I've always hated this name I don't see the appeal at all It really blows my mind on how popular it is, so many prettier names out there!
― Anonymous User 12/7/2024, edited 12/7/2024
To all the people complaining that it sounds like olive: the name is purely based on the word, so it actually HAS to. No one can help it if it's just the name's original meaning from Greek, Latin or anywhere.
I find Olivia to be a beautiful, simple name. It could fit anyone, really. I can see it on a girly-girl, a tomboy, a quiet girl, or an extrovert. It sounds pleasant, the spelling is pretty, and the nickname Liv is very cute. You can't go wrong with this name. :)
It’s a good name, but I wouldn’t name my kid after it (if I had one) because I’ve met some unpleasant people with this name, and they had really nasty attitudes. However, I won’t be biased; it is a very good name! To all the Olivias out there, be proud of your name! It’s amazing!
Tremendously overused, but that's because it's lovely. I have the urge to go to a playground full of little kids and yell out "Olivia!" to see how many turn their heads thinking I'm calling them.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2024
I've never liked this name, and the fact that it's so popular and overused right now makes me hate it even more. Every single person named Olivia (that I've met) has been too serious, too quiet, plain, bland, and boring. They're bland and unoriginal like their name.
― Anonymous User 5/16/2024
I used to kind of like this name. However, I met an Olivia once and saying her name over and over again made me realize I didn't like it that much. I guess I liked it more in theory?
I love the name Olivia. There is a reason why this name is so popular in so many countries. It’s feminine, flows well, not too short, not too long, very international and easy to remember. I like Olivie as a nickname for it.
It’s common because people love it. I love it too! It also reminds me of tranquility for some reason. Also the One Direction song “Olivia”. I might use it.
Olivia is an unusual name in my country, but it's not strange because of the way it sounds. I would totally change my name to Olivia and it's honestly so cute, but I'd rather use it for some character I create. I think the nicknames Libby and Ollie are really cute, and you can come up with other cool nicknames too and I love names where you can think of several nicknames.Where I live there are also very common and overused names, but that doesn't mean they're ugly, there's a reason why they're used.
When I think of the name Olivia, I think of a girl that has glasses and is very smart. If your name is Olivia and you don't wear glasses that's fine. So, I think Olivia is a pretty and classic name.
I mean, this name sounds nice, and I especially love the meaning of it, but what I don’t like is that it’s used so much that you can’t even go to a street without a girl named “Olivia” in it. I know you people can’t change their name until they’re 18, and I respect that, and this isn’t aimed to harm you, but ever since them, I’ve just been annoyed. People only use google to name their kids these days, and I don’t really find the appeal of that. I want to name my child Cereza, cherry In Spanish. I don’t think I would want to use the name Olivia. I mean, I’ve never met an Olivia before, but other than that, I just don’t find the appeal now that it’s so overused. Though, on the bright side, an Olivia would definitely be friends with girls such as Ashley and Emma. I also find it annoying they’re overused too, but there’s at least a good chance that they’ll be friends when you look at it from a different angle.
Personally, I don't really like the name. I agree with the person who said that Olivia sounds like oloogaba or ooga booga. It also sounds like oompa loopma. Sure, Olivia the pig is a harmless cartoon, but there is a literal meme about it. Go on youtube and type Olivia the Pig meme. You must really hate your child if you name her Olivia, because you are naming her after a pig. Also, pigs are usually associated with filth as they roll in mud. No one cares if pigs are intelligent. Pigs will always be known as animals who roll in mud, and are filthy. Whoever cane up with this name, I hope you roll in your grave because you are disgusting.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2023
Olivia is the most common name but like bruh, Alivia is better way better than that name 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.
― Anonymous User 7/31/2023
I would never use it, but I can definitely see why it’s so popular.
My step sister is called this. She is an amazing personal association I have for this name. Is it very common, yes, but in a decade or two it should become fresh and unique again...or really dated.
This name annoys me because I think it's nice! Yet it's so overused and common I now think it's horrible, I used to see Olivia as a pretty and charming name but now it's just overused and I'm used to every second person being Olivia.
My name is Olivia and I guess I've never had strong feelings about it one way or the other. I like the unique sound of it, especially the "V" in the middle. It's a nice, warm, lively name and I think it fits me well. On the other hand, it is very popular and I always had to go by "Olivia S" in school because there would be several other classmates sharing my name. It also makes me think of olives. So there's pros and cons to having this name.Off topic, but y'all need to show Olivia the Pig some respect. She's a fun, harmless character for little girls named Olivia. Who cares if she's a pig? Pigs are cute.
There is this cartoon called Olivia the Pig. Unless you want to name your child after a pig, sure. Also, the name OliViA sounds weird. It sounds like aloofa or OLOoGaBa or OoGa bOoGa. And I agree. It's a mouthful to say.
― Anonymous User 2/4/2023, edited 2/4/2023
You mention the character from The Cosby Show, but how could you have missed the character Olivia Benson from Law & Order SVU?
If you are considering this name for your daughter, definitely see how it sounds with the the first letter of your surname. I work in a primary school and in every class there are multiple Olivia's so they have to go by Olivia S, Olivia M etc.
― Anonymous User 1/27/2023
I also much prefer the spelling Alivia.
― Anonymous User 1/26/2023
Olivia Rodrigo is an American singer songwriter and actress. One of Rodrigo's most popular songs is titled, "good 4 u", in which she sings about the aftermath of a break-up.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2023
This is my name and I wish it wasn’t as popular as it is, but I don’t mind my name. That being said I’ve never personally known anyone else with this name.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2023
While this name is great and all, I've heard from this website that it's quite overused in Canada and the United States.
The name 'Olivia' can be pronounced oh-liv-ee-uh or uh-liv-ee-uh.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2022
I don’t like Olivia it’s a mouthful.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2022
I personally do not like this name! 1. It sounds like Bolivia and that is a country not a person. 2. People use this name too much. 3. It has a mean feel to it. Use this name at ur own risk!
― Anonymous User 10/24/2022
Olivia Newton-John passed away on August 8, 2022. Please change the page to state this (1948-2022). [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 10/16/2022, edited 10/16/2022
Ya´ll are mean. My name is Olivia and popular doesn't mean bad.
I have mixed feelings about Olivia. I like the name but I don't like how common it is, however I'm in love with the nicknames Liv and Via! Olivia is certainly not bad.
