I think Melissa is a pretty name. It sounds elegant and refined. It ages well too. I think “Mel”, “Lissa/Lissy”, and “honeybee” are all cute nicknames. Overall, I think Melissa is a lovely name.
So, my name is Melissa and I like it. I like the honeybee meaning even though bees can sting you. I only met 2 Melissas, both adults, and I don't think Melissa is that popular. It might have been in the 1970s or 80s, but I wasn't born yet anyway. It's sad to see hate comments about my name but that's just their opinion. My name is sometimes misspelled like Mellisa, but one of my teachers said your name is unique. Anyways, I like my name and if you don't, then you don't. Oh, and I made my nickname Meli.
― Anonymous User 1/7/2023
I think this name is wonderful. I can see it on a little girl or a grown woman. A famous bearer is Melissa Rauch, known for her portrayal of Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowitz on The Big Bang Theory from 2009-2019.
― Anonymous User 10/25/2022, edited 12/2/2022
Sounds regal and elegant. The meaning is also great too.
Hi, another Melissa here. But it's my middle name. My whole family goes by our middle names. Our first name is after someone special and the middle name is ours. I was named after my Grandfather, Courtney. So I'm Courtney Melissa. I HATED Courtney growing up (Unfortunately my grandfather died before I was born, I probably wouldn't have disliked it so much then. But to me it was a boys name. Ironically, my brother married a Courtney lol) I was born in 1968 just as the name was gaining a lot of popularity so there were always other Melissa's in my classes. My dad actually picked the name Melissa since my mom picked my first name. Apparently my mom would have named me Brooke (which I don't like for me). I asked him why Melissa and he didn't know, he just liked it. I have 2 older brothers so he wanted something feminine. I got the nickname Missy early and it stuck. I use Melissa professionally but all my friends and family call me Missy. I like it all now, my complete name (I think it's very melodic and super unusual without being strange. Just not a combo that you see). I like Missy, but PLEASE don't call me Mel! To me, Mel is a fat guy who owns a diner (Think the old sitcom Alice! Eww). My mom called me Liss at times, but really no other nicknames. It's funny that I have such a strong reaction against boy names since I grew up on a farm and was a complete tomboy! I really like the association with Honeybees and Greek. I'm not Greek but I have a skin tone that makes people ask if I am. I have dark brown hair and nearly black eyes, so that probably lends to it as well. I wish it was still a more popular name than it is now, I'd hate for it to be a forgotten name, I think it's really pretty. It'll probably come back when all of the other names ending in -a get worn out! (Ella, Olivia, Sophia, Emma, Gabriella, on and on haha) Seeing that, I'm surprised it hasn't made a comeback yet... fingers crossed it will. For those that think this name sounds weak, I think it's what you make of yourself. I'm a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army, and I was a Military Police officer for 17 years before I went to Law School and became a JAG officer for the past 15 years. I would doubt any of my captains would say that I'm soft or weak haha... But I am nice. Even if I have to throw you in jail or prosecute you, I'm nice about it! My saying is, Say what you mean, but don't say it mean.
I'm a Melissa named in a time when it was not very popular. My mom picked it and tho she made it my middle name, I was called Melissa from the get go. (That made my life a constant bother explaining why I'm called by my middle name and it made filling out forms a nightmare!) I've always thought it was a pretty name and I was happy to have an unusual name for my generation but I didn't/don't feel it is a good name for me personally. I also don't think it is a name that ages well. I've been called Mel, Mo-Lissa, Lissa, M'liss, Sa-Sa, Mel, Lizard, Mo, Miss Lissa, Mel-icious and of course mistakenly, Michelle, Alyssa etc. I don't know why, but I've always thought I would like having the name Louisa which is why I think I prefer Lissa or M'liss. I always despised the nickname Missy for myself but oddly enough, Missy is what I call my daughter whose name is not Melissa. I use Missy as a term of address or affection for a girl like calling a boy Buddy or anyone else Honey. I like that Melissa means honeybee because I'm attracted to all things bee: bees, bee skeps, bee keeping, honeycomb/hexagons, beeswax, and honey pots. I hate the taste of honey tho. I have no preconceived idea of what a person named Melissa is like i.e. nice, mean, pretty, etc. I do think it has a youthful feeling to it. When I think of naming a child, I think what it would sound like for the person with that name being addressed by the caretakers in a senior living facility. Example: "Good morning Melissa! Happy 90th birthday! It's time to put on your compression socks." I also imagine what it would sound like for your child to be in a stroller and be called a name that sounds very old. Example: Person you meet at the park: "What a beautiful baby! What's her name?" You: "Melissa". Them: "Hello Baabbyy!"
