Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Nari is one of the sons of Loki and Sigyn. At the end of the epic poem "Lokasenna" Nari is said to be the brother of Narvi (also written as Narfi), while Sturlusson's Prose Edda uses Narvi as another name for Nari and names Váli as his brother.
Added 8/15/2014 by Lady_Skywalker
Edited 1/13/2017 by LMS and Lady_Skywalker

Nari 2
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Other Forms FormsNariko

Meaning & History

Added 7/13/2019 by Mirrorland

Nari 3
Gender Feminine
Usage Urdu
Scripts ناری(Urdu)
Pronounced Pron. nah-ree  [key]

Meaning & History

Means "woman" in Urdu.
Added 3/20/2020 by anonymous

Nari 6
Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. .  [key]

Meaning & History

Meaning: ?
Added 11/23/2020 by anonymous

See Also
