Also German and Polish.
Love this name, gives a strong impression. Don’t understand the negative comments.
I’m named Jacob I have hated my name for my 26 years (too popular and I get called Jake from State Farm and get sung John Jacob Jinglehimer Schmidt a lot growing up) I am genuinely getting it changed soon.
My middle name is Jacob, and I absolutely love it! It is masculine, familiar, and I can picture it on a male of any age or culture. When I was born in 2000, it was the #1 male name in the U.S. and didn't leave the top ten until 2018, but its popularity has been steadily declining ever since.

Coincidentally, my last name is Black, like Jacob Black in Twilight, but the franchise isn't nearly as relevant as it was ten plus years ago, and I've never had any problems with that association anyway. If I ever have a son someday, I will seriously consider passing Jacob on as a first or middle name if it's not too popular by then.
Also Guernésiais:
Forget about Levi! I think "Jacob" is a better masculine name for my car, Perodua Viva, because of his love for Joseph!
I LOVE the name Jacob. The impression to me regarding the bearer of the name Jacob is someone who is handsome, reliable, calm, good hearted and fun. It is a familiar name but I don't think it is overused. I do know 2 Jacobs but it really isn't a big deal. I like this name because it is cross cultural, (every culture has a version), ages very well and it is familiar. There are benefits to these qualities, especially in a working environment or in school. There are lots of social benefits too. It is not overly long or hard to say and it is spelled just like it sounds, even in other languages. There are many nicknames, in particular I like Cubby, Jack, Jay or Jake. Nobody wants to spend a lifetime explaining how to spell their name. I know first hand because I am a woman and I have an unusual (although beautiful) name that requires me to explain how to pronounce and spell it (typically multiple times) and it is very frustrating. I don't need every introduction or interaction to be all about me and my name, pronunciation, origin, meaning, blah blah, for several minutes before we can move on. I am seriously considering a change to my name for this reason. For all the parents that are looking for a name for their child, there are many benefits to having a familiar name and I caution you against a controversial, unrecognizable or difficult to say or spell name as the first name. This type of name separates them from others and will make life difficult, not to mention that not everyone wants to stand out in that way. Of course, if you grow up with an unusual name you might not know different (I didn't understand this until I was in my 20s) but I've tried it both ways (yes, I created a new identity, called it my nickname, in my work environment) and I can say from first hand experience that belonging is better, especially at work and socially. If you feel you must give your child a difficult or unusual name, give your child one of each and put the more creative name as a middle name so they have an easier life. Jacob is a fantastic name and I highly recommend it.
A great alternative to the popular James.
Jacob Bixenman made me like this name a lot more.
I think Jacob is a very nice name that expresses itself as both respectable, decent and most importantly, strong. I could also imagine a small child named Jacob and then see a grown man of character bearing this forceful name. The nickname, Jake, for Jacob, is not that bad either. A toast to anyone who has this as their first or middle name! Cheers to you all!
It's a simple and short name. I like it and think of two things: someone who doesn't get blamed for things he does and a surprisingly smart person.If you don't like it then that's fine but whatever you do don't name your kid James.
I always thought it was sad to see little boys with this name. I always thought it was for somebody in assisted living.
All I think of is the Jacobite Risings of 1746 for some reason. Even then, this name's too popular for my liking... *imagines the Battle of Culloden*...and it's honestly rather uninteresting because it's so popular. But it's an okay name despite all that.
Uninteresting name, hate it.
This is actually SUCH a handsome name!
I am biased. But Jacob is a good name. It sounds cool, but it sounds troublesome for some reason. I also like all of the ways to pronounce it.
Jacob is one of my favourite male names, but I only like it in its' Germanic/Northern-European kind of pronounceation: "Ya-kob"! I don't like the English/American variation named "Jay-kob"I live in Denmark, and Jacob is a very common name here which never gets out of fashion.
Can’t help but think of a 10 year old boy that tries to be hip, cool and does TikTok dances and cringy trends as well. Go with James instead.
Spanish pronunciation: kha-KOB.
Also used in Spanish:
Also Judeo-Anglo-Norman:
I've always loved the name Jacob. It's simple and timeless in a way that I can find boring in some other names, but it just has such a lovely sound to it. The nickname Jay is so sweet. Jake is good but a bit bland. And, this is so ridiculously silly, but the "cob" part is a weird little bonus to me, because it makes me think of corn every time. I really like corn. Look, I said it was silly, but somehow it still adds a bit of brightness and warmth to the name, at least for me. It's still not my main association, and it's such a classic that I don't think most would notice or care. It's a very handsome name that seems to suit just about any personality. It's common in the best way, comfortably familiar when you hear it.