A very nice and sweet name this is my aid's name and she's awesome we get along so well.
― Anonymous User 10/2/2021
My name is Melissa, I often go by Missy and I’ve never loved or hated my name. I have two sisters, Melanie and Michelle and I often get called by their names. I can’t use Mel as a nickname since my sister Melanie uses that one. I have been called Pissy Missy by cousins and do hate that one. My name was particularly common in the 80s which is when I was born so I liked it much less during my school years since there were always several of us with the same name. I do wish it had a better meaning to it than honeybee but overall I’m satisfied with this name.
Seems kind of sickly, reminds me too much of honey from bees. Same as Amber, when you think of syrup coming from sap.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2021
I don't like it. There isn't any reason; it's just too boring and common in my area. But, this name isn't UGLY, don't get me wrong. There are far worse names out there like Lee, Adolf, etc.
My name is Melissa and personally I've never really liked it. People always tell me it sounds so old and I agree with them. It's too much of a dated name, I hate it.
I like this name much more now! Melissa sounds very soft and pretty and I love the meaning! It sort of makes me think of girls from the 90s though, although I'm aware it was more popular in the 70s and 80s. For nicknames, I like Mel and Melly, but I despise Missy.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2020
My name is Melissa, I get called Mel, Melly or Lissie. I'm a new author. And honestly, I like seeing the name Melissa on a cover.
― Anonymous User 4/17/2020
I really really love Melissa, so much that I think I actually wouldn't mind using it for a potential child. I have an impression though that here in Poland it's still more associated with the herb, Melissa tea and all that, than seen as a serious name, and I'd be afraid that because of that it might not be the best idea really, I'm afraid that naming your child this here you might risk that she'll be teased because of Melissa as in the herb, and its somnifacient properties, but maybe I'm not right, I hope not. Many people here seem to think it's a bit pretentious or snobbish, but although I am usually sensitive to such things as a name sounding overly pretentious I don't see Melissa this way. Quite the opposite, it has a very naturally classy, refined and feminine feel to me, is gentle and sweet and just nice to hear and pronounce. Though I kind of prefer the "ee pronunciation (me-LEE-sah) as in many European languages, to me-LI-sa, it makes it feel kinda heavier, if you get what I mean. In any case, it's a really great name. I do get it that it was so popular in the 70's and I guess 80's in the US that many people feel sick of it and don't see it as refined or perhaps not even classy at all, I'm sure I would feel the same if I knew many Melissas or saw this name all the time, but I don't, it feels familiar, but at the same time slightly exotic to me. When I imagine a Melissa, I see a 9-year-old girl, with long, thick, wavy, dark brown hair, rather pale skin and blue eyes. She is rather tall for her age but not big, at the same time she is slim and makes an impression of a gentle person. She is calm, intelligent and friendly, but at the same time rather shy, introverted, worrisome and vulnerable. This is just how I imagine a Melissa, not how I think all Melissas are or should be like, and I only know one person with this name which is rather different.
I like the name Melissa, it sounds like a good name. But if I would make a character named Melissa, I would stereotype her as a more serious but friendly person. Kind of like an older sister vibe. I think someone named Melissa would be like an older sister or be caring towards others. I feel like those people who are named Melissa (Not talking about the mean ones) will have a successful carrier in the future and look on the bright side. It's not bad if it means bee. Because bees make honey and, honey is sweet and, you can describe someone as sweet and, older sisters are usually sweet. The name Melissa can probably mean friendly, sweet, bubbly. Bubbly= a person that's full of cheer and high spirits. Which is good. I hope most people named Melissa have those personalities. Don't be upset about your name's meaning. At least you might not have a name with a dark meaning.
