Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 今朝, 袈裟(Japanese Kanji) けさ(Japanese Hiragana) ケサ(Japanese Katakana)
Pronounced Pron. KE-SAH  [key]

Meaning & History

This name is used as either 今朝 or 袈裟 with 今 (kin, kon, ima) meaning "now," 朝 (chou, asa) meaning "dynasty, epoch, morning, regime," 袈 (ka, ke) meaning "a coarse camlet" and 裟 (sa. sha) meaning "Buddhist surplice."

As a word, Kesa (今朝 & 袈裟) means "this morning" and "kasaya (a monk's stole)" respectively. Kesa (袈裟) is also used as an abbreviation of 袈裟懸け (kesagake/けさがけ) which refers to wearing a kasaya or an article of clothing in the same manner as a kasaya (i.e. draped over one shoulder).
Regarding 今朝, it originally came about as an Old Japanese compound of 此 (ke) meaning "this" (ke being the alternative form of ko) and 朝 (asa). This, in turn, formed into 'keasa,' but it contracted to, what is now, 'kesa' since Old Japanese didn't permit vowel clusters.

This name was most commonly used from the Edo Period (1603-1868) to the first half of the 20th century, albeit occasionally, but nowadays, it is very rarely given to girls, if given at all.
Added 2/2/2015 by m4yb3_daijirou
Edited 3/8/2020 by Mike C and m4yb3_daijirou

Kesa 3
Gender Feminine
Usage Fijian
Pronounced Pron. KAY-sah  [key]

Meaning & History

From the name of the dye used to decorate barkcloth.
Added 1/14/2024 by Rainya

See Also

User submissions Késa, Kesä