In the name information, Hero should be linked.
Leander Sydnor (played by Corey Parker Robinson) is a fictional Baltimore police detective in the TV show The Wire.
Nice, though I wouldn't use it. Cool.
Gene Nelson's real name is Leander.
Also Hungarian:
Also Norwegian:
So handsome, man….
Beautiful, romantic and reminiscent. In fact, I think few boy names are romantic. Not as overused as Alexander, more familiar than Lysander. But I just can't find a nickname I like. I greatly dislike Andy for reasons I don't know.
I used to work at a daycare and there was a little boy there named Leander. He loved hugs and would draw pictures for me. He was the sweetest little thing. He had a friend who could not pronounce his name and would call him "Lander", which always made my co-workers and I laugh. He is the only Leander I have ever known and that's why I like this name. He will always hold a special place in my heart.
Also Polish:
In 2018, 52 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Leander who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 3, 779th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
I was named Leander, after the Greek legend. I am really glad that I can use this name, because for me it sounds so powerful and good. Leander means lion man too, btw. But sometimes it's a pain because 97% of people haven't heard this name before and I need to say it 3-4 times when I meet someone :')
Great name! This name is also used in Belgium.
Great! It's popular in Norway, and it's way better than the similar looking Leonard (which I recently discovered is NOT pronounced lee-O-nahrd). In addition, it carries mythological associations! Fantastic! Plus I like oleanders, which are unfortunately poisonous. Haha, great name!
Cool. Awesome meaning as well.
Anonymous personage commenting that this name isn't suitable for children: if not for children, who else will take it? Some names may seem odd on a four-year-old, but it's better than having a kiddie name when you're forty.
Beautiful handsome name that sounds noble and sexy at the same time. It was quite popular in the late 19th century - maybe it's time for a revival?
Wow, it even has a sort of feline sound. A bit too yowly for my tastes. Oleander just sounds so much more mysterious.
I like it a lot; it's an incredibly strong name for a boy, and it's not at all common in the US, where I live. I can imagine that it's a really great name for a boy to grow up with. I also like the nickname Lee for it.
This is one of my favorite boys' names. I really like the nickname Lee. I love the meaning, and the mythological story. It's not at all common here in America and so lovely.
In my opinion, this BOY name has become WAAAY too common in Norway.
Generally I don't think Mythology names should be used much for children, but this is one of the few Mythology names that I think would still be alright for to name your child these days. It just works so nicely. It has such nice pronunciation and spelling.
I think this sounds more like a girl's name. I created a character (girl) named Leander, and her nickname is Linder.
A tennis player from India and winner of 2 Grand Slams in 1999 along with a bronze in the 1996 Olympics, Leander Paes, bears this name.
This name is pronounced LEE-an-der.
It's also pronounced lee-AN-der. [noted -ed]

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