I really like Rhys. It feels so quintessentially Welsh. I don't get Americans who think this is a made-up spelling, it's really quite easy to find out that it's otherwise. To me it feels like an exclusively masculine and strong name with lots of energy to it, even though I know of some girls/women who use this spelling. I don't really like Reece or Reese but I feel like those are a bit more fitting for a girl. Personally I think it ages very well.
Rhys is also used as a feminine given name in Welsh and English, used alongside Reese in Welsh and English. However, it's more common for males. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be updated from "Masculine" to "Masculine & Feminine".Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhys
For pretty much every traditional girl's name or traditional boy's name to exist, there will be someone of the opposite gender given this name. If a couple girls given a traditional Welsh boys name makes it unisex, then basically every name to have ever existed would be unisex.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2024, edited 12/28/2024
People criticising the spelling when this is the original Welsh is hilarious.Anyway, this is my middle name! I do get people mispronouncing it as “rice”, but it doesn’t bother me overly much to correct them.
First thing I thought, wow what a handsome masculine name for a big strong boy.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2022
Rhysand from acomaf!
― Anonymous User 5/3/2022
Pronounced Ree-se.
― Anonymous User 1/14/2022
My first thought is grease and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. It sounds a bit infantile for an older person, but on a kid it's fine.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2022
I REALLY like this name. It's short, looks cool, has a nice meaning, looks modern, and the only disadvantage is that it may be a bit hard to pronounce.
This is actually a very common name in Wales. This is the way Welsh people traditionally spell it. Not a name I would pick, the spelling does look quite hard to pronounce. I thought it was "ris" at first.
I was born in Minnesota (USA) in 1985. My name is Rhys and as a child growing up it was difficult with people pronouncing my name (rice) or other ways. I hated it sometimes! But as a grown man I absolutely love my name as it is unique and different than anyone else. I wouldn’t change it for the world. The name itself will make you stronger and appreciate it more and more as you age. I love my first and entire name! And so do women ;)
Rhys is much better then Reece or Reese. Rhys is more natural and handsome, Reece looks fake to me.
― Anonymous User 11/21/2017
I recently started doing research into the name Reece, its origins and history. My last name is spelt Reece but I do like the original Rhys much better and may change my last name spelling back to its original.
The first time I heard the name Rhys pronounced correctly was on Torchwood when Gwen talked to her husband. I really liked the name. When I got my male chocolate lab, I named him Rhys!
I am from a Welsh-American family that has always been very proud of our Welsh heritage, a brother is named Griffith and I am named Rhys. It was a trial going through school and having to remind teachers over and over how to pronounce my name. No, it is NOT Riz or Riss or Rize!I am also a female. My mother said that she decided the next child would be named Rhys, male or female. Having an unusual name has led me to be interested in other unusual names and their origins. I think Rhys is a beautiful name in print or script. A beautiful name when pronounced correctly, like an "H" sound precedes the "R", or simply as "Reese". The Welsh people are fascinating to me, especially the singing. I have always loved to sing.
The correct way to pronounce this name is "RHIS". "Rh" is a letter in the Welsh language which is similar to a voiceless "r". The reason South Walians pronounce it incorrectly is because of their accent. For it to be pronounced like "rees" in Welsh it would have to be spelt "Rîs".
Rhys is the name of one of the two playable characters in the Telltale game "Tales from the Borderlands".
― Anonymous User 2/15/2016
I really like the name Rhys, though I'd never heard it before checking into an author I'm reading. Now that I've seen how it's pronounced, obviously I've heard the more common, simplified versions. But honestly when I see the name Rhys, I think it's very pretty and because of the visual of the name, would not hesitate to use it as a girl's name. I know, I know, many people are now looking for their weapons or passed out in shock. I personally really like the names that can go either way if there's an art to them. Rhys is artistic. Pat is not. Dakota is artistic. Sam is not, although I'd go for Sammie.
Hey what's your guys' problem? Guess what my name is? Rhys! And you know what? I am a GIRL! Oh my god. Does that make my parents weird? No it doesn't, because they like it. I hate people like you guys. Deciding what people should name their kids. And I stand for many girls named Rhys that I know. So please just shut up and stop saying that you hate my name.
I think Europeans need to stop worrying so much about what Americans name their children. I do not understand how American parents naming their daughters the name Reese affects Europeans. Most Americans will never even visit Europe. Most Europeans will never visit the US. In the US the name Reese is used predominantly on girls.
