Phoenix is actually my son's first name. I chose it bc i am deeply into schools of thought and what the Phoenix represents. Strong and fierce. Boy and girl name agreed. Here's another one for eldest son's first name is Lyriq. Pronounced like lyric. A boy and girls name also.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2024
Why are people so mad about this name being unisex? It's not a traditional name for either gender. Just because it doesn't end in -lina, -ana, -etta or -elle doesn't make it unusable for a girl. Phoenix is just as much a girl's name as it is a boy's.
I kinda like this name, it's my baby cousin's name and we call her Phee-phee, I can see this on a boy or a girl.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2024
Phoenix is an amazing unisex name! Don't listen to all these other negative comments saying that it sounds "ghetto", "unprofessional", "grotesque", or "worse than names like Samantha or Alex". Phoenix is a charming name, and the myth behind it is quite inspiring!
Phoenix is very masculine sounding. Fine on a male; so very unappealing on a female. I met a teenage girl named this yesterday and it was such a turn-off. Not sure which comment the one below mine is quoting, but what degree of a completely unsophisticated, irrational person one must be to perceive Samantha and Alex as "grotesque, unprofessional and ghetto". Samantha especially being so beautiful and feminine to say the least!
My name is Phoenix and I love it. Also to the people saying that it seems too hippie and not professional just because it's not really a white sounding name does not mean you have to insult it and the people named it. I love my name and personally I go by Nyx or Phee.
Every time when I hear the name, I can only think of the name Felix and not Phoenix, maybe because they sound similar, I love this name so much! I can see it used for a boy.
It looks like a combination of Phoebe and Nyx. It will probably be very popular in the future.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2021
Phoenix is a great name for anyone. I chose this name because of the mythology around it, and how the Phoenix is reborn from its own ashes, and is particularly meaningful to me.
In my opinion, this is masculine. It's extremely handsome, refined, and regal. It just sounds perfect. I love this so much! I would name a child this. I 100% recommend it!
I ADORE Phoenix! I think it suits a girl better, but it's also fine on a boy. I also love the bird! Phoenix is a name that sounds gorgeous on a girl, yet handsome on a boy.
My name is Phoenix and for tons of reasons it is a fitting name for one such as myself. My personal experience is that for those of you who share this name: 1 have you met another Phoenix, for me no. 2 I haven't found a good nickname fitting to the name, FEE FEE, being an undesirable humor for friends. 3rd I think the name Phoenix is one of the rarest names. For all those with the name PHOENIX beware, you will fly high burn bright and from the ashes born anew.
Actually, this is a really uninteresting, boring name. It just doesn't seem a mature, stable name. And, nothing unique about it also. Plain and boring!
I love this name! Phoenix has a lovely meaning, and it's a great unisex name. There's nothing wrong with the fact that it's modern, and it's unique but not crazy. I love it so much I might change my name to this when I'm older. Nyx or Nix would be a great nickname for Phoenix.
The title character of Cathy Cassidy's 'Forever Phoenix', the new book (fourth and final) in her Lost & Found series. Phoenix is a girl, and suits her name very well!
A lot of these comments are negative, but I honestly don't see anything wrong with the name. It can be used for a girl or a boy; it ages well; it is, of course, an immortal beautiful mythical bird which is famous for bursting into flame every 500 years and being reborn from the ashes; I also really like the idea of nicknames being Fifi or Pixie. As for someone with the name Phoenix not being taken seriously as a lawyer or doctor or something else official, I have never understood this. Why should someone be considered any less professional just because they have an unusual name? I wouldn't mind being called Phoenix - in fact, I'd love it! But I don't want to change my name because I adore my real name, Elizabeth. Come to think of it, Elizabeth Phoenix or Phoenix Elizabeth sounds really good! :)
I like this name. I personally love unusual names that people would understand (Not unusual in the "Abcde" sense). Maybe I'm biased because my best friend has this name, but I think it's a nice name.
This is my dream name for my future son. I don't know why but I just LOVE this name. I’m pretty sure that whenever I tell someone I want to use this name, they absolutely hate it.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2020
My name is Phoenix, middle name Ashton I'm 23 years old and male. I must say in 2020 when people first meet me they always say I'm the only Phoenix they know and that they love my name. Once they get to know me they realize I am exactly what you'd expect a person named Phoenix to be. Gotta say having the name Phoenix has pushed me to thrive and if at first I don't succeed I try again.
