This is my brother's name, he's never gotten bullied for it or anything, so that's cool. My parents mainly spelt it that way because they didn't want him to be called "Jack" as a nickname.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2025
I have a friend named Jaxson Its honestly a fine name he kinda nerdy tho.
As somebody named Jaxson, please chill out. It's just a name it CANNOT hurt you.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2024
This name is absolutely atrocious. The S in not needed. I think I would change my name.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2023
I agree with the overwhelming majority of opinions. The spelling is simply atrocious and it conjures up certain images about the parents. And as you could probably guess, not in a positive light. Jaxon doesn't even look that bad compared to it.
Well it’s better than Jacxstyn… but worse than everything else. Don’t name your kid this. Jaxon is slightly better, but still terrible. Jackson isn’t great either, but next to this it’s wonderful.
"Unique", butchering the spelling like this makes the name look ridiculous, let's say for example that I want to use the name Felix, but I think it's too boring to me and use Phelyks instead, now, Phelyks is indeed unique, but for a good reason, as it is so stupid that no one (hopefully) would ever use it.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2021
People, why do you think this is a HIDEOUS, AWFUL spelling of Jackson? Someone please tell me! Jackson is a common and boring name, so adding a little twist is perfectly fine; it makes the name more noticeable and unique!
This is a perfectly fine spelling of an absolutely wonderful name. All forms of the name Jackson, no matter how many seemingly strange letter additions there may be, are perfect and belong to the purest, most wholesome of boys. The usage of both the x and the s, though many call it redundant, completely change the pronunciation and how the name rolls off of the tongue. I would rate this name a ten out of ten because it is perfectly stunning and I will always love every person who bears it.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2019
Jax-son: It seems there would be some confusion about the pronunciation. The 'X' already makes the 'S' sound. It would be like spelling the name Jacksson. Please do not use this spelling. It makes the parents seem uneducated. :( It is unfortunate that only Americans would use this like they are trying to be trendy. Please go with Jackson.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jaxson who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 2377th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
I really don't see a problem with it, but if you guys don't like it that's okay with me.
What a hot mess of a name. Use the correct spelling of Jackson, or better yet, don't use it at all. These surnames used as first names is a tacky fad that is so overdone --mostly by young parents who only want to be trendy and you-neek, never giving a thought to the fact that their child is going to grow into an adult, begin a career, and become a senior citizen one day.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2015
I agree with what an Anonymous User from 6/6/2015 said. But don't forget the classic Johannes as well.
I agree with everyone else. If you want to have the cool spelling of Jackson, just spell it Jaxon. Having an s is unnecessary, because the X already helps create the sound. X replaxes cks, so why have it be with an x and s?
Jackson is way over used and tired... so, for those working class hipsters that want to throw a "curve ball" at everyone use "Jaxson"... oh, please people.. terrible, terrible.. and ironically TOTALLY unoriginal...
Jackson is one of my favorite boys' names, but this spelling is horrific. Why would you bother putting an 's' in when there's already an 'x' that covers the 's' sound?
Jackson is a perfectly fine name and this is a perfectly horrid spelling of it.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2013
A cousin of mine just had a baby boy, and named him Jaxson, this spelling. The name itself I'm all right with, but I find the 'x' followed by the 's' to be redundant. "Jax" (what they call the baby) already covers the 's' sound, but then they stuck another 's' in the name. And Jaxson is in the top 200 boys' names! I don't get it.
― Anonymous User 7/1/2012
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