How funny. I googled this name, Rhys, because I see many British actors with it. I had pronounced it in my head like Rize.? But I like the name. I also like the name Reece/Reese for a girl or boy. Us Americans are very progressive in that way ;-) I don't think there is an issue with evolved spellings, as all names and words used today are different from their original spelling or pronunciation. These comments are interesting and funny.
We named our son Rhys. Here in the US, even with all the actors with this name, lots of people have difficulty pronouncing it. We get a lot of "Rice" or "Riss." Oh well, no regrets. We love the name. I don't think it'll scar him; I spent my life correcting people's spelling of my first name and pronunciation of my maiden name, and I turned out alright.
My family came to the US from Wales in 1645. We have a few Welsh names still, so I decided to use Rhys for my son in 2006. People seem to be dumbfounded by it. Few pronounce it correctly - most will say "Rice." Those who do pronounce it correctly do it with a questioning tone..."uhhh.. Reese? Reesh? Riss?" At age nine, Rhys actually likes being able to tell people - "NOOO! It's RHYS! It's WELSH!" We still love the name, but we don't pronounce it the Welsh way.."Rh-ees." It has been a few hundred years.. so we really aren't that Welsh anymore!
― Anonymous User 9/3/2015
I'm a bit late in this discussion, but I've only known this name as Reece/Reese (which is more common in the US) until I just heard of it spelled Rhys. I can't believe how rude some of these comments are about what not to name your child. The US is very open to name ideas, and using a boys name for a girl tends to be a trend, just like there are other trends in other countries. Quite a few countries use boy names for girls, some countries it's less common but I've seen names like charlie, taylor, Jesse hit the top 100 baby names in countries like Uk/Aus. I've also seen the name Billy used for a girl in Australia, and I've heard that some parents choose a neutral gender name for a girl so when they applied for jobs they would be given an equal chance at getting an interview. This for some people who are very business-minded is very important. I really like Rhys, personally I would use it for a boy. But I think it's ridiculous for people to say that if you pick it for a girl don't come to these countries because you'll be made fun of. Seriously?! You guys actually make fun of people because of their name?! Lastly I went to school with a girl named Ressa (Reese-a), I always thought it was a great version of Reece/Rhys but in a more feminine form.
I absolutely adore this handsome Welsh name. It's so cute! Rhys is one of my favourite Welsh names. :)
― Anonymous User 5/2/2015
I love this spelling of the name Rhys (thanks to Luarell K Hamilton for introducing me to this spelling of it)As I am pregnant and still refuse to know if it is a girl or boy I have a name for both ready to go. And the boys name just happens to be Jacob Owen Rhys!
― Anonymous User 2/27/2015
When I was a child there was a boy called Rhys at my school. I only ever saw his name written down, and thought it was pronounced like the word wry. It was very confusing as a young child.
I love the name Rhys, particularly this spelling (though I use the English pronunciation "rees," since it's not intuitive for me to aspirate the 'r' in the Welsh pronunciation "hrees"). I don't like Reese or Reece mostly because they remind me of candy (even though I love Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... not as a person's given name, sorry). However, even with famous female bearers like Reese Witherspoon, I still see the name - particularly this spelling - as solely masculine.I could see it used on either gender in the sense of surname-as-given-name, particularly if it's a family name, but that's not a trend I'm keen on anyway.
I'm very proud of my name Rhys, I often get asked how to spell it but once they hear the surname pretty usually say "that should have given it away, it's the Welsh spelling"Rhys is a guys name, sorry but somewhere down the line it got warped because someone thought it sounded 'different' it's like calling a girl Mike but spelling it differently. In Wales you would never call a girl Rhys. It's the same concept as us calling a boy Amelie but spelling it Amalee, the French would be laughing their socks off! Just saying in Wales, the origin of the name, it just doesn't happen.I have had some people asking to speak to Rice, to which I normally reply with "have you ever met anyone named Rice?"I don't think it should be changed to 'accommodate' people who have trouble applying different pronunciation techniques to word/ names from other countries. It applies to everything, you could rip apart the American and English language and say there are a lot of nonsensical pronunciations with spelling. Colour and color are both wrong in that sense - surely it would be colure!
