Incredibly over-the-top and arrogant. If I met someone who named their kid Legend, I would assume they’re a total narcissist. I have no idea how this got into the top 200.
If you think about naming your kid this introduce yourself as Legend for a week to everyone you meet and then watch people trying to hold back a chuckle. Then, if you are still sure about it you can call your child Legend (but you will not because people will chuckle).
― Anonymous User 5/7/2021
This would be such an embarrassing name to have. Can you even imagine having to live with that name?Imagine you are a shy, awkward child with no self confidence having to say "Hi, I'm Legend".I feel so bad for everyone with that name, it is so much to live up to. And yes, all parents think that their kids are the best and the greatest but they might end up having a shy/awkward phase, no self confidence, glasses and pimples in puberty and might not be athletic and just want to fit it. And that is fine, everyone goes through that stage. But imagine having to go through that phase as Legend. People will chuckle when you introduce yourself.This is such an narcissistic "my kid is going to be THE best" kind of name that it's embarrassing and a true burden for the child.
I see why this name is so critically acclaimed. I just don't agree! I love it! I used it on a doll when I was younger, a little basketball player, Legend Whitaker.
― Anonymous User 12/1/2020
I know someone named Legend! He wants to change his name.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2020
I actually really like Legend for a name. I think it's strong, beautiful and unique. It's suitable for either gender, in my opinion, but I'd probably prefer it a little more for a boy. I think it would age pretty well, too, like I can see it on a little kid, teenager, adult and senior.(P.S. I think Legendary would be a nice alternative, as well.)
Another one of these currently trendy names that isn't going to age very well. I also know someone who named their daughter Legacy... except they spelled it "Legacie". So trashy.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2020
Original does not mean better, this is the perfect example.
3 people with a negative opinion on such an awesome unique name! That's my youngest (and soon to be middle) son's name. I've NEVER had a negative opinion in regards to the name we chose for him. Legend Charles born November, 2014.