Also used in French:
I really love this name. It's a nice sounding name and ages very well!
I love this name! People say it's too popular but who cares? Refer to my Sophia comment hehe. Anyways, Jake, Jaco, and Jakey are cute nicknames for this!
Nice name. Also seems to be one of the most popular names of Generation Z (born 1997 to 2012), as it peaked in popularity from 1999 to 2012.
Jacob sounds like a cool and strong name for boys.
I used to hate this name as it seemed like a little kid name to me but over time my impression of the name completely changed (mostly due to Jacob Elordi) and I actually like the name now.
If I have a son I'm naming it Jacob, not only do I love the name it's a family name (my great uncle's name aka my dad's favorite uncle) I was also supposed to be named it if I was a boy.
Also used in Romansh: -- her father, Jacob Bertogg
Great name.
My name is J-a-c-o-b so I like it better than J-a-y-c-o-b.
My brothers' name. He can get annoying, but I love his name, it's handsome!
Boring and overused.
I don't know what y'all are on about, I've never met a single Jacob where I live. And by the way, plenty of names are popular. Should people stop using names just because lots of people like them too?
An archaic pronunciation is "jaa-cub".
Jacob from the early Old Testament of the Bible was the son of Isaac and Rebecca and twin brother of Esau. He tricked Esau into giving him his birthright and thus inheriting the family's land. Jacob had two wives Leah and Rachel and 12 sons, one of which was Joseph.
This name reminds me of sweet corn, like corn on the 'cob'.
Jacob Portman is the protagonist of the "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children" series by Ransom Riggs.
All the Jacobs I knew were annoying as hell.
Average - not awful, but not exactly inspiring either.
I think Jacob is a good name. It's a strong, timeless, classic, biblical name.
Jacob Jeffries is a musician.
I like this name, I don't care if it's overused!
That also might be because it's my name 0-0.
Good name but overused, and hated. A lot.
P.S. my name is Jacob.
Jacob is far better than James, totally.
Swedish Pronunciation: YA-kob.
It is OK (Don't like it and don't dislike it) although it is not one of my favourite biblical names. I much prefer James to be honest.
Jacob is a lovely name, definitely using this for my first born son.
A good name overall.
I have the name Jacob and I love it :)))))). I think it is unique.
My name is Jacob and I think it fits me in only in middle school but the name Jacob means following after and I think that I follow a lot and not lead so if your name is Jacob then know that you're beautiful:)
I see a lot of people saying Jacob is overused and that the beauty is gone from the name.
I strongly disagree.
In my life I have met a smart, strong, funny guy named Jacob. He's been in my life for years now, and has changed me in so many good ways. If it weren't for him, I don't know where I'd be today. He's helped show me so many things about myself I couldn't even begin to imagine were there.
The beauty will never fade from the name.
If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be the person I am today. So maybe for others, the name "Jacob" is overused and boring, but for me? Never.
Dull name.
Classic and masculine!
Great name for a one eyed parrot.
Hate this name. I know too many people with this name. All jerks.
Way too common.
I'm Jacob Joshua and I love my name :) some people call me Jake as a nickname, and sometimes even Jakey as a pet name. Mostly I just like to be called Jacob.
Chacko - is the "Malayalam" language version of the name Jacob. :) - Malayalam is a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala and it is spoken by around 35 million people (2011 census).
I would name my son this. Jacob is a great name for a great kid. My kid would be Jake but Jacob if in trouble.
Add Usage: German, FinnishPronounced: JAY-kəb (English), YA-kawp (Dutch, German), YA-kawb (Swedish, Norwegian), YA-gob (Danish), YAH-kob (Finnish)This name is used in several languages.
Being named Jacob I can say I love my name.
Jacob is the best name and he's kind, hot, cute and the best name ever. And has great hair.
I never liked the name but now I know a lot of guys named Jacob, and they're all exceptionally kind, wonderful people. Now I plan on naming my first-born son Jacob.
Jacob is a cute name for a boy. It’s simple yet sweet. I can picture Jacob better on a little boy than a grown man though. It’s probably because the name doesn’t sound that old fashioned. It’s just my opinion. I know it’s plain and overused, but all boy names are plain and overused and common and they have all had a feminine taste, so I don’t see a difference.
