Nephele unfurls like the delicate wings of a mythical creature, echoing like the seductive bliss of Greek Mythology itself. Glossed with white like ivory puffs of clouds, Nephele embodies a timeless beauty which eclipses the boundaries of humanity. The syllables carry whispers of ancient tales, pirouetting on the tongue, painting a dazzling dream of the paradise where the gods tread. The name itself is an ode to the heavenly nymph who graced Greek Mythology with her ethereal presence. To bear the name Nephele is to carry a legacy of divine enchantment, testament to the enduring magic of Greek Mythology.
I really love this name, its meaning and its pronunciation! The sound of its pronunciation really fits its meaning, a cloud nymph. Its sound implies softness and a unique and delicate nature! A natural, pure beauty! I already have this name picked out for my next kitty I'm planning on getting as soon as I can. A female, white Minuet! I think it will be a perfect fit for a little fluffy white kitty!
Beautiful, otherworldly name! Its soft and ethereal sound perfectly suits its meaning (cloud) and mythological background (a cloud nymph in Greek mythology). I think it may be usable in real life as well. In my opinion, it looks and sounds very quintessentially ancient Greek (I had a hunch it was from that mythology before reading about its origins), so it doesn't seem "made-up" or bizarre despite being extremely unusual.
Na Fell.
I love the meaning! The name isn't half bad either!
Sounds dramatic. It reminds me of Neptune.
Derived from the Greek noun νεφέλη (Nephele) meaning "cloud", which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek noun νέφος (nephos) meaning "cloud, mass of clouds". [noted -ed]
Greek pronunciation is NEF-el-ee. [noted -ed]
I prefer the spelling Nephelie and its way better than the popular Natalie and love the meaning and when I was younger this was my choice of goddess for my Greek play.
Pronounced "NEF-e-lee".
I've also seen it spelled Nephely and Nepheli.
Neifile is one of the narrators in Boccaccio's Decameron.
Pronounced NEF-eh-lee, neh-FELL-ee, or neh-feh-LEE, depending on where one chooses to place the stress.
I pronounce Nephele like Nah-fell, but I have heard it said like Ne-fay-lay.

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