Olivia is not my favorite name but it is pretty, cute nicknames would be Liv, or Livi. I think because it's so common I don't really have a liking to it, but I can understand why people would name their child this.
I actually like the name Olivia. It’s a fine name if we’re looking at it objectively at least. I do agree with the comments that it’s overused and I’m actually quite astonished that it’s so popular to the point it’s the #1 name in many countries right now, considering there are lot of more beautiful names out there that are even better than Olivia. I mean it’s literally just olive, and then you add an -a at the end. But hey, it’s a fad and the name will be usable again in like another decade or two. After all, names that get stylish quick get old quick. Also, it reminds me of olives, which I dislike. Anyhow, on the good sides about Olivia - it’s romantic, alluring, and graceful. When I first heard this name I thought it was gorgeous. I started considering it for a future daughter. But then I found out about it’s popularity and that immediately turned me off. The more I heard it the less I was attracted to it. Anyways, Olivia is a nice song by One Direction, there are many great Olivia namesakes, and the Twelth Night character is also notable. The nickname Liv is very pretty and Livy is cute. It would make a nice middle name if you pair it with the right name. It’s just way too popular for my liking as a first name. I’m amazed by how many people envy Olivia.
Even though it's super common, it's a fine name, not bad but not wonderful either, my youngest sister is named Olivia, we call her Liv, I give it a 5/10, it's definitely not one of my favourites.
My name is Olivia. I'm an American, and it was still a relatively uncommon name when I was born. I like my name, and I think it has a unique sound to it. However, I see no point in using it now as its popularity has grown to the point of excess.
― Anonymous User 6/21/2022
I adore this name. Honestly, I don’t even care that it’s the #1 name. Popularity isn’t the same as it was in the 80’s-90’s since there’s so many more people searching for their unique & off the wall name for their baby. I think avoiding a name you adore because your daughter might share it with someone is ridiculous. Your kid shares a name with other people regardless if you meet them or not. I’ve met more Kinsley’s and Violet’s than I have an Olivia, and I part time at a daycare right now. Also, the surge of Eleanor’s is getting to be a yawn. Anyway, Olivia’s a nice and stable choice. I just hate it’s so hated on because it’s a popular name. It’s gorgeous and the nickname Liv or the tomboy pick of ‘Olly’ is just so cute to me.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2022
I understand the appeal, but I just can’t see why so much appeal- to the point it’s the number 1 top name.
My name is Olivia and I have to be honest, I hate it. I absolutely hate this name with my entire soul. I just feel it's extremely ugly sounding and the look of it is just bad. I've never liked it and I most likely never will. There is way too many of us which does not make any sense considering how horrid this name is. I've been made fun of multiple times for it so that says enough. So yeah, I just hate it. Do not like the name at all and find it a bit goofy knowing it means olive. That's just... yeah. Anyway, that's my opinion and I hope I don't offend anyone else. This is just what I feel and it is complete facts. Sorry to the Olivia's out there (including me). I feel bad for us.
― Anonymous User 5/13/2022
Olivia de Havilland died in 2020, not 1920, so you might want to correct the date. [noted -ed]
When I first heard this name when I was little, I thought it was the most beautiful name I’d ever heard, and I wanted it to be my name. Nowadays I still find the name pretty, but it’s far, far too common now. I would recommend parents to use it as a middle name instead as it flows well with a lot of first names and it’s still really lovely :)
This is such a nice and classy name. That's the reason it's too popular. I don't think I would call my child something a little too overused. But anyway, I still love it, although I'll use it when it's not in the top 100 most used names.
Olivia is a beautiful name. I love the literature association. Olivia is elegant, universal, and melodic. Much better than Olive. Many great things that come with Olivia. The name is popular for a reason, it’s a good name. That aside, the name is WAY too popular right now. Which is unfortunate, because it’s too beautiful just to be another face in the crowd. Oh well, I’ll try again in 15 years.
― Anonymous User 4/13/2022
To haters that are being mean.. the rules say: 5. Be as kind as possible. Consider that children may be reading the comments about their own names. Btw this is my name and love it!
This is a lovely name. Very common at the moment, sure, but still lovely. In fact, that popularity really shows how beautiful it is, since a lot of people must have liked it for it to be so popular!
I absolutely LOVE this name. It's fantastic and is stunning. I think of a beautiful, athletic, and kind individual when I think of Olivia. Stop hating.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2022
The most used name in the entire world is Olivia.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2022
I hate this name because it’s associated with Olivia Rodrigo, a singer-songwriter who can’t spell and thinks that lower-case song titles are trendy & emo. I love the name Oliver.
I love it, here's some middle names that can go together: Olivia Faith Olivia Hope Olivia Lillian Olivia Zoe Olivia Zoey Olivia Isabella Olivia Rose Olivia Grace Olivia Rae.
― Anonymous User 12/15/2021
Olivia is a beautiful name that will last through the ages. I paired my daughter's name with the middle names Lorelei Hope. She goes by Liv and Livi, and for some reason I call her Livi LouBelle. I love saying her full name!
Hey, noticed how many bad comments there are here, for some people it could be causing self doubt. But news flash- look up the glowing comments for classless, immature tacky names like 'sparkle' and you'll realise that the people sending bad comments are just nine-year-old's with no taste. I think the name Olivia lets you define yourself instead of your name doing it for you. This website's purpose is to give historical evidence on names, not to spread hate. You hate the name? Good for you. Don't lose your self-esteem to this junk-heap of a comment section.
― Anonymous User 10/30/2021
My name is Olivia. I used to not like it for a period of time but it honestly grew on me. A lot of people like the name as well and I don't believe it's gross or rubbish. My family, friends and I even make a joke about my name meaning olive. One of my nicknames is literally Olive Oil, and yes I do enjoy the joke. :) Okay, I hope everyone has a nice day.
To the people hating on this name you sound more horrific than the description you are giving it. Olivia is a beautiful name imo. Most names do have an older origin. Sure, there are some newer names that may be trendy for awhile but they most likely won't be long lasting. Can you imagine being a 90 year old Brittani? It may be cute when you are in your 20's-40's but as you get older it will sound like you are trying to stay young. Not that there is anything wrong with that! I happen to love the name Brittani but just saying... Plus, older names are romantic and alluring. The classic actress Olive de Havilland is one example. It's just elegant.