Jacob is an amazing name, I wish I had a name like that.
Jacob is a name that has continued in popularity for quite some time and will probably remain so in the foreseeable future.
I personally think it is a bit overused for anyone desiring a relatively rare forename, but if you think that it carries a certain charm and weight of historic significance then it may be the right name to select.
It does not do any good whatsoever to note the Greek or Latin roots of the name, "Jacob," unless the definitions of those root words are provided. It may look oh so very scholarly to have the fancy Greek lettering included in the report, but it provides no useful information. Indeed, clicking on the blue fancy Greek words does not provide any definitions either! All definitions of the ancient root words should be provided, at least in parentheses, immediately following the Greek/Latin words.For example: id·i·ot
Middle English (denoting a person of low intelligence): via Old French from Latin idiota ‘ignorant person, ’ from Greek idiōtēs ‘private person, layman, ignorant person, ’ from idios ‘own, private.’P.s. I mean no offense
I like this name. Classic.
In 2018, 12 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jacob who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 54th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
One of my classmates' names is Jacob. Awesomely, everyone in my class has a different name, despite some of them being common names.
While the name Jacob and variants do indeed mean, as already mentioned, "Supplanter" or not mentioned "Usurper", there is more to it than that, and no, not everything in the world is online. Considering the name has been in my family for generations, I felt prompted to share and enlighten the world as well as was aghast that despite this website being the finest website I could find regarding the etymology of names, not only this website but none of them online state the correct meaning of the name, Jacob. The page states that Jacob 'stole' or "deprived" Esau/Esov of his 'rights' as first born, while similar sites state that Jacob 'tricked' Esau out of his inheritance... that is not correct. Let the reader be reminded that as a nihil obstat it was God who changed Jacob's last name to Israel, ipso facto, because he was found worthy whereas Esau was disobedient and was thus not merely replaced but more to the point, disqualified, despite being not only older but also in every way the better man, better hunter, better fighter, except, in purity and obedience, which were and are, decisive. The name Jacob and variants specifically refers to how Jacob got the birthright of inheritance from Esau by offering Esau a bowl of red lentil soup, to which the famished Esau replied "If I perish for famine, what use is the birthright to me?" and agreed. Christendom has ever remained an oral and living tradition, in spite of and notwithstanding, the redacting of the Bible from 144 to its present 66 books including the 2 false ones, and of course its 'translations' and should any pundit wish to challenge that, let it be pointed out that Christ himself never wrote a book, but was the Living Word. In full command of the English language, I repeat, Christianity, is an oral and living tradition. You say I am repeating something I've said before? I shall say it again: "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.". As told to me by an English knight whose family surname is Knight and the name James or Jacob has remained in the family since time immemorial, the name Jacob means "He who replaces/overcomes/overmasters/defeats/bests/conquers/trounces another by superior strength, wit, or guile", emphasis on wit and guile for Jacob's being masterful. It is a name that is not only synonymous with "winner", as brag comes from Bragi/Baldur, a reminder of Jacob's high intelligence and skill, but more importantly testament to Jacob's being pure, obedient and semper fidelis, always faithful. Again this skillful and cunning bargain received the sanctifying imprimatur of God and is thus verified by God who then changed Jacob's last name to Israel, Jacob, not Esau. Today generally those who cry foul and speak ill of Jacob and in defense of Esau, the sore losers, are the living descendants of Esau/Edom meaning "red" which tells everything to anyone who knows who's who and historicity, aware of the 500 million dead plus in the past 300 years to the Red Terror as well as why the word "loxism" cannot be found in any of the online dictionaries, incontrovertible evidence that they are owned by, said descendants. The 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41 is explicitly, emphatically, with a resounding ring of finality, clear, on who Esau-Edom today is.Not everything is online, which would be an erroneous, a foolish assumption and jejune to presume that, because something is not found online, it therefore surely cannot exist; for instance, photographs of the reader's genitalia cannot be found online, yet that does not mean that the reader has no said parts. The Internet is not yet very old, certainly not compared to any respected names, and so far the Internet is not necessarily being regularly 'upgraded' which is to say improved, but rather the Internet of things seems to be more of a case of who has the loudest bullhorn, the digital "knights of the goose quill". Yet the truth, the light, though it be the bright and solitary star to every wandering bark, shines still. Indeed, ignorance, strictly speaking, is not to be unaware of, but rather to be fully cognizant of yet willingly to remain, in a state of ignoring.My noblesse oblige, charity of honour that never faileth, good deed for the day, now witnessed by God, is done.
