I knew a girl named Princess in my gymnastics class when I was 6 years old and she was a year younger than me. At the time it seemed like a nice name but now I wonder how her life is now, because we are older and it no longer fits. This name honestly sets your child up for bullying.
A lot of people who left comments thought it was a bad name, that is ok. But some people hate the name just because it makes kids get bullied...My God, when a child is bullied, you shouldn't blame her name or her parents, you should blame the bully, right? No one thinks it's the bad guy's fault! On this site, I only see this one name getting such an abnormally negative review...Almost all the comments that said it was a bad name were praised. But the name is not uncommon, even among young people. Here are the number of births of this name in the United States and the corresponding years:249 in 2012, 296 in 2010, 291 in 2008,400 in 2006! And I want to say to all those with that name, you have the right to choose and evaluate your own name! Everyone has the right to like a name, no one should be bullied just because of the name...Next time, you should say "stop" to a bully, not "look at your terrible name!" to a girl!
― Anonymous User 7/21/2024
Princess Stevens, known as Prinnie Stevens, is a Tongan-Australian RnB and soul singer, dancer and musical theatre actress.
Bernadette Punzalan-Field, known professionally as Princess Punzalan, is a Filipino actress. She began her career starring in Lovingly Yours: The Movie (1984) and Lovingly Yours, Helen (1992-96) and was nominated of PMPC Star Awards for Television in 1987. Her profile continued to grow when she starred as antagonist Selina Pereira-Matias in Mula sa Puso (1997–99) with Claudine Barretto, and won Best Actress in 1998.
I have a rather questionable taste in names, but even this is just a bit too far. This just sets your child up for bad experiences.
― Anonymous User 5/13/2024
It's ironic because here in the Philippines, people with the name Princess are mostly tomboyish girls or women, and especially lesbians (not being homophobic, I like LGBTQ+ community). However, I really like this name though.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2023, edited 12/12/2023
I believe naming your daughter this would be a grave mistake. It's never appropriate to name a child for a title they've neither earned nor inherited. Naturally, everyone sees their little girl as a Princess. Let it be the nickname you use for her if you like, but give her something more dignified that she can carry proudly. I don't think it's right to send your daughter out into a world where everyone will assume she's joking or pretentious when she gives her name. If you want to give your daughter a genuinely royal name, perhaps look at the beautiful names of actual princesses. Diana, Victoria, Anne, Sophie, Henriette, Stephanie, and Isabella are just a few. You can also look to history, media, and literature for "princessy" names worthy of the little queen of your heart. Shakespearean names such as Rosalind and Ophelia are highly-ranked and gorgeous. Sleeping Beauty's "real" name is Aurora (sometimes translated as Dawn), and she is very pretty too. You could even try Elsa!
Princess is a common name where I live... Normally it's 2 first names like "Princess Sophia (lastname)". To be honest I never really liked the name. It's a boring name; And something I say a lot you need the name to still fit when they're an adult, if you don't your 40 year old colleague will be calling you Princess in the workplace.
Queen is a slightly better name. Being a Princess isn’t as cool as being a Queen. 🙄 Obviously both names are badass but the name Queen is just 🔛🔝.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2023
Because of the name, actually, it was my name, I became a victim of catcalling, bullying, and sexual assault. And also this is the worst name I ever had and I was so disappointed that there are so many names out there, why my parents gave me that name. They made a wrong move. So that is why I rebrand myself as a strong, manly woman who is always on fire. I prefer Elizabeth as paying homage to my grandmother but from now on, call me FRANCES...
I remember meeting someone who’s toddler was named Princess. I get it, your kids are special and you want them to do amazing things in life but this name isn’t it… Years later, the girl changed her name to Bianca because of the bullying.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2022
This as the name of a cat,👍 This as the name of a person,👎.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2022
Like Prince, I like both, but I'd never use it as an actual name as people wouldn't take it seriously.
Let’s be honest, imagine being called Princess every day. It would be rather embarrassing I think. If I was named this I certainly would be embarrassed.
I think Princess is a beautiful name. Some may not like it and that's fine, but I love this name on a girl. Princess is a very pretty name and women named Princess should be happy to have such a beautiful name with a strong, regal meaning. So many names associated with greatness and strength are accepted as legitimate names, the only barrier for Princess is its association with childish fantasy and use as a cute nickname. I mean, we have traditional names like "Sarah" with that very meaning as common names, Princess itself deserves a seat at the "Princess names" table. Besides, saying it kinda pushes your mouth into a smile, so that's another win.My verdict: Princess is a very beautiful name that I wish more people would give a chance.