Ugh what a hideous one. More like Olive. This name absolutely sucks, old fashioned while being unattractive, a granny name and the fact that it is overused and trendy makes it double RUBBISH. I always hated O-Starting names. Oliver, Owen, Olivia. They are all disgusting and Low-class and super hyper ultra garbage. Emma is overused too, but at least that is not gross like Olivia is as a name. Emma is way more lovely than Olivia.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2021
This is my name, lol. When I was very young my parents used to call me “Livy”, but now they just call me Olivia. To the comment below, if you don’t like my name that’s all on you. Still doesn’t change the outlook from most people that Olivia is a fabulous name! ;D.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2021
This name literally means olive. How are you going to call an Olivia's sister? "Tomata or "Potata"?Such an horrid and ridiculous name.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2021
I think Olivia is a nice name that ages well in my humble opinion.
Despite the name's growing popularity, I've actually never met an Olivia before! I think Olivia is a really sweet name that is appropriate for most, if not all ages. I'm sure it'll stick around that number 1 spot for years to come.
I know 4 Olivias. This is a really nice name, and it’s very pretty so I understand why it’s become so popular. I imagine an Olivia with dark hair, or even blonde hair who is a really fun friend.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2021
I’m not a big fan of the name “Olivia” but if the person looks like an Olivia then it’s ok. It’s kinda strange how I feel about the name. It’s too “O” sounding which I don’t like… Olivia Rodrigo is a good example for the type of person that’s fit for the name Olivia.
I had always planned to name our daughter Olivia someday. I hate that it’s become so popular! We ended up naming our daughter another name for that reason. I still like the name and may use it someday. I can’t seem to find anything else I like.
― Anonymous User 7/12/2021
Ok, I think it's pretty, but it's really common nowadays. I'm not a fan of any nicknames.
I had around 4 Olivias in each class at school and now I work as a TA in a primary school and there are still multiple Olivias in each class. I don't dislike the sound of the name but it just doesn't have any individuality or personality. To me a name that is everywhere you turn doesn't have any specialness to it anymore. All the Olivias I know have to go by their surnames too.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2021
I find this name tacky, overused and ugly.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2021
I think Olivia is a nice name. Obviously, it is very popular (considering it's currently the number 1 name on the charts for girls in the US), and although I do tend to favor unique/uncommon names, I don't think that the popularity of this name has ruined it, necessarily. I mean, it still has a lovely sound and pretty meaning (olive tree), as well. I especially like the name spelt “Alivia”. I also think Ally/Olly, Liv, Livy, Libby and ViVi are cute nickname potentials. Lastly, I like that the name has a solid balance of feminine yet not too “frilly”. In other words, I think that the name could easily suit a girly-girl, tomboy, or a girl who has characteristics typical of both, a girly-girl and a tomboy. Overall, I think Olivia is a pretty nice name. (P.S. I also love the association with the beautiful Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), as I'm an avid Law & Order/SVU fan.)
To whoever said it’s just the US with “bad taste”...... top girl names in English-speaking and European countries around the world. Olivia, a lovely Shakespearean name... is one of the top girls' names in the world. Olivia is a megapopular name not only in the US but in the UK, Australia, Canada, and throughout the Western World. In the UK, Olivia was the recent Number 1 girls' name in tandem with twin brother Oliver at the top of the charts. It is still the top girls' name in Canada and Number 4 in both Australia and Scotland. https://nameberry.com/babyname/Olivia- Your welcome (;
Okay, can everyone chill with the rude comments? I don't love this name either, but it's not bad, it's just very popular. And it's popular BECAUSE people like it, so obviously there's nothing wrong with it. I will say that it's very overused, though.
Ugh! I can't stand this name! It just sounds so ugly and stupid!
― Anonymous User 6/6/2021
I am a 48yr old called Olivia, it was pretty much unheard of when I was growing up, I was certainly the only Olivia in my schools, and I kind of liked that. I can’t believe how quite an obscure name has become so popular over the last 20 years.
I can't get the appeal. The classic name for a white plain woman. Olivias will be the Karens of 2070.
― Anonymous User 5/31/2021
I’ve had Olivia on our girl name list for over 10 years. However, I feel like it’s too common at this point. I still love the name, but don’t want our daughter to be one of five Olivia’s in her class. Considering Alivia for that reason, as we can’t seem to find another name we like besides Ava which is also becoming too popular.
― Anonymous User 5/28/2021
I was friends with a girl named Olivia in elementary school. I won't say her last name or middle name, but her initials were OMG. I always thought that was cool.
This is my name and I hate it because it doesn't match my personality. I always have a little mental breakdown when someone calls my name. :( And, a lot of people pronounce it O-LEE-VIA. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, please respect my opinion.
Overused a lot but it’s cute. I like the name Olivia Rae so I could call her Livi Rae as a nickname. The nickname Liv is also really cute because every time they hear their name they would remember to go out and live their lives.
My daughter goes to second grade and there are about four Olivias in her class. So, yeah, although I like this name I would never choose it for reasons stated in the previous comments.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2021
I used to really love this name, this was the name I picked out as a child. Olivia Newton John was the reason I liked the name so much she was my favorite actress as a kid. Then the beginning of the 21st century happened and every other girl born was given this name. It made me mad how popular it became so fast. I am not sure how it actually managed to burst in popularity like that.
It's true this name is overused; even in the country where I live, I've met a lot of girls called Olivia. However, I still love it, just not on my list of future daughter names.
I've always loved this name. I think it's classy and in no way ghetto. Some people (who obviously aren’t happy with themselves) like to say mean things on this site.
― Anonymous User 1/17/2021
I adore my name but I used to hate it growing up! I always wished I was called Sophie because I never knew anyone with my name! I’m in my mid twenties now but most other “Olivia’s” I know are a fair bit younger than I am! People ALWAYS assume my nickname is Liv, which it very much isn’t as my mum despises that nickname (as well as Livvy). My family and very close friends call me Ollie, and I get the occasional Via which I love! I agree though it is overused but I love it so much and I love the strength it gives me :)Oh and never shout Liv to me - I won’t respond! And just to help clear things up about popularity of the name, I’m from the UK, and I know that it’s super popular here too!
― Anonymous User 1/13/2021
I don't like the name Olivia it's too overused. It's been around for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time and it means ¨elf army¨ and elves don't exist so neither does that name.