I wash my hands.
Too popular. Once I was in a class of 18 kids, and 7 were Jacob.
Jacob G., Jacob H., Jacob D...
The Dutch pronunciation is more like Yah-Coab or something like that.Anyway it's not an 'aw' sound, but more like an 'oa' like coal.
Very nice biblical name. Extremely overused though.
Jacob Lynn "Jake" Pavelka is an American pilot who appeared on six reality TV programs, most notably The Bachelor. Pavelka was born in Dallas, Texas to Sallie Lanell and James Lynn Pavelka. He is the middle child of three sons. His brothers, Jason and Matthew, are both married. He has two nephews. Pavelka grew up in Denton, Texas and he started taking flying lessons when he was twelve. He played high school football, and in 2001 he became a certified flight instructor. He attended the University of North Texas and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida for Aerospace engineering. Pavelka became an airline captain and flight instructor at 23. He worked as a pilot for Atlantic Southeast Airlines, and under the name of Jake Landrum, acted in several television commercials and programs produced in the Dallas area. Pavelka is a cousin of fitness model, television presenter, actor and personal trainer Jessie Pavelka. Pavelka participates in triathlons and has been active throughout his life.
Not a good name, especially if you want to give your son a christian name. In the bible, God changed Jacob's name to Israel because it had a good and better meaning so WHY would you want to name your son Jacob?
This is my name. I was born in 1995, and Jacob was the most popular name for boys that year. It doesn't seem to have dwindled in popularity much, since I still meet little boys named Jacob all the time. I do think it's overused, but if you really want to name your son Jacob, who am I to stop you?
Jacob Benjamin Gyllenhaal is an American actor. A member of the Gyllenhaal family and the son of director Stephen Gyllenhaal and screenwriter Naomi Foner, Gyllenhaal began acting as a child with a screen debut in City Slickers, followed by roles in A Dangerous Woman and Homegrown. His breakthrough performance was as Homer Hickam in October Sky and he garnered an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Male Lead for playing the title character in the indie cult hit Donnie Darko, in which he played a psychologically troubled teenager alongside his older sister, Maggie Gyllenhaal. He subsequently appeared in another indie film, The Good Girl and the climate fiction-disaster film The Day After Tomorrow, portraying a student caught in a cataclysmic climate event.
Jacob Christopher "Tito" Ortiz is an American retired mixed martial artist. In the MMA world, he is known for his stint with the Ultimate Fighting Championship, where he is a former Light Heavyweight Champion, having held the title from April 14, 2000 to September 26, 2003. Along with fighters like Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell, he was one of the sports early stars. Ortiz ultimately became the biggest pay-per-view draw of 2006 for his fights with Liddell, Forrest Griffin, and Ken Shamrock.
Rolf Jacob Sartorius, commonly known as Jacob Sartorius, is an American pop singer. He gained fame by lipsyncing on the social media app, Music. Ly. He released his debut single, Sweatshirt, in 2016.
Jacob is a cool name. Also, I have a friend named Jacob and he´s very cool.
Jacob Tremblay is a Canadian child actor. His breakout performance was his co-starring role as Jack Newsome in Room, for which he received critical acclaim and was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role. He won the Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Young Performer and the Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television Award for Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role.
Jacob David R. Clayton in Subic Bay, Olongapo City, Philippines also known as Jacob Rica, Jacob Clayton is a Filipino/British child actor. He is half British. He is currently under the GMA Artist Center handled by director Maryo J. De los Reyes. He took part in the action adventure series Zaido: Pulis Pangkalawakan aired on GMA Network. In 2008, he joined the main cast of the eleventh installment of Sine Novela Saan Darating Ang Umaga?, Magkano Ba ang Pag-ibig? And Regular TV Host Walang Tulugan, GMA Network's evening variety show.
This name needs to go into hiding for awhile. I know like 12 Jacobs. It's become so overused you don't see the beauty in the name anymore. Whenever I think of someone in biblical times with the name, it sounds strong. However, now all I can think of are the lame sex addicted, technology addicted Jacobs I know in my class and it feels weak.
I like this name because it really brings out the character in some people's names and their pet's names. In fact I have have a dog named Jacob. It is also a saint's name- that is also why it is such a cool name to have.
It is said in the "Similar names" section that the change to the Spanish usage of this name could be "Yago" but it could be this name as well:•Saint Jacob — Sant Iacob
•Sant Iacob — Santiacob
•Santicob — Santiago.