Overrated as a nickname, but actually naming your child this is another level.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2021
I worked with a young woman with this name. I thought it was so ridiculous for a grown woman, who wants to be taken seriously, to let herself be called this. I never could bring myself to call her by her name. She is not MY Princess. I too have a terrible first name, and the moment I became an adult and joined the full time work force, I changed it. I was named after my grandmother and it really hurt to do this, but we have to be real to ourselves. I also will not call someone Baby, Bunny, Jesus, etc. Parents are idiots thinking that that cute little bundle of joy would never grow up and need to present themselves as a bonafide adult to the world.
I think it's ridiculous how angry and annoyed almost all these comments are over a name. I'm black and my name is Princess. My family is from the Caribbean and this name is common there. I was named after my great-grandmother, who was a highly-respected matriarch of their society. I've even met at least 5 different people who have relatives with the same name.Yes, while growing up in the U.S., I did get teased in school for my name but it didn't last long and eventually the teasing stopped once I hit high school. That's because there's only a limited amount of jokes a person can make about it that are original. Plus, I didn't care anyway. Yes, my name has made me stand out but once people got to know me, they'd realize I didn't act "prissy" or entitled because of it. Those are such lame overused generalizations. Not everyone with an unique name is full of themselves.I'm slightly surprised that a lot of negative comments about this name are pretty recent. Honestly, some of these comments are even coming off as racist. No one complains when people give their kid's typical (usually white) names like Ashley and Kyle, but Princess is a huge problem to you? Proves you don't have much going on in your life...
― Anonymous User 9/18/2021
Well, it seems that I too am included in that group of people who don't like the name Princess. As many of you comment, I also see it as a spoiled little girl's name and as a name that I cannot take seriously because of how ridiculous it sounds. Sounds better to me as a pet name than a human name.There are a couple of comments from a couple of girls named Princess who have been offended by the comments and who claim to be very happy with their names. I'm glad, I mean it, but don't be too angry, please. It is true that there are some comments that are very rude and it hurts when you see that someone does not like your name, but also understand that many others are only expressing their opinion, even if they say it is ugly, and you have to admit that Princess is, well, a really unique name.One says that she has never had a problem with her name in real life, sorry but hard to believe. Or maybe you've been very lucky. People, especially children and teenagers, are very cruel to these things and if you have a weird name or a funny nickname, they will be making fun of you forever. I'm surprised no one made fun of you for calling you Princess and I don't want to be mean.Anyways, let everyone have their say as they want.
My name is Princess. I think it's a cute name, but this website is toxic. I respect their opinions and all but they aren't nice around the name I have. At school I'm fine tho, that's why I don't speak very much of my real name on the internet. :(
It's so prissy and overused. Sounds like a name that a pampered child would name herself. Also, it doesn't suit anyone over 7 years. It makes the name 'Dorcas' sound somewhat good! This name sounds like a stupid animal like a rat or some annoying thing. If you want an actual name, pick Amelia. Sounds more like a lion!
― Anonymous User 7/7/2021
I really like Princess for a name. It's cute feminine and unique, and it shows the child that she truly is her parents' Princess. There's nothing wrong with giving this name to your daughter. I think it's beautiful. I understand how it could be seen as “overly girly” or whatever, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Also, even if a girl with the name Princess grew up a tomboy, I definitely still think she could rock it! It's not 1603; princesses don't have to be defined by big ball gowns, tiaras, glass slippers or prince “rescuers”. The name “Princess” doesn't have to refer to any of those things. It's just a unique way to remind your daughter that she is your sweet Princess. It would also be a lovely and comforting reminder (especially if she's religious) that she is God's Princess, as well. And, to be God's and your parents' Princess, you don't have to fit into a silly box of stereotypes that was created by society and fairy tales and stressed by many commenters in this section. You have to understand that just because a name is “different” or “unique” does not make it “stupid” or “utter crap”, as some of the comments have suggested. People need to be very careful when they say things like that, because words can cut deeper than a knife. You never know who is reading your comment. There are people with the name Princess reading so many of these hurtful and disrespectful comments. Take a moment to put yourself in their shoes: How would you feel if it were YOUR name, and YOU were the one reading through all of these comments? Even though you probably don't know any of these people, it would still be painful and discouraging (at the least), right? Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the desire to express an opinion, and I think that's completely fine. That is, after all, pretty much the point of this site. However, I just believe that, when it comes to comments such as things like “this is stupid trash” or “everyone with this name is a spoiled brat”, it ends up becoming more than just expressing an opinion, but rather expressing negativity and thoughts from a cold heart. I think it's really important to develop a sense of empathy, especially before posting an opinionated comment about a name that's not even your own. Overall, I think that Princess is a beautiful name that could truly suit multiple different looks/personalities. If your name is Princess, then let me tell you, I think your name is incredibly awesome! There's no need to be embarrassed about it at all, it's as beautiful as you are :)
This is best used as a nickname. And besides, what if the child grows up to not be that attractive, a name like Princess will be humiliating.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2021
I think this name is disgusting, every person named Princess is an unintelligent, ugly, dumb fool, much like their parents who named them this ghastly, abhorrent, and abominable "name". A girl named Princess will be bullied severely. If she doesn't get bullied, she'll turn into a spoiled, entitled brat just like many other princessess, such as Princess Diana, Princess Margaret, Princess Charlotte, Princess Charlene of Monaco, Cinderella, and many more! ~Sarcasm~
― Anonymous User 2/12/2021
Probably, there is nothing much to say about this name. Just disgusting!