My son’s name is Phoenix Kai. He was born in 1998. My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I were teenagers when we had him, and all the adults we knew told us it was a horrible name that only stupid teen parents would give their child and he’ll be embarrassed of it and we’ll regret it. We’re in our 30s now and my husband and I still like the name. Our son likes his name too. As does everyone he meets. He constantly gets compliments on it. I think Phoenix is a beautiful name, for a boy or a girl.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2019
The name sounds beautiful, in my opinion. Just the word itself, as a meaning. Think of the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the WORD Phoenix. Now, what is your opinion if there is a PERSON named Phoenix? I hate to say it but... ew, ew, EW! It sounds like Felix. It's also SPELLED like it's "Phoebe" and "Felix" combined. NOW THINK! If you were a girl, would you rather be called "Phoebe" or Phoenix"? If you were a boy, would you rather be called "Felix" or "Phoenix"? The word itself is very beautiful the way it sounds, and it has a beautiful meaning. But a WORD for a person's NAME is not the best option for a child's name. Certain WORDS.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2019
Phoenix is a female name. In traditional Chinese marriage ceremonies, the Dragon and Phoenix were a harmonious yin yang of male and female energies. The Phoenix representing women due to its ability for rebirth and only women give birth.
I love Phoenix the name for boys and girls, but I prefer it slightly more on a a boy because it sounds so noble and strong and also regards as handsome. I can picture an actual male Phoenix like one of the O.C.’s on a fan fiction. It’s also elegant for a girl too! I can definitely push some feminine into Phoenix.
― Anonymous User 11/27/2018
This name is totally up there for sure! Such an epic sounding name.
I named my daughter Phoenix because of the power behind it. She has been a huge change in my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I must say though as she started to pronounce the name herself it became quite comical as she was saying the word penis.
I named my daughter Phoenix. We found the name powerful and yet beautiful. Definitely I think it could be unisex. She’s only a year old so it may change, but right now I shorten it to Phoenie. Kind of like Feeney (a character from Boy Meets World?) My stepfather jokingly said “fefe” once, but that name reminds me of a poodle! Absolutely love the name Phoenix, in any regard.
― Anonymous User 1/1/2018
I hate this name, but I love the ancient Greek name Nyx. Why don't you use Phoebe if you like the beginning and Nyx if you like the end?
― Anonymous User 12/1/2017
I named my daughter Phoenix. Her name represents the end to the old life and beginning of a new life for me- she's a beautiful, very, very intelligent girl. She's magnetic and draws people to her just by her way of being.
I think it works for both boys and girls, but something about it makes me like it better for a boy. But I could see it for a girl.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2017
I think Phoenix is a beautiful name for girls and boys since I'm a girl and called Phoenix. I'm the only person in school to be called Phoenix, but I do love my name.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2017
I think people like this name because the pronunciation is just so satisfying. It has a very strong feeling to it. I don't understand how people view it as feminine though. I see it as very masculine. Masculine, exotic, powerful, and mysterious.
My son name is Phoenix Wren. It suits him, he's such a lovely, lively little boy. People always comment on how much they love his name. It's a name of empowerment & strength.
Phoenix the mythological bird is also known in chinese culture with the name 'feng huang'. It is said to be "beautiful, graceful, loyal, and honest, the fenghuang represents all the virtues, calling us to a higher level of life, filled with justice, peace, prosperity, and faith". So yes, I like the name.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2016
In love with this name basically because it is my favorite myth and it is also my name ;).
I believe that the name Phoenix is more suited to a girl. It is a beautiful name with lots of meaning and has a feminine touch to it. It is an exotic and beautiful sounding name. It will always show a young woman with a strong welded mind set. This name is NOT suited to a boy.
In Vietnam, the name "Phuong," translates into "Phoenix," and it's the name my mother was born with. Over there, it's as common as "Sarah" or "Jennifer" here in the US.However, if we have a son, we'll give him the middle name Phoenix, as it's mostly a boy's name here in the States, and it would be honoring his grandmother.
― Anonymous User 12/7/2015
This is so amazing to read more about my son's name. However, I didn't quite spell his name the same way. His name is spelled as Fenix, which is pretty cool and different for me. His name is still pronounced as Phoenix though.
Such a strong and powerful name, Love the full name of River Phoenix and the bird origin, as well as the name of the capital of Arizona, (though Phoenix is kind of a boring city SORRY, and I prefer Flagstaff) I like the name for a boy, how could this be a girl name? Lol. Girls these days are named such boyish names like Logan and Reed lol.
Now this is one awesome name! The name Phoenix is so cool! :D.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2015
Well I'd just like to say that I'm called Phoenix. And I'm 11 and I'm a girl! I like the name for a girl and a boy. Some people like it, some people don't.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2015
I'm called Phoenix and I love the name. I don't care if anyone doesn't- I like it and that's what matters! But it is nice to see some lovely comments of the name too!
It's a nice name. I have a friend named Phoenix, and she's quite lovely. I think the name suits a girl who's not afraid to speak her mind. It's also a pretty interesting name.
