I honestly don't understand why this is used as a "shorter" version for Penelope and Persephone. They sound literally nothing alike except for the "P" at the beginning.
I hate that it’s named after a flower and why would you name your daughter after a flower?
― Anonymous User 11/23/2024
What a terrible name. It sounds and looks very similar to poopy It is also too childish, whimsical and common. No girl at any age should be given this as a real name. I hate it so much so embarrassing and cringeworthy.
Poppy is a wonderful name! The Poppy flower has such a long, beautiful, rich history, long been associated with sleep, peace, and remembrance—its bright red color also led people to think of it as a symbol of resurrection after death. The flowers are associated with the Greek goddess Demeter and god Morpheus, and they’re a symbol honoring fallen soldiers ever since WWI. The word ‘Poppy’ may also trace back to mean ‘fire’, likely because of its brilliant red color.Poppies are so beautiful and meaningful, and it carries through with the name Poppy, that’s what I feel.
This is my name in real life. I like the name but let it be known out of the two most recent generations I CAME FIRST. I was born in the 2000s, and Poppy as a name started its resurgence in the mid-late 2010s. Also I hate Poppy from Trolls.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2024
Idk why everyone's saying this name is "childish." I think it's a nice name and can fit an adult as well as a child.
My name's Poppy and I know several other people named Poppy, I've always thought it's a lovely name. Everyone in this comment section saying they can't imagine anyone over the age of 10 being named Poppy is being ridiculous and better get used to it soon with the amount of adult woman named Poppy the UK's going to have in the next couple of years. Nobody I know has ever had a problem with it and multiple people have complimented my name.
― Anonymous User 4/23/2023
I would totally use this name! How cute is Poppy, Paige, and Rosie?
Poppy is a cute name but I think it's really odd as a nickname for Penelope. I'm genuinely wondering who made that up. Poppy is a full flower name and if I wanted to call my daughter Poppy I'd just name her Poppy. It's not any more childlike than Lily or Daisy or Ivy. Why would you name her Penelope if you always wanted to call her a completely different name all the time anyway? It seems pretentious.Poppy is also not a Greek nickname for Penelope. That's Popi, pronounced po-pee, not like Poppy.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2022
Gorgeous Poppy!
― Anonymous User 9/27/2022
Poppy is a beautiful name, it's not childish or silly! You are silly.
Poppy is a pretty name, I don't find it too "cutesy" the popularity doesn't bother me, but I think it only suits a blonde girl, my sister had a friend in grade 1 named Poppy and she was very cute and such a sweet heart, lovely name.
Poppy is the best name that is a flower I’ll rank all the flower names: Also a great nickname for Poppy is Pops. 1. Poppy 2. Orchid 3. Rose 4. Lily 5. Daisy
A cute and pretty name, that after the age of 19 should strictly remain among intimate circles, and ONLY ever as a middle name or short form such as for Penelope.
― Anonymous User 11/17/2021
To add to my previous comment, very much disagree with Fizzylly 2/3/2009 who feels Poppy should never be used as a shortening for Penelope. Other names for which Poppy could make a short form include Persephone and Philippa. Poppy-Rae makes a nice combo as a short form of a given name and middle name Rae. Though pretty, in my honest opinion, this name is simply too juvenile to be used as a given first name, or outside of intimate circles once a 20 year old adult. But also think it's quite juvenile and narrow-minded to base any qualities and conclusions of any name whatsoever by making irrelevant associations and comparisons, such as with the beautiful flower and/or its symbol with opium, or whether it's the word for grandfather or whatever else in any other language. Might be understandable if you're under the age of 20, otherwise, grow up please.
― Anonymous User 11/21/2021
It's super cutesy and childish, but I still like it. The flower is just so beautiful.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2021
I actually really like this name for a girl. It’s very babyish and cutesy though.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2021
I think this is a lovely name for a girl, and perhaps a nickname. If I ever have kids I would name a daughter Poppy, but maybe Penelope would be better so I can call her Poppy until she gets to an age where it sounds childish and immature. I personally don’t understand all the negative comments here it’s a beautiful name inspired by the beautiful flower.
Why does this name get so much hate! It may sound childish now, but that's only because it's a fairly modern name so a lot of children have it. I guarantee you in 25 years this name will sound less childish. I think its refined and pretty!
― Anonymous User 7/1/2021
Please choose a real name for your child, not this.
