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Gender Masculine

Meaning & History

Kishi (also Kushaiah) is a figure in the Old Testament. 1 Chronicles 6:44 states Kishi is a Merarite, and the father of the ancestor of Ethan the minstrel.
Added 1/2/2010 by anonymous
Edited 2/17/2014 by Sofia and Frollein Gladys

Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts (Japanese Kanji) きし(Japanese Hiragana) キシ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. KSHEE, KEE-SHEE  [key]

Meaning & History

This name is used as 岸 (gan, kishi) meaning "beach."

It's not known how popular Kishi was in the early and middle part of the Edo period (1603-1868) but it was slightly uncommon in the latter part of that period and most of the Meiji period (1868-1912) before becoming rare in the 1900s.
Added 1/24/2015 by anonymous
Edited 3/8/2020 by Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou

Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 嬉子(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. KI-SHI  [key]

Meaning & History

Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to an Empress Consort, 藤原 嬉子 FUJIWARANOKISHI, married to 亀山天皇 KAMEYAMA the Japanese Emperor Kameyama. The Kanji Character 嬉 meaning "Happy" with the Kanji Character 子 meaning "Child". It could also be called Kiko. See also Shōshi, Kenshi, Ishi, Kanshi, Sonshi.
Added 9/16/2020 by anonymous
Edited 1/31/2023 by Mike C and JJB McC