I’ve had the name Olivia picked out for over 10 years.. I’m kind of sad it’s become so popular now. I’m not sure we’ll still use the name because of that, but it’s pretty.
Really popular name, in many countries one of the most if not the most popular name at the moment. But anyway, Olivia looks good, sounds well, why not. Even if overused, still a good name.
It’s my name, and I rather like it. Different from popular belief, I am the only Olivia in my whole school of 500 people. Well, there might be like 1 kindergartener. (It’s K-8).
To be honest, I can definitely see why the name is popular. It’s pretty. But if it weren’t so popular I would honestly like it a lot more. But hey, it’s better than Olive.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2020
I’m kind of starting to like this name again, but it’s just way too popular for me to consider using. I mean, I get it, it’s a pretty name, but can’t you do better? I wouldn’t want my daughter to share her name with 3 other Olivia’s in her class. I’d recommend going with Liviana or Lydia instead, but each to their own.
The anonymous commenter below wrote “ugly...” on almost every name I looked up on here, same date. I think Olivia is pretty.
― Anonymous User 10/3/2020
I just want to point out, usually whenever somebody calls a name “ugly” it’s eitherA. They’re trolling. B. They actually think the name is ugly. C. They just want to piss people off.
So ugly. The combination of o and L and v is horrid phonetically. I cannot understand American's lack of taste I think it is so funny! Who would want to name their female child after an olive? So weird and sounds so ugly. I think I would call myself Liv too if I were saddled with an ugly name- I am not surprised a cartoon pig has it since they love rolling around in filth. So funny!
Also French. While Olivie is used in France, Olivia is much more common. [noted -ed] The popularity chart for France should be a further indicator of that. The name day for Olivia in France is March 5.French Pronunciation: O-LEE-VYA.
If you want to name your child Olivia, be aware that there probably will be another Olivia in her class, and she may have to specify which Olivia she is. Try going with Olivie, Olivera, Olivette, or Oliviera instead. There won't be six other girls with those names in her class or youth group, that's for sure. :)
If you want to name your child Olivia, I suggest you go with something else, considering its popularity. Olivia is going to encounter a lot of other Olivias. There are alternative names that sound similar, though, that you could go with instead of Olivia.Octavia Ophelia Olive Alivia Lavinia Olympia.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2020
It’s a very lovely name and can easily be imagined on any age, it’s just simply wonderful in every way. But why? Why? What’s the appeal behind giving this name to a kid anymore? There are tons and tons of other names to choose from. Teresa, Annabelle, Melanie, Moriah, Bethany, Christina, Vivian, Marian, Alicia...all these names and you choose Olivia for your child, your dog, your book character, just why? It’s no fun having the same name as somebody else and having to specify. It’s even worse when you happen to have similar last names or you have the same middle name or nickname. It’s frustrating for the person bearing the popular name, and it’s frustrating for those trying to call to attention to the person with the popular name. It’s time to move on. We don’t need more Olivias or Emmas or Sophias. There are plenty of other names in the world that have similar or even the same meanings—why is it so important to you that this popular name be used?
― Anonymous User 6/8/2020
Olivia the pig from the picture book series Olivia by Ian Falconer & Emily Sollinger and the 2009 animated children’s television series with the same name produced by Ian Falconer.
Olivia Francisca Buckley née Dussek (1799–1847) was an English harpist, organist and composer. She was born in London, the daughter of Czech composer Jan Ladislav Dussek and Scottish composer Sophia Corri. Dussek left his wife, and Olivia was taught harp and piano by her mother, making her debut at the age of eight at the Argyle Rooms. Buckley taught music, and around 1840 became organist at Kensington parish church. She used the pen name O. B. Dussek for the publication of her music.
My name is Olivia, born 1984, and during my school tenure, I was the only girl named Olivia in my entire school. Lol. Now I have a neice who is in first grade and she tells me that nearly every classroom has an Olivia. Wow how times have changed. Lol ;)
― Anonymous User 5/27/2020
My daughter goes to school with three Olivias in her class. A bit too common and likely not to really stand out as a first name when there are other girls that share your daughter's first name. Still somewhat pretty despite its popularity.
This name is the Jessica or Ashley of the 2010s. Every parent is naming their daughters either Olivia or Sophia, and it's undoubtedly getting old. If you realistically were to walk into a room and call out, "Hey, Liv!", over 5+ girls would turn their heads thinking you're talking to them. It's unfortunate, especially because if it weren't for how popular this name was then it'd be kind of cute.
Olivia is a cute name, I wish it were less common.
― Anonymous User 3/11/2020
Okay, so my name is Olivia and I love my name, I just think it’s just becoming overused. Like if you're planning on naming your kid Olivia you do you. But now I’m always associated as being a boring person as if I don’t have a personality or people assume that I’m like other people they know that share my name. Another thing is that people assume I want to be called Liv or Via because they know another Olivia who likes to be called that. I let my friends and family call me Liv but when I go to Starbucks and they write Liv on my cup, it just gets on my nerves.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2020
Yep. My name is the most popular name of the 2010's. I was born in 2001 and my parents thought it was unique (at the time it actually was). My parents named me it because my father is Sicilian and olives are one of their top exports, and they agreed it was cute. Interestingly, I have never, ever gone by Olivia. My parents call me Livi, but I've pretty much always been Vi in everyone else's eyes. I have little to no connection with the name, not that I hate it, it's just hard to resonate with a name so many white girls have. It's a beautiful name ruined by an unoriginal culture. It really, really sucks. Parents, don't name your child this unless you want them to feel horrible about themselves and their cookie cutter name. They'll likely end up hating it and you.
Naming your daughter Olivia in the 2010's is the same as naming your son John. It is one of the most over-used names of the decade. Boring and unoriginal. In the near future, when a teacher calls out the name "Olivia", there will be 4 girls responding all at once.
Zolathecat naming a child is very personal. It may not be a unique name but if parents decided they want to name their child Olivia, it's for a reason. It doesn't matter how common the name is. I met three different Olivias and several Johns, it's all about the person. We are a product of our environment, there's a reason why these names are common, because that is what we like.
The Russian cartoonist, Svetlana Chmakova, included this name in her book “Crush”. She is the athletic/gossipy one, and is obsessed with trying to convince Garrett into doing Jiu-Jitsu.
So common it's lost all appeal for me. Olivia and Sophia are the new Jessica/Ashley/Nicole/Katie. Just makes me think the parents are boring.
