You can use the nickname Chad for this, I suppose.
Fun Fact: A 'Nebuchadnezzar' is a measurement of wine equaling 20 standard bottles or 15 liters!
I hope you guys know that nobody's gonna actually name their child this. This is a website to list names, not a baby name recommendation site.
Let's not name someone after that man.
Very long and complex, yet cool as hell!
Yikes. There are n's, b's, ch's, z's... you know what, I'll just say that this is wayyy too complicated.
Great, funny name. It's not for a child, but possibly a character.
Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon had the Ishtar Gate built and finished the rebuilding of the Etemenanki ziggurat, which was most likely the inspiration for the biblical Tower of Babel. I wrote a whole essay comparing him to Gilgamesh, but I still can't pronounce "Nebuchadnezzar" correctly!More fun facts about this name: Morpheus' ship in the Matrix is called the Nebuchadnezzar, yet another Biblical allusion in the series.
Though it is a lovely name, I would advise against using it to name your child or anything else. Many people can’t take normal names without bullying people, they'd probably have a field day with “Nebuchadnezzar.” Lovely name again, not a good choice.
It's fine as a historical name used to refer to the king, but I personally don't think any Western parent should give their child this name. It would just lead to bullying at school for the kid.
Sorry, no offense intended, but who names their kid this? What kind of bullying and awkward situations are you trying to set up?
My name is Chad and I have identified the origin of my name to come from King Nebu-Chad-Nezzar and the story of how God punished him for denying him by having him chew cud like a cow does to aid in digesting its food. I interpret the story to mean that if one is wise in the ways of the world it is more difficult for them to digest the idea that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
The leader of the Penguin Bandits in Aura Kingdom bears this name.

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