― Anonymous User 6/12/2021
This name is even worse than Daisy.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2021
Very cute and sweet! I love the flowers! Sure, it sounds a bit childish at times but it's still a very sweet and nice name.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2021
Sorry, but this is the type of name that sounds cute on a toddler, but is not very good on a growing teenager/adult. Not to mention it reminds me of the Trolls movie. The name isn’t all bad though. I love how the flower looks.
Don't do this to a poor child I can't imagine going through life introducing myself as Poppy it is so childish and just plain weird and tacky, choose a real name for your daughter not this!
― Anonymous User 3/23/2021
This name is awful, this name is even worse than Daisy. Please parents choose a real name for your daughter not this- this is just a horrible, tacky, childish and weird name!
― Anonymous User 3/13/2021
Daisy and Poppy, the obnoxious twins in Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom.
Please please please don’t do this to a poor child. I can’t imagine going through life introducing myself as “Poppy”. So childish and just plain weird!
Poppy is such a beautiful name it is very elegant, sophisticated and has a lovely nostalgic feel to it. During Victorian/Edwardian times floral names were extremely popular for girls in the UK, names such as Daisy, Lily, Violet, Rose Poppy, Myrtle, Jasmine, Ivy etc. Then during the 1920's (after WW1 and WW2) Poppy had an added rise in popularity following the adoption of the flower as a symbol of remembrance. It is a classically British name and from reading the comments it appears some accents (believed to be American) aren't quiet getting the correct 'o' sound, which may be why they don't like the sound of the name and think it sounds like 'papi' or 'poopi'. When pronounced correctly the name Poppy doesn't sound anything like these words.
My name is Poppy and I was born on VE Day so that is why I was called Poppy. I think it's a really pretty name and nobody has ever said anything horrible about it. The poppies that grew in the fields where soldiers died, was a symbol of hope so in my opinion, who wouldn't want to be named after a beautiful flower?
― Anonymous User 7/13/2020
On the Bravo TV show “Imposters”, Poppy is the name of Jules Langmore’s older sister. Poppy is upper class, refined, and a typical “rich girl” type. In the series, she is tall, blonde, and impeccably dressed and made up at all times. Poppy Langmore is played by Rachel Skarsten for 4 Episodes in Season 2.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2020
I absolutely love this name and have for years. Ever since I have heard that Poppy Montgomery and Jenna Bush Hager have named her little girl Poppy. Now my daughter is having a baby girl and they are naming her Poppy Rose. I think it is a name that can grow with a child. To each their own! We all will not like the same names, nor will we all name our daughters the same.
This name is way too cutesy and girly and won’t age well. But also, whenever I hear the name Poppy, I think of a dad. Because it sounds just like “papi” which means dad in Spanish. I was almost named Penelope and my mom wanted to call me Poppy, but luckily, my dad saved me. My name is Maddie which I like a lot better. But if your name is Poppy, I’m really sorry if I offended you. This is just my opinion.
As much as I think that Poppy is an adorable name, I don't think it ages very well. On a five year old, it's cute. On a 15 year old, it's saccharine and immature.
I know too many little girls with this name... how did this become popular? It sounds like you're calling your small child "papi".
― Anonymous User 5/11/2020
Too childish for me. There are prettier flowers names. I don't understand why this name is so popular... Rose, Iris, Violet, Lily are beautiful, Poppy seems good for a pet. On an adult it's ridiculous.
― Anonymous User 5/1/2020
I think my name is beautiful and awesome and names don't mean who you are so beat that.
― Anonymous User 3/28/2020
I like this name. Poppy flowers are beautiful.There are celebrities with this name such as Poppy Delevigne, and I think the name fits them well. It doesn't sound childish.
― Anonymous User 3/15/2020
Best name ever. We had our Poppy in 2005, in London and the name suits her down to the ground. We now live in Australia and at nearly 15, her name still suits her plus she loves it. She is the only Poppy in her high school and her name has never appeared on any top 10 list and I love it.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2020
It's a horrible name in the mouth but it suggests girl is a piece of fluff/unserious. It reminds me of women who rely on men and try to 'marry up' Party girl? Won't need her brain? Maybe?Lots of dogs called Poppy which adds to frivolous nature.
My name is Poppy and I used to hate my name so bad back in my childhood stage but got used to it and fell in love with it to an extent that whenever I look at myself in the mirror I see a beautiful Poppy flower and I personally think it's a very cute name for cute people, lol.