Utter crap. No shame on any parents who named their daughter this.
― Anonymous User 1/30/2021
Personally, after reading the comments, I completely understand why some people act the way they do towards me (JUDGEMENTAL). I mean, you will find that throughout your life anyways. Yes, my name is Princess. A name that I love and find endearing. I am honored to have 2 parents who thought of me in such a loving way, to give me the name. People have preconceived notions of my name. From the mouth of a 33 year old, allow me to share a few facts. Anyone named Princess out there, you're good, TRUST ME! Some people are judgmental and it shows... But, no one has ever said any of these comments to my face. I doubt they ever would. Facts: I have never had an issue finding my career path nor job, due to my name. I don't live on a pedestal and believe I am better than anyone because of my name. I love to hear people say my name. When they don't, I correct them. It's my birth given name, say it right. (My name is Princess, not Precious) I personally don't care if you like my name or not, your name may just be boring. Princess is an extraordinary name... A title given at birth! Someone loved you enough to give it to you. Never feel ashamed of your name regardless of what it is. There will be haters and their name isn't PRINCESS!
Despite it being quite immature for a name, it’s still very pretty, unusual and interesting. If you can’t judge a book by its cover, then you can’t judge a person by their name or looks.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2020
It's too common and sounds like a pet name. And same with Prince. Every German Shepard has that name.
Beyond ridiculous as a name, and it suits a dog much better. I know of someone whose first and last name together is literally "Princess Flowers"... how unfortunate. Parents, please skip this!
I've heard worse. But seriously, if you think your daughter is a Princess so much why not just use names like Sara/Sara, Sarai, Suri, Sabrina or Sadie? All of those names mean Princess and are a lot better than the name Princess itself.
It truly disappoints me that this "name" has reached as high as 324th on the England and Wales popularity charts. Do parents not think about their child's future? Imagine trying to be taken seriously with a name like Princess!
― Anonymous User 11/9/2020
This is a name that is suited only for a dog or cat, or some pet. Do not give it to a child! Name her after a princess instead.
― Anonymous User 7/19/2020
Pretty word, not suitable for a name. Except maybe if you live in a country where English is hardly spoken.
I’ve known one girl named Princess, and two girls named Princesa which is Princess in Spanish which is probably better because Reyna is queen in Spanish and a regular name in Spanish.
I had a friend named Princess. Calling her Princess didn’t even feel like a word, it just felt like any other name. I don’t loathe the name, I don’t adore it either. It’s tricky because everybody wants their child’s name to be unique but don’t want to cross the line you know? Virtue names are alright. Heaven, Reign, Royal, Joy, Mercy, Grace and Angel are all becoming normalized as names but the hate around this name is totally understandable. So parents, be wise.
― Anonymous User 1/19/2020
I'm not trying to be rude here, but I wouldn't name my kid Princess. She would probably get teased growing up. This name is OKAY for a little girl, but when she goes to middle school, she will probably get teased. Also, when she grows up, she might not like princesses anymore. This is just my personal impression of this name.
― Anonymous User 12/21/2019
Princess is a name, yes agreed, but someone in my school had this name and got bullied and changed schools because she is so sad that she is bullied.
A long time ago I found out something about this name. Somewhere between 2010-2012, during one of those years, 6 boys were given this name. I hope they made a mistake.
