Oliver the Number 11 Steam Tank Engine is a Character from Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. He came to Sodor to Escape being Scrapped/Destroyed by his Railway Company in England. He's a Small Friendly Green Engine and is best friends with a Small Break Van Train Car named Toad, who escaped with him to the island.
A fictional bearer of this name is Oliver from the mobile game Path To Nowhere, a gender-ambiguous (possibly nonbinary) child and playable character who has the psychic ability to control things as dolls with puppet strings, and has a sweet childlike demeanor.
Cute and handsome name choices for baby boys... All I can think of this name is someone tall and handsome and athletic middle age businessmen in 30s... it's one of my favorite trendy names for boys nowadays.
Hate it. It's just so popular and overdone right now. It doesn't sound that good, it reminds me of olives (I hate olives) and it has the word liver in it (like, these are my kids: Okidney and Ostomach). Like some people in this thread said, it's a good name for a cat, not for a human being at all. Also, the association with Oliver Cromwell is not very good.2/10.
I have changed my mind, I love this name now! It sounds good and rolls off the tongue pretty well, it has a pretty interesting history, and I especially like the "v" sound. I like the association with Oliver Twist.I don't care about how common a name is or how popular it is anymore, it's popular for a reason! Overall, it's an awesome name.9/10.
The "liver" part stands out way too much. Like these are my sons, Okidney and Opancreas.
― Anonymous User 12/27/2022
A lovely classic that everyone knows how to say and spell. Cute!
― Anonymous User 12/13/2022
Oliver Mellors, the titular character of Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence, who enters a torrid affair and eventually falls in love with the eponymous Lady Chatterley.
I think Oliver is a nice name. It sounds strong, classy and refined. I love Ollie for a nickname. It ages well, too, as I can easily picture this handsome name on a cute infant, playful little boy, adventurous teenager, caring young adult and sweet elderly man. Overall, I think Oliver is a good name.
Also Spanish (Modern). There are 17.093 bearers of this name in Spain, and the average age of the bearers is 14 (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística).
This name reminds me of a rat. Sorry, but any Oliver in my mind is going to have whiskers and be kind of a weirdo. Never met or seen an attractive Oliver. The name sounds like someone who is stuck up or just a complete weirdo. No hate to anyone named Oliver. Just the name. Ew. Sorry. Oliver sounds like an egotistical cat’s name mixed with a cheesy rat.
― Anonymous User 2/14/2021
I have a dog named Oliver so every time I hear this name I only think of dogs so I would never use it. Ollie is probably the best nickname for this name.
I love the name OLIVER. It is regal and masculine. I named one of my 3 English Cockerspaniels 'Oliver' 5 years ago, and I had no idea that it was, or was about to become, so popular. My Oliver is a beautiful blue roan, tan, black and beige color, with beautiful dark eyes and expression, and long silky black ears. He suits his beautiful name very well. However, I don't like "Ollie" as a nickname. He always gets his full name.
Just, I don't like this name. It's really popular these days and also, nothing much interesting about this name. Actually, quite a boring name. Oliver. Really. There are better names than this.
In the Full Metal Alchemist adaptations and the Manga, General Oliver Mira Armstrong is one of the main characters. She is also the older sister of Major Alex Louis Armstrong or 'the strong-arm alchemist'.
I can certainly understand why it's gotten so popular. I especially like the American pronunciation of this name. I've always had a certain obsession with this name.
It's awesome for a cat and a human- both are equally awesome! I named my cat Oliver only for 3 reasons: 1) he is as round as an olive and 2) he eats ol iv er (all of are) food and 3) his favorite treat is liver! So ya, but cute name, love it on a boy, Olivia for like a girl, it's awesome! Even for a human and cats or even dogs! If your name is Oliver you rock even if you're a cat, dog, or human!
I like the name Oliver and may use it despite my dislike for Oliver Cromwell, who committed genocide against the Irish. Apart from that it's a decent name.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2020
Strong, classic name, not hard to see why it's become popular, although I don't like the nickname Ollie- it sounds wet.
I absolutely stan this name, it reminds me of a smart upper class man who is talented in engineering. I have a Oliver shrine in my bedroom as I am ready to call my son this name.
Oliver and Olivia would be adorable names for boy and girl twins!
― Anonymous User 4/12/2020
Good strong masculine name, Only bad Oliver I have ever heard of is Cromwell, who committed Nazi Regime like genocide against Irish Catholics in the 1600s and as a result banned Christmas because it was a 'Papist Celebration', would still use the name though, and other than in England could imagine it becoming really popular in the Southern US (Tennessee, Alabama etc).
