Michael Meier is an Austrian Paralympic archer who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Michael Johnson (b. 1973) is a New Zealander Paralympic shooter who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Michael Murphy is an Irish Paralympic equestrian who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Michael Puseletso Mabote is a South African Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_LearnedAmerican actor Michael Learned has this name. She played Olivia Walton on "The Waltons", and for the first five seasons, they used a title in front of only her name in the opening credits to clarify that she really was a woman.Also, how has no one mentioned Welsh actor Michael Sheen yet?
It’s a beautiful name reminds me of Michael Jackson and George Michael…unfortunately it also reminds me of Michael Myers the eerie and sadistic killer from the Halloween movies!
― Anonymous User 11/21/2024
Another bearer of this wonderful name: Michael Hutchence (co-founder, lead singer and lyricist of the rock band INXS from 1977-1997).
Michael Michele Williams, known simply as Michael Michele, is an American fashion designer and actress. She is best known for her roles New Jack City, Ali, and the series ER. She was named after her mother’s best friend, a woman named Michael.
Michael Dukakis is an American retired lawyer and Democratic politician. He was the longest-serving Governor of Massachusetts, and he was the first person of Greek heritage to secure a major-party nomination in the 1988 presidential election race. He taught political science at several colleges, including UCLA.
My son shall be named "Michael Khabib F______" so I can use "#keepfightingmichael" right after he's born! Besides, I'm gonna keep the "MKF" tradition alive! Well, I was given the name "Muhammad Khaliq F_____" right after I was born and I'm planning to adopt my 3rd given name, "F_____" as my surname!
“A name cannot be both infinitely bitter, bland, sh!tty, boring, wack and infinitely unbelievably overused at the same time. I don't think there is such a name.”Michael: Hold my bear...! ;)
American actor, Jonathan Banks, championed an incredible performance as Michael “Mike” Ehrmantraut on the award-winning series, “Breaking Bad” and its spinoff, “Better Call Saul”.
Michael Ho is a Hawaiian Chinese professional surfer who has won the Hawaiian Triple Crown, the Duke Classic, the World Cup, and the 1982 Pipe Masters. He is the brother of Derek Ho, another champion surfer. Michael is also the father of Women's World Tour surfer Coco Ho and surfer Mason Ho.
― Anonymous User 7/11/2023
This can be great and diverse for some, but it is very common. Probably the most used boy name after John and James. I get leader vibes from this. The name of the archangel has made me view the name as the servant of the Good lord above. Very cool name.
Michael Curtis Waltrip is a retired NASCAR driver, and winner of two Daytona 500’s. He, for a time, also owned Michael Waltrip Racing before its closure in 2015.
Well, I might as well give my opinion on my own name. So, my parents got this name from my great uncle Mike (but had I been born before my cousin I'd have been called William) and I always resented having a name so commonplace. But I've grown to enjoy my name much more now, even if every other Michael I've met irl has been a total douche canoe.Edit: As of August of this year, uncle Mike has died. With his passing I have found a new appreciation for my name. RIP, king.
I personally like the Hebrew name and its power behind it's name. From a Biblical perspective. Michael is one of the archangels and was identified as so in the Bible. In the book of Daniel in the Old Testament he is named as the protector of Israel and in the book of Revelation in the New Testament he is portrayed as the leader of heaven's armies in the war against Satan and kicks him out of heaven. He is considered the patron saint of soldiers in Christianity. What a very powerful name indeed. My brother's name is Michael and I have always looked up to him with great respect, authority, and as protector.
I really like the name Michael! I think it sounds really strong and awesome. I really don't like my current name and if I could, I would change it to Michael.
― Anonymous User 2/15/2023
Michael Kiske, a German singer who has done some solo work but is most well known for being one of the two vocalists in the power metal band Helloween.
In my extended family, we have six Michaels, all of them cousins. And because of that I can say that it is overused to the point where all my relations agree that we shall skip a generation or two before the name gets reintroduced again.
Gollee, people. You can’t just hate on a name because it’s common. Yes, it is, but that doesn’t mean it’s not strong, or timeless for that matter. I will say this, though: Michael is a MALE ONLY name.
I really love M names, and Michael is no exception. Very handsome name for a guy. Michaela, Mikayla, and Makayla are also very beautiful.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2022
Michael is a firmly masculine name. There are beautiful versions for girls: Michelle, Michele, Michaela, even Mickey. People who name their daughters male names are weird, plain and simple.
So sorry for anyone with this name. It pains me to hear this word spoken aloud. Good nicknames are Mikey, Mikeboy, Mickey Mouse, Mike Moldy, Baddie Michael, etc.
Michael Jackson made the name cooler for me in my opinion. He makes the name have more personality for me now!
― Anonymous User 3/16/2022
I really like this name. Unfortunately, I have an uncle Mike who's not the greatest person. So, I can't use this name for a child...as of NOW. However, if you can, you should totally use it! While common, it's a very nice name. Michael is a cool name.
I do not understand why people say so many negative things about the name Michael. It is true that Michael's name is famous, but why? One of the reasons for that could be the comfortable dialect, the meaning it has, the successful celebrities who are named Michael or just like the name. It's so cruel that you suppress it just because you don't like the name. This name is one of the greatest angels of God and its meaning is also beautiful. If many children are called Michael, it means it's a good name that parents are choosing for their child. Anyway, not everyone likes it respectable, but express your opinion respectfully. Maybe a mother wanted to name her son Michael.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2022
I don’t like it, it’s too associated with Michael Jackson, plus it’s so common which makes this name hideous.
― Anonymous User 11/18/2021
Michael Theodore Mouse.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2021
I understand why people like this name, it’s strong and masculine. Personally I don’t like how the first vowel feels/sounds due to my Great Lakes version of English. One of the coolest guys in my life right now is a Michael, but like many he goes by a nickname (not even one that’s a derivative of Michael). I’ve never met a boring Michael, that’s for sure.