― Anonymous User 8/14/2019
I respect your opinion, but I will eternally loathe the name Olivia. There is a girl in my grade named this who is a brat. That is why I hate it. But the name itself is fine.
This name Olivia has been used by the biggest band of the world One Direction in their album "Made in the A.M." in the song named "Olivia"..
― Anonymous User 6/25/2019
I have a best friend called Olivia and, I have to say, it has done a good job in popularity these past few years! Here is my personal impression on this name:O is for oh, what's that? L is for lively I is for I love friends! V is for very lovely I is for I believe you should follow your heart A is for am I being good?Thanks for reading!
Olivia McGhee is the daughter of Rozonno and Mia of the reality show “Growing Up McGhee”.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2019
According to the U.S. Social Security Data Report for the distribution of infant girls’ names, the name Olivia was only given to a total of 17,921 baby girls with a percentage of .971 percent on a population of 327,200,000.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2019
Olivia Lewis is a Maltese singer who represented her country in 2007 Eurovision with "Vertigo". She did not make it past the semi finals.
Olivia Marie Busby is one of the quints on “Out Daughtered”.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2019
Olivia Vanderwaal is the sister of Grace Vanderwaal who starred on season 11 of America’s Got Talent”.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2019
I used to be crazy obsessed with this name when I was a kid because I thought Olivia was an incredibly beautiful name. I still do. It love the way it rolls off my tongue and it’s easy to say so it’s no wonder why it got so popular. I’ve actually never known or met any Olivias but the male version of the name also sounds very nice. Oliver has a really nice ring to it and I know a lot of really attractive people who were given that name.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2019
Olivia is such a pretty and delicate name that conjures, to me at least, images of a person who might otherwise display a sweet demeanor filled with kindness. A name that is quite popular right now. But could still be considered a classic to any parent who might adore this name and would like this very much for their dear child.
― Anonymous User 1/21/2019
Olivia is the name of the Akala Island kahuna in Pokemon Sun and Moon. She is a Rock-type Trainer, and she later becomes one of the game's Elite Four.
I am named Olivia and I personally think it is a great name. It ages well, there are many nicknames (Liv, Livi, Via, Ollie, Livia), it’s an all around pretty name. However, it is sadly very annoying having this name sometimes. Olivia has been in at least the top 5 most popular names for girls for over 10, ten consecutive years. I run into so many people named Olivia and it is very annoying. Being overused is really taking the beauty out of the name.
I personally don’t like this name, given its immense popularity nowadays. Plus there was a girl called Olivia who bullied me for a long time. Still, I’m pretty sure that there are some good people named Olivia out there. Not bashing on people planning to name their kid Olivia, this is just my own opinion.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Olivia who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 195th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
There are 3 plus people called Olivia in each grade at my school. Not surprising to hear this name, I think it's too common, but it's cute. I don't like other variations like Olyvia or Olyvya,... Olivia is good enough.
I wouldn't use it right now. I know so many Olivias. Very common!
― Anonymous User 2/3/2018
I like the name Olivia. It's elegant, refined, and fits all surnames. It's extremely popular now, but that won't ruin the name. It's not as bland as other popular names like John, Jack, or Emma.
I like the name Olivia, and the nickname Livvy as well, but it's too common. I might use it for my own child as a middle name if it weren't so common, as I really like it. It sounds timeless and classic.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2017
Really ugly sounding name, plus it reminds me of an olive.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2017
My name is Olivia. I go by Liv but I've been called Livi, Via and Olly. Some idiots also call me Liver and Olive Oil.
I love this name so much, and I've only met one in real life. But, if I ever had a daughter, that's what I'd call her.(I also like Liv and Livvy as nicknames, but I can't stand Olive or Libby.)The protagonist of the novel I'm writing is named Olivia. It's a classic name that's both feminine and strong, and it fits the character perfectly.
I named my daughter Olivia. She was the only Olivia in her high school at that time. Her first boyfriend said he never heard of the name. Now it's everywhere...
Olivia really is a lovely name. The thing is, a lot of other parents have simultaneously agreed, and now it feels like every other little girl I meet is an Olivia, a Sophia, or an Emily / Emma. That's going to be annoying for them, as they grow up. It's Ashley, Brittany, and Jessica all over again.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2017
I can't believe that no one mentioned Olivia Munn!
Olivia Ong is a Singaporean singer and actress. The majority of her works are in English, but she has also recorded songs in Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese and Japanese.
Olivia Lufkin, professionally known as OLIVIA, is a Japanese-American bilingual singer and songwriter. She is the daughter of an American father and a Japanese mother. Her two younger siblings are Jeffrey Lufkin, who is a musician she collaborates regularly with and Caroline Lufkin, who is an independent musician. Lufkin began her solo career after being in the Japanese girl group D&D. She gained mainstream success in 2006 after creating songs for the fictional band Trapnest under the alias of Olivia Inspi' Reira, and the songs were used for the popular anime adaptation of Nana.
Olivia is a beautiful name but unfortunately it has become very popular. Olivia is like Sophia, both beautiful names, but they are dull and uninspired nowadays because out of every 10 girls who are born, 8 are Sophias or Olivias.
Olivia Frances Culpo is an American actress, model, television presenter, cellist and beauty queen who won the Miss USA 2012 pageant, representing her home state of Rhode Island. She previously won the 2012 Miss Rhode Island USA competition, which was the first pageant she entered. Crowned Miss Universe 2012 in Las Vegas, she is the first winner from the USA to obtain the crown since Brook Lee in 1997.
Such a timeless and sophisticated name for a girl. One of my favorite aunts is named Olivia, she's my age (26), and she's super cool and one of my best friends. It really is a shame that this has grown so much in popularity, it's almost making it typical.
Olivia is such a gorgeous name! Very feminine and soft without being overly "frilly" An all around decent and practical name in my book and I'm really hoping that it ends up being the #1 girls name come the 2016 charts. (USA) Olivia deserves that spot, more so than Emma.
― Anonymous User 9/29/2016
Olivia is Sailor Saturn's name in the French dub of Sailor Moon.
I think this name is super pretty. It just flows so nicely. One of my best friends is named Olivia and she is super adorable. Shame the name is so popular now, I might have considered it for a girl otherwise.