I think it's an easy name to pronounce. Personally I had only met two Melissa's in my life and they had terrible behaviour with me. I like the nickname Isa.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2019
Every Melissa I have ever met is kind, helpful and friendly. It sounds to me like the name of a flower. If this is your name, your personality is positive and will shine through.
My name is Melissa Sue, after the actress Melissa Sue Anderson on Little House on the Prairie (Mary). Most people named Melissa after the show are named for Melissa Gilbert (Laura), but not me. Some readers here noted their name often gets confused as "Michelle", I can confirm, by being called Michelle more times than I can count, this is true.As for nicknames, I personally go by Mel, and a lot of people in the world assume it's for "Melanie". So, if you're thinking of that for a nickname for you or someone else, just remember Mel is a nickname for many names.As for other nicknames in life: others have called me Lissa/Lissy/Liss/Missy/Miss/Meliss/Miss Meliss/oh and my "fave"- Pissy Lissy/Pissy Missy.
I am so glad other people dislike this name. I was born in 1975 and was named Melissa and it sucks. I would go by my middle name but that is almost nearly as common- Christine. So I am screwed either way. I understand why people are naming their kids really old or odd sounding names-- they want something different for their kids because they have been stuck with Melissa or, the dreaded Jennifer, for their whole lives and are tired of sitting in a room and hearing their name called and respond, only to find out there are other Melissa's or Jennifer's in the room. Then you feel like a dork for assuming the person was talking to you! Jennifer was the only name more popular in the 70s than Melissa. Jennifer was the #1 girl's name and Melissa was #2. Out of a high school class of 150 students there were like 10 Jennifer's in my graduating class! There were 6 Melissas a Marissa and a Melinda, which I figure are derived from Melissa. It is a Melissa sounding name without actually being Melissa.
My name is Melissa and I like my name quite well and I am 53 years old. I have not gotten tired of it yet. The saying goes God knows your name before your parents name you, he just whispers it into your parents' ears. So before anyone bashes someone's name think first- you never know what you what the good Lord holds in your future.
Interesting comments here! I just had to weigh in. My name is Melissa Myers. For a long time I have wondered if my name is cool or not. I'm 28 (born 1989) and my mom named me after Melissa Gilbert from Little House on the Prairie. My twin sister's name is Erin which I have always liked better because it's less girly. I wouldn't say I'm as girly as my name sounds; I wear lots of black, have long brown hair that is messy/cool, drive an AMG, I'm fit and pull off boyfriend jeans. My husband says he truly loves my name. He thinks it's musical and makes him think of a beautiful woman (points for that guy). Here is what I think: at this point in time you would have to be somewhat brave to name your daughter Melissa as it is different from most of the popular girl baby names. I believe it will make a comeback though because it sounds pretty. My great-grandma's name was Delpha and when you say it, it just doesn't sound pretty, you know? I go back and forth about my name. What I do like is that I can say it with confidence- I'm not ashamed or insecure to introduce myself. Sometimes you meet people and can tell they hate their name. I don't hate my name, but I also wouldn't have picked it out of a lineup. Sadly, people can color a name, but that's just life. Unless you want to create a name for your kid (which I personally think is cruel), you will have to name them a name that someone else has who sucks at being a human and people don't like that name because of that person. That being said, I think any cool person can make their name cool. Take for example Jennifer Aniston or Merrill Streep. To summarize, on the spectrum of girliness, it is somewhat high. If you have a girly-girl then great. But there are other names with a little more flexibility for your kid depending on their personality. *Side note: the people getting on here saying nasty things about the name Melissa probably shouldn't be given much thought. They obviously knew someone with the name that they didn't like/hate/want to murder. We all have names like this that make us cringe.
I'm same as someone else commenting, I used the name Melissa until a certain age until I used my middle name instead. I think it's the kind of name you grow out of, shortening it to Mel isn't a proper name, I don't like the issa sound and hate it in general. It's also too frilly for girls that look very feminine. It isn't a serious name to me, hate it, also reminds me of militia. It maybe works for some, I like the name Olive for a girl, and Lana.