― Anonymous User 12/5/2014
My 10-year-old son is named Rhys Owen, honoring his Welsh ancestry on his father's side. My husband and I thought it was a strong, masculine name. Recently I asked him if he liked his name or would he choose a different name for himself? His answer "I like my name, I wouldn't change it, but I have to correct people all the time; they call me Rice." As to gender of names - mine is Darryn and I am female. I hated it as a kid, but I wouldn't change it now.
I'm American and my 4 year old son is named Rhys. Surprisingly, nobody has ever pronounced it wrong. In fact it's my daughter who is always having her name mispronounced (Lila).
― Anonymous User 9/14/2014
The name 'Rhys' is the original Welsh masculine form and is born by many ancient princes and royalty. It is undoubtedly masculine.The variant names 'Reece', 'Reese', 'Rees' amongst others are anglicised versions of 'Rhys' which was due to the anglicisation of Wales during the Act of Union in the 1500's. English scribes who translated the names often spelt Rhys as it phonetically sounded. In Wales during the time, names were patronymic meaning that Rhys could both be a surname and a given name. A patronymic name is one that the given name for example Rhys ap Gruffydd (Rhys son of Griffith) would have come from his father for example Madog ap Rhys or Griffith ap Rhys (Griffith son of Rhys). The ancient Welsh used the name Rhys for hundreds of years as early as 1000 AD and even earlier.Feminine UseDuring the Act of Union in the 1500's as family generations passed, as mentioned above, many Welsh families had the anglicised version of Rhys translated to 'Reece', 'Reese', 'Rees' amongst others. These would have been used as surnames and likely would have passed down through generations. Welsh families would have married into English families and eventually some families especially during the European colonisation of America after the 1600's and the British colonisation in the 1770's would have likely named their children with the English variants of 'Rhys'. It wasn't until the late 1900's that American families began naming their daughters Reese, Rees, Reece, Rhys.MasculinityThe name Rhys is very masculine many ancient Celtic hero's, princes and prominent men where born of the name. The Ancient meaning of the name means 'fierce warrior' but during anglicisation the English scribes changed it to 'enthusiasm' mainly because English kings feared any Welsh uprising from the ancient Welsh royal families is Gruffydd (Griffith/Griffiths) Rhys (Reece/Reese/Rees).
This comment is in response to all those above conversing (and arguing) about the gender roles of names.Personally I think the use of "male" or "female" names on the "wrong" gender is ridiculous. If you want to name your daughter Rhys name her Rhys. Look at the name Ashley for instance, it started as a strictly male name, was brought to America and turned extremely effeminate and at this point in time, though it is listed as a unisex name is thought of as a girl's name. This is one of many examples of the fact that most names, while some people may prefer them for one gender or the other, can work for either. Saying only boys should be named Rhys is like saying only boys should like blue.
The names people always reel off to justify using a masculine name on a girl (Kelly, Blake, Lesley etc.) are all surnames which have been appropriated as first names. This practice comes from the olden days when a son whose mother came from a family which had only daughters took his mother's maiden name as his first name in order to continue her familt name. In Western cultures surnames are non-gender specific, so calling a girl Casey or Tyler isn't an issue.However, Rhys, and other supposedly newly-unisex names such as Aidan and Dylan, have always been exclusively male since their inception. There is no way around that.Would you call your son Lisa? Of course you wouldn't. So why name your daughter James? It isn't unique or cute. You're not making some grand feminist statement. You're taking a perfectly fine masculine name and emasculating it.
And your example is yet another surname turned first name. When people are calling their sons Mary and Jessica, maybe I'll give your argument more creedence.
I'm a girl and my name is Rhys, short for Theresa. I don't spell it Rhys, I spell it Rhysse. People rarely pronounce it wrong when they read it, but when they have to spell it, it is time after time misspelled. However I really like my name and I think that it can be a girls name or a boys name.
― Anonymous User 11/5/2011
I like both this spelling and the Anglicization, Reese. But let's be honest, people; it is not a girl's name. It's about as feminine as Michael, David, Jacob, and the likes. My only other negative itch is that it's trendy right now, but I still like the name.
My husband and I have another boy due in Feb 2012 and this was the only name we could agree on. Rhys is such a strong name, with a lot of history. I was worried it would be pronounced wrong, but I'm using to name to honor my Grandmother who was Welsh and I think the Rhys spelling looks much better then Reece. He may have to correct people here and there, but overall we love it!
It is interesting to note that what is unfolding on this particular thread is not necessarily just about 'Rhys' - but about naming, in general. There is no denying that naming and its conventions does everything from make us proud to raise our ire - that is partly why etymology is important.But, please note: if you read all these comments, most of the anger and disgust are centered on American (as in U.S.) spellings, conventions, and adoptions of names. Tell me: what is an American? What is the American language? What is American naming convention? The answer I'd like to suggest is that all these things are still evolving - the country is young; fluid; and, moreover, not yet to the point of defending cherished spellings, names, and traditions. How could they be? The country has existed for only 230-odd years; and to say that leaves out how drastically the country has changed within those 230 years.It is one thing to name in order to cherish and honor a family or culture or language; it is another to attack others for having no family or culture or language to call their own yet. It is simply ridiculous. Americans cannot 'ruin' a name - it will become an American name, and you can keep your Welsh name.My family left their homelands under duress and came to the U.S. Their surname became 'Reese' from, probably, 'Rhys' - however it is that happened. For 100 years my family's surname has been 'Reese' - and now that is my prenom in honor of that. Tell me why that inspires such hatred and vitriol, when my name is actually laying the foundations of an American history, language, culture, and naming tradition?
This spelling is disgusting, it looks like the names Rhett and Ryan had a lovechild and honestly I'd go for the much less ugly Reece or Reese, this name is just too trendy.
My name is Reese; it is my mother's maiden name and was given to me as my first name. An informed guess on the spelling change is that it was clerical decision/mistake at our family's port of entry into the United States in 1907. So: my name honors my mother's family and their immigrant entry into the United States. I am proud to bear it. I'll leave it to you all to guess whether I am male or female, as I can't see that it matters at all. As for all the vitriol spewed onto this comment section, I am disappointed, as this was the first name I looked up on visiting the site; to me, my name has a wonderful history and I am sure many other people named Rhys/Reece/Reese agree. Why get so worked up?
I love this name, love this spelling, definitely prefer it on a boy. But unlike some of the commenters, I won't get hurt about people wanting to give it to a girl. At least us Americans who give girls names like Ashley and Courtney can take comfort in knowing we're not the ones who have a stick up our butts over something as petty as a name. Get over yourselves.
Spelling it Rhys should be reserved for a boy since it is a boy's name where it is originally from. If you want to call a girl a boy's name, at lease use the bastardized spelling of Reese or Reece.I know someone name this, though spelt Reis because he's half German, although in Germany Reis means rice. ^^ I still consider the mother an idiot for the spelling, naming your child after a food to be unyquee. To real Germans it must look rather silly.
Great name, for a boy or a girl. People taking ownership over a name really is a moot debate--whether you like it or not people will call their children what they want. You can insist otherwise until you're red in the face, nothing will change that.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2010
I named my son Rhys with the proper spelling. I agree with anon comments above. I know names can traverse once they cross borders and languages but face it, it is Welsh: with the emphasis on the "RH" sound. I get sick of people asking my parents if it is a boy or girls name and all because one American Actress decided to feminize it. UGH! One friend didn't like the name Olivia so she decided to name her child Alivia. *sighs*. My husbands name is Hebrew mine is French and people constantly spell his name Jarrod because the Americans do. Last time I checked it wasn't the only country in the world and certainly not the deciding one in the ENGLISH language. As my Yorkshire grandfather said "Americans wanted to distinguish themselves from the Brits (even though they were Brits) so they messed with the language to separate themselves. Get a jargon and leave English alone!
― Anonymous User 7/13/2010
Ugh, can we stop? I mean, sure we can preserve the rich history and culture or whatever of Wales by keeping the spelling intact, I'm sure it's very nice, but languages *change*, man. Do we pull this "keep the culture!" thing on "William?" Next time you all see a kid named "Willahelm" because their parents didn't want to bastardize the old Germanic spelling, come back and we'll talk. And to those who complain about the gender-bending, please. Tell me now, is Leslie masculine or feminine? Sure I'd prefer for masculine names to stay masculine (and it's so not fair that feminine names can't go masculine), but things happen. Lastly, at least for this name. I'd prefer the "bastardized" spelling. I dunno 'bout anybody else, but when I first saw this name, I pronounced it RYESS. As in, the food I eat, "rice." Leastways if it were spelled Reese/Reece I'd be able to pronounce it right. >.>
I prefer the Reese spelling. When I see Rhys, I pronounce it RISS, not REES. And on this site Reese is listed as a Welsh name, not English or something!
I am from the U.S., and am a relatively young mother, and I have to say I cannot stand that the people here in the U.S. "bastardize" names. And yes, that is exactly what they are doing. Names are spelled a certain way because of their history and place of origin. When parents change the spelling around in an effort to make their child "unique" or "cute" or stand out in some way, all it does is cheapen and detract from that name's unique and special heritage. The name "Rhys" is of welsh origin, and therefore should be respected and honored and SPELLED as such. It is a sad thing the lengths the U.S. culture will go to in order to prove their child's uniqueness, even if it means altering a time-honored name whose spelling and meaning have deep roots and rich history.
The most pleasing form. Reese/Reece are lacking in style. It's like comparing Sean with the low rent Shawn.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2009
I love this name for both a boy and a girl and I like this spelling better than Reese. I think it's a strong name and I'd love to see this spelling for a girl.
When I first saw this name, I pronounced it RIES and couldn't understand why people liked it. When I found out that it was just the cooler spelling of Reese, I thought it was awesome.
― Anonymous User 1/31/2009
Well, I have been blessed with this name, and as such I find it a wonderful name. I do believe that Rhys is much more masculine and as such should be kept that way in its usage. It is a wonderful Welsh name indicative of my Welsh heritage.
Rhys is a good alternative to Reece and Reese, as Rhys is not as mistaken for the two latter as much as the two latter are often confused with one another - that is Reece may be often misspelled with an S and vice versa - Rhys is always just Rhys - quite differentiable from its other two variations.
Rhys is one of my favorite names. It is a cute name for a boy, but I can easily picture it on a man as well. I prefer this spelling to the Reece and Reese. Rhys is definitely a boy's name. I would NEVER name a girl this.
I think this is a really cool name. It reminds me of Rhye (the world many early Queen songs are set in). I like to pronounce it "rhiss", with more of a hard S (if you know what I mean by that).
I think the only reason people in the US pronounce it wrong is because the name isn't very known here. I've never heard someone with this name, so I wouldn't know how it was pronounced. As for the masculine-ness of it, well, there are plenty of girls with guy names.
― Anonymous User 1/19/2008
Rhys is a fantastic name, and one of my favorites! But man! Some of you are being absolutely ridiculous about whether Rhys should be used for a girl or a boy.I think any name can be given to either gender. Names have been crossing the "gender line" back and forth freely for many many years. If someone wants to name their baby girl Blake, Jordan, etc. or their baby boy Ashley, Lynn, Lee, etc. let them. What significant impact does that really have on your life?If someone loves a name and its meaning and origin that much, then they should be able to bestow that name upon whoever they see fit.
When those that would happily use Rhys on a girl, also see fit to name a son Julia, then I'd be satisfied. Until then, I'm not likely the sexist undertones that come with the girls names on boys trend. Rhys is 100% bloke.
― Anonymous User 1/26/2008
I'm of Welsh descent and would like to add something. The name isn't just 'rees' in pronunciation. It's 'RHees'. And to spell it 'Reece', 'Reese' etc is a GREAT disservice to the name and makes it look ridiculous. If you're going to use a name, use it properly. :)
― Anonymous User 8/22/2007
I LOVE this spelling. I think that if people in the US can't pronounce it on their own, then that's their problem and shouldn't stop someone from using such a MASCULINE and honored name as this. :)
― Anonymous User 8/22/2007
My name is RHYS and I absolutely hate it! I use my nickname instead, Blade!
I think Rhys is a great name for a boy. If I ever have a son I would consider it as a middle name. My only fear is that being in the U.S. people won't know how to pronounce it correctly. Until I looked it up I didn't know it was pronouced (REES). About other spellings (Reese or Reece) I think that it's more feminine. Even though in European countries it is considered masculine, I think that it can be considered both, based on spelling.
My personal favorite spelling of Reese/Reece etc., largely because it's the original. I also think it's a better choice for a boy because it hasn't been taken over by the girls yet (Reese I suspect will go that way because of Ms Witherspoon).
― Anonymous User 6/8/2007
This is definitely one of my favorite names, but I would only use it on a boy and with this spelling.
