Rae Dawn Chong is a Canadian-American actress. She made her big screen debut appearing in the 1978 musical drama film Stony Island, and in 1981 starred in the fantasy film Quest for Fire, for which she received Genie Award for Best Actress.
Rae Woodland (1922 – 2013) was a British soprano who studied with Roy Henderson. Her debut was as Queen of the Night at Sadlers Wells. She sang in many European festivals, and debuted at Covent Garden in La sonnambula with Joan Sutherland and Luciano Pavarotti. She was first asked to sing for Benjamin Britten on the English Opera Group's tour of Russia, and played many roles for him subsequently. She also created roles for Gottfried von Einem, Nicholas Maw and Sir Arthur Bliss, and made many live broadcasts for the BBC, from the RAH Proms to Friday Night is Music Night. She retired from the opera stage in 1984.
Rae Abruzzo (1926 – 2022), professionally known as Rae Allen, was an American actress of stage, film and television, director, and singer, and also opened her own drama school's and was an acting coach, her career spanned some seventy years and eight decades.
Rae Hofstetter (“Valkyrae” on YouTube) is a popular content creator and streaming personality known for being enthusiastic, hard-working, and friendly.
I really like this name, but why should it be the feminine form of a name that is almost exactly the same thing? Besides the ending, what’s the gender difference between Rae and Ray?
― Anonymous User 1/5/2022
I definitely prefer this to Ray, although Ray is also fine.
I like this as a middle name or maybe a nickname. I usually like longer names which is why I wouldn’t use it as a first name. But it’s a great middle name option.
Addison Rae is a TikTok Star. As of September 2020, she has over 61 million followers.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2020
Rae is my middle name and the only part of my name that I like! My oldest daughter's middle name is Rae! Granddaughter's name is Raeleigh! And I call her Rae!
Rae is used way more on girls, and I like it as a girl name. This spelling means female sheep and is related to Rachel, and Ray is completely unrelated. It is especially nice as a middle name, like Lily Rae, Evangeline Rae, etc.Rey means king in Spanish, though.
Rae is my middle name, and I think it's quite cute. Somebody said it "sounds a bit hillbilly." That's okay if it is. I'm a hillbilly and am not ashamed.
This is my mom's name! It fits her very well, since she's a very strong, practical, and logical person. It's not short for anything, but her parents were inspired by a character named Rachel whose nickname was Rae.
I am named Rae and I love it. No others in my class have the same name, although they get it wrong with spelling... (Really, Rey (Star Wars..), Ray).. I think Rae is cute and awesome, don't hate.
Not really unique anymore... I guess it's tolerable but sounds a bit hillbilly.
― Anonymous User 6/22/2017
The name Rae is a female name in every country but the United States. My granddaughter's name is Gwenevere Rae. I love it.
― Anonymous User 4/4/2017
Wow, I must say that the harsh comments from some of you has me at a loss of words. If you dislike the name Rae so much, then don't bother searching it. You ended up on this blog site for a reason. Anyway, I work in a call center, and there are several Jennifer's using different variants of the name. So I was going to go with Jemma and then decided I'll just go with my middle name RAE. Hideous... Unintelligent... Your opinion is rightfully yours. My Father's name is Ray. No brainer there. I think RAE is rare, unique and really cool for a woman, so there it is there.
Despite the change in spelling, this name still sounds completely masculine to me. I'd use Ray or Rae for a boy, never for a girl. I couldn't imagine calling a girl by a name I much prefer for a boy. It would be like calling a boy May\Mae or Fay\Faye.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2016
My middle name is Rae and personally, I love it. I also love the different spelling of my first name: Kacee. In my case Rae is not short for anything but I like it as a nickname for Rachael, Raegan or any other variation. I get 'you will always be our little Rae of sunshine' at the bottom of birthday cards and seeing as I'm a summer baby, it fits perfectly.
This is my middle name, my mom was giving me and my sister unique names. My sister Natosha Renee, and me McKenzie Rae. I can't tell how many times people have misspelled "Rae", it was spelled "Ray" several times and than "Rye" once. -_-
As someone who is gender neutral, I absolutely adore this name. My mum named me Rachel and now that I don't identify as female, it's a great name that all my friends love to use. It also helps that on days when I present more masculine, I can tell people that it's short for Raymond.
Rae is a beautiful name!. Reminds me of a ray of sunshine. Sweet and simple!
― Anonymous User 7/30/2015
Rae, or even Ray. This name sounds way more feminine to me. I don't like it for a guy.
― Anonymous User 7/30/2015
My name is Raegan and I go by Rae. Raegan Julliete is my name and I loved the name Rae throughout my whole life. However when I got a job I started going by Raegan.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2015
I don't care. The name Rae will ALWAYS sound masculine to me.Rae\Ray: same name. Both masculine sounding.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2015
I love this name. I was given it 51 years ago by a far sighted mother. It's been the most amazing conversation starter for as long as I can remember - so many people want to know about it, why I was called Rae and what do I think about "having a boy's name"? Luckily, people always say they love it too as it's so unusual.I think it's a great name for a girl!
My name is Raeleen. My nick names are Rae or Rae Rae. I always get complements on my name on how unique and beautiful it is. I love my name and nicknames.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a filler nickname given by redneck parents? It's not even pretty, although ray isn't terrible for a boy. "Rae", however, just sounds completely southern and unintelligent, as a middle name or a first name. And to the person who said it was modern, it's actually not even on the top 1000 anymore, but had been since the 1800's, so I guess the only credit I can give it is it's not trendy or modern.
― Anonymous User 2/18/2013
A family friend had a baby last year that they named Summer Rae, such an adorable name!
― Anonymous User 2/13/2012
My name is Kirsten Rae. I hate Rae. I have enough difficulty getting inattentive people to get my first name correct, but when I give my name for a pizza order they inevitably assume it is 'Ray' and I am just using my husband/SO's name. It is ENTIRELY too masculine to be cute as a given name. As a close family/ very personal nickname it can be cute.
Like many posters here, I write fiction. I have a character named Rachel and absolutely hated the thought of her being called "Rach." Say what you will about Rachel's beauty or lack thereof (I like it myself, obviously) but Rach is positively dreadful. I was so happy to discover the much cuter nickname Rae!
― Anonymous User 9/7/2011
This traditionally a surname, particularly in Scotland and the Orkney Islands. For example 19th century Scottish explorer John Rae.
One of the most horrible first names I have ever seen. The pronunciation of this name is WAY too masculine for a female. As a middle name though it isn't so bad, with the right first name (something very feminine) this could be cute.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2009
ATTENTION! This is now my official nickname! My name's Rachel, so I think this will be a cute nickname, instead of Rachelle and Rach, and it's a lot less common. Yay!
A sweet modern name, which happens to be one of the only modern names that is pronounceable and not sucky. It expresses creativity without scaring your children.
I know someone called Rae, who is a girl, and this is not a nickname! Rae for a girl's full name is absolutely hideous, and entirely masculine. No offence to all those Rae's out there.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2006
My middle name is Rae and so far I have never met another girl named Rae. I like it for a short form of Raelyn or just for a first name. A unique spelling I've found is Rai or Raii.
― Anonymous User 9/22/2006
I think it is a pretty name as well as a good nickname for someone named Rachel or Raegan. I have a friend who we call Rae-Rae to get on her nerves.
I LOVE this name. I can't explain why but I just think it's a beautiful name, not only for a pet name for someone named Rachel or Raquel (as myself) but also as a first name. I love the sound of it! Reminds me of the sun, the summer and someone really brave and sweet.