Jacob Sartorius's full name is Rolf Jacob Sartorius.
A young notable internet star Jacob Sartorius (2002- )uses this name.
I love it. It is is pronounced jay-cub.
Jacob is the version of my name that I prefer. Jacob and James are also the same name but Jacob is a lot better. In many languages there is only one version for both of them.
It's a perfectly pleasant name with the nice nickname of "Jake." But I've met so many Jacobs that I'm frankly sick of hearing it, and it has grown to be boring and unimaginative to my ears.
Just as Iago is the Welsh form, so is Jago the Cornish form - and rather cool in my opinion!
Sir Jacob Astley (1579-1652), famous Royalist general in the English Civil War (1642-45).
The name Jacob comes directly from the Hebrew "ya'akov" - יעקוב - which literally means "he (or it) will follow", i.e. the 3rd person masculine singular future tense of the verb לעקוב ("la'akov") - 'to follow'. This verb exists in both biblical and modern Hebrew.
Boring overused name.
I was born in the 90s, and I can tell you that I know a TON of guys with this name. Including a family member. I like the name, but it's very common, which isn't always a good thing.
I really dislike this name. The "B" is awkward at the end. The nickname "Jake" is even worse. I don't know why this name is so over used and popular.
Jacob Singer is the main character of the cult horror film Jacob's Ladder, where he struggled between salvation and perdition, heaven and hell.
Jacob is my brother's name... Jacob was towards the very top of the most popular boy's names for years, but has been overtaken by names like Liam and Noah, which are currently very popular... I like the name, though.
I've always disliked this name. I just don't like its sound, especially the second symbol. I prefer Jake.
Garret Jacob Hobbs is a character on the television series "Hannibal."
My name is Jacob, and I definitely wouldn't change it. It was a little difficult in school (because there were around 10 other Jacobs I knew), but now that I'm in college, it's not bothersome anymore. I haven't met many Jacobs who have been significantly older than me, although I've met a couple of them, one of whom is my former boss. I like my name because despite its popularity, I feel it still maintains an air of uniqueness.
I think Jacob is a name suitable for all ages! And the comments about the name being too old fashioned, no way, the Jacob's I know are born in early 2000's.
I have grown up with so many Jacobs in my classes that this name just bores me... I don't really think of this name much because it is so common and popular. I also think the "b" at the end of Jacob is awkward to say, so I pronounce the name as "Jacup" with a "p" instead. Honestly, when guys tell me their name is Jake or Jacob, I usually forget their name because I already know about 10 Jacobs and it's too many to keep track of.
Well, this wouldn't be my first choice... or second... or third. But I actually think its kinda cute! If I turn my head and squint my eyes a little :0).
Jacob Zuma is the President of South Africa.
A fine, respectable religious-themed name. Has a blessed meaning too- a delightful name that has a lot to offer. Don't use it for the sake of Twilight- pfft, that's not a good reason AT ALL. ¬_¬ Choose it for it's meaning, history and the way it sounds. =)
I like the name Jacob, almost as much as Jake (which I named my dog). There's someone that I associate negatively with the name Jacob. Jacob is WAY too common in my opinion. I probably know at least 10 Jacobs. Please stop naming your child this, or everyone will be named Jacob. There was someone in my school who's name was just Jake, and not Jacob and I liked that a lot more.
This name is everywhere. There is a floor at my university that has four Jacobs. It is so common it's sickening.
Jacob Akiba Marinsky (born 1918 in Buffalo, New York) was an American chemist who was the co-discoverer of the element promethium.
Jacob Benjamin "Jake" Gyllenhaal (born 1980 in Los Angeles, California) is an American actor. He is the brother of actress Margaret Ruth "Maggie" Gyllenhaal.
I am sick of this name. Jake and Jacob are EVERYWHERE.
Common, but nice name. The nickname Jake is also nice.
Yes, it's outrageously popular but that doesn't automatically make a name good or bad. Jacob ages well, isn't trendy or "dated" it could fit any type of guy. I understand if you just don't like the sound of this name for whatever reason, but "It's popular" isn't a very good reason to me. I doubt that I would ever consider Jacob for my actual child, but I like it just fine. There are worse things you could be naming your kid, really. But maybe I'm just partial to Jacob because I like Jake so much.
Jacob van Campen (1595-1657) was a Dutch architect and painter.