I've never met a kind Melissa, not once in my life, so probably that colours my opinion vividly. Not only is it quite plain, but I'm also impartial to it because it sounds so mucousy; as if one must be sneezing or have a stuffed nose to pronounce it correctly.
― Anonymous User 9/2/2016
I like this name, not crazy on the meaning. Melissa Hastings from Pretty Little Liars gives me good opinions on this name. Melissa Hastings' middle name is Josephine and I think that's good with Melissa. A good sister name for Melissa is Spencer, which is Melissa Hastings' sister.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2016
I like my name because it ISN'T common. My Mom wanted to name me "Melody", so I'm grateful my DAD named me instead! :-) The only problem I have with the name, is that people can't seem to remember it and keep calling me "Michelle" instead. I wish I had a dollar for every time someone called me Michelle. I'd be very rich woman! They also have the hardest time spelling it too.
Malexx - may I ask where you're from? I had the EXACT same thing happen to me when I moved across the country. It got so bad that people who had my name WRITTEN DOWN IN FRONT OF THEM were still calling me Michelle. My doctor's office even called with my lab results once and left the message for "Michelle".It was beyond weird, and I thought I was the only one it ever happened to!
A little too common but the name itself is sweet & reminds me also of a very well grounded lady who speaks her mind and is honest, hard working, yet much fun to be around. Can always put a smile on your face.
― Anonymous User 8/14/2015
I think the name Melissa is quite active, likes music, is sweet, kind, funny and the way her friends describe her is crazy, but in a good way. She gets her name spelt wrong quite a lot because there is a lot of ways you can spell the name like Melissa, Melisa, Mellisa, Mellissa, Mlissa, Mlissa, and she can have a lot of nicknames like Mel, Lissa, Lis, Liss, Sis, Sissa. They are also quite powerful and I love the name and I am proud to have it. So for people who have it and don't like it you should, because it's an unusual, special name.
This is my name and I honestly hate it. Not only did Melissa McCarthy ruin the names image, but also the "liss" part makes it sound bitter and makes it sound like the name of a snobby rich girl. Naturally, most Melissa's are called Mel, and that's even worse then the name itself.
My name is Melissa. I just love this name! I am 17 and I have never met another person with this name. I like the fact that it means honey bee or a nymph. It also means a fairy. Melissa is a very popular name and has been used since the 18th century. I think it is a beautiful names. It's elegant and very pretty. If my name was not already Melissa I would name my daughter that.
This is my name and I like it. I like the meaning, too. It means "bee" or "honeybee". I like the nickname Lissa but not Missy. Mel is okay. I also get Melsey and Melly sometimes which are okay. It just depends on who it is coming from.
― Anonymous User 10/21/2014
Melissa is one of my middle names, I find it very sweet and girly. Although it means bee and I'm terrified of bees.
I think this name is very sweet and I love the meaning! (:
― Anonymous User 7/19/2014
Melissa is my first name, and the name I used until about six years ago when I started going by my middle name, part of the reason I changed was because of how much I dislike this name. I don't like the way it sounds and I disagree that it's 'sweet', mostly just boring and stuck up. I'm very glad I'm no longer using this name.
― Anonymous User 4/7/2014
I can't stand this name. It is like a limp, dead flower. It's weak. It has no backbone. It sounds like a snake hissing. It wants to force you to say, "Oh, aren't you pwetty?", but no, you're not, you're lame.