My name is Princess, I get teased by the name of being named Princess. In the Philippines, it’s a popular name because I don’t know why. My mum said it’s just lucky or something. At school, people hearing my name usually cringe at it and I get really annoyed and sad that I get teased by them. But some students respect my name. My opinion about naming someone Princess is that it is cute and pretty but if you don’t want your child to be teased or made fun by other kids I suggest you not name her that. I live in Australia and this name is not common like in the Philippines so it’s kinda awkward to be named ‘Princess’. If you want to name the girl Princess, you can. But in my opinion, no.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2019
Omg. Why would anyone use this?
― Anonymous User 7/24/2019
Now that is a big mistake to use that name for your girls.
It’s really unique, but I personally wouldn’t use it. It may be unique, but this is a title, not a name. We know that the majority of girls choose to act like really girly girls, but that does not mean use the ‘title’. Only a few parents should name their daughters Princess, not a lot. You’re lucky that this is an unusual name, I just don’t want it to become too popular. That would be weird. Princess sounds better as a dog or a cat’s name rather than on a human. I can imagine that poor girl acting like she’s the ruler of the world.
Princess is a bad name because: It's a title It's Pompous It's very childish A lot of pornstars use this name A lot of strippers use this name You will get teased No one will take you seriously You may miss out on a lot of job opportunities It's more fitting for a cat/dog People will think you are spoiled People will think you are snobby.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2019
I think it would be a better idea to use names that mean, "Princess," in different languages or names of common princesses in movies/television rather than name your child Princess.
― Anonymous User 2/2/2019
Ok. I am done with people saying it’s a ridiculous name, it sounds like a dog's name, the girl named Princess would be a spoiled little brat, it is cheap, it’s a horrible name, don’t name your child that save them their embarrassment, and etc. Y’all need to grow up for real though. It’s a name just like any other name. It might be given to someone in a royal family or in a fantasy movie (book, story) but you can’t assume bad things about people that have that name. A name doesn’t define one and also there are names like Rose, Margarita, Grace, Hope, Faith, etc. and everyone thinks they are normal even though they weren’t intentionally made for a name so why do people have a problem with the name Princess? Yes, my name is Princess, yes people ask me is that your real name? Yes you might get teased about it sometimes but what I really like about my name is that some people love it. Some people remember me because of my rare name. And I’m getting used to the different reactions of people when I say “Hi, my name *cough* real name *cough* is Princess. And I am still a kid (less than 15shhh) but stop judging people for their name okay?!
I think Princess is kind of a cute name for a girl, but I’ll admit, it is remotely tacky. A girl named Princess will make her a girly Princess dressed like a Princess and make her act like a spoiled brat and say “I’m a Princess, I get what I want! Gimme gimme gimme! I want that Twilight Sparkle Doll! I want it! I want it! Waaaaaaaaa!” Kinda like Angelica Pickles from Rugrats. But what if a girl named Princess turns out to be a tomboy? It would be weird for a tomboy to have the name Princess! Not a tomboyish name at all! I don’t hate the name though. There’s something interesting about it. I don’t know if I’ll name my daughter this, but it’s okay.
― Anonymous User 1/11/2019
I think Princess is a great name for a boy! So strong and handsome. When I think of the word “Princess”, I think of a strong tall handsome masculine man who would always protect a lady. I also love Tiara, Girly-Girl, Female, Virgie, Tiana, Flower, and Rose for a boy! Those are all masculine names!
― Anonymous User 1/11/2019
Really? Naming a boy Princess is like naming a girl King. That makes no sense!
Yes, it is a little unimaginative and pompous as well, but the parents already know that. I don't think it deserves all the hate. The name itself sounds clear and quite pretty, and has a sharp rhythm.
Princess is a word, maybe good as a nickname but tacky as a real name. Are parents really even thinking these days? It’s like naming your child beautiful, perfect or cool it’s plain ridiculous, if a woman has the name Katherine and the other has the name Princess, I’d say Katherine.
Not really ugly, but it's a silly name that will make others think the parents of the girl are presumptuous twits. And I'd like to thank the Captain Obvious commenter below who pointed out that >99.9% of people with this name are female- who would have ever figured that out if he or she didn't mention it!