Olivia Jordan Thomas is an American actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder who represented the United States at Miss Universe 2015 after being crowned Miss USA on July 12, 2015 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
I never thought this name was particularly pretty. I prefer Olive, and find the "-ia" ending a bit redundant. That being said, there's nothing really wrong with it, aside from it being common as dirt and boring as watching paint dry.
My name is Olivia and I've always disliked my name because people called it a bratty name. But after a while I realized it wasn't the name it was the nicknames such as Liv, Livi, Livvy, Olive and Olli because it made me sound like I was 4 years old, so now I go by Lily. Another reason I didn't like my name was that people called it "too common".
I notice that many people here think the name 'Olivia' is overused. And I agree. However, when used as a middle name, or a first name that is paired up with a unique-sounding surname, 'Olivia' can be as epic as ever! (I learned this from my friend, Olivia Zschietzschmann-Meek).
I love this name, I just wish it wasn't so popular. It has so many cute nicknames (Ollie, Livy, Liv, Via, Olive, etc). I would consider using once the popularity dies down.
All of the Olivia's I've ever known have been intelligent and kind. I love this name! It doesn't seem to be overused, and has a sweet old-fashioned vibe while still being beautiful. A classy name.
My name is Olivia and I like it, it just annoys me when it is spelled "Alivia"..."Olivia" means "olive", and an olive resembles peace. So in a way, "Olivia" means "peace". I love it!
Too often it is pronounced Alivia, which to my Yorkshire ears sounds like I live ere! My husband pointed this out to me, ruining the name for me forever. So I prefer Olive, because it actually gets pronounced with an 'Oh'.
This name is a very beautiful one. My name is Olivia and I don't regret it at all. Yeah, so what if my name is something to do with an olive. That doesn't bother me one bit. I was named after the "olive tree" in the BIBLE. This name is beautiful and whoever thinks it's not, that doesn't bother me. Many people think Olivia's are brats... but your totally wrong. I am one of the sweetest people you could meet. I also have met Olivia's and one of my best friends is an Olivia and she is so kind to everyone. I also don't care if people call me Olive. My best friend Felicia has a unique middle name and I call her "Felicia Hiyena" as a joke and she calls me, "Oliver" so I really don't care. I don't get teased about anything so that's good! I would definitely recommend naming your child Olivia because it's a beautiful name and I know that she will have a kind heart. Oh, and I also love the name Livy because my cousin Josie calls me that all the time. I don't like Liver or Olive Oil, but I do enjoy Livy and Liv. Thanks!
Olivia Hastings Holt, an American actress and singer.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2014
A brilliant, amazing, gorgeous name! Xoxo.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2014
Olivia Colman, an English actress.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2014
This is a beautiful name. Sounds so elegant and beautiful.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2014
For some reason, the pronunciation of this name sounds so much like "I'll leave ya" to me and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Otherwise, it's a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2014
I like this name a lot. I think it has cute nicknames too, like Liv or Livi.
My daughters name is Olivia but I call her oli like oh lee. When she was born my fam thought it was ah lee! My grandmother (my moms mom) calls her that. My mom calls her oliver. One of my uncles and some other relatives call her olive. I dont mind these nicknames. I think her name fits her. When olivias dad chose the name I thought of a beautiful chubby baby girl.. and that's exactly what she is. So precious and beautiful. Such a joy and always happy. We are truly blessed. We will just have to wait and see if she likes the name when she gets older. She is only 8 months.
I really don't like the name Olivia. To me, it sounds kind of unnatural. My sister's name is Olivia, and her boyfriend CONSTANTLY pronounces it "OH-livia", where it's usually pronounces "AH-livia". I feel like it's an easy name to mess up pronunciation-wise.
I'm surprised there aren't that many people who don't like this name... But then again, that's probably why it's so popular. I used to dislike this name, but I've grown to like a lot of names over time, although it still isn't one of my favorites. It would be a lot prettier of it wasn't so common (specifically younger generations), but I don't really like the pronunciation "uh-liv-ee-a", however "Oh-liv-ee-a" or the German, and I think Italian way of saying it, "oh-lee-via" is very pretty :)
― Anonymous User 2/19/2013
I'm so glad Olivia is popular. It's so pretty and chic!
People keep asking why parents would name their daughter after a plant. The olive tree is a symbol of peace. Therefore, Olivia means peace. That makes me consider it and the meaning beautiful.
Olivia is a good name, it's popular, but good. It probably looks better on a kid but an adult would totally rock it!
― Anonymous User 10/21/2012
The name Olivia can be found in some Italian records dating back before its use in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, in which case it is likely a variant or elaboration of Oliva, the name of several Italian saints (St. Oliva of Palermo, St. Oliva of Brescia and St. Oliva of Anagni).
It is a pretty name, overused but still pretty. I know the next It thing to do will be to name your daughters Olive, instead of Olivia because that will be more unique. I have known a few Olivia's in my time. The name never left too much of a impression on me though. I think it would be a fresh choice as a middle name.
Beautiful, timeless name. Unfortunately, it reminds me of the psychotic grandmother from the 'Flowers In the Attic' series, AND the annoying kid from 'The Cosby Show.' Still, despite the bad associations, it's a lovely name.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2012
How is this name overused... honestly how many Olivia's do you know of?
― Anonymous User 5/24/2012
Olivia was the daughter of Martin and step-daughter of Denise on the American television series "The Cosby Show".
― Anonymous User 3/19/2012
I think I would like the name Olivia more if it was not used over and over. It is becoming a very common name such as Amy, Nicole, Abby, Sarah, Rachel, Carly, Emily, and Ashley. Every other little girl had the name. From 2005 and up it started becoming very popular.
Olivia Wilde (born Olivia Jane Cockburn) is an American actress.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2011
I think Olivia is a GREAT name! My best friend is called Olivia (I only know one another). It is often shortened to Oli, but only by me. I think she really suits it and knowing her has actually made me really like the name! I think it's very pretty and I just love it! It's fab! As is she!
I've never liked this name. I don't really care for the "liv" sound in the middle, and I'm not too fond of its cousins Oliver and Olive, either. Not to mention how common it is nowadays; every other little girl out there is named Olivia. It kills me how these mothers think their picking something "unique" and "stylish" for their daughters, and keep insisting they loved it way before the trend started. Sure you did, sweetie. Sure you did.