Melissa Lyn; are my first and middle names, and I love my name, I think that it suits me quiet well. I have honey colored hair and deep forest green eyes and thanks to the Indian and Spanish blood that runs through my veins (though everyone assumes that I am white/caucasian.) I turn a dark honey color when I tan in the summer. I think that it has a confident sound to it, myself, not at all weak or flowery! I like my name for many reasons. It has a solid sound to it, for one thing. I love that it has a dual meaning! Honey... sweet, yes! Aw, but; then, to... Bee. Bees swarm and sting, so as protect themselves, their queen, their hive, and their honey. It has a solid history, which speaks for itself! I do not, however, like 'Missy' for a nickname; to me it sounds mousy! I have a girlfriend who calls me Miss, though, which is alright with me... It denotes a proper-respectful sound to me, without going extreme sounding... like the masculine sound of 'Mel'. As far as the comments from queenv? I say queen of what, and according to who? Queen vicious and vile, I think! I can tell that you are jealous and intimidated... Get over it and yourself! Remember; you get further with sugar than you do with spice! I dare say, too, that there are few to no people, in my life... anyway, that would refer to me as being weak, dead, or flowery, and most especially... not, boring! I have a good shape, am athletic, for being 46 years old... born Jan. 1969... Well, most people upon hearing my age, say they "can't believe what great shape" I am in! I am strong physically, mentally, and emotionally! Very much like a bee. As far as the nasty comments go? Feel sorry for her... she probably was cursed with a name like Barbi, or Bambi, or something silly like Wantonesha... which, of course, has no meaning or history!
If you hate the name Melissa, well you suck! To the people who say that it is boring, then why aren't you saying that other boring names such as Marissa or Michelle are boring? Hate this name and you have got no taste at all!
I can't get myself to like this name. I've known too many stuck up snobs and besides it's just ugly, not to mention mauled by popularity.
― Anonymous User 4/29/2013
To the Anonymous user who commented on the 4\29\13, that it is a bit harsh to say. Just because you met rude Melissas doesn't mean you have to call it "ugly". My name is Melissa and it is not fair to all of the nice Melissas out there. Some ignorants may say that it is boring, but no one ever said that it is "ugly". Melissa is a name that rolls off your tongue easily and it has a nice meaning. Since you are dissing my name, I would like to know what your name is and see how you would like it if I called it "ugly".
― Anonymous User 5/4/2013
I love this name, because it is my name. It isn't so common here, and I am glad for that. The meaning and the pronunciation is very pretty. A feminine name for any girl.
― Anonymous User 4/13/2013
I like this name as its my name. My mom wanted to name me Missy though, but my dad wouldn't let her. She tried to use it as a nickname, but I've always gone by Melissa.
This is my name and I like it. In eleamentry school, everyone spelled my name 'Mellissa' even adults! Other than that, Melissa is the best 'M' name I have heard of. Chic and youthful. As for people saying it is popular, I am here to tell you that it is not, nowadays.
The name Melissa is good for any age. It's a solid name and very classy.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2012
My youngest sister is called Melissa, from Melisa and its botanical nature, and also from the ideas of 'bee' and 'little bee' being both cute and taken from other family members. Melissa is our little bee. She's great, and this name is good. It leaks coolness, maths, hard work and intelligence, it repels emotion but it is still pretty and feminine. It's not cuddly... but it works for every inch it gets. I love it.
My name is Melissa and I've always liked it. It's easy to say, rolls off tongue, most people know how to spell it, and it rarely gets confused with anything else. I have known other people named Melissa but it was never overwhelming. I do get the song reference often - people call me Sweet Melissa.
My name! ^_^ I like it I guess, haven't really thought that much about it :P It's nice to see that lots of people are saying it's pretty and sweet, I'm glad it gives a good impression mostly. Personally, I don't really like being called Mel. My friends & family call me Mizz, which has been my nickname since I was little. Recently, some girls at school have decided to call me Mel Mel. -_- Oh and my friends call me Melly to annoy me. XD Nobody's ever called me Milly or Missy. Also, I love the fact that fear of bees is called Melissophobia! :D
Melissa is my name and I'm grateful to have it. My parents named me after the song "Melissa" by the Allman Brothers. I have only met two other Melissa's that were my age. I like how it's popularity had died down, making the name more unique. For awhile, I hated the name because people would spell it backwards and call me Assilem. It was annoying, but I got used to it. My family usually calls me Missy or Miss. Missy was cute when I was little (I'm 17 now), but it's getting old now. I much prefer my full name.
