Nikolai Sergeyevich Valuev (b. 1973) is a Russian politician and former professional boxer who held the WBA heavyweight title twice between 2005 and 2009. At 2.13 m. (7 ft.) Nikolai is best known for being the tallest and heaviest world champion in boxing history.
Hi my name is also Nicholai but everyone who knows me spells it Nicholaj. It's not a typo. Did you know Nicky Hiltons real name is Nicholai Hilton. I was born in Denmark, that's why it's written like that. I have lived in Finland for 40 years this year -22.
H.I.M Emperor Nicholas (Nikolai) II Alexandrovich Romanov of Russia (1868-1918) was the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia, he was the last monarch of the Russian Empire.
Prince Nikolai Lantsov is a fictional character in the Grishaverse series. He is the prince of Ravka and second in line to the throne. Described as extremely clever and charming, he is definitely my favorite character.
― Anonymous User 12/24/2019
Nikolai Yezhov was unfortunately a bearer of this name. He was the head of the murderous Soviet secret police NKVD during the Great Purge. He is one of the most evil people and biggest mass murderers of the 20th century.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2019
I have twin boys names Bruce Nikolai and Robert Thomas. I absolutely loved the name Nikolai and chose that name for Bruce’s middle name.
― Anonymous User 6/24/2019
The name Nikolai can also be spelled in the Scandinavian languages Níkölaí.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2018
Nikolasha is a more intimate form of Nikolai, while Nika is a "babyish" version. Kolyan is a slang form used by male friends.
My son's name is Nicolai. When I first heard it I fell in love with the name, and automatically knew my first born son would be named Nicolai. I think it's a cute, and sweet baby name, and a hunky, masculine name for a man of age. I hope he doesn't use a nickname. I don't like the name Nick because I automatically think Nicholas, but I think a cute nickname would be Nico.
Shouldn't Nikolay be the main Russian form of Nicholas, with Nikolai being a variant transcription? I mean, all masculine Russian names that end in -й, are usually transcribed to a form that ends in -y... and this form ending in -y is then usually considered the main form (with forms ending in -i considered a variant transcription).Just compare these names, for example:- Aleksey (Алексей) is the main form, while Aleksei (Алексей) is a variant transcription; - Anatoliy (Анатолий) is the main form, while Anatoli (Анатолий) is a variant transcription; - Isay (Исай) is the main form, while Isai (Исай) is a variant transcription.In other words:* -ay is the main transcription of -ай * -ey is the main transcription of -ей * -iy is the main transcription of -ийThen it stands to reason that Nikolay (Николай) should be the main Russian form of Nicholas, with Nikolai (Николай) considered as a variant transcription. Also note that just because Nikolai is the transcription that occurs most often in English, doesn't necessarily mean that it's the most correct transcription. [noted -ed]
Lucille, In English, the name spelled Nikolay would be pronounced ni-ko-LAY (as in to lay down), which brings with it a more feminine impression. Nikolai comes more natural to English speakers, as the pronunciation would be closer to the Russian - ni-KO-lie (as in to say something untrue).Although the transcription would match certain other names from Russian, we should consider them on a case-by-case basis.
Nikolai Sokolov is a character in MGS3: Snake Eater.
― Anonymous User 7/25/2012
Also used in Norwegian, Danish, and Finnish with name days in Finland on December 6 and in Norway on December 6. A namesake is Nikolai William Alexander Frederik, Prins til Danmark (Prince of Denmark), born: August 28th, 1999Sources: Statistisk Sentralbyrå, National statistics office of Norway, Danmarks Statistik, National statistics office of Denmark, Väestörekisterikeskus, National Population Register Centre of Finland,
It's my name, and I really like it, but if you live in the US, I'd be careful about choosing this name for your child. Most people I meet are uncertain of both the pronunciation and the spelling - and outside of Russian speaking areas you may need to compromise with "NICK-o-lai" unless you want to spend a good bit of time coaching people. Even then, I once had a teacher who was still asking me about it after a month - and conversely, as I'm not a native Russian speaker, when speaking to those who are I sometimes feel like I'm being corrected on my pronunciation.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2011
My newborn cousin was given this name and I find it absolutely adorable!
― Anonymous User 5/14/2011
My cousin is named Nicholas, but we all call him Nikolai. I think it's cool.
I love this name, if I ever have a son I am naming him Nikolai, it just sounds so amazing.
― Anonymous User 6/25/2010
Nikolai Ardalionovich Ivolgin, who goes by Kolya, is a character in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Idiot. He befriends and greatly respects the main character, Prince Myshkin.
Nikolai was borne by the last two tsars of Russia. It is also my middle name spelled in Russian. This is contrary to what some say a strictly masculine name, not a feminine name. It's a good name for a boy, and he can just go by Nick or Nicholas also. The name itself stems from the Greek words Nike and polis, and it means the "people's victory."
A famous bearer of this name (albeit a fictional one) was Zhivago's beloved uncle in Boris Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. He's often refered to as Uncle Kolya or simply Kolya.
― Anonymous User 1/28/2008
Russian name days for Nikolai: 16 February; 13 March; 22 March; 22 May; 9 August; 27 October; and 19 December.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2007
I think Kole is a cute nickname for Nikolai.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2007
Nikolai - the kid Bean was friends with, who turned out to be his brother, in Orson Scott Card's book "Ender's Shadow."
― Anonymous User 3/28/2007
Nikolai is the prince's name in the book The Princess by Lori Wick.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2007
I love this name so much! It's a very strong sounding name, but really cool and friendly!
The name Nikolai has an enormous amount of sentimental connections to me. It's strong and masculine but in an unusual way. My friend and I joke that I'll name my first son Nikolai, but I said I will only if I marry a Russian guy. It was my long-departed iPod's name too.