I personally like the name Olivia but it is very popular and I think that has really ruined it because I thought it was such a unique name at first that it was different... Olivia is actually my name but because it is so commonly used I go by Livvy, there are four Olivia's that I know but I am the only Livvy so I stopped going by Olivia and swapped. The name was created by Shakespeare (literally it didn't exist before he used it) and there are translations and words like it in other languages but it CAME from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' Also the nicknames aren't that bad, my sister calls me Olive and I'm starting to find it funny and I think she may stop now it doesn't annoy me as much, anyone else that calls me Olive get's to scared to ever say it again because I absolutely HATE being called Olive, it's a vegetable. Liver doesn't really bother me because it slips out... I have even used it a couple of times.
Oh, I love the name Olivia. My best friend is named Olivia and she is fun, funny, and full of life. The name suits her really well. I couldn't imagine the name Olivia on a quiet person.
I love the name "Olivia" because it is the name of my favorite character in the Children of the Red King books (Charlie Bone). She is a spunky, unique character who loves to dye her hair and is a phenomenal actress.
I always loved the name Liv (like Liv Tyler) and wondered how I could name my daughter that without directly correlating to the actress (since she is the only one I know of with that name) so I'm naming her oLIVia and calling her Liv for short!
This is one of the few popular names where I understand the popularity. It is very soft, feminine, and spunky, despite becoming so common. My good friend Olivia is one of the few high-school-age Olivia's I know. She is gorgeous, and bears her name well, with the occasional nickname of "Oli" which I prefer to Liv, Livvy, Lib, Libby, etc. Although liking this name, I prefer the less-flowery, uncommon Olive and Oliva. Lovely.
This name reminds me, sadly, of Olivia Munn. It is pretty enough, but its popularity is positively sickening. I know sisters named Madison and Olivia, and I feel so bad for them having to share their names with so many people. I used to really like this name, but I prefer the less flowery, more uncommon Olive.
Olivia is my name and I love it. I've been called Libby, Livvy, Libvy, O, Olive, and Liv.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2010
I hate the name Olivia. 1) I am against pretty much any name that is popular at the moment because they become associated with my generation and the generation below me, and neither is a very good generation. 2) This name seems to be grasping at straws. Why would you just take a food item and then add an A to the end to make it a girl's name? Doesn't seem very clever. 3) I do like some girl's names that end in A, but although I love the Roman Empire and its names, it's a bit old-fashioned in my opinion. There are lots of good names that don't end in A, and it gets annoying when the A is clearly being forced onto the name, such as in the case of Olivia. I definitely wouldn't name anyone Olivia.
The olive is a symbol of peace, and a phrase from Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night'-- "I hold the olive in my hand" -- refers to this.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2010
Olivia Taylor is the sneaky, conniving, trampy, and somewhat sociopathic daughter of President Allison Taylor on the awesome TV show "24". Her mother had her put in jail for murder at the end of last season. She is partly why I don't like the name Olivia.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2010
Why is everyone so obsessed with nicknames? You can call her Olivia, no nickname needed.
I'm not a huge fan of this name, I think it is FAR too overused, but I'm not too fond of the name anyway, it seems a bit plain to me, and what would you call them as a nickname? Livie? I'm sorry, yuk!
Big favorite of mine even before it got popular! I even like the idea that it can mean "olive." That just makes me think of the olive branch and the whole extending the hand of friendship thing. I love how it rolls off my tongue and is easy for me to say too.
This is the brand of feminine hygiene products I buy. So I can't imagine I'll ever use it myself.
― Anonymous User 2/27/2010
I've always thought that Olivia is a graceful and lovely name. It reminds me of ballerinas and Swan Lake. I love it even more so now I've noticed that Olivia is six-sevenths of "Bolivia"; [b]Olivia. (I like that because Bolivia was named after Simón Bolívar, and I have a *cough*obsession*cough* penchant for Latin American things.) I'm jealous of anyone lucky enough to have such a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 12/29/2009
Overused and ugly. When I think of someone named Olivia I think of an overweight little girl.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2009
This is my name and I hate it. It's ugly and reminds me of olives which are gross and gross colored.
One of my best friend's name is Olivia. She pronounces it "Ah-liv-ee-ah". She and one other girl are the only Olivias I have ever met. I think this name is a nice name.
I wish the name wasn't so popular. But I love the name Olivia! It's cute, sophisticated, and beautiful. I love names that end in the letter A and I love vowel names too! Olivia is classic and beautiful. I would certainly consider naming a daughter this in a few years if it becomes less popular. Or even if it doesn't it's still beautiful!
― Anonymous User 6/4/2009
For some reason, I've never liked this name. It just sounds icky. I don't know. I know a girl named Olivia who is very friendly, but I would just never consider this name for my own daughter.
I've never liked this name. I just can't help but thinking of olives or the name Oliver when I hear it. I also don't like the sound of "Liv" as a short form. I think it's the "v" in the middle of the name that I don't like. It just doesn't sound very feminine to me.
I love this name because it's associated with olives, actually. I think of it as a tribute to the goddess Athena. Also, the nickname "Liv" is just too adorable!
The wife of American author Mark Twain, was named Olivia. She went by the nickname, "Livy" though. They had a daughter named Olivia Susan as well. But they called her "Susie."
I pronounce Olivia with a very distinct "O." oh-LIV-ee-uh. I have only heard it pronounced this way. I'm on the west coast of the United States.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2008
"The Color Purple" is a 1983 novel by Alice Walker and the main character's daughter is named Olivia. In the 1985 film adaptation which was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Glover and Oprah Winfrey. It's been on Broadway since 2005. There is a line in the film where Celie (Whoopi Goldberg) sees her daughter in a local store. "I think she mine, I don't if she mine, but if she is I call her Olivia." Then there is this dialogue, "What her name?" "Pauline. But I call her Olivia." "Why you call her Olivia if that ain't her name?" "Well, just look at those eyes, only someone old would have eyes like that, so I call her O'livia." It's a beautiful film.
― Anonymous User 7/20/2008
My name is Olivia and I'm not too fond of it. Who doesn't enjoy being called 'Liverneck' by classmates? Too many annoying nicknames!
I love the name Olivia! Matter of fact, it is my name! I am often called Liver by my family, friends, people at church, and even teachers! My cousin, Emilee, calls me Livi.
Despite not being able to swing a cat without hitting one, Olivia still gives off very crusty old lady vibes. It's lumpy. Olive is prettier.