― Anonymous User 9/4/2018
Katie Price and Peter Andre named their daughter Princess 'Tiaamii' in June 2007.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2018
I feel a bit offended seeing all these comments that say "It's a spoiled brat" because MY name is Princess and I'm nothing like that. I don't really like my own name in my opinion, but not all movie stars are rich. That's a saying. Well, at least one I made up. And it means not all people who seem to be called this or that actually are. Cinderella is a princess, she's not nasty. Where'd you get 'spoiled' from?
Another one I can’t help but adore is Princess. I love how deliberate it is. If I met a princess, I’d be very intrigued & I’d never forget them. I’m in my 30’s & still love Disney Princesses as do many women I know.. we all have a favourite.
My name's Princess and I'm not embarrassed by it. Actually, I'm quite fond of it. I love it when I tell people my name and they question if it's my real name. I've made a load of friends without even trying because our conversations started with talking about my name. It's just a name, like Justin or Levi or Prince. If it's a problem to you that's your own issue. I and others won't change our names because you think it's 'childish' and 'prissy'. It's actually laughable how half of you are adults speaking negatively about the name Princess. If you have children and they go up to you telling you they want to be Princesses when they're older and you go 'You already are a Princess' or 'You can be whoever you want to be' then you're all hypocrites because I can't be whoever I want to be without you judging me because of my name. So please stop complaining and think about your life before judging mine. Xox.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2017
Personally, I think it's somewhat important to look at a full name (i.e. the name you're looking at in conjunction with the last name) Princess Johnson, Princess Olson, Princess Smith... It sounds more like a title, frankly. While it is a somewhat nice sounding name, considering how others react is important as well. It's a regal name, that's for sure... It reminds me of the colour pink (probably hot pink).
The name Princess was given to 369 girls born in the US in 2016. More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Princess are female.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2017
Princess Ibini-Isei is an Australian football player who plays for Sydney FC in the Australian W-League as a forward. Ibini was born in Sydney to Nigerian migrant parents Ibi and Juliana. Her father died suddenly in 2013. She is the younger sister of Socceroo Bernie who plays for Sydney FC. She has represented NSW at youth level and has also played futsal for the Inner West Magic.
What is with these title names and modern names? Jayden, King, Kaiden, Queen... now Princess? It is also horribly unprofessional and cheap. Why can't you name your daughter a Princess name (Diana, Elizabeth, Alice) or a name meaning Princess (Amira, Sarai, Ludmilla)?
Please do not name your daughter this. It's such a childish and pretentious name. I was in the computer room one day and an Avon lady was talking to a teenage girl. At one point the lady asked the girl what her name was and she replied "Princess" and the lady asked if that was her real name and she said yes. Save your child the embarrassment.
Why not name your child after a fictional Princess (like Aurora or Belle) or after a real Princess (like Anne or Charlotte)? It sounds much more formal and refined in my opinion.
What I have noticed is the insecurities in others who attempt to give my daughter an alternate name other than her given name of Princess. She has been taught that every little girl is their Mom and Dad's Princess and has always been well-received at school. Everyone who meets her never forgets her. She is asked often if Princess is her real name and when people attempt to call her by her middle name, she asks them what their middle name is and begins to call them that (this of course stops them from calling her anything other than her first name because most people HATE their middle names!) On the rare occasion that a new person who displays discomfort at calling my daughter Princess, we see it as a new teaching opportunity. A 40-something named Princess is the same as a 40-something named Helga. IT'S THEIR NAME... GET OVER IT! No one is obligated to pander to small-minded people. Confidence is NEVER arrogance except to the insecure and small-minded.
Hello, I named my daughter Princess Ivory Elisabeth London. She was named after her father whom is Ivory and her grandmother Elisabeth. I love my daughter's name and the name doesn't define the person. Anyone who complains about a child's name it's because you are simply just jealous. Why concern yourself with another person's name? How about you name your child what you want? We have people with the name Dick, Levi, Prince and etc. So why not let a name be what it is- a name? Is that person hurting you or are you hurting that person by being a bully simply because of their name?
I had a friend at my old church with this name. I never thought it was weird until I got a bit older. There are worse names, though.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2015
Princess sounds like the name of a snobby rich person's dog. Not a child.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2015
I don't really like this name. It sounds like something a snobby mother would name her daughter. It sounds dumb and snobby. P.S. if you become a Princess you will be called Princess princess.
Seriously, this is so damn stupid as a name. Common sense would be to go pick a name which MEANS 'Princess' e.g. Sally, Sadie, Sarah...
― Anonymous User 8/13/2014
There is a character in Adventure Time called Doctor Princess.