Somebody mentioned that River and Joaquin Phoenix's parents changed the family surname to Phoenix after leaving South America; the name change had less to do with their change in geographical location and more to do with the fact that they were leaving the Children of God cult, which has since undergone its own name change and been redubbed "The Family." Phoenix as a first name would make me wonder if little Phoenix's parents were either hippies or fantasy nerds.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2014
My daughter's name is Phoenix and she loves it... I personaly think it goes better for a girl :)
I personally wouldn't use the name Phoenix because it's not my type, I would if I had to pick it for a boy because it sounds cool. But really Phoenix it's just so cool I don't think I can pull it off. But if you like it then for a girl then Phoenix Azura, Phoenix River, Phoenix Jade, Phoenix Sapphire (my favorite) and Phoenix Azalea. I think these can be good name combinations.
I personally love the name Phoenix. I love the fact it's great for a boy or girl. I think it's a strong powerful name and that any child named it will be destined for great things.
The name Phoenix has been ruined for me by my cousin's son. Now when I hear "Phoenix", instead of picturing a majestic bird rising from the ashes, I picture an aggressive spoiled disobedient brat. And they call him 'Fin Win'. Were it not for that association however, it would still be one of my favorite names.
I often use the name "Phoenix" or "Fire" as my code name or internet name, like now. I like it for a girl, and a boy as Phoenix would be fine as well. I am also writing a story, and wanted to name myself Phoenix as an author on the internet with my friends as "Nika, Gujin and Panda." So I wanted something unique.
I named my son Phoenix in 1991. At that time and through his school years, he was the only student in the district with that name... my impression of the name at that time (1991) was of the mythical bird that rose from the ashes to be reborn... I liked that concept... Some relatives hated the name so much that they called him PJ. Twenty-one years down the road (2012)it means so much more... he has GROWN into his name... a unique red headed, intelligent thinker, a quiet young man who loves his name.
There is another way to spell it... Phoinix like my middle name.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2011
Gag-worthy, vomit-inducing, name. Hippie, flower-child... looks like some people do not want to love down the good-ol'-dayz of the 1960s. Do your child a favor-- name him something that will aid his life... A lawyer named "Phoenix"? Doctor? Military General? No.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2011
I don't think I'd ever have the courage to name my child Phoenix, but I use it for characters whenever it fits the story. However, I don't see how naming your child after a bird is "WTF-worthy". That just lacks rational thinking, honestly.Anyway, I prefer this name on girls. Usually with dark red hair and a flirty personality.
I hate this name. I don't know why everyone likes it, I really don't. It has a really ugly sound to it and naming your son/daughter after a bird is so WTF-worthy. Choose something normal like Andrew or... Audrey or something. I don't know. Just don't use this.
So... Audrey, Andrew, Samantha, and Eliza are better than Phoenix? Just because some names are more "normal" and "socially acceptable" than others does NOT make them better... Yuck.
― Anonymous User 11/30/2010
Am I the only one who doesn't like this name? I honestly cannot imagine a mother yelling "Phoenix!" out to her son or daughter in the grocery store. I can, however, picture them yelling "Eliza!" or "Samantha!"
I find this name grotesque. I can't even imagine using it on a pet let alone a person. I heard someone in my class say this was her little sister's name and I thought she was kidding. Why would you name your child after a mythical creature? What's next? Fairy? Dragon? Minotaur? Do not disgrace your child with this name. It sounds so trashy and ridiculous.
I do not personally like this name at all. Especially on a girl. Probably because of the mythical theme.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2009
I've learnt a lot about this name, even by sitting here scrolling down the comments. I don't usually get active online for comments etc. but I got to say, I have my heart set on this name and my 'son' will be born in 13 weeks! My self and my partner both like it. I have a few other reasons for choosing this name, but I just wanted to say that I really can't get why it's a girl's name! It's aggressive, a bit mean, dark red, symbol of eternal life, fire etc. and yet, some of you guys are comparing it with the likes of 'phebee' (excuse the spelling!) Anyway, I really think it's a cool name and used in many different places in the world and not just Greece! I do agree, that the baby/kid/adult should be able to carry it off though! Let's hope mine does! ;-)
I named my son who just turned one Phoenix. Two things lead us to choose this name. 1. The stretch marks on my stomach resembled a Phoenix and I pointed it out to my husband and we both said "That's a good name!" 2. My husband has always felt his life was about rising out of ashes and at the time my son was born we were going through a change like that.It worked out in the end that Phoenix is of Greek origins and I happen to be part Greek, his other two middles are Greek as well and he has red hair!
Why hasn't anyone mentioned this yet? In Homer's Iliad, Phoenix is the old, wise tutor of the hero Achilles. He makes a long speech in the Iliad, trying to convince Achilles to rejoin the battle.
