I have 2 little cousins named Kayden and Kayleb. It doesn't help that they look exactly alike. Never really been a fan of the matching sibling name thing, and the spellings don't do them any favors either.
Excuse me, my name is Kayden, I'm a male and I AM PROUD TO BE A KAYDEN. FOR THOSE WHO THINK AYDEN/AIDEN/ADEN NAMES ARE UNDERRATED, WEIRD OR UNCOMMON YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE THIS NAME ORIGINATED FROM A PERSON NAMED CADEN WHO WAS BORN IN IRELAND. Now if you want to say something and you know it is rude then keep it to yourself, a person decides who they are and who they will be. Their name does not decide that.
Sounds completely made up to me and makes me think (rightly or wrongly) that parents giving their kid this name are a wee bit trashy. Apologies to Kaydens out there but I really don't like the name at all. It seems to be the perfect name to be shouted in supermarkets.
Hi! My name is Kayden, and I am a female, I don’t identify as anything tho so please don’t call me she/her. Anyway I just wanted to prove to y’all that a female named Kayden is one of the smartest, amazing, strong, and important people on this planet.
We are strong
We have no shame in our pride
We are Kaydens with a K and a Y
And we are the most bad ass people in this world.
No shame in your pride? That's like saying there's no sadness in your joy; it makes no sense. By the way, it's arrogant to call yourself one of the best, most important people in the world, but I'm not sure you would know what that word means. Also badass is one word, not two, sugar pie.
My brother has this now and I absolutely love it. I also think it sounds really nice for a girl but not many people think it does. I would use this name but I love it.
Only prefer Jayden.
Since there's many parents naming their children -ayden, I'd like to see if anyone is brave enough to name their children Gayden.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The commenter below me made me laugh my head off.
I really don't like these -ayden names (Cayden, Kayden, Jayden, Drayden, etc). They're going to sound very badly dated in the near future.
In 1990 we named our first born Kayden. At age 29, she is a manager at a big international business and loves her name. I know several Kaydens of various spellings and genders and I love it for all. My grandfather's name was Whitney and I know females named Whitney. I don't see a problem with that.
Kayden for girls? How unfortunate.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Kayden who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 720th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Kayden who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 3, 507th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Kayden as a feminine name? Why leave all the good names and name someone Kayden?
I'm sorry, but this -aiden -ayden is waay too trendy and overused. Let's stop. At one point, there will be names like Tayden, Fayden, and Wayden.
The name Kayden is the most creative name in the world. It is lovely and pretty so stop saying rude things about it.
This name is so cute. I would TOTALLY use it. It's cool and an awesome name to grow with. I would 100% use it in the future if I ever end up having a boy.
I happen to love this name. My two year old is called Kayden and I must say I've only ever heard the name once or twice since I've had him.
This name is awesome. I actually think this is the best spelling of the name. Maybe because I love the female name Kay. But Caden and Kaden are the same, I don't mind them.
I don't understand why people feel the need to spell it this way. Just spell it the way it's supposed to be, which is Caden.
Kayden Kross is the pseudonym of a pornographic actress.
People use this "name" on girls?!
I've never been a fan of the whole -aden trend for boys, and silly kreatyv spylyngz like this make me hate it even more. At least Caden looks a little bit more intelligent than Kayden. I just saw a self-published book with a character (not a child) named Kayden, and I had to roll my eyes. If you're going to try to predate naming trends, at least use a name that existed when your character would've been born!
Kayden is a completely made-up, meaningless and extremely childish collection of sounds. It's also very dated, because it was unheard of as a name before the late 1990s. Besides that, it's a stereotypically trendy name that people use as an extreme example of low-class "kre8ive nayming." It's the Shaniqua of trendy, made-up names. There's nothing else I can really say that hasn't already been said about the other maiden-rhyming names. Don't use this name.

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