Growing up as a kid in the 90s, I almost always encountered two to three Michaels in one class. In fact, in second grade we had five Michaels in one class alone; just to name one example in my personal experience of how popular this name once was for my generation. It is a good name, don't get me wrong. I just think it is time for a cooling off period for this one particular forename.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2021
Nice name for a BOY. I find it pathetic that people are naming their daughters Michael.
My name is Michael and I am a girl. Yeah some old people raise eyebrows when they hear me say my name. But who cares?! I enjoy it just the same. As for the silly comment below suggesting Michelle, No! I think all names are gender neutral and cis binary bigotry need not apply in the modern era!
― Anonymous User 6/22/2021
Michael is a great name for a girl. I really like it and think it would be a cute name to give to a future daughter of mine.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2021
It's true this name is common, even I know a lot of boys named Michael. I think this name is solid and classic. Hate the nickname Mike, it rhymes with "bike".
It isn't my cup of tea. There are definitely worse names out there, but I personally don't like it because it is extremely popular where I live and I have met several Michaels that were horrible. I also don't like Mike, Mick, Mikey, Micky and so on as nicknames for Michael.
After a long debate with myself, I decided to name myself Michael after realizing that I was transgender. My full name is Michael Alexander, and I don’t regret the choice at all. I had always known I wanted to name myself something biblical, despite the fact that I am not religious. This choice to do so wasn’t because of the actual bible, per se, but because I loved all the angelic figures in John Milton’s epic Paradise Lost. I chose Michael over the other angels because I enjoy the heroic depiction of Michael in Paradise Lost as the leader of the army of heavenly forces against Satan and his rebels.Also, in choosing this name, I knew that it was all too common, so I fixed that by having most people just call me Mikey :)
This name is really common, one of the most popular names for men. Michael looks elegant, just a good name. Maybe little bit boring because used so often, but why not, it is really a classic name.
Had 3 Michael's in my class (We called each of them by their surnames only). Though it is a very common name it's strong with a great reputation. I like it.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2020
Michael Kelso, the goofy, not-so-bright character from That 70s Show.
Despite it being so common I really like it - it has a Great symbolic meaning to all forms of Christianity, whether it's Catholic or Protestant, and it also comes with a few nicknames, which I don't think are needed - overall strong, hefty name.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2020
I named my youngest son Michael.. the Archangel of God. It isn't used a lot here in the south eastern United States. He is in 5th grade now and not one year has there been another Michael in any of his classes. It's a classic name.
It's classic but seriously it's too common. It was the most popular male name in the USA for like 40 years? It's time for a break.
― Anonymous User 8/31/2020
So I don't think this is really very relevant but, I personally associate the name Michael with Michael Afton from Five Nights At Freddy’s... which isn’t exactly a good thing. So I believe that he is the FNAF 4 kid’s older brother (there’s a LOT of debate about that) so that theory means that he is the oldest kid of a child murderer, accidentally killed his traumatized little brother, and got his internal organs scooped out because an animatronic needed a skin suit to go out in public. Yep so in Essence...Michael Afton is kinda a terrible person. Thank you for coming to my ted talk :)
Michael Afton is not a bad person! He accidentally killed his brother. Actually, he didn't kill him, Fredbear killed him. Also, just because he is the son of a murderer does not mean he is a murderer/terrible person.
Went to a Catholic School in Scotland and this was one of the most common names, along with James, Sean, Ryan, John and Liam. I like it despite how common it is.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2020
In my personal view, the name, despite being crazy common, is really interesting and good. I just have some bad associations about this name.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2020
I came here again and noticed my previous comment, where I explained what my bad associations about this name were has been edited by mods or something and everything I wrote was deleted. Nice job mods, it would've been better if you just totally deleted the comment then. What even was the point for me to waste time and write it? There is a comment down there which has similar content and that one didn't get a large piece of a text cut out. [comments may be edited to remove details that are not relevant to other visitors -ed]
― Anonymous User 8/22/2020
My favorite singer's name is Michael. His name is Michael Jackson.
― Anonymous User 7/19/2020
Here's the thing about Michael (and I've posted something similar for David): it's objectively a good name. Particularly in its English form, it's not too harsh / macho, but the long-I in the beginning keeps the whole thing from becoming a mumble. I totally get its appeal. But a bunch - more like a whole entire boatload and then some - of parents decided Michael would be a good first or middle name for their boys. (It's my own father's middle name.) This might be the absolute most common name of people I know of *any age* (not just my generation). Seriously, if I did a Top 3, I think it would be Michael "Mike", David "Dave", and then probably Mary or Jennifer "Jenny". That is a lot of people.Michael needs a nice, long breather before it stops being played out on boys. As for being a feminine name... no. Just stop. Please.
I named my son Michael. I don't know why or what it is but I've always liked this name since I was a small child. I liked Michael Anthony but ended up naming my son after his father Michael Shane.
I don't really care for this name. I have an uncle who never visited, never cared for anyone in my family, is a "tough customer", and he pretty much wanted to take my grandmother's money. He visited only a few times. He had chewing tobacco in a water bottle and spilled it all on the floor (We have carpet, WHITE CARPET). I had to clean it all up, disgusting! His middle name is Michael. I don't like this name because of that, and I don't like the way it sounds. He's a good and bad person, everyone has their flaws. Don't let my uncle drive you from this name, the name doesn't make the people who they are, they choose their actions.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2020
Pity that Michael is too popular, as it is a really good, strong name. The only thing that would put me off from using it is its ridiculous popularity (I also have a Michael in the family).