I was supposed to be born Otis but then I was born Oliver. When I was young I always thought my name was super different. And WOAH! The name started blowing up! Never thought that would happen! Then I began to think my name was nice. It still is, yanno? I love being Oliver!
Add Usage: Russian, DutchPronounced: AHL-i-vər (American English), AWL-i-və (British English), AW-li-vu (German), AW-li-veh (Swedish)It is used in various languages.
I thought that name was overwhelmingly scarce for humans in America, but not for their pets. How did it become this popular here, when it's only popularity was in Finland, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, and Eastern Europe? Speaking of Switzerland, is Oliver popular there?
This name, Oliver, has a timeless quality about it that is most certainly not quaint and that is precisely why it sounds classy with style. A good name to have despite its obvious popularity.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2019
A very nice sounding name that happens to be ultra popular and I like it?! I'm not one for trendy names but this one makes the cut. I don't know what quality about this name makes me like it but oh well. Oliver only makes me think of the nerdy character portrayed by Mitchell Musso on Hannah Montana.
Such a shame this name is so popular because it’s one of the nicest boy's names there are. I could never use this unfortunately, but oh so adore this name!
Oliver is boring. Probably if I were not a BtN user I would be excited because it was one of my faves years ago. But as I am active here I've seen it too much.
This is what a relative of mine would call a "beat-up name." As in, someone with this name with get bullied because of it. I have to agree that it sounds wimpy and like a kid who would get teased and/or beat up a lot. The nickname Ollie isn't any better, and actually sounds like a wimpy redneck name, too.
― Anonymous User 10/9/2018
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Oliver who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 753rd most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2018
I think of a nerd when I hear this name, that's not a bad thing though.
Oliver is a very popular name, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. It's good-natured and energetic, and while it's just as fashionable, I think it much more refined than the feminine form, Olivia. In my opinion, it goes best with one-syllable surnames. There is the unfortunate association with Oliver Cromwell, but it also has positive connotations, such as the fictional Oliver Twist or Oliver Wood from the Harry Potter series. There's also the French Olivier and Spanish Oliviero, which are also nice choices, however I prefer Oliver.
I am black mixed with Irish, German, Puerto Rican, Native American, Viking, and who knows what else, lol. idk, but my last name is Oliver and I love my name.
It's not a bad name, but the name "Oliver" sounds so fancy. Sounds like that one kid that had good manners and always wears neatly done clothing. Not bad characteristics at all, but that is just what I imagine. Overall, ok name. Not my favorite at all, but I see the appeal in this name. A lot of people seem to love this name though, since this name is ranking very high on the rankings these past few years.
I love the name Oliver. It’s not a very common name where I’m from but one of the main reasons I like it is because of a personal connection- my middle name is Olivia and I was named after my great grandpa, his middle name was Oliver and he played a big role in my life so I would like to keep it in the family.
Seriously? No one thought about Oliver queen? C'mon man...
― Anonymous User 9/28/2017
Every other person I know is naming their son Oliver, and while I don't hate the name, I certainly do not like it. It is hideously common and has lost its shine because parents have ruined this name by naming so many children Oliver. Ollie is also a terrible nickname, in my opinion.
I love the name Oliver! I would call him Ollie for short. When I say Oliver I think of a cute little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I would call my son this!
Oliver Bjerrehuus is a Danish model. He was born in Denmark to actress-turned-writer Suzanne Bjerrehuus. In 1997, Bjerrehuus traveled to New York City, where his career took off when he landed jobs for such entities as Calvin Klein, Nautica, and Giorgio Armani. In 2003, Bjerrehuus moved back to Denmark. He is currently an actor in his home country, but still does some modeling.
Oliver Rolf Kahn is a former German football goalkeeper. He started his career in the Karlsruher SC Junior team in 1975. Twelve years later, Kahn made his debut match in the professional squad. In 1994, he was transferred to Bayern Munich for the fee of DM4.6 million, where he played until the end of his career in 2008. His commanding presence in goal and aggressive style earned him nicknames such as Der Titan from the press and Vol-kahn-o from fans.
I love the name Oliver. It is an old, classic masculine name that wears well with age. Famous name bearers include Oliver Wendell Holmes (U.S. Supreme Court Justice), Oliver Stone (director) and Oliver Sacks (neurologist and author). I love the nickname "Ollie" as well, for a young boy.
Oliver is also a character in "Thomas The Tank Engine".