― Anonymous User 5/5/2014
My name is Princess. I have to disagree with most of the previous comments. I never had any problems at school with teasing/bullying on account of my name. If anything, it precipitated many friendships. It is a great ice breaker in forging new relationships, job interviews, and meeting people. You are immediately distinguishable and memorable when in a group setting which works to an advantage at work, school, gatherings, etc. After frequent use, it loses its unique factor and becomes a name like any other, a group of letters and sounds. But I must say, I feel it always gives me an advantage at first impressions. I have done very well in life; and I have never been viewed as "immature" on account of my name. It is a common name in many cultures and languages. Leave it to us English-speakers to give it a negative connotation! I love my name. I am very happy my parents decided to give me such a gift, and show their love for me in such a life lasting way.
Though it has fallen out of the top 1000, 'Princess' is still unfortunately used as a first name, being given to 243 poor little girls born in the US in 2012.
All the comments I just read are completely ridiculous, My name is Princess and I was named that because I am the only and youngest girl of six guys. Originally I would've had 10 older brothers, but due to miscarriages that couldn't be. Just because my name is Princess IT DOES NOT MAKE ME STUCK UP, and in my opinion that's something real IGNORANT to say. Yeah I laugh at the fact that I share the same name with some pets but, I've bumped into some bobs, sallys, kates, michelles, bridgets, and they all had four legs. I've also come across some really trashy names and "Princess" is what you people decided to label as trashy? Sometimes I despise my name simply because it brings too much attention, it causes me to stand out and I'm a shy person. Down the line it will be funny to be a 40 year old woman saying "hi my name is Princess" simply because it's a little girl's name, but I met a 70 year old in a nursing home named Princess and it came off pretty cool. Yeah it's not the best name but tell me whose name is? Damian was said to be an evil name, I know a damian and he's a sweetheart. YOUR NAME DOES NOT MAKE YOU WHO YOU ARE, IT'S JUST A WAY FOR YOUR PARENTS TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES AND A WAY FOR YOU TO BE IDENTIFIED. My family spoils me, NOT BECAUSE MY NAME IS PRINCESS!, but because I'm the youngest sibling, I'm the youngest grandchild, the youngest niece.. I'm the baby pretty much... You ppl need to get a grip, and stop being so disrespectful.
It sounds so trashy to name your kid Princess. There are plenty of other names that mean the same thing, but Princess itself is quite ridiculous. It's something that parents call their daughters as a nickname, so it would be odd to use it as the kid's legal name.
Prin-SES, with the stress on the second syllable, is a common pronunciation of this word in British English. I believe it is more French-influenced (from princesse). [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 7/12/2012
If a girl named Princess acts like a spoiled brat, it's not just because of her name, it's because her parents had the mindset to spoil her like a princess from the very start, hence the name. I would never give my daughter a name like this, because I think it's ridiculous, and also a little sexist. Who the hell cares about being a princess? If you read a little history, you'll find that being a princess kind of sucked. You never got to make your own decisions, and you were married off once you hit puberty. To hell with that.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2012
I can't believe this is a name! 0_o
― Anonymous User 4/21/2012
First scenario: "Hold my magazine while I point and laugh!"Second scenario: "Does anyone have a bag? I'm about to vomit."
― Anonymous User 2/8/2012
There is a first grader at my school named Princess. She is very sweet; however, I can't believe she is stuck with a name like this. When she first told me her name, I had to stifle a snicker. Not only does the name sound stupid, it can also come off bratty and pretentious. Your little girl can be your little "princess," but for God's sake if you love her, please give her a name that people will take seriously. Also, the name doesn't age well. I can't fathom an old lady named Princess.
Using it as a first name is beyond a horrible idea, for it might give the child the impression that she can basically do whatever she wants aka becoming a spoiled brat. Even as a nickname or constantly saying that the child is a princess is a bad thing as well. This I know from experience. My four- year-old niece has gotten worse in behavior because she's gained this ego that she is a princess and can do whatever she wants. I was never called a princess when I was growing up and I know why. I personally think this name is trouble.
This is something you name your dog, not your daughter. I don't even understand why you would want to name your child something like this. It's a title, not a name, and it shouldn't be used as such.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2011
If you have zero future aspirations for your child and never want her to seek professional employment outside the adult film industry then name your daughter Princess. If you want your child to actually have a chance in life and not be held back by a name, then stay clear of this atrocity.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2010
Parents who name their daughter this are absolutely cruel human beings. Find a name that has the *meaning* of Princess, or the name of a former Princess, PLEASE. Just ANYTHING but this.