― Anonymous User 6/7/2020
There is nothing wrong with the name Michael, but I personally wouldn't use it, only because it is very popular where I live. I have also met a few Michaels that weren't very nice.
― Anonymous User 6/4/2020
I appreciate the rustic feel this name shoots for, however it sounds more like a woodland shack than a log cabin. Generally, people named Michael are 45-50 year old men with slightly thinning blonde hair and a friendly demeanor. While the person it refers to is nice. It also makes me think of a cat with too many hair balls, so I do not like this name. The popularity does not suit the name, and, personally, I think it should be banished to the endless mists of obscurity.
OMG, like this name is so popular where I'm from that it's not even funny anymore. I mean, if you think this name is good or something then ok, go for it. But be warned that you will find a lot of guys running around named Michael.
― Anonymous User 5/29/2020
It is a nice name. However, I'd say that it is exhaustably overused to the point where most of its charm is gone. But that is just my personal opinion and nothing more. ;)
― Anonymous User 5/17/2020
Decades of extreme popularity have made this a super boring name.
It's kinda funny. I know a guy named Michael and everyone teases him and calls him Chichael. He gets mad every time and that's all I can think of when I hear this name, besides the archangel, kings of Russia and Michael Jackson.
― Anonymous User 4/28/2020
Overused, just like all Biblical names. I've met too many jerks with this name, too.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2020
VERY popular. Only met one decent Michael though.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2020
I quite like this name. It’s too bad it’s gotten painfully overused and that the true meaning has been forgotten. I’ve met a few arrogant Michaels.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2020
Used by famous voice actors of dubbed anime Michael Sorich, Michael McConnohie, and the late Michael Lindsay. If there are others please notify me.
I like this name a lot since it reminds me of my late grandfather who, sadly, passed away last year. (sad sigh) Great name, might consider it for any future baby I might have.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2019
Michael is a purely masculine name that should never be given to a girl as its sound is quite rough, but handsome. The history of this name is quite grand.
― Anonymous User 12/14/2019
A good, timeless default name. Doesn't need any nicknames.
In the modern, Western world, there is no more dead common name than Michael. Additionally, I have only ever met one Michael that was not a complete jerk. Sometimes I believe we meld to our names, and most Michael's/Mike's are complete aholes. I am very glad that Michael is no longer the most popular name for boys in the US; however, it is still in the top 10. Someone explain that? I still like Michael more than the "trendy" names Millennial parents are naming their boys though.
― Anonymous User 11/9/2019
Is the vibrational coding of Micheal an evil vibrational energy that we shouldn't rename our children with such energy? Given the very first Michael of time has fallen from heaven? Of all the inmates in jail, 14 out of 50 have the name Michael, which has concerned my interest.
Not a lot of people know this, but Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth name was Michael. His father changed it to Martin after visiting Germany in honor of Martin Luther.
I don't normally like biblical names, but this is an exception. It is my husband's middle name and we have been considering our baby boy to have this name.
― Anonymous User 4/24/2019
Normally I prefer boy names that don’t seem too old-fashioned, but Michael is an exception. After all, Michael is not too old-fashioned. It’s been so popular for boys for years now. It suits a baby boy, a young boy, a grown man and an old man. I truly think that it’s one of those names that will never go out of style. Although, I do realize that Michael has been used as a feminine name too. I wouldn’t name a girl Michael though. Truly one of the male names that just wouldn’t sound right on females. Michael makes a great boy’s name in my opinion.
Just because some women were unfortunately named Michael doesn't mean Michael is a unisex name. Michael is and will always be a male name. I still don't get why parents give their daughters male names.
Michael Burnham is a character on the television series "Star Trek: Discovery". In this case, the character is female.
― Anonymous User 2/1/2019
Michael Pearl was an extremely controversial author who has written the following works: "To Train Up a Child" (1994) (co-authored with his wife, Debi Pearl), "No Greater Joy" magazine (co-authored with his wife, Debi Pearl), "Training Children to be Strong in Spirit" (2011) and "Good and Evil" (2006) which won a bronze medal in the Independent Publisher Book Awards in 2009 for the Drama/Graphic Novel category and was a Foreword Book Award finalist in the same year. He and his wife were known to encourage child abuse (To Train Up a Child) and the treatment of women as a subservient species.
Love the name, especially spelled Michael, the old way. It's strong and kind sounding, reminds me of Michael the Archangel, and by the way, I liked every guy named Mike that I've ever met.
Michael Duke of Strelsau (AKA Black Michael) is a character in the novel The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope.
― Anonymous User 12/13/2018
This is definitely one of my favorite male names of all time. When I think of the name Michael, I think of someone who is kind, confident, and caring. This is on my list for if I ever have kids someday. Michael is also my best friend's name and that just makes me love it even more.
This is a nice enough, and certainly classic, name. However, it is just TOO common, to the point of being boring. If you must use it, I think it would be better as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
Famous Bearer: Michael Vincent Jones (born July 24, 1987) is an American actor, voice actor, podcast host, and internet personality who is known for his work with Rooster Teeth's gameplay division Achievement Hunter. He also co-hosted a three-time winner of the Podcast Awards, Internet Box.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2018
Michael is quite a good name, strong and sincere, as well as appealing to various ethnic and religious groups, but horribly overused. There's nothing wrong per say with calling your son Michael, but be aware that he's probably going to encounter a copious amount of people who share his name. If you like Michael, but also think it's overused, some similar options are Raphael, Gabriel, Malachi, and Micah.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2018
In 2018, 24 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Michael who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 390th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
In 2018, 53 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Michael who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2018
One of my favorite masculine names. Strong and classic. The only downside is that it is a little too popular.