― Anonymous User 12/5/2016
I love the name Oliver! It fits a mischievous little boy as well as a dignified old man. I personally like names that don't sound strange at a certain age.
― Anonymous User 12/5/2016
This name has been in our (Hungarian) family since the 17th century, according to family tradition, introduced by a female Scottish Catholic refugee to Transylvania, who wished that her descendants should remember our Scottish heritage, even though she (as a woman who married into a Hungarian family), could not lend her own name. Well, if the story is accurate, it worked! I'm named Oliver, as is my son, my nephew, my father, and many fathers before me, and we do remember our (distant) Scottish heritage (recently confirmed by DNA analysis…). It was very unusual when I grew up (in Canada -- I never met another Oliver besides my Dad while growing up), but on visits to Hungary it was nice to have people immediately accept it, rather than constantly comment on "Oliver Twist", the way they did in Canada. Now it's popular in Canada, and even more popular in Hungary.
― Anonymous User 9/10/2016
Oliver (born William Oliver Swofford) was a singer popular in the late '60s and early '70s. He is best remembered for his two hit songs "Good Morning Starshine" and "Jean".
― Anonymous User 8/4/2016
I don't particularly like this name, both because it's too common and because I just dislike the sound. Other than these things, it's a decent name, just not to my tastes.
My brother is called Oliver and I haven't met anyone called Oliver apart from him. I think it's a really sophisticated and rare name, but I don't like the nickname 'oli'/'ollie'. It just sounds like a type of bloody spread you'd put on your butter.
I love this name. It's not too rare, but not too popular (not where I live in the US, among my age group anyway. I only knew one Oliver in my life.) Sounds sort of British/French to me. I imagine an Oliver as more of the cordial gentleman type. I think it sounds good on both a young person and an old person. I think people get the cat association from the movie Oliver and Company. I wish people would stop giving animals human names; it limits our scope. It's better as a human name and should stay that way.
I think this name is very handsome as well as vintage. I am 5 months along with our gender surprise baby, and if Oliver wasn't so popular we would definitely be choosing this name.
― Anonymous User 12/24/2015
Boring. Old. Annoying. What is there not to love about this. (Hint hint sarcasm) Oliver seams like a really whiny obnoxious kid growing up in the year 1842. It doesn't really work good on a grown man. It doesn't even work good on a five year old.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2015
A Vocaloid3 voicebank developed and produced by PowerFX Systems A3 in collaboration with VocaTone is named OLIVER. It's made to be a young, classical type vocal, around the age of 12, and was modeled after a Vienna choir boy. The names "Cody", "Treble", and "Devin" were also considered during the development stage of the software.
Oliver Postgate was an English animator, puppeteer and writer. He was the creator and writer of the popular British children's TV programmes the "Clangers" and "Bagpuss".
― Anonymous User 11/19/2014
This is a nice name, but I prefer its French form, Olivier (o-lee-VYAY.)
Oliver Stanley "Olly" Murs is an English singer-songwriter.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2014
This is SUCH a cute and charming name! :3.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2014
Strong, masculine name. It is getting popular but that's only because people are appreciating it :)
― Anonymous User 8/10/2014
This is my son's name and it really suits him. He's a very cheeky little fella with a "butter wouldn't melt" smile. I named him after my favourite musical and it just so happens that one of his first words was MORE! Amazingly classic, timeless name.
This is my partner's name, and I love it! It's one of those Germanic names that remind me of something strong and noble. Beautiful name with a cute nickname.
― Anonymous User 5/20/2014
I always thought this name was great. It's one of those that sounds innocent but heroic to me if that makes sense. Like it's intended for a good-hearted character. Cute name.
I'd really like to name our son this- it goes well with all the girls names we've picked out for his twin sister. The only problem is that its getting quite popular. I don't regard it as 'trendy' myself, but others might. I think it's too old fashioned and charming to be called trendy. Despite the popularity, its an excellent name, and we're still considering it!
In the book 18, Pete's 13 year old son is named Oliver.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2013
I find it quite strange that this is the most popular name for babies in England right now, despite Oliver Cromwell.
― Anonymous User 4/21/2013
The name Oliver has another meaning in Norse. It means "Affectionate". This comes from several sources. My suggestion is that if you are naming a child or pet or novel character and the meaning is important, that you research beyond this site, as it somewhat frequently leaves information out.
I LOVE the name Oliver! It's #38 in 2009 in my nation of origin, Hungary. I REALLY want to name my little son Oliver... at the moment! :D No, Oliver is very cute. I personally know of a little Oliver (I have never met him, just saw pictures of him, he's Hungarian) and he THE cutest little boy! Thank goodness he is called Oliver with that cuteness which describes him.
