I love the name Nolan. It sounds both sophisticated and cool. I envision someone who is educated and studious, but also likes to relax and have a good time. Also the meaning (chariot fighter/champion) is pretty epic. Overall, a great name.
This name is absolutely horrendous. Thou shan't name their child this.
― Anonymous User 3/29/2023
I find this name very ugly.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2022
Nolan is a name that I used to not like. I mainly didn’t like the “No” part since it reminds me of the word “No”. However, Nolan is a pretty cool sounding name. Not to mention, it’s very unique where I am.
As a person whose name is Nolan I don’t get why people prefer it as a last name, but otherwise I’m glad my name is exotic like my personality, And overall a good name that is masculine, urban, and Irish-American like me.
It sounds like a name which is really common but it isn't; I've never met a Nolan before! But, based on reading some books, Nolan is often used for a bully's name :(
In Lincoln Pierce’s book, “Big Nate Goes for Broke” Nolan is the name of that jerk from Jefferson, but in Lincoln’s book, “Max and the Midknights”, Nolan is Kevyn’s father, and he’s really nice.
I do like Nolan slightly more for a boy than a girl.
― Anonymous User 12/15/2018
In 2018, 3 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Nolan who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 797th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
I think this is an "old man" sounding name. For some reason, it also sounds like the name of an unintelligent redneck with buck teeth. It's a good thing that this name isn't very popular. The only thing worse than calling a boy this, would be to name a girl Nolan- that would be horrible.
― Anonymous User 9/5/2018
Nolan Sorrento is the main antagonist of the book “Ready Player One” and its film adaptation.
I like this name and if you like\love it as well and are considering using it for your little guy, some combos I have paired with it that you are more than welcome to take a look at are: Nolan Raimi Nolan Sawyer Nolan Xavier Nolan Parker Nolan Ross Thomas Nolan.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2016
Finally! A good, strong masculine name that people aren't slapping on their poor little girls!
My sisters would be very disappointed to see their name described as "masculine! It is such a pity, with a little responsible research you could have found this out! Nolan is never used as a forename in real Irish culture Their surname is Nolan - an ancient Celtic/Norman family with the feminine Irish form as Ní Nualláin, masculine form being Ó Nualláin.
Christopher Nolan is an English-American film director and screenwriter known for "Memento", "Inception", and "The Dark Knight". His brother, Jonathan Nolan, is also a screenwriter.
A pretty famous bearer of this name is voice actor Nolan North, who is known for being both very professional and very prolific in video games. He is best known for voicing (and motion acting) Nathan Drake, the protagonist of the Uncharted series.
In 'The Looking Glass Wars' by Frank Beddor, Princess Alyss of Wonderland is the daughter of King Nolan. He is killed at the beginning of the book by his sister-in-law Redd, on Alyss's birthday.
I don't know why but lately I have been very fond of this name. It's cute for a little boy but not in the way that you can't picture it being an adult's name.