― Anonymous User 10/29/2019
― Anonymous User 10/2/2019
My name is Poppy and I hate this name. It's ugly and stiff sounding. Everyone always associates it with Trolls and Opium as well and these associations are horrible. I will change my name legally when I will be 18 so I will try to find an actual name for myself, not this.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2019
Awful. And the association with trolls and the word "poop" doesn't make it any better.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2019
This name is ridiculous and ugly. All I can see when I hear it is a pink hairy troll. Not very pleasant. The name itself is also so simple, short and somewhat stiff. And, as some people have already pointed out, it's very similar to "poop". Horrid.
― Anonymous User 8/16/2019
I usually like flower names, but this one sounds childish. Imagine seeing a 30 year old woman named Poppy. Also, Trolls.
I don’t really like it that much. Reminds me of the main character in Trolls. It’s just too... energetic and Poppy. Also everyone is starting to name their child Poppy.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2019
I am very sorry but this name is just ridiculous. All I can think of is narcotics and opium when I hear this name. I am very sorry but that is just what I think. I guess I will never ever be able to like this name because the association is just horrible and also it sounds like the word "poop".
― Anonymous User 7/16/2019
Really childish. It's cute if you are less than 10 years old but I can't see an adult woman with this name, sorry.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2019
Sounds a bit childish.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2019
I didn't used to like this name, but it started to grow on me after I read 'The Secret Deep' by Lindsay Galvin, where the main character's younger sister is called Poppy. The main character herself is Aster, and I think Aster and Poppy go really well together. Poppy is a beautiful name.
I know it's a normal female name in the UK and that's fine. I find it really odd on American girls, though. I know a lot of people's fathers or grandfathers in the U.S. who are called Poppy by their children or grandchildren, so that is my main association (other than the flower).
― Anonymous User 9/26/2018
Polly is much nicer, it rolls off the tongue more easily.
Poppies aren't only red, they come in many colours. The red one is synonymous with remembrance Sunday. The name Poppy could therefore be used to honour a paternal figure who died whilst in service, or who was in the armed forces.
Poppy is a character in the game and webseries Angry Birds Stella. She is part of Stella's Flock, and enjoys playing the drums. Her superpower is the Tornado, which enables her to drill blocks.
My daughter's name is Poppy Fleurie and for me and her dad it's the most beautiful name in the world. We chose this name as together you can translate it as Poppy flower in blossom. The Poppy is such a strong plant that it could grow even on bare soil and bring spark and colour into greyness. After years battling with infertility and my partner's cancer we have her now and she is Poppy who has grown on bare soil and brought this colour, love and hope into mine and my partners lives.
The name Poppy was given to 379 girls born in the US in 2016.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2017
I feel you wouldn't find many girls names Poppy in America. A shame, I think it's pleasant. I guess the "papi" connection has a bit to do with it.
― Anonymous User 3/7/2017
I think Poppy can be a cute name, but it sounds like 'papi' or 'Poppy' which is what some people call their dad or grandfather (in the U.S. at least) so that makes it undesirable. It just makes me think of an old man because of that.
My daughter was born January 2nd 2016. We decided on Poppy as one fell from nowhere in the waiting area whilst I was in labour. For my family Poppy means so much as her daddy was in the army and there is obviously a strong link due to armistice day. I love her name, she really suits it and hopefully she likes it as much as us.
Haha.. I suddenly hate my name a whole lot more. Been asking my Mum if I could perhaps change it..? I hate common names. I really want a unique name that doesn't remind people of the last time they had a dump. Sorry Mum, I want a new name.
I like it, but at the same time I don't. I think it would make a good nickname, but not so much a given name.
― Anonymous User 1/10/2016
I don't like this name. Too childish.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2016
All I can say is that I'm glad this name isn't on the charts in the U.S. Yes, we have a slew of awful names and "Poppy" would only add onto that. I really hope it never touches the U.S. name charts.
― Anonymous User 12/25/2015
I absolutely love this name for a girl. I think it is very feminine and lady-like and will grow well as the girl ages. Perfect for a child, teen, woman and elder. If I have a girl in a few months, this will be her first name as I have always loved it.
I really dislike this name because it's too cutesy- bordering on ridiculous for an adult. Hence its popularity as a pet's name. The first time I heard it, I laughed as I genuinely thought it was a joke name. It may be sweet for a baby but what about a child that gets called Popsy or Pee pee? I think the sounds "pop" and "pee" are some of the clunkiest in the English language and both have negative connotations leaving children named Poppy open to all sorts of negative nicknames. Every time I hear this name I cringe. It doesn't flow with any surnames or middle names and the only nicknames that can be derived are "Pops" or "Popsy" which sounds like someone's grandad.
