lovable air-head.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2020
My grandson is named Roman,it suits him very well. He is a bright, handsome fellow interested in building & trains, the only other name I would call him is Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
The meaning is super obvious, and people will associate it with Rome but it is a decent association, better than some names. I pictured a Slavic boy when I think of this name mainly because of the use in Slavic countries. Especially one with light features who is sweet and gentle.Roman is getting pretty popular in the US and over time but I haven't heard this name a lot of times. It would be a nice name for a little baby or boy and age well when he is a man.
― Anonymous User 12/17/2019
Fastest rising name in UK (and USA too I think?) Shooting up the top 100, it’s suddenly everywhere - the next “Noah”, it’s top 50 now and on current projections will be top 10/20 soon. Can often find more than one Roman (plus Rowan and Ronan) in a baby group now, whereas even as little as 2 years ago that would never have happened. I think this name is very likely to date. Considered using it but it’s too popular and “trendy” now and too similar to too many other names.
― Anonymous User 11/22/2019
Seemed weird as a name when I first heard it because of the city Rome, but I like it now.
I think this name will date very quickly. Both Roman and Rowan have come from nowhere to both racing into the UK and US top 100 names. Roman is about to enter top 50 names. On current growth trajectory it’ll be top 10 in the next couple of years or so. I think the name will then reach saturation and disappear to extinction again to become this generation's Nigel or Keith. A few years ago this name would have been a good choice. It’s a bit of a fad name now. I’d prefer something more unusual but also more classic and less likely to date.
― Anonymous User 9/19/2019
I used to love this name but recently it in the UK has become very popular along with other very similar names, so it can get very confusing in playgroups and at school. RoMan and RoWan are both increasingly popular and both well within the UK top 100 now. The names RoHan and RoNan are also gaining popularity and also get confused. I’ve heard parents continually have to say “my son is called RoMan with an M” at nursery. Nice names but I think I’d prefer to chose a name that won’t get so muddled up with others.
This name always reminds me of Days of Our Lives. I've only known one person with this name in real life. He was a Slavic computer programmer who would've been hot if it weren't for his thick glasses.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2019
In Russia Roman is often used as an alternative of the name Robert.
I named my son Roman 8 years ago. I had never met another Roman at the time and loved the sound of Roman Harper's name. My son is the only one in his school with the name, although I have met 2-3 people with a child named Roman over recent years. His dad wanted to name him Bishop... so glad I didn't listen to him.
― Anonymous User 4/17/2019
It makes me think of Romeo and Juliet and Romania.
― Anonymous User 4/11/2019
The only person I met with this name I ended up dating. He was hot. His name was hot. I loved it.
― Anonymous User 3/24/2019
My name is Roman and I am pleasantly surprised at how popular the name Roman has become in the last 30 years. The name Roman is a great boy's name.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Roman who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 020th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
Call me crazy, but I really like this name for some reason.
This is my name, and I love it! I was born in 2002. It's so uncommon and I've never met any other Roman's in my life. I've always been the only Roman in the school. Unfortunately, this name is getting a little more popular in the US, I'm in Canada so maybe it's different. If you don't like this name, then don't bother saying so! 10/10.
Roman Nikolayevich Shirokov is a retired Russian international footballer. He is described as "a deep-lying midfielder with an aptitude for getting forward to score goals".
I've always loved the name Roman, so it was at the top of the list once we discovered we were having a boy. I have never met anyone with the first name but I had a high school classmate with it as a last name. Everyone thinks it sounds very nice & "studly". But since he's only 1 year old, the "studly" part is not so important. Lol :)
I just love the name Roman! I named my second child this name. I personally don't know any other people who had the name so it felt quite original to me. However, I hear a lot of the name Rowen which just seems like a cheap knockoff of the name Roman. Some friends will call him Roman Pierce just for fun. Which I don't mind, being a super fan of the Fast & Furious franchise and all.
― Anonymous User 2/11/2016
Roman Castevet is a character from the horror film "Rosemary's Baby". He is a devil worshipper, which would be a bad association for many.
― Anonymous User 2/3/2016
My dad's name is Roman, at least that's the name he uses in England.. I think back in Belarus he went by Romek, his dad Marek, Droidek, Jadek.. not sure why so many 'eks'.