― Anonymous User 2/13/2011
It is also used in Czech, Slovak, Estonian, Hungarian and Late Roman.
― Anonymous User 4/11/2010
Oliver was a character in "The Brady Bunch"; he was the son of Carol Brady's brother Jack and his wife Pauline and came to live with the Brady family while his parents were in South America.Much younger than the Brady kids, it was an attempt to get the appeal of a precocious youngster back into the storyline. Brady fans see his arrival as the turning point upon which the show "jumped the shark" or marked a decline.Cousin Oliver Syndrome is the name that fans use for the phenomenon of sitcoms casting young kids to try to boost ratings.
Whenever I hear this name, I think of a boy in about 19th century England with peasant clothes (especially the hat), somewhat like Oliver Twist. Somehow, though, it makes the name seem more sexy. I have a strange mind sometimes.
In The Netherlands Olivier B. Bommel is the name of a comic book character in the books of Marten Toonder. I don't know the English name. It's the friend of Tom Cat (Tom Poes in Dutch). I myself don't like this name, but I used to like the stories of Marten Toonder.
In English, Oliver is old slang for the moon. Origins of such usage may be traced to Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads, as the moon, when full, resembles a great round (presumably bald) head.
― Anonymous User 5/29/2009
I really don't like Oliver. I immediately think of Oliver Cromwell, who was a butcherous genocidal dictator and a curse upon Ireland. One of our worst curses is "malacht Cromail ort" which means "The curse of Cromwell upon you". Some people would still use that curse. I would have liked it if he hadn't existed.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2009
Famous bearer is the character Oliver Warbucks "Daddy Warbucks" in Annie.
Oliver in Catalan language is also the name for the olive tree, we say indistinctly oliver or olivera for this tree, and the fruits are olives. To make a difference between the personal name and the tree name we pronounce oli'ver or oli ver'.
Sure it brings to mind 'Oliver and Company' to most, but it brings different things to my mind. I used to have a dog named Oliver. Before he was put to sleep.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2007
I love this name, it's a very old and masculine name. I would love to give my future son the name Oliver as a middle name.
I like this name---I actually prefer it to the feminine version Olivia, although my distaste for Olivia may relate more to people I've known than the name itself. But I don't find Oliver outdated at all.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2007
Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774) was the author of "The Vicar of Wakefield" and "She Stoops to Conquer."
― Anonymous User 4/1/2007
No offense but I just can't stand this name, it sounds stuffy and outdated.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2007
I think Oliver is a fantastic name for a boy! One of my favorites for a future son.
― Anonymous User 3/18/2007
Czech model Pavlína Pořízková & Ric Ocasek have a son Oliver (23th May 1998).
Oliver Queen is the alter ego of the DC Comics superhero Green Arrow.
― Anonymous User 2/6/2007
Tommy Oliver is the name of a character in the Power Rangers universe. He appears in more episodes than any other ranger.
― Anonymous User 2/6/2007
Since when is Oliver a cat's name? I've never heard of a cat named Oliver. It is however my son's name & he's always receiving compliments for it. It's one of my all time favourite names.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2007
Most people probably associate it with a cat because the main character in the Disney movie Oliver & Company is, yes, an orange cat. It's supposedly based on Oliver Twist. I personally think it's a good name, and don't get the whole 'cat name' thing, either.
In As You Like It by William Shakespeare, Oliver is the oldest son of a famous duke. In the beginning of the play he is very mean, especially to his younger brother Orlando, but then he has a change of heart and becomes good.
The defining trait of Oliver in the Song of Roland, is wisdom, of which his name is repeatedly linked to, in contrast to his companion Roland, who represents strength.
A famous bearer is Oliver Cromwell, one-time Lord Protector of England, in place of the King, during the English Civil War. There is also the song "Oliver's Army" by Elvis Costello, referring indirectly to Oliver Cromwell.
*sings* 'Oliver, Oliver, never before has a boy asked for more; Oliver, Oliver, don't ask for more when you know what's in store' - From Oliver! The musical, based on the story "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens.
Whether or not it originates from "elf army", Oliver surely today is closely related to the olive tree. Olivier is listed as the French version of Oliver, when in fact "olivier" is simply French for "olive tree".
Oliver Wendell Holmes was a wonderful poet and his son, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., was a United States Supreme Court Justice. Oliver Hardy was a comedian/actor who partnered with Stan Laurel.