My name is Melissa, I never used to like it, I used to get 'Smellissa' and 'Smelly Melly' jokes all the time, but now it doesn't bother me. As for those who say Melissa is an 80's name, I was born in the 90's and I know lots of Melissas my age and younger, so it goes to show that it's not just a name stuck in the 80s. :)
― Anonymous User 12/9/2008
My niece is named Melissa. It's so pretty, I love it!
In the future I'm thinking of naming my baby girl this, it's very pretty and since my name is Vanessa we can have the last 3 letters the same.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2008
My mom named me Melissan as a variation of Melissa. Melissan Reid sounded like mystery to her. I love my name, the sound of it, the Greek mythology origin.
This name is just too obvious. It's so flowery and pretty that it's too flowery and pretty. It's so sweet that it's sickeningly sweet. That's what I'm getting at. It's so flowery and pretty and sweet that it's sickening. It's just... obvious! And was too popular. And showed no imagination.
My name is Melissa (my close friends call me Mel) and I've always been pleased with my name. My mom picked it out not only because of the way it sounds but also for the way it looks when written in cursive. She thought both were pretty, along with the meaning. I find that it really isn't all that common, as I've only known a couple Melissa's in my life and none of them spelled it the way I did. The most unique way I've seen it spelled is the way a child spells it at the school I work in: Melessa.
I find this name to be ok. Which is good, since it's my name. I have found that people cannot spell it properly, even though it is spelled the standard, normal way (no offense to anyone who spells it differently). They always spell it with 2 l's and 1 s. I don't understand that, it's not like it's an overly complicated name. Sadly, it is quite common in my neck of the woods. I was one of three Melissas in my graduating class of about 90 people. So, for the past 3-4 years, I've gone by Mel. When I was little, I was Missa. And anyone who tries to call me Missy will receive a swift kick in the shin.
My cousin's name is Melissa, but we don't have a cutesy nickname for her. I think Melissa is too pretty to make up a nickname like Mel or Milly (no offense to anyone who goes by those nicknames). I just think Melissa rolls of the tongue much better.
This name is very nice and pretty. Just be glad it is not THAT popular anymore as it once was. Don't let people call her Missy, though. Mel or Lissa are much nicer nicknames than Missy.
Such a pretty name. But now it's so common that it's no longer very distinctive.
― Anonymous User 4/23/2007
Thanks for those links, I will have to check out that MelissaNet and that song--I've never heard it. Funny both my sister and I have songs, Cindy and Melissa. For someone who said they haven't seen someone born after the 80's with this name, I was born in 90 here ya go! I've known a girl named Melyssa, you can really spell her name backwards Assylem. My mom named me Melissa after her sister Melissa June and Raye after my dad's mom Rayetta Ann. I hate it sometimes, but I like it too, except for when I'm in trouble, that Muh-Liiiisssssss-Uuuuuuh is bad news. As of late 2004 a once friend called me Mel, and it stuck. I have known other Melissas, but they were mostly adults. So it isn't so common in a public setting for me very often, but I hate turning around when someone doesn't enunciate when they say "Hey Alyssa/Carissa/Clarissa/Larissa/Marissa!" It's frustrating--that's why I go by Mel most of the time. But otherwise I don't mind my name at all. Someone said on here that they are terrified of bees, I second that, although I've never been stung. But then again, being blind I don't like creepycrawlyflyingstinging things. I can be sweet, but I'll sting if I have to, and I'm definitely an overachiever, so I guess the name fits me well.
My mum thought she was being very original when she named me Melissa (in 1978) but actually she had been subliminally influenced by the various Melissas in the cast of Little House on the Prairie! I find this name rather too frilly, soppy and overly-girly for my own liking (I still think it doesn't suit me!), but I like "Bee" as a nickname. And the name "Honey" is getting popular now, which is sort of like Melissa (I don't like this - please don't name your child after a foodstuff!).
― Anonymous User 3/6/2007
I'd rather spell it like Melisza or something. Missy is a cute nickname. All together - it's been around since the begining of sin but very cute.
I think it's one of those 80's names like Amber or Tiffany or whatever, I mean, I don't know anybody under the age of 20 called Melissa. Sorry, Mel is still cute, but I prefer Melanie.