― Anonymous User 5/31/2008
I have a friend named Olivia. I've always liked her name since I've known her (which has been a really long time). I know Olivia Rose is a popular name right now, but maybe if I ever get pregnant, it won't be by that time. I would like to use it. It's so pretty.
I think it's a very classy, sophisticated, dignified name, and quite beautiful too. I'm actually surprised it's become so common in the era of MacKenzie, Madison, and Nevaeh used on girls. But it's far too common, so it doesn't sound all that glamorous anymore.
Olivia is my name (I am proud to have it!) but after reading what people think it means, like if it's modern or urban or whatever, it doesn't describe me at all. I thought the name Olivia described me perfectly only because it was MY name. But I just don't want anyone getting the wrong impression on Olivia. We can be youthful, strong, modern people too! And I hate that it's such a common name. I was named Olivia because my parents thought it was UNcommon. I don't know what world they were living in.
I love Olivia! It's been one of my favorite names for a long time, and I plan on one day using it if I ever get pregnant and have a little girl. It's just lovely.
I love this name, I don't care how popular it is. When I have a daughter this will be her name. I have loved it ever since I watched Law and Order SVU with Mariska Hargitay playing detective Olivia Benson.
― Anonymous User 3/16/2008
Olivia is a beautiful, well rounded name. It makes me think of a happy, giggly girl. The Olivia I know is very much like this. She is called Lib or Libby for short.
This was the name of the daughter of Hiram Flaversham, the kidnapped toymaker in the Disney movie "The Great Mouse Detective", a Sherlock Holmes story set among the mouse population of the British Empire of the late 1890s.Olivia's father was kidnapped on her birthday by a rat who sought to gain control of the mouse version of the British Empire via a toy version of the mouse Queen Victoria (she is not named in the film), by the means of which he attempts to appoint himself royal consort.In case I was not clear earlier, Olivia and her father are themselves mice. I am quite surprised that no one thought to mention this famous bearer, for this film is one of my better childhood memories.
When I was born there was only one other Olivia in town (that I knew about) and the name was basically unpopular. Now it seems like there is a little army of Olivia's coming. My sister had a poem book for kids that she wrote in and all (and I'm not exagerating) the entries by girls under 10 were named Olivia. It is such a tragedy. How unoriginal can people get. Like the demotivational poster says, "Conformity: When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other." So true. So sad.
My name is Olivia and I love my name so much! I just wish it weren't getting so popular, I'd like to be original. Thank you to everyone who said nice things about my name, it was really nice of you and I hope I can return the favor. To everyone else, well at least you aren't named Olivia and stuck with a name that you don't like.
I love the name Olivia, it sounds pretty and elegant. I never think of olives when I hear it. I think this sounds like the name of a princess. I wouldn't name my daughter Olivia, but that's because I already have a name for her. :)
I don't really like this name. The name itself is pretty, but I have a really negative association ingrained with it that I cannot separate it from. It's lovely, too bad it's so common. I think I like Livia better though.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2007
I love this name. Even though it's getting really popular, I am seriously considering naming my daughter this. It's elegant, sophisticated, and the kid won't be beaten senseless for it. Nickames could be Liv, Lib or Libby, or possibly even Ollie for a tomboy.
I love the name Olivia. I don't think of olives at all. Actually, I think of this really unique, artsy girl. Liv and Livvy are both really good nickames too.
― Anonymous User 5/19/2007
As this is the name of my younger sister, it has always had the connotation of a sweet, funny, and precocious person to me -- not necessarily elegant and serious. I definitely like it, either way.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2007
I love, love, love this name! It's annoying that it's so overused. I just hope that by the time I have a daughter it won't be so common. I would name her after the great actress Olivia de Havilland.
Olivia 835 is a minor planet Olivia, Minnesota, is a town in the United States of America Olivia de Berardinis is pin-up artist Olivia Longott is an American R&B singer Olivia Lufkin, sometimes called OLIVIA, is a Japanese singer Olivia Newton-John Olivia the pig, a character in books by Ian Falconer Olivia the Band, a Christian rock band from Haleiwa, Hawaii. "Olivia", a novel published in 1949 by Dorothy Bussy and 1951 French motion picture based on this novel. A play by William Gorman Wills A minor character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A fictional character from Dreamfall. A character in Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night. The singer of the band No Commercial Value.
I don't think I'd really like this name if it weren't for Olivia Hussey. She just gives it such a classy, beautiful association that I can't get around. Lovely.
Olivia Lufkin is a rising Caucasian/Japanese singer from Okinawa. Most famous for contributing to the soundtrack of 'NANA'.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2007
My name is Olivia. People will tease me about it all of the time, they enjoy calling me things like Olive Oil, Liver, Oliver, Olive. Naturally I hate all of the above, but Olive mostly just because it reminds me of Popeye's girlfriend. I always carried a negative association with her. Besides the nicknames, I think people tend to enjoy me as a person because I'm vastly different from the stereotypical Olivia - every other one I've met seemed like a complete snob or spoiled brat. I've yet to understand why.
My sister's name is Olivia. I'm so jealous. I wish I could have had it to name for my daughter! It's so pretty. She gets called Livvy mostly which I used to hate calling her but am so used to saying it that it doesn't matter. She gets called Liver, but that was more of a natural thing that you don't even realize you say until you've said it. She doesn't care though. We call her "olive" as a joke.
― Anonymous User 10/23/2006
Country singer Sara Evans has a daughter named Olivia Margaret.To add the previous comment, the mother on the television show "The Waltons" was named Olivia and nicknamed Livvy.
I think Olivia is a very pretty name, and the nickname Livvy is very cute. Olivia is the name of the mother in the 1970's family drama "The Waltons". Her character really made the name appeal to me. :-)
My name is Olivia and my mum said she named me after the actress in the first Romeo and Juliet. And I don't mind the name except when people call me Olive Oyl.
"Olivia" is connected to the "olive". In many languages the word "olive" begins with "oliv", for example in Spanish "oliva" means the noun "olive" and "olivo" - the olive tree.
Olivia is a beautiful name. It is an ageless classic that doesn't seem to go out of style.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
Olivia de Havilland was an actress in the 1930's-1980's. Her most famous role was probably the part she played as Melanie in the 1939 movie GONE WITH THE WIND.
It's funny because I see all these compliments and me myself, I don't think Olivia is such a beautiful name. But it's nice to hear that some people actually like the name Olivia.