― Anonymous User 8/14/2015
My daughters struggle saying this name and call their cousin "puppy" or "poopy".
― Anonymous User 8/14/2015
My triplets were born 11/11 (Remembrance Day) 2 girls 1 boy, my first born daughter is named Poppy June, it is an absolutely beautiful name! The flower is a stunning one, I'm a pharmacist and see all the amazing uses of drugs derived from opium! Beauty and promotion of health, pain relief and comfort! God bless the Poppy and the name given to such beautiful little girls and women!
Wow - After reading the comments, I would assume some of you are named "JERK"! My name is Poppy, I'm an adult, and I LOVE my name! I'm sure there were times when people made fun, but I was raised to have good self-esteem from WITHIN - so the teasing didn't bother me OR scar me. As an adult, I don't feel the name is infantile at all. I'd rather be Poppy than have a generic name like everyone else. Good day!
Poppy no no no! I am trying, but no. About as good as Lola. It just doesn't work.
― Anonymous User 2/8/2015
I see nobody has thought a mom might want to honor her grandfather.. Well I'm from the U.S. I was raised without my father after a divorce. My maternal grandparents were like parents. He passed recently and I called him Poppy. I'm currently pregnant with my first child/girl. Haven't decided if this will be her first or middle name but she's for sure being called Poppy. I've known plenty of dogs with human names. My daughter is going to be a showstopper and confident even if people read or spell it "poopy" haha! Before my Italian immigrant grandfather died he insisted I never use his first name with my kids because he hated it, so this is my solution! My mom is not on board with it being the first name.
According to an article in The Guardian, Poppy is the most popular name for both dogs and cats in the UK in 2014.
― Anonymous User 12/21/2014
Poppy is SUCH a cute, pretty, girly, sweet sounding name! ^_^
― Anonymous User 11/17/2014
Giving the father\grandfather reference, not just the flower reference, I can't see how this name can't be used for a boy. I think Poppy could be very unisex Works on a girl, yeah, but doesn't scream purely feminine. It could be a soft males name as well. Poppy Alexander, Poppy David, Poppy Ryan, Poppy Xavier. Poppy Jameson etc etc etc.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2014
I'll never understand why people use this for their daughters when "Poppy" is slang for grandfather. You're basically naming your DAUGHTER "Grandfather" "Come here, Poppy" translation: "come here, grandfather" "I love you, Poppy"_ translation: "I love you grandfather" etc. It also sounds like someone saying "puppy" but in a funny way, like some sort of British accent "com 'er, Poppy" Not to forget the plant in which they make heroine and such from. Nice...Poppy is such a dumb name. What's next, naming boys "granny?!?"
― Anonymous User 10/29/2014
I really like it. Poppy is such a pretty and elegant name and I think it ages well; even an 80-year-old grandmother could be called Poppy.
I really don't like the name poppie. First off, that is what many grandchildren call their grandfathers. Second that is what some Spanish women call their sons. The name just does not sound like a name I can see a one year old or a 21 year old having.
Poppy as a nickname for Penelope has a long usage. The Greek nickname for Penelope is "Popi". I have two aunts and a cousin all called Poppy, short for Penelope.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2014
In Australian or England it is pronounced "pop ee"Also, my daughter is named Poppy Spork but her full name is Penelope. Everyone adores her name and I am so glad it is not common in the US!
Despite being über trendy in the UK, the name Poppy was only given to 171 baby girls born in the US in 2012. I'm glad it's not catching on here, it's a little too childish to be a full name.
Um, no. I sure am glad this hasn't caught on in the US, this name is borderline ridiculous! It really does sound like what some children call that fathers/ grandfathers- Poppy, papi, etc. There are plenty of nicer, more mature sounding flower names out there like violet, rose, heck, even the obnoxiously trendy lily is better than this!
― Anonymous User 6/4/2013
Great name for child, but elder? nuh nuh no, I don't think so.