The name Melissa has been ruined just like the name Angela. People with Italian ethnic backgrounds seem to be very fond of this name.
― Anonymous User 12/15/2006
My name is Melissa, and I prefer to go by Mel. I like my name, but I would rather have it be something more modern like Skye or Wynter. Overall though, I think that it's really pretty!
I love it, it is my name! I still think my name is pretty and I never ran into too many Melissa's growing up which was nice. I am called Mel, Lissa or Missy by close friends, but prefer Melissa.
Before, I didn't really think the name Melissa very nice and attracting. To my eyes it was way too common. Until I met a Melissa, who is now my best friend. She is devoted, sweet and passinote in what she does. Her personality makes me think of the name Melissa. It is delicate but opposing, it is nice but harsh and it is tense but calm. I love the name Melissa.
Melissa is a very pretty, delicate name. The popularity of Melissa has dropped off.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
I like the name Melissa. It's just it kind of turned me off ever since I met this girl named Melissa. But I think it's a great name and I shouldn't dislike the name because of one person. But the name rocks.
In keeping with wiswina's comment Melissa is a flower. I have a duvet cover of it and it's beautiful. I got it mainly because Melissa is my name, so that keeps with a comment made a few before me. In retaliation to 'unfair' comments about this name (everyone's entitled to an opinion) it depends on what part of the world you're from. There didn't seem to be many - if at all - Melissa's around when I was born (Feb' '82), however I have known Melissa'a older and younger. One of my best friends bears the same name and she was born April of the same year. We have known each other since we were 4-years-old. There were others - albeit not in the same year so it was odd for me because there were a lot of people with really 'common' names. I was told by a Turkish friend that Turkish people love this name. If you are from the States/Australia? this name may be seen ordinary, if anything too popular. I'm from England so it's different here (it's heard of just not, maybe, common/popular).
My name is Melissa, and I don't really like it. I prefer to be called Mel or Millie. Mine and my mum's name are twin names - Melissa means Bee in Greek and Deborah means similar in Hebrew.
I noticed that a lot of the rude comments about the name Melissa were from anonymous people, apparently they are ashamed of their own name. Mine is Melisa, note that I only have one "s". This is my Great-Grandmother's name. Also in regards to those who think Melissa is over used and has become boring, apparently they haven't been around long. As a child I never knew another Melissa and now that I am an adult I only know two other people that have this name, but are spelled differently. One is Milissa and the other is Elisa (not pronounced as a long E, but just like Melissa). I like having a name that is not as common as some others. I could list them, but I am not that rude. :o)
In my experience, women named Melissa are tickled to meet another woman with the same name - we get all excited n' stuff. The name backwards ~ ASSILEM ~ sounds like asylum which means: 1) An institution for the care of ill people who require organized supervision or assistance 2) A place offering protection and safety; a shelter 3) A place, such as a church, formerly constituting an inviolable refuge for criminals or debtors 4) The protection afforded by a sanctuary 5) Protection and immunity from extradition granted by a government to a political refugee from another countryMelissa is a bee that gives us things so sweet ~ She has a sting to protect herself and loved ones from harm. She is an ingredient derived from nature, a song and a singer. She is a drop from the clouds above ~ a piece of Heaven Pie. Why in the world would someone want to call her Missy? (no offense to all the Missy's who love their name).
She has a cheerful countenance; she has a bewitching personality; she is strong-willed; she has a special touch to dry a tear; enterprising, affectionate, and loyal; she does her best when she is in nature; she is idealistic and imaginative in nature; she has an intense drive for success. My name as well is "Melissa". I also found out my name is the same as the actress, Melissa Gilbert, from little house on the prairie. To others the name may be plain but it is who I am and always will be in life. So I make the best of my name and bring honor to it as I live my life.
I happen to like the name "Melissa" (It's my name, gosh darnit!). It sounds very soft, and rolls off the tongue easily. I usually pronounce it as "muh-LI-sah" or "MLIS-ah", depending on how fast I say it. I've always found it ironic that my name means honey bee and queen bee, but I am absolutely terrified of bees!