Intensely hoping that the popularity will plummet before I have kids! I just love the meaning, it is a very powerful name to uphold when you look at the history. I love the 'protector of Israel'. And Mike is a cute nickname to me.
I hate Mike and Michael. The sound is just hideous, and then there is that moron Michael Pence.
― Anonymous User 5/13/2018
Who is the most famous Michael? Michael Jackson or Michael Jordan.
― Anonymous User 3/30/2018
I don't really like this name because of how extremely common it is. Everywhere I go I always run into new people named Michael. And I don't like the name Mike either.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2018
Michael Kenji Shinoda is an American musician, rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and graphic designer. He co-founded Linkin Park in 1996 and is the band's rhythm guitarist, primary songwriter, keyboardist, producer, and lead vocalist, mostly providing the rap-style vocals. Shinoda later created a hip-hop-driven side project, Fort Minor, in 2004. He served as a producer for tracks and albums by Lupe Fiasco, Styles of Beyond, and The X-Ecutioners.
Michael Ilitch Sr. Was an American entrepreneur, founder and owner of the international fast food franchise Little Caesars Pizza. He owned the Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League and Detroit Tigers of Major League Baseball.
Michael Ryan Pritchard, known professionally as Mike Dirnt, is an American musician, songwriter and composer. He is best known as the co-founder, bassist, backing vocalist and occasional lead vocalist of American punk rock band Green Day. He has also played in several other bands, including The Frustrators. His stage name was originally a nickname that his friends from grade school had given him, as he would constantly play "air bass" and make a "dirnt, dirnt, dirnt" noise while pretending to pluck the strings.
I like the name Michael. My boyfriend's name is Michael, my dad's name is Michael, and my youngest son's middle name is Michael. Just because the name Michael is common and a lot of you don't like the name Michael doesn't mean everyone else can't name their son Michael. If I have another son I will name him Michael lee.
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone is an American actor, filmmaker, and screenwriter. He is well known for his Hollywood action roles, including boxer Rocky Balboa, the title character of the Rocky series' seven films from 1976 to 2015; soldier John Rambo from the four Rambo films, released between 1982 and 2008; and Barney Ross in the three The Expendables films from 2010 to 2014. He wrote or co-wrote most of the 14 films in all three franchises, and directed many of the films.
Michael Gerard Tyson is an American former professional boxer who competed from 1985 to 2005. He reigned as the undisputed world heavyweight champion and holds the record as the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title at 20 years, 4 months and 22 days old. Tyson won his first 19 professional fights by knockout, 12 of them in the first round. He won the WBC title in 1986 after stopping Trevor Berbick in two rounds, and added the WBA and IBF titles after defeating James Smith and Tony Tucker in 1987. This made Tyson the first heavyweight boxer to simultaneously hold the WBA, WBC and IBF titles, and the only heavyweight to successively unify them.
Michael Kirk Douglas is an American actor and producer. Douglas's career includes a diverse range of films in independent and blockbuster genres, for which he has received a number of accolades, both competitive and honorary. These awards include the Golden Globe Cecil B. DeMille Award for "outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment" and the AFI Life Achievement Award, which "honor[s] an individual whose career in motion pictures or television has greatly contributed to the enrichment of American culture".
Michael Saul Dell is an American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, and author. He is the founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, one of the world’s leading providers of information technology infrastructure solutions. He is ranked as the 37th richest person in the world by Forbes, with a net worth of US $20.8 billion as of February 2017.
Michael Te-Pei Chang is an American former professional tennis player. He became the youngest male player to win a Grand Slam singles title when he won the French Open in 1989 at the age of 17 years and 4 months.
Michael Fassbender is a German-born Irish actor. His feature film debut was in the fantasy war epic 300 as a Spartan warrior; his earlier roles included various stage productions, as well as starring roles on television such as in the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers and the Sky One fantasy drama Hex. He first came to prominence for his role as IRA activist Bobby Sands in Hunger, for which he won a British Independent Film Award. Subsequent roles include in the independent film Fish Tank, as a Royal Marines lieutenant in Inglourious Basterds, as Edward Rochester in the 2011 film adaptation of Jane Eyre, as Carl Jung in A Dangerous Method, as a sentient android in Prometheus, and in the musical comedy-drama Frank as an eccentric musician loosely inspired by Frank Sidebottom.
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone is an American actor, filmmaker, and screenwriter. He is well known for his Hollywood action roles, including boxer Rocky Balboa, the title character of the Rocky series' seven films from 1976 to 2015; soldier John Rambo from the four Rambo films, released between 1982 and 2008; and Barney Ross in the three The Expendables films from 2010 to 2014. He wrote or co-wrote most of the 14 films in all three franchises, and directed many of the films.
Michael William "Mike" Comrie is a Canadian retired professional ice hockey center. During his 13-year National Hockey League career he played with the Edmonton Oilers, Philadelphia Flyers, Phoenix Coyotes, Ottawa Senators, New York Islanders, and the Pittsburgh Penguins. He retired in early 2012 after undergoing hip surgery for the third time. He married actress and singer Hilary Duff in 2010 and they have one child together. In February 2015, Duff filed for divorce from Comrie, citing irreconcilable differences, and requesting primary physical and legal joint custody of their son.
Michael Floyd is an American football wide receiver for the New England Patriots of the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the Arizona Cardinals in the first round of the 2012 NFL Draft. He played college football at Notre Dame. With the Patriots, he won Super Bowl LI over the Atlanta Falcons.
Michael Herck is a retired Belgian-Romanian racing driver. Herck was adopted at the age of one and a half years by millionaire André Herck, a Belgian citizen born in Bucharest. Herck grew up in Monaco, and began his racing career in Karting in France.