Surprised to see its so popular in the UK, I've never even thought of us using it as a name living in the US. It kind of reminds me of what people sometimes call their dads, especially in Spanish (papi). But that's just my initial reaction, I'd have to think about it more to get an opinion ;)
― Anonymous User 1/27/2013
My daughter has this name and it fits her perfectly. We love being feminine women! Sweet, lady-like and and all that makes the power chicks gnash their teeth. It is too fun to flaunt the girly stuff! Have a sweet, pink day!
My friends name is Poppy Louise. This is a very elegent name and reminds me of scarlet poppies. The name Poppy reminds me of people who are very caring and empathisize with others, a great combination of meanings make this name so special. Poppy is quite short but you may be chosen to be calls Pops. pretty name, I love it and recommend it to all!
― Anonymous User 11/20/2012
I really dislike this name, but I used to like it. I started telling people and they said it reminded them of drugs. Poppy flowers are where we get opium. Opium is the drug in Morphine, Heroin, etc. A lot of people also connect it to the Wizard of Oz, where the poppies cause Dorothy, Toto, and the Cowardly Lion to fall asleep. I can understand naming your kid a flower name, but I think you should know something about the flower in question.
― Anonymous User 2/3/2012
Won't age well.If you want a nice flower name there are plenty of other good ones to choose from. Iris, Dahlia and Jacinta are much nicer!
― Anonymous User 12/29/2011
It's a pretty flower, but it sounds masculine and un-name-like. It's not a good name.
Actress Poppy Lee Friar who plays Sophie Ainsworth on Dead Gorgeous.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2010
I love Poppy flowers, and I think this makes a sweet name for girls. And the word "Poopy" should not be in the vocabulary of anyone older than eleven years of age, so I really don't think it should be taken into account (that word is an Americanism that is not used by the rest of the English-speaking world anyway).Poppy is a very popular name for girls in England nowadays, where it is pronounced "POP-ee" (with a short "O"). This is due to a revival of some classic Victorian names in recent years, particularly flower names (others being Lily, Iris, Rose, Daisy, Bryony, etc).
I don't know whether anyone else would agree, but I love the idea that the name could symbolise that she would be born as something beautiful from something so ugly. Like the poppies that grew in the fields after the Great War.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2010
I like this name. It's very cute. I know that a lot of users don't like this name. But I guess most of those users are from the UK or Australia, where Poppy is used a lot. In America where I live, Poppy would be a refreshing choice.
Poppy is such a happy name. How can you hear it and not smile? In my opinion, not at all "infantile", I think on an adult this would translate into beautiful like the flower. And I completely LOVE the idea of using it for a nickname for Penelope!
Poppy is the sweetest and cutest girls name ever! I think it would be better as a middle name though or put with another name but it is still super sugary sweet!
― Anonymous User 3/4/2010
As my dog is called Poppi (not Poppy) I can't imagine a girl being name this! This name is so sweet on my dog! It's more of name for pets.
I'm not really sure why, but I love names that are the names of flowers. They sound beautiful and delicate. That is why I like the name Poppy.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2009
Truth be told, I used to not like this name, but now I really do, ever since I met a girl called Poppy. She's really nice, and really good at art. Now, every time I hear this name, I think of her. A person can change your opinion on a name. I really like this name now. It sounds so sweet and pretty, and I like the flower.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2009
I ALWAYS misread this as "poopy". That's why I don't like this name.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2009
Poppy is the name of the main character in the first story in the Night World series. Her twin brother's name is Philip and it's a great set of names for twins if one has red hair and the other blonde.
Being called Poppy myself I find it a very nice name. For people who say it's cutesy and would fit a grown woman, I disagree, having lived for 12 years with this as my name, I have grown into it. I think that is one thing that happens you grow into it, or it grows with you.And about the shortenings, personally I have never made a habit of shortening it as it's so short already. If I'm sending an e-mail to a mate, I may sign it as Pops, but I would not refer to myself as that in real life.Also my Dad has continuously called me stroppy Poppy and sometimes my little brother calls me Poopy as a joke, but it is not a problem.And finally, Poppy should never be used as a shortening for Penelope. Ever.
I disagree. While it might work for you and thousands of others given the name, I think Penelope with the Poppy nickname is a fantastic compromise for parents who find Poppy far too perky, cute or informal. I've seen many people have reservations based on grandfathers being called Poppy and to many the "pop" sound is either too humorous to be taken seriously or downright unpleasant.I know it's technically not informal being a floral name and I LOVE the connotations with the poppies myself, it's special and significant, but I can fully understand why some might wish for a fuller more classic name.I rather like the name myself but not for my child. And to those saying it's completely unusable, rubbish. Over the coming years there are going to be lots of Dr Poppys etc. all over the UK. It is mainstream there. I'd have more reservations with it in the US.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2009
I find this name a bit odd since my little cousin refers to her grandfather as "Poppy". But even without that association, I find this name to be too childish to be used as a full name. I'd much rather see it used as a nickname for Penelope.