Leati Joseph "Joe" Anoa'i is an American professional wrestler signed to WWE who performs under the ring name "Roman Reigns".
― Anonymous User 7/16/2015
Doesn't seem pretentious to me, being an English speaker. My first thought would be, of course, the Roman empire, so what. As for a negative connotation, if that were a real issue, no one would ever name their kid Charles, Elizabeth, or Timothy among many other names.
The hatred of Roman Polanski among Americans is only 60% due to the fact that he "raped" a 13-year-old drunk girl. The other 40% is due to the fact that they consider the name "Roman" to be the epitome of pretentiousness...
A masculine and magnificent name! I would complain that it's not more popular, but maybe that's a good thing. In a sea of "-aden's" and other garbage, Roman would stand out as the one of a kind name it is.
I'm a Polish speaker and to me the name Roman sounds rather common, because it's a rather popular name in Poland. I am wondering though, if in English speaking countries this name would be considered "pretentious" because of its connotation with the "Roman Empire" etc...
Roman Godfrey, a main character from the supernatural drama series 'Hemlock Grove'.Roman Godfrey is half human, half Upir, and is played by actor Bill Skarsgård (son of actor Stellan Skarsgård, brother to actor Alexander Skarsgård).
Other famous bearers of this name include: Roman Harper, American NFL football player Roman Gabriel, American NFL football player Roman Coppola, American film director Roman Polanski, Polish film director Roman Abramovich, Russian business tycoonRomans in song, story & screen include: Roman Grant - character from the TV series "Big Love" Roman Brady - long running character on the soap opera "Days of Our Lives" (USA) Roman DeBeers- character from the TV series "Party Down" Roman - Dan Akroyd's character in "The Great Outdoors".
This name is used for a lot of things and that it is now used as an Atrian name for the hit series "Star-Crossed" on the cw network. It's good. Go watch!
Although I like the sound of Roman, it is really not a name. Plus, a namesake is Roman Polanski, who is an admitted child rapist that was too chicken (or too arrogant) to face the punishment for his crime. I would never want my child to be affiliated with that.
Roman is the name of rapper/singer Nicki Minaj's alter ego. She often refers to herself as this name. Maybe that's why I can't take this name seriously.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2013
English pronunciation is RO-min.
― Anonymous User 6/16/2013
Roman Bellic is the cousin of the main protagonist in the game Grand Theft Auto IV.
― Anonymous User 6/5/2013
The name Roman is also commonly used in Georgia, where it is written as: რომან.
Roman is one of those names that can age gracefully which is nice. I've only known one Roman and the name has never been overly popular in America. It's staying on my list.
I suppose this is an OK name if you are Russian, Czech, Polish, etc., but it does not sound very professional if you are English and bear this name. It makes me think of a little boy. Much too modern for me.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2010
Actress Molly Ringwald and Panio Gianopoulos have a son Roman Stylianos, born July 10, 2009.
My family and I went to Olive Garden recently and our waiter's name was Roman. My sister and I both agreed that it was a very interesting name. I really like it! It sounds cool. I didn't make the connection to Rome when I first heard the name, but that may just be me! XD
According to Hitchcock's Bible dictionary, Rome means strength and Roman means strong or powerful. In Greek, Roman is written as follows: ρωμαιοςIn Hebrew, Roman is written as follows: הרומית
Famous Bearer: Roman Dirge, former magician and creator of the "Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl" comics. I think he has the coolest name ever.
― Anonymous User 2/5/2009
Unfortunately, celebrities with more money than sense have gotten their hands on this nice name. I've always liked this name, and I think it's sad that it's hot right now.
Russian-Jew business man, politician and Chelsea Club owner Roman Abramovich is a famous bearer. He's estimated to be worth 18 billion dollars, the richest in England this year.
Roman Matthew is the son of Holly Robinson Peete and Rodney Peete.
― Anonymous User 10/29/2006
Roman is a nice name. But it is rather ironic. I mean imagine if someone asks "are you really from Rome?" I think the name was not invented until the 16th Century when Rome (empire) became Italy, LOL.
― Anonymous User 5/31/2006
I like the name Roman. I think it sounds nice and very masculine.
When I have introduced myself to others, they have complimented and have shown a positive reaction to me, saying, "I love that name Roman, or I really like that name Roman".