Princess is a title or a term of endearment, not a name. No matter what your daughters name is, you can STILL call her Princess. I feel like only those close to the child should have the right to call her "Princess" but if this is her legal name, everybody will call her this and she WILL eventually hate her name.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2010
Naming someone a word in a different language is just as tacky, if not more, than naming them that word in your own language. For christ's sake, get that into your head.
Katie Price and Peter Andre named their daughter Princess Tiaamii.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2009
What is with these non-names like Princess, Precious, and Treasure being used as girls' names now? They sound completely ridiculous on a human being, and call to mind a spoilt child. It's bad enough so many parents give their daughters this silly Princess mentality, to the point where even grown women have Princess fantasies, but to actually name her Princess? Names like this are best suited to dogs or cats!
Princess. Honestly. When my sister and I were little kids we would play dolls and often we'd have characters named Princess. That's what this name should be: a name for dolls in games preschoolers play. Not for real people! Not that it's not cool sounding, but there are just too many associations with frilly dresses, the color pink, and crowns and tiaras. I think people would think her name was cool in preschool and kindergarten, but picture middle school! I don't even wanna think about it!
― Anonymous User 1/28/2009
Imagine if your little Princess overheard people talking about fairytales or royalty, and piped up 'hey, I'm a Princess'. People would either burst out laughing or give her funny looks. I once actually knew someone in school with this name, but she was the only one.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2008
I really think "Princess" is a ridiculous name for a child. Think of how badly she's going to be teased at school.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2008
Please don't name your daughter this. It's so tacky and corny. Bleck!
This is more of an epithet imposed onto girls who are spoiled and bratty, and sometimes it may be used by jealous and mean-spirited kids to bully someone prettier and richer. It sounds very girly and cutesy anyway, and it's a title. The name is utterly infantile and tacky, and I don't know what sort of ideas the parents who use this name have about the expectations there will be about the intelligence and maturity of someone named Princess. I'd say they are going to be low, and there will be bullying and job discrimination for sure.
I must admit, this name DOES sound pretty. "Princess", I like it. I would never name my child this, due to the picture in my head of a forty year old "Princess". But, if you want to name your child this, first please consider you could name them "Sarah" or a name of a Princess like "Elizabeth" or "Diane". I'm only thinking of your children!
It wouldn't be such a bad name if it weren't the name for about a quarter of every female dog ever. I'd hate for my daughter to have the first name of most people's pet. Please use a variant of Princess, keep it as a nickname, or at least make it only her middle name. She'll only suffer otherwise.
My friend wants to call her daughter this and I hate it! It's such an awful, prissy name and children called Princess will allways be bullied. PLEASE! If you want to call your child Princess give it as a nickname or name them Sarah which is a beautiful name that means Princess.
― Anonymous User 9/19/2007
What if someone named a Princess Princess? She'd be Princess Princess. And if she became a Queen she'd be Queen Princess.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2007
Oops! Look who's going to be made fun of in school. This just sounds like the parents were lazy. I mean, come on. Princess? I GUESS it's ok for a little kid, but imagine a forty year old woman with the name "Princess".
One of my friend's first name is Princess. But Joy is her middle name and that is what we mostly call her. Princess Joy with her surname sounds great. I used to wonder why on earth people would ever name their child this. But the name Princess has grown on me. Although if I were naming somebody this, I would definitely make sure they had a substantial midle name.
I have a friend named Princess, and guess what people, she's not a snob. Oh my goodness, the world is ending.Anyway, I'm actually a bit jealous of my friend. You know why? Because she might get some crud about her name from time to time, but she has some of the most real and best friends anyone could want. It's because anyone you would really want as a friend wouldn't judge you based upon your name. Something to think about.So then /my/ thoughts on this name are that I don't believe I would ever name my little girl this, but I can see why some people might favor it, as it does sound pretty and does have good associations to it.
I agree that we should have a choice when it comes to naming your child, but Princess? Maybe if you lived somewhere where people didn't generally speak English it wouldn't matter. But if not, this name would just lead to teasing, I think.
Where I live it is illegal to name someone Princess since it's a title. I don't know about the English word, but I doubt they would ok it as a name since it's so similar to the Swedish word, prinsessa, and everyone knows the meaning of it.
Oh, and not all Princesses are spoilt brats, Princess Diana for example.