Michael Schumacher is a German retired racing driver. He is a seven-time Formula One World Champion and is widely regarded as one of the greatest Formula One drivers of all time. He was named Laureus World Sportsman of the Year twice. He won two titles with Benetton in 1994 and 1995 before moving to Ferrari where he drove for eleven years. His time with Ferrari yielded five consecutive titles between 2000 and 2004.
I used to be named Michael but I didn't like it at all and legally changed my middle name David to my first name. My name now is David Matthew Michael.
Sorry to say, but I don't like this name too much. It's way too common and I know at least 50 Mike or Michael's who go to my school. It's just one of those names that have gone out of style and just sounds drab and boring. It's not the worst name out there though.
― Anonymous User 6/29/2016
Very classic, decent and highly respectable but I can't even keep track of all the Michael and Mike's I've encountered throughout my life. This is a nice name but I'm hoping by 2016 it leaves the top 10's. Not exaggerating here, but most guys I know or have known were named this. This name is ridiculously common in my area. More so than Noah or any other ridiculously common name. Michael is a decent name but very overused, especially in my neck of the woods.
― Anonymous User 6/21/2016
Michael Clifford, guitarist from 5 Seconds of Summer.
It's far too common and stale for me to ever want to hear it again. See, the reason people don't like using popular names is that, after names become popular, you get used to hearing them so much that they become boring and bland. This exact thing has happened with Michael. Please, put the name down for a while.
This Michael Elecks guy above me gives Michael's everywhere a bad name. "Famous apostle," lmao. Poor Jesus is probably shaking his holy head up in heaven at this dude's complete audacity.To the point, I think the name Michael is pretty great.
I love this name. It is so strong, and so what if it is common.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2016
Michael Elecks James is a famous apostle and preacher of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus, who had served many churches and now presides over LIFERS WORSHIP CENTER.
The name Michael is a powerful and influential name. I've seen many men bearing the name achieve immeasurable amounts of greatness and influence, affluence... etc. They bring out the best in the lives of others. The name associates with great power and potentiality. People who bear this name hardly fail in life. I Love the name for it moves me to be the best I could.
This name is just so common in my opinion, it's been in the top 10 for over 70 years and it's been the most common for over 40 years. You'd think it's the most common name, but it's actually not since John was the most common every year for centuries, so I prefer Michael with it being a lot less common.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2016
There are enough examples of women named Michael that like "Vivian" and "Ashley" it should now be considered unisex.
Michael Glass is a character in The Morganville Vampires, a book series by Rachel Caine.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2015
The angel Michael is called "Mikail" in Islam. It is written as "ميكائيل" in Arabic and is pronounced "mik-KA-eel".
― Anonymous User 10/18/2015
I can't believe that no one has mentioned Michael Hutchence (b.1960, d. 1997). He was an Australian musician and actor most known for being the lead singer of INXS.
I like this name but it's just so common, especially the Nickname Mike. Seriously, I have like 3 Cousins with the name and I know countless people named Michael and so many go by Mike. I like it but it's just so unoriginal.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2015
I know about two times more guys named Michael than I do guys named John. That's a LOT of Michaels (almost all of them going by Mike, too)! I agree with the posters claiming this name has become stale - it was once pleasant, but has become way, way too common as a name.
― Anonymous User 4/7/2015
Michael Amott, (Born July 28, 1969 in London, United Kingdom) guitarist of Swedish metal band Arch Enemy.
I like this name, despite the fact it's EXTREMELY common, especially at my high school. Literally, there's probably at least fifteen Michael's in each of the graduating classes at my school. Still, it's a nice name- one of my closest friends is named Michael, and another of my friends is also Michael, though he goes by Mike.
― Anonymous User 12/20/2014
Michael Heart, a Syrian American singer-songwriter, recording artist and guitarist best known for his song "We Will Not Go Down (Song for Gaza)".
― Anonymous User 8/25/2014
I think the name Michael is a cool, elegant, strong name for a guy. It's funny though, I used to constantly get the spelling wrong of this name as I struggled to remember the vowel order of the 'a' and 'e'. XD.
― Anonymous User 8/18/2014
I know two people in my school named Michael. They are both my friends and they are very gentle and sweet to me. I'm actually friends with both of them. I love this name! I would name my son Michael Andrew or Michael Ryan. I just love the name so much and it's popularity!
For corn's sake the name of the archangel is spelt 'Michael' in English. If you're going to use the name, spell it that way. Spelling it another way will not accomplish anything other than causing puzzlement in other people as to how to pronounce the name; it won't make it sound any different or more 'unique'.As for myself, I like the name but I don't really like the nickname 'Mike'. I don't know if someone can try to be called 'Michael' without coming across as formal or as being 'weird about his name'. Also, it is very, very common.
I love this name. I know lots of Michaels and Mikes. Friends relatives, classmates, co-workers. That's probably the only bad thing about it, so many people have the name already. But I might still use it as a middle name. All the Michaels on both sides of my family will be flattered. Every Michael I've known has been very nice.
My mother originally wanted to name me this, "Michael Marcus Augustus" probably would have a better flow and ring to it than "Lee Marcus Augustus", though I like my name "Lee".
A famous bearer was German fantasy and children's book author Michael Ende (1929–1995), who wrote The Neverending Story, Momo and the Jim Button books.
I once briefly met a woman named Michael. I know it's super-duper trendy these days to use masculine names on females, but this was an adult woman, not a little girl, so it struck me as really odd. I have to wonder why her parents chose Michael over Michaela or Michelle.
I kinda have mixed feelings on the name Michael. Sure, it's a good, strong, classic name that one can easily grow up with, and I love Michael Jackson and Michael Phelps and I've met lots of nice Michaels. But it's just gotten so popular to the point where I find it boring. I don't even think James or John are nearly as common as Michael these days. There are Michaels EVERYWHERE. Plus, it's pretty much the default middle name given to boys by lazy parents (like Marie for girls). I don't really like the nickname Mike either. It sounds like a generic dumb jock name.
