I am a personal fan of this name as it appeals to a certain aesthetic that I find endearing. In addition to a royal pedigree that does span the centuries, I do like the shortened nickname of Max as a simplified “go to” for Maximilian. All in all, a charming, sophisticated and regal name that is quite handsome to admire.
― Anonymous User 1/4/2023
This name should be pronounced like it says on the front: Max-i-mill-yan. I often see it on articles with the heading '5 syllable names'. Well, it's not 5 syllables if you pronounce it the original way.
― Anonymous User 7/28/2021
It’s pretentious and I love it. I would actually use this as a middle name along with Maxence, and just simple Max. I also love the variant Maxine and Maxima is cool too. The meaning is so cool.
I would not call it an ugly name, just a bit clunky, long and impractical for everyday use. If I were to use something similar to this name, I would just go with Max and call it a day.
My brothers' name. Everyone loves it. We call him Max.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2020
I like the names Max and Maxwell, I'm okay with Maximus, but Maximillian? Geeze, imagine the poor kid trying to spell his name in kindergarten! I don't have a problem with the name itself, the "million" sound it makes in English is a bit silly, but it isn't terrible. It's just the length of the length of it that makes me not really like it.
Also used in Romania. You'll find bearers on social media.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2020
“Max a million!” Sounds like a pet name an uncle would use for his nephew.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2019
Prefer Máximo. This is too much.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2019
I gave this name to my youngest and only son. I decided to go against the current when parents give two or more names to their children, even inventing names or changing the classic spellings. I opted for this name because it is not too short, it sounds great, has a lot of character and not very common but very memorable. It is also not too difficult to spell for a child. It is also very masculine and you can derive a lot of nicknames for it: Max, Maxie, Macky, Mackie, Ian, Macmac, Mackoy, etc. I know my son will love and cherish it and will be grateful for it.
The Netherlands is using this name?! NO WAY... They got to be using Maximiliaan since it is the Dutch form of Maximilian! I do not believe Maximilian is common in the Netherlands. Because usually Dutch uses 2 a's not just one just like example the Dutch name Daan.
We love the name Maximilian. It is our youngest's name. Our family is German and Catholic so the name was right for us. Maximiliana is a proper name as well. Think of General Hospital's Maxi.
I hate my middle name. Gaylord was bad enough as a first name, but then to add Maximilian to it? In primary school I was nicknamed GayFag the Maxi-Pad. I hate this name.
Oh my God, I love this name! It's great for a boy! The meaning and history of it is fascinating and brilliant! =D.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2014
I think it also should be a female name, like Pat, or Kim, or Chris... I think the name Maximiliana would be very cute for a baby girl. Maybe Maxis for short?
Maximilian (1662-1726) was the son of Ferdinand Maria, Elector of Bavaria and his wife Enrichetta of Savoy. He later became Elector of Bavaria himself.
Maximilian (1573-1651) was the second son of William V, Duke of Bavaria and his wife Renata of Lorraine. He later became Maximilian I, Elector of Bavaria.
A popular name amongst the German aristocracy, and the name of several of the Holy Roman Emperors.It's a name which says quite clearly, "I'm better than you and always will be".You have to love it.
I've always liked this name. When I was little I thought it was a nickname that meant something like "Max is worth a million." I really like it though.
Extremely pretentious and over the top, and in most cases nowadays, only used so the parents can get the trendy nickname Max. If you're only ever going to call the kid Max, unless this is a family name, just name him Max and skip the pretense of giving him a long-winded name like this.
This name sounds so snobbish and pretentious. It also sounds like "makes a million". It shows the parents want their son to make it big (in a selfish way, not a good one). What kind of message are you sending to your son?
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony named their son Maximilian David.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2008
Saint Maximilian Kolbe. He volunteered to die in the place of someone else at a Nazi concentration camp so the other man could stay with his family. They tried to starve him and the others with him to death, and he had them singing songs the whole time. Everbody with him eventually starved to death, but Maximilian wouldn't die. Extremely angry and frustrated with this, the Nazis eventually killed him with lethal injection.
I think this is the perfect name for a boy - regal, like most Latin names, yet still applicable for today. If I have a son, this will certainly be his name!