― Anonymous User 12/8/2006
You know what, you CANNOT judge someone by their name. Being called Princess does not mean they're a snob, if anything it means they have parents who love them (even if a little bit too much) and it's no worse than some names out there. Think about it, there are people everywhere that have names meaning princess or queen (Sarah and Regina for example) and nobody gives a second thought about them, and for all the people who do not speak English it's just another version of Sarah or Regina. Prince is a name that is often used, and not many people make fun of that, so please think before you make fun of a name.
― Anonymous User 12/8/2006
Why is the list of negative comments about Princess so much longer than the list of negative comments about Prince?Could it be that we have an example of sexism raising its ugly head? Why is it that in everyday English a "princess" is someone stuck-up and spoiled, but a "prince of a fellow" is a great guy? Just something to think about. :)
My best friend's grandmother was named Ruby Princess; my dog is named Princess. I think it should be left as a title, not used as a name. It sounds frivolous and poor Princess would have trouble being taken seriously.
― Anonymous User 9/10/2006
To me, this is a name for a cat, a very spoiled cat to be more exact.
For me, this is a title, not a name. Sure, some words like Princess, Heaven (or Nevaeh), and the like sound lovely, but as names they sound tacky. A woman named "Princess" sounds to me like a porn-star or something.
Unless your child is legally a princess PLEASE do not name your child this. This is a name for pets, porn stars, and prissy girls, not lovely well brought-up children. Save the name for your next poodle or a romp on video tape.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2006
To me, this isn't a name, it's a title. And that's all there is to it. There are much better names out there than this. But please don't go for Sarah *gags*. Any other name but Sarah -- or Nevaeh! I don't even like Princess as a fond nickname. But if someone is bound to be called this, let it be for a nickname and not a permanent first name. *Rolls eyes at Stella-Marie*
I won't say it's not a horrible name, but to be frank, I've learned to live with it, because like my nickname says, my name is Princess Leah. I kid you not. And yes I've been teased for the Disney ideals and the Star Wars jokes never end. But for all its faults it's still my name.I can say that overall I like to believe I'm not a bad person, in fact I never even really went by Princess, it was always just Leah, and more recently Rin (p(rin)cess). Every name has its low points, and trust me when I say that I would never recomend this name to ANYONE, but I would never judge someone based on their name either. I mean, if your name is Jezebel, or Lucifer, it doesn't make you bad, just as Princess doesn't make you great, it's what YOU make of the name that makes it great.I'll admit that now that I'm older I get a kick out of hearing people laugh when I show them my drivers licence, and bouncers at clubs never forget who I am, but I like to think that's not only because of my name, but because of what I've made it.In the end it comes down to personal feelings, I'd never name my child Princess, but just because someone is named Princess doesn't mean they're any less a person than the Sarah's or Jennifer's, or Megan's or Susan's of the world. It's not the name that defines you, it's you that defines your name. It's only when you let your name become the whole of you, that a name like Princess takes control.I'll leave off here, but I thought everyone out there should know that there is a Princess sitting out there and if you have that name, know that you are not alone.
What is wrong with parents naming their child Princess? After all, Sarah means 'princess' in Hebrew, so for anyone who speaks Hebrew, all Sarahs are named Princess!
― Anonymous User 7/27/2006
Unfortunately, in my opinion, danger among the next generation will come as we enter the next decade! As more and more teens will become brainwashed into pregnancy, this name would SURELY make its way into the spotlight just like fellow names Isabella, Hailey, Jessica, Emma and Emily.
Grrr! These are names for girls who I try my best to avoid in school! And, as I presumed, more and more of them are being named, more reasons to treat the child "different" from others, and more and more of them grow up to be the same upperclass snobs that are ignorant and self-centered! Sure, not every girl would actually grow up this way. This will surely make your daughter prone to bullying and having no friends! Sure, the name sounds cute and innocent when on a toddler, or baby. BUT AN ADULT? Imagine a 40 year-old saying, Hi! My name is Princess [Insert Surname Here]. There are so many other alternatives such as Sarah, and PLEASE pick a name that can grow with the child. In the end, parents were asking for it! The name simply emits stereotypical comments. And this is one thing that lasts for a lifetime! Enough said! Peace Out!
I never met her, but there was a girl in my school once with the name Princess. Princess Green, actually. It sounded kind of neat, but I do see the potential drawbacks.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2006
The name "Princess" has never appealed to me. If you want to name your daughter "Princess", I would opt for something like Ludmila, the Ukrainian name for princess.