I think this name is so classic, no matter how common it is. My boyfriend's name is Michael (Michael Francis), and I love the meaning behind the name and its history. I think the name will always be relevant and a good choice for any baby boy- it's a strong, very masculine name and can be easily paired with a lot of other names.
You write "In the Hebrew tradition SAINT Michael is one of the seven archangels".I am sure that the Talmud scholars would be most interested at the news that the Jewish religion has SAINTSBy the way, I neither knew that the Archangels were Saints in any religion! [noted -ed]
Michael Emerson (born 1954 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa) is an American actor.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Carlyle Hall (born 1971 in Raleigh, North Carolina) is an American actor.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Dwayne Vick (born 1980 in Newport News, Virginia) is an American NFL football quarterback.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael John Nelson (born 1964 in St. Charles, Illinois) is an American comedian and writer.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Landon (born 1936 in Queens, New York) was an American actor, director, and producer.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Ealy (born 1973 in Silver Spring, Maryland) is an American actor.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Kirk Douglas (born 1944 in New Brunswick, New Jersey) is an American actor and producer.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
Michael Kors (born 1959 in Long Island, New York) is an American fashion designer.
― Anonymous User 6/1/2012
About Michael in French: Michel is the genuine equivalent to Michael, but is - since early 1970's - the 'old fashion flavour'; I'm 40 years old and my first name is Michaël (same as the Dutch version), but at the same period (beginning of 1970's), the first name granted a new form: Mickael or Mickaël, and since that time, this is the most common writing form in French. So you can add all these form variants in French: Michaël, Mickael, Mickaël. [noted -ed]
I hate the name for a couple different reasons. First of all it is entirely too common, yes everyone should give their child a strong name, but when you have half a dozen Michael/Mike's in a classroom it interferes with the way the classroom works. The teacher has to turn around and face the class to point to which Michael or they have to resort to using a boys full name 'Michael Smith' or 'Michael Jones'. Secondly, I despise Michael Jackson, it's a person dislike for both the name and the so called singer. Finally, if you give your child a name, why would you give them a nickname? If you want to call your child Mike, why waste the ink naming him Michael? I have several good friends named Michael and they're all good guys. I also know a bunch of lazy guys named Michael. So it doesn't describe a particular type of guy.
I don't understand why you rely your meaning of the names based on what media dictates from bashing celebrities who bear the names, when it is supposed to base on their Etymologies. Poor Michael Jackson, people say I hate the name Michael because it's the name of a pedo, a child molester, a wacko, a gay, blah blah blah, when if you actually trace the Etymology of the name from it's Hebrew roots, it means "who is like God" which implies a statement that there is no one like God. It may also meant "there's no greater force than Love". The court, FBI & autopsy findings are done leaking the truth about MJ's innocence, but people still feed on the terrible media junkies. Ranting aside, Archangel Michael could be the close derivation of MJ's name. He was a messenger of God for creating songs that contain the message of love, brotherhood, friendship & caring for Mother Earth, and he was a warrior for fighting for equality, anti-racism & supporting charities for the children. Come on, open your mind. You can't say I hate the name Michael because it's a weirdo name. That's not fair. How could you hate this name that was originally the name of a high ranked Archangel?
― Anonymous User 1/18/2012
Michael Jan Josef Brokof (1686-1721) was a Bohemian sculptor.
― Anonymous User 10/12/2011
Michael Ayrton (1921-1975) was a British painter, sculptor, theatre designer, book illustrator, writer on art, and broadcaster.
I personally hate the name Michael. It's the single most overused name in the world, I'm pretty sure of that. I know probably 100 Michaels, including my stepdad, stepbrother, nephew, and at least 15 cousins, not to mention all the Michaels I went to school with. ENOUGH ALREADY! GIVE THIS NAME A BREAK, PLEASE!
This name is quite refined, but only because it has a certain sort of 'coldness' that sticks in the memory forever.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2011
Michael Ancher (1849-1927) was a Danish painter who worked with his wife Anna. Their daughter, Helga, was also a painter.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2011
Michael Andrews (1928-1995) was a British painter.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2011
Every "Mike" (which is what 99% of all Michaels seem to go by) I've ever met was a jerk, starting with my stepfather. This is probably my least favorite boys name. Yes, it is masculine, classic, easy to spell and what not, but I simply cannot get over the bad associations I have. The name kind of sounds like "My kill" to me as well, but that might just be in my head.
There is a reason why this name is so popular after so many years. It's a good name. Who cares if it's popular. To me someone who says they love a name but won't give it to their child because of it's popularity are just mental. Get over the popularity aspect, if you love the name, give it to your child. If not, pick a different one. Geez.
I do believe this name only grows more common with each passing day and with each new life entered into this world... regardless of my dislike for common names, I think this one is well deserved. It is a very strong name. It is easily fitting to a young boy, but with grow with him into adulthood and through the serious business world.Considering nearly every name in our vocabulary comes from a Saint (or has been in use by one), Michael is one to be proud of (as are all... but you get my point). Patron Saint of Armies? Saint of Soldiers? Saint of Warriors? What boy would not want a name much like that one?However. I prefer it reversed into a different language... Italian mainly, simply because it is so popular. Being in a different variation and ethnic background gives a new glow.
Ughh. This name is SOOOO overused. I have a weak spot for some common names (Matthew, Catherine, William, Jennifer... you get my point) but I literally hear this one every day. Pick something else.
A famous bearer is American stage actor Michael Arden (born October 6, 1982). He made his Broadway debut as Tom Sawyer in the 2003 revival of "Big River". His additional stage credits include "bare: a pop opera" and the revue "Sondheim on Sondheim". In television, he was a cast member of the quickly-cancelled "The Return of Jezebel James".
It doesn't matter if the name is common- IT IS A GREAT NAME! Morons today want to be unique, even if their uniqueness makes them look like idiots (Hi, my name is Jayden).
This is a very good name for a boy. I have a cousin with this name. We just call him Michael though he doesn't like it when I try to call him Mike or Mikey.
I like this name, because of Michael the Archangel. But seriously, I went through my yearbook, and I must have seen well over a dozen Michaels, and that was just in the seniors. Way too common.
Michael C. Hall is an American television and stage actor, best known for the titular role on Showtimes' 'Dexter' and for his lead role on HBO's 'Six Feet Under.' He has been nominated for numerous Emmy awards for both roles, but has yet to win. He also has an amazing singing voice, and has appeared in a number of on-stage musicals in the past.
I am a Jew and I actually associate this name with the archangel. At least if you don't pronounce it Mi-Kai-El. It is a beautiful name if you want to show your commitment to God. If you're Christian though, please don't use this name with the translation in mind. By comparing Jesus to God you are ruining the name's true meaning which is that no one is like God.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2009
My husband is Michael. Michael is a strong handsome name, but rarely is he called "Mike". Maybe "Mikey" on occasion.
The name "Michael" means "Who is like God." It is a statement that means: Who=the named person, subject; is=to be; like=in likeness of, of; God=The Creation, The End, every Life, and everything in Heaven, Hell, and on Earth.
Princess Michael of Kent is a member of the British Royal Family. She is married to Prince Michael of Kent, who is the grandson of King George V. She has written several books on the royal families of Europe. Princess Michael of Kent (1945 - ).
My brother's name is Mikayle (Maki as nickname- I don't know why), which sounds almost like Michael. This name can be an excellent alternative for Michael because it was being excessively overused.
Actor Michael Muhney - known for playing Sheriff Lamb on the TV Show Veronica Mars - named his daughter Ella Michael Muhney. I think it's a lovely combination and very cute - I wouldn't use Michael as my daughter's first name though due to my dad being a Michael, too - using it as a my daughter's name makes a perfect choice.
It is a question, coming from the elements "me" meaning "who", "k-hi" meaning "like" and "el" meaning God. So it's literally "Who like God?", the "is" and "my" being implied. It's a rhetorical question, so the true meaning is very subtle. Who is as powerful, who is as awesome, who is as wonderful as my God? No one.
I believe the name Michael means "the fear of God", in addition to those other things they say, such as "who is like God?" or "one who is like God".
― Anonymous User 9/13/2008
Michael is a common name and I know a ton of them. I use to hate the name, but then it has grown on me. The only thing is each of them needs a nickname besides Mike so I don't get all of them confused when talking in a convo haha.
I like this name, but give it a rest. I have plenty of relatives and friends of all ages with this name. It just seems stale after being used so many times.
I really don't like it, and especially don't like the nickname Mike. But I'm absolutely in love with the Hebrew pronunciation. Not that that's how it would be pronounced it you sent them to school. Unless you spelled it out to sound that way.
Singer Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe have a son Michael Joseph, born 13 February 1997 in Los Angeles. Michael Jackson has second son Prince Michael, yet. He was born in February, 2002, USA.
This name is borne by American-Canadian actor Michael Moriarty (born April 5, 1941). He has won 3 Emmy Awards for his television roles, which notably include Ben Stone, the original Executive Assistant District Attorney on the long-running TV series "Law & Order", from 1990 to 1994, receiving Emmy nominations (but no wins) for each year. He has appeared on Broadway, winning a Tony Award for "Find Your Way Home" in 1974, and is also an accomplished jazz musician.
A famous bearer is American author Michael Cunningham (born November 6, 1952). He is best known for his 1998 novel "The Hours", which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and was turned into an Academy Award-winning 2002 film. He also co-wrote the screenplay for the film "Evening" (2007).
Please! Have mercy! We don't need any more Michaels or Mikes in the world. WAAAY OVERUSED! Ugh.
― Anonymous User 3/10/2008
This is my husband's name, and I think it suits him very well. I don't really really like this name. I like it to some extent, but it's not in my top 20. Or my top 40 even. It's just too popular for me. So I don't think we'll ever use this name for any of our sons.
The idea of the name 'Michael' suppossedly meaning "a question" is incorrect, that is the Catholic interpretation because the actual meaning somehow offends them. However, it is ORIGINALLY a Hebrew name meaning: "GodLike" (Who is LIKE God.) It is a statement, NOT a 'question'. Hebrew names were originally titles with meanings, not merely personages.
Michael "Mike" Symon recently won the Food Network's "The Next Iron Chef." He now is one of the four Iron Chefs of America.Symon also owns two acclaimed restaurants (Lola and Lolita) and has won quite a few cooking related awards.
Michael Voss, former Lions captain and 'Ten' commentator is a famous bearer of this name. He was one of the most successful players in Brisbane Lion history and made the All Australian team several times.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Michael Landon yet. Born Eugene Orowitz, he changed his name when going into acting (to get a name that suited his career better), and was well known on such TV shoes as 'Bonanza' as Little Joe Cartwright, 'Highway to Heaven' as Jonathan Smith, and, most notably, Charles 'Pa' Ingalls, on Little House on the Prairie, for a decade. Little House was his "baby" as often said, as he also produced the show. He was very close with his "Television Family". He was married 3 times, adopted 3 children, and had 6 biological children.Michael was born on October 31, 1936 and died in July 1991 from inoperable pancreatic cancer.