― Anonymous User 12/7/2008
I really dislike this name. It sounds like the German word "poppen" which is very bad slang for uhm "to make love". It also sounds like Papa or Papi (dad, daddy) and very immature and childish. There are so many pretty flower names out there so why would you choose Poppy? It just sounds weird.
I hate this name. First of all, I don't like the way it rolls off the tongue; it sounds so immature and childish. Secondly, it has teasing potential: Poopy, Poo, Popsie etc. I can't imagine this name fitting a grown woman.It's cheesy, childish, and kids at school would have a field day coming up with cruel nicknames. In fact, the Australian actress Poppy Montgomery was called everything from Floppy Poppy, Sloppy Poppy, to Poopy Poppy growing up, and was made so miserable because of it that she quit school at 14.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2008
Miss Poppy Dixon, who writes the hilarious blog Adult Christianity, is proof that women named Poppy can turn out intelligent, funny, and spunky. The name sounds quite girly and child-like, but she can pull it off.
It sounds very cutesy, girly, and infantile, and you'd have to be the coolest person out there to really pull it off. It sounds cute on a little girl, but I can't imagine it on a mature, self-respecting woman.
My young daughter is called Poppy Violet after her Great Grandmothers. My gran called Poppy is in her 90's and the name suits her very well and does not seem childish. I feel it reflects her character, lovely on the outside but can hide something quite mischevious underneath. People naming their children after flowers was popular 80 - 90 years ago, there are plenty of examples in nursing homes the length and stretch of the UK and the fashion is coming back round. Since Poppy was born I have also discovered that it is short for Penelope in Greece, which happens to be my mother's name.
I am called Poppy, and couldn't help but notice that many people thought this to be a cutesy, baby, name. I would like to say that I do not believe this to be true at all. I have managed quite well with this name, and many people have said how nice it is to me. It can be quite a formal, serious name, it all depends on the bearer.I would just like to note, that there is some teasing potential in this name - Poopy etc.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2007
I adore it for a gorgeous, flowery little girl! The sweetest girl's name ever!
When I used to live in England I would hear this name a lot. Now that I live in America I never hear it! I used to live by Poppy. I really hate the name though. I just can't see it on someone over the age of six months. It's way too cutesy and I like a lot of cutesy names!
In the mystical and beautiful book 'Waking Dream' by Rhiannon Lassiter, Poppy is the strong-willed, ambitious and perhaps slightly arrogant cousin of Rivalaun and Bethany.
Poppy is a sweet, pretty elegant name. I have known 2 people named Poppy, one is a grown woman and the name suits her beautifully and the other is a very sweet little 2 year old who also suits her name.
― Anonymous User 11/4/2006
Poppy Mayfleet is the younger sister of a main character, Lina Mayfleet, in the book City of Ember.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2006
This name is cute and sweet, but can be abbreviated to "Pop", "Pops" and "Popsie" which aren't as desirable, I don't think. So if you choose this name, be careful how you shorten it.
― Anonymous User 8/9/2006
I like this name very much. I'm a bit of a vampire fanatic, and I think the name, while quite pretty, can be very dark when looked at with a deeper meaning. Poppies are often used to symboloze forgetting or obliterating memories, because opium is derived from them. And Flander's poppies are bright, blood red. So I can see this pretty name given to a very lovely girl, but even though the almost cutesy, teen-y feel can make it seem very ditzy, one should never underestimate this name.
Poppy would be adorable on a little girl, but too cutesy for an adult. I like it very much as a nickname for Penelope.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2006
My friend named her daughter Poppy after Poppy Montgomery. She is glad that it isn't an overused name. It is such a cute name and I can see her daughter growing up with this name.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
The name 'Poppy' has a prominent bearer in actress Poppy Montgomery (born Poppy Petal Ema Elizabeth Devereaux Donahue), co-star of the TV drama "Without a Trace".
Poppy is the first name of Madam Pomphrey, the matron in the Harry Potter series.
― Anonymous User 11/29/2005
Poppies are mentioned in the poem 'In Flanders Fields'.In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields.