Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds childish.
I think Raymond is a wonderful name graced with strength and class. I adore the meaning, and I love the reliable nickname “Ray”. I also think Raymond ages flawlessly, as I can easily picture it on a male of any age. Overall, I think Raymond is a great name.
My son is the 7th eldest son named Raymond in row on his father's side of the family. They all had different middle names though.
This name just sounds like a warm ray of sunshine! I would like to date a guy named Raymond.
I like it! I would name a pair of boy twins Raymond and Edward xD.
I named my son Ramund, which I think is a much more beautiful spelling.
I love Raymond, it's so handsome and adorable! The meaning is wonderful.
Before I could only imagine this on an adult. Now I can imagine it on a young boy and a teenager. I now think it’s a really nice name!
Much better than Roman. Like this name, great for a boy!
I like the name Ray but not the full name Raymond.
I love this name and I love the nickname Ray.
My hubby is Raymond and I call him Raymond Noodle as a nickname. Twenty-five years married, so I like the name Raymond and the man! :)
Raymond is a successful name. I have never come across anyone that bears the name that is not doing well in all aspects of life, and they have a uniqueness in them that indicates how brave and cool they are, lastly they are loved by everyone.
As you can see Raymond is a counselor, a protector. I love bearing Raymond because I have been derived by the meaning of my name.
A little ‘expired’ now. Only adults will bear the name.
It's a classic. But after the 20th century, it's sad to see its popularity languish to these meaningless "youneek" names that we have no idea how they've they become this popular now.
I think Raymond is the best name because my name is Raymond C. My friends call me Ray Ray, Raymondo, Rainbow, and I sometimes call my self Raylordo.:)
My grandfather's name was Raymond, and now my brother's middle name is Raymond. My brother doesn't seem to like this name too much, but I think it is a nice, strong name. Not that common either.
Raymond is a masculine name that brings to mind a very handsome, intelligent and kind man. I love this name.
I think this is a great name! =)
It's my great-uncle's name too, and I don't see how you can say a name is "an old man's name". Old men were kids once, and besides, would you rather your son have a childish name like Brayden?
Quite a nice name; more of an older person's name than a younger person's one, in my opinion. :-)
Anybody I've ever met with the name Raymond doesn't like his name and just goes by Ray. I don't know why, but for some reason all the Raymonds out there don't like being Raymond. Everybody loves Raymond except Raymond.
I love the name Raymond, it's my great-uncle's name. I don't think it sounds "old" or "outdated" at all. I think it sounds very cool and handsome.
Raymond is a great name, great meaning and it sounds handsome. I just might use this as a middle name or something.
All the people I know called Raymond just go by Ray. I wouldn't say the name is overused to me. I've only seen two people with that name. It's a cool name, but I wouldn't call my son that.
A good man name!
I like this name for a boy. It's like the sunlight, so warm and cheerful.
I think it's a good solid boy's name. It's my son's middle name.
This is my last name and I hate it because every time someone finds out my name they always go "everyone loves Raymond". And also I hate this name because it is French, not that I don't like the French but my first name is Danielle which is also French, my name is so French.
Not one of my favorite names. It seems overused to me.
I don't think it is overused. Raymond is a rare sort of name.
I didn't like it at first because I related it to older people, but since I've had a boyfriend with this name, it has proven to me that Raymonds are gentle giants with a heart of gold.

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