I think this is one of those rare unisex names that actually CAN work for both sexes! River & Jaoquin Phoenix were able to hold up its masculinity, while I can totally see this name on a girl, too. (Maybe because the first syllable reminds me of Phoebe.) Anyway, this is an awesome name either way.
I've always thought that Phoenix is an awesome name, and I agree with Seagulldream, I'm always thought of it as a male name, and if I have a boy I really think that's what I might call him. The only problem is that I see this name on the rise, more and more people are popping up with this name and I want my child to maintain identity and pride in their name so that's something to think about too. I disagree that an adult cannot pull off being called Phoenix with dignity, I think that an amazing person is all the more extenuated by an unusual name, that's what takes you from famous to an icon, like Madonna or Hercules. In all honesty I like it better as a surname though.
Wow, this is a cool name and I like the meaning and the color red, too. It's even cool for a surname. I want to name a pet this, though. It's a cool name but I can't see a person pulling this one off.Also it's the surname of Star Fox's girlfriend, Fara Phoenix. Love those games and comics, so cool!
My surname is Phoenix, so when I typed it in here for a joke I didn't think it would come up with anything, but it did! I always knew the Phoenix was a mythical creature, it can also be called a firebird, like in the ballet "The Firebird." It's weird it means "dark red" also, because I love dark red as a colour.
I do love my name although I am sometimes called Feonora or Filomena I am also called Fefe. So in case you are having second thoughts about naming your child Phoenix because of the previous commentor please ignore. I can't imagine having another name. Phoenix makes me who I am. Oh and for the record I was not named Phoenix because of the family. I don't care much for celebrities only for music so if you hate my name hate if you like it thanks a lot. Love My Name!
I love this name, but I don't feel like it's a name that can grow to fit a respectable adult.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2007
I am always thinking about what I am going to name my kids someday, and when I have my first son I want to name him Phoenix Asher (Phoenix as in the bird/legend, and Asher as in its ashes from which it recreates itself). BUT my friends ALL say that Phoenix is a girl's name. But I don't think it is at all. I think it is noble, but also too harsh for a little girl. Either way I love it. But what is it, the soft sound of the "Phoe-" that makes it feminine? I don't understand.
I know a little girl by the name of Phoenix (she's a friend's child) and I eventually started calling her "Pixie" as a nickname which she seems to love, and her father calls her "Fifi" whick works well too. It's a very beautiful name and she's constantly getting compliments for it.
We also named our son Phoenix. We had decided to name him this about 2 months into the pregnancy. When he was born we didn't find out till the week after he was born, that he was actually born the day that my grandad had died the year before. Wicked. It still gives me goose bumps jist thinking about it.
Phoenix is the name of the comic book character Jean Gray's (X-men) alter personality. Phoenix is the "bad" side of her but I don't think of this an evil name so don't let that stop you from using it. I like still this name.
This is my very favorite name for a girl. Powerful and beautiful.In Chinese tradition, the symbol for marital happiness is the phoenix and the dragon together, the phoenix symbolizing the feminine and the dragon symbolizing the masculine.
As already mentioned, famous bearers of this name are the members of the actor-family 'Phoenix'. River Jude "Rio" Phoenix (r.i.p.), Rain Joan of Arc "Rainbow" Phoenix, Joaquin Rafael "Leaf" Phoenix, Libertad Mariposa "Liberty Butterfly" Phoenix and Summer Joy "Sum Sum" Phoenix are the children of John and Arlyn "Heart" Phoenix. John and Heart's original surnames where different, but they changed it to "Phoenix" in order to celebrate their departure of Central and South America - and a fresh/second start in the USA after years of traveling around.
My nephew's name is Phoenix. He is a cutie too. I like this name because it rolls off your tongue! I did not know that Phoenix meant that. Learn something new every day.
I gave my son the first name Phoenix. That name really made an impression on me due to the legends of the mystic immortal bird. I feel that a boy (or girl) with the name Phoenix can grow to make that name mean something more than the legend. How many people with that name wouldn't be proud to explain the meaning or tell the legend behind a name like that? Some say the meaning of your name in a way becomes a part of you. If you carry a name like Phoenix it could be very exciting to see how that name contributes to you life. I found out later from this website that name also means "Dark Red". That's a funny thing becouse my favorite color happens to be dark red. Wow! A fiery color for a fiery personality.
The phoenix is often seen as a symbol of Christ along with another mythical creature, the gryffin; the phoenix because in legend, it is said to rise from its own ashes, thereby making it immortal; and the gryffin because it is made up of two animals: the lion and the eagle. The lion is king of the land animals and the eagle is the same for the air. As Christ is seen as the king of the earth and sky, these two mythical creatures can both represent Him perfectly.