My name is Michael and I hate it because it is about as unique as a handful of dirt. Seriously! Never name your kids "popular" names. In my first hour last year, there were seriously 5 OTHER MICHAELS! Ugh!My only escape from this is to go by Mike (which all the other Michaels do), but spell it Myke instead of Mike. It's a hard name to live with when there are so many others, and it was my only choice.
Good solid male name. It's amazing how much more sensible the top boys' names are than the girls' names. I guess people still want to give their boys good, responsible names with which to enter the world, while they want their daughters to have names more appropriate to strippers and cartoon characters.
I personally think the name Michael is overused, but again I have a tendency to prefer names that are not so overused. I am surprised that nobody has mentioned Michael from the TV show Roswell. He is one of the main characters in that show.
I don't know why but there is some reason I REALLY dislike this name. It does nothing for me, I find it rather ugly. But I am clearly in the minority because it's extremely popular! I've known some Michaels/Mikes who seemed like nice guys, though, so at least it has association on its side.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2007
Michael is common, but that only tells that so many people love this name! Michael reminds me of a handsome, intelligent man.
Michael Scofield is the name of the lead character of the television show Prison Break.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2007
This name is so popular and overused that I would hesitate to use it. There are four people in my grade with this name. It is also my brother's name, but he goes by "Mikey." It's time to lay off this name for a while.
I disagree that the name Michael is overused. My son's name is Michael and he is 9 we have only met a few other Michaels. In the 70's I do agree that Michael was overused. My husband is Mike and I went to school with a dozen Mikes. But it is a classic name and every Mike I met I did like. Better to use a classic name than a trendy name that is overused!
I really like that name and when I hear it I think of somebody quiet and polite, maybe because all of the Michaels that I know ARE quiet and very polite.
There are authors named Michael Connelly, Michael Kimball, and Michael Prescott.
― Anonymous User 11/28/2006
Michael Card, Michael English, Michael W Smith are Christian music artists.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2006
When I was younger my parents had a female friend whose name was Michael. I always kind of liked it on a woman - unusual without being unfamiliar. And there's an actress named Michael Michele - I think she was on ER?
Famous bearer: Michael 'Mikey' Walsh, the character played by Sean Astin in Richard Donner's 1985 film 'The Goonies'. In the film, Mikey leads the gang in their plan to find the treasure of the pirate One-Eyed Willie in order to prevent the Goon Docks from becoming a golf course.
It's just a little too common for me. It's a nice name, and I like the nickname Mike, but I wouldn't give this name to my son. There are just so many little boys named Michael, and they often aren't given the option--their names are automatically shortened.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2006
Michael W. Smith is an amazing Christian artist.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2006
Michael is a rather mysterious name. Common but nice.
― Anonymous User 5/22/2006
I love this name. Besides the fact that the name is just pretty in itself, there are Michaels I like: Michael W. Smith from The Tribe and Michael from the Princess Diaries. My favourite boy's name. ;)
Some famous Michaels: Michael Douglas, Michael Caine, Michael Moore, Michael "Mike" Meyers, Michael Savage, Chad Michael Murray, Michael Clarke Duncan, Michael Keaton, and Michael Gambon. All are actors except Michael Moore, who is a movie director, and Michael Savage, who is an author and talk radio host.
It sounds more than overused to me. When I first hear it I either think of basketball, or The Godfather but then I don't seem to like the nickname 'Mikey' or Peter Pan (Disney, funnily enough I don't know why because it is also in the other versions of Peter Pan...duh) or unfortunately, other bearers of this name I won't need to say because well...yeah. I prefer the pronunciation of MEE-KAI-EL, sounds more original. But I am not saying Michael is all that bad, it's ok er, just gotten to common.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2006
A famous bearer of this name is Michael Balzary aka Flea, bassist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
To me this name has a lot of strength behind it. I have found it to have great meaning for me since my oldest son is named this. I personally feel that it has status!
Interesting tidbit: Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth certificate listed his name as being Michael. Apparently there was some confusion as to what his father's name was at the time, since he had been known as "Mike" growing up. His name was changed shortly thereafter to Martin.
David is a good middle name for Michael. That's my dad's name - Michael David. My mom said if they had a son they would have named him David Michael (but they just have two daughters).
― Anonymous User 11/1/2005
Mechanical mastermind/pianist/musician/lead singer of Nine Inch Nails' real name is 'Michael Trent Reznor'.
Michael Learned (a woman) played Olivia Walton on the show The Waltons from 1972-1979.
― Anonymous User 8/27/2005
A famous bearer of this name is the German World Champion F1 racing driver Michael Schumacher, who is the most successful motor racing driver of all time.
In Russia the name is spelled "Mikhail" and is pronounced "MYK-Ehl." A famous bearer of this name was Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin, an anarchist ally and opponent of Karl Marx 1814\1876.
Actually, in Russian this name is pronounced Mee-ha-EEL. The stress is on the last syllable, with the "ee" as in "eat" and the "a" long as in "art". There is no "k" sound in the name, so I don't understand why it's transcribed into English as Mikhail.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2005
The 'k' is added because the Russian 'kh' is not quite like the 'h' in English, it's more a harsher, more gutteral sound. It does LOOK like the 'k' and 'h' of the name are part of two separate syllables which explains why people would pronounce it like they are, but they go together as one consonant cluster.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2007
In Germany Michael is pronounced mish-i-eel.
― Anonymous User 6/5/2005
Famous bearer: actor Michael J Fox (Back to the Future trilogy, Spin City), now an active campaigner to raise awareness of Parkinson's disease.
According to www.babycenter.com/babyname/popnames.html Aidan is the second popular name of 2003 & 2004, not Michael. [babycenter's list is based on a sample from their own visitors, not on national stats -ed]
― Anonymous User 5/16/2005
A notable bearer of this name is basketball star Michael Jordan (b. 1963).