I really like this name, but only with the original Rhys spelling and only on boys.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2007
There is no doubt that strange names exist everywhere. But it is truly up to the parents because they are the ones who will be yelling the child's name more than anyone else when the kid is in trouble. So whether it's used for a boy or girl or dog it don't matter. What matters is if you like the name or not. It doesn't matter where you live because strange names exist everywhere including the UK. The US has been noted for their creativity when it comes to names, not strangeness. So no need to diss other places just because of something you don't agree with. But like I said: it's up to the parents and what they want to name their child, boy or girl doesn't matter. Because if a girl is named with a boy name she'll make it feminine because she is feminine and if a boy is named with a girl name he'll make it masculine because he is masculine. And that's all there is to that.
Hmmm, so when was it established that it was just the "crazy Americans" using Rhys/Reese/Reece on their daughters? By all means, the odds are likely that there are female Reeses (or variants) in parts of Europe and the U.K. as well. As for my opinion, I do believe that boys names should stay strictly on boys; Rhys included. This name is very masculine, and unfitting for a girl. I find it perfect for a boy!
Actually, Reese Witherspoon's real first name is Laura Jean. As with most celebrities, she changed her name. Reese is her 2nd middle name. I love this name for a boy. Not so much for a girl.
Naming conventions are much looser in the US than they are in the UK. We have a long history of taking over men's names for our daughters, and so far it hasn't caused any major catastrophes that I know of. A girl named Rhys would be laughed at in the UK. A girl named, say, Dorcas, would probably be hideously mocked in American schools, even though "Dorcas" is a traditional female name. If the name Rhys appeals to the parents, as it obviously does; and if there's no feminine version of the name, which there isn't; and if the name is aesthetically acceptable within the culture where the child will be raised -- and I imagine that Ms. Witherspoon can tell you that it is -- then there is no real reason not to use the name. Why do people in other countries care what Americans name their children? Same language, different cultures.
A girl named Rhys would be laughed at to no end if she visited the UK. I guess the same would go for Australia and NZ too. You would do better to use John or Paul.It is a handsome male name but then again so is Ashley, Vivian, Courtney and Lee.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2006
Yeah, seriously, you guys. You might as well name your daughter Ashley, or Courtney, or Vivian, or Lee. Oh my god, or even Robin. I can't believe you crazy Americans would give your daughters a traditionally male name like that. What are you thinking?
Whoa, what is up with people, just because someone wants to choose a different spelling that you don't like you trash them and the name? As the user above said "or the bastardized Reece" I am just glad we all like different names and spellings or this world would be a very boring place to live. We need to learn accept other peoples views and differences.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2006
Take the Welsh culture into account. Rhys should be spelled correctly.
― Anonymous User 11/6/2006
Name a girl Rhys (or the bastardized Reece) and you may as well call her Boris. Is is just the deluded Americans using this on girls?
― Anonymous User 10/28/2006
I do agree that Rhys would best fit a boy, but saying Americans are the only ones who would name a girl Rhys is ridiculous. Besides that though, I believe Rhys is a lovely name!
Whoa, that was a little harsh. Anyways, this is my name though it is spelled Reece. I'm a male. It is also my mother's maiden name. People to have a tendency to spell it 'Reese' though, and if you name your child this he or she will, without a doubt, be nicknamed Reec[s]e's Pieces. I would know. :]
NO IT IS NOT. It may be in sparkleigh land where you reside but visit Australia, New Zealand or the UK (perhaps even the rest of Europe) and be prepared to get looked at funny. Rhys is about as feminine as Hugo, Richard or Peter in these places. Research the name. Would you name a daughter Alfred? I'd assume not. There is little difference.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2006
RHYS is the correct spelling. The pronunciation should be a no brainer. Reece and Reese are vomitous and unacceptable. This name is so historically macho it has no place on females.
I definitely prefer this name for a boy. I like the spelling Reece myself personally, I found boys with the spelling Rhys, people had troubles pronouncing it.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
Jonathan Rhys Meyers is an actor who has been in movies such as The Magnificent Ambersons, Bend It Like Beckham, and Vanity Fair (with Reece Witherspoon). He was born in Dublin, Ireland, 27 July, 1977.
Rhys Ifans is a Welsh actor. He appeared in the film Notting Hill.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2006
Rhys was the name of a good sorceror in Gail Carson Levine's book "The Two Princesses of Bamarre". Famous bearer: John Rhys-Davies (Gimli, Lord of the Rings; Indiana Jones; Caseem, Aladdin and the King of Thieves; Manray, Spongebob Squarepants).
I loved this name so much that I named my son Gavin Rhys. I especially liked the male spelling of it. We enjoy unusual spellings of Irish/Scottish names.