Jacob Burckhardt (Carl Jacob Christoph Burckhardt) (1818-1897) was a Swiss historian, professor at the universities of Zurich and Basle.
Jacob Adriaensz Backer (1608-1651) was a Dutch portrait and history painter famous for 'Portrait of a Boy in Grey'.
Jacob is a kid's name. I can't imagine it on an older man.
This is one of the few uber popular names that I actually like. I know quite a few Jacobs of all ages, and the name suits all of them. I'd probably use it as a middle name.
Jacob-Sigisbert Adam (1670-1747) was a French Sculptor. His sons were François-Gaspard, Nicolas-Sébastien and Lambert-Sigisbert.
Jacob Lusk is a contestant on American Idol season 10.
I love love love this name, I don't really care that it is sooooo popular, it is a fabulous name!
I like this name, but it's so freaking popular. XP
Nice name, but too many baby boys are being named Jacob today. It has been #1 for almost 8 years.
Jacob is a fine choice, personally. However, I must say that a certain book has greatly destroyed it and its meaning, as well as popularity-wise. I believe my liking for it started when I had a dream, of which there was a character in it named Jacob (Jake). I certainly am not very fresh on the dream. But I remember he was a good guy with morals.
If someone wishes to name their child Jacob, my vote is that they choose a different variation from a separate language, to give some individuality. Perhaps the Italian: Jacopo, for instance.
Another one of those awesome-but-sadly-popular names. Really, I like it, I think it's a great name, but twenty percent of the males I know are named Jacob, and that's in one tiny town alone!
I like this name. It is very common though. I like that you can shorten it to Jake.
I used to absolutely ADORE the name Jacob, and I still like it, but it's not my absolute favorite anymore. But it's still really nice.
This is the name of a character shrouded in mystery in the hit television show LOST.
This is the middle name of Actor Daniel Radcliffe.
Criminally overused. Most of the Jakes I've met throughout my life haven't been bad people, though. But it's nothing spectacular. Just a safe choice.
No wonder this name is so popular - it's handsome, manly, versatile and the -b ending makes it sound unusual and yet easy to fit a second name to.
Jacob both in Usage & Pronunciation
Usage: Spanish
Pronounced: hah-KO-b (Spanish)
This is a great and smart choice for a name. Popularity of names matter 0% to me. All I care about how great a name it is.
A bit dull and boring, but I like this, I would name my kid this.
Ho hum. Boring, average and devoid of personality. And obscenely common. There's three Jacob's and one Jake in my daughters' daycare. Hopefully people will tire of it soon.
Pronounced YAH-kawp in Czech, Slovak, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Slovene and Croatian.
I don't like this name. It's way too common and I find it boring as well. Whenever I hear the name I think the parents must have been lazy because they couldn't think of anything more creative.
I like this name, although I know like 5 Jacobs. I think it's very classy for a boy/man, and it's easy to spell. (Unless you're the dingwad that spelled it "Jakob".) But I think I've heard WAY too many twins with this name. Jacob & Martin, Ben & Jake, Jacob & Jordan, and I don't know any more boy twins. Ha. But overall I do like this name.
My best friend's name is Jacob. And it kinda just suits him. It's definitely a boy-ish name. Though, I don't like the nickname Jake for it. It's purpose is definitely masculinity.
I like this name. It rolls off the tongue kinda weird. The B sound at the end is kinda a turn off for me.
My name is Jacob and I love my name! What a lasting peace that will live on.
My son was almost called Jacob until we learned how popular Jacob is. I still love the name, but didn't want a really common name for my son. I also really like Jake as a nickname.
Yaqoob in Arabic (Ya-qoob).
Famous bearer Jacob Himes the American artist.
Jacob Black appears in every book of the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer.
Jacob Hoggard, former Canadian Idol contestant and lead singer of the band Hedley.
Jacob Hannekroot is the antagonist of Susan Runholt's "The Mystery of the Third Lucretia". He is hideous but fascinating.
I like this name a lot. And although it's supposed to be popular, I've only ever come across one Jacob. I like it far better than Jason.
Number one for boys in 2005.
Pronounced "zhah-KAWB" in French.
This is one of the safest name choices you could possibly make, as you can't really go wrong with Jacob. It's the type of name that suits all sorts of guys: young, old, good-looking, and fat and ugly. Jake is an okay nickname, but of the guy doesn't like that, he can go by Jay alone. And hey, it's only two syllables. Seeings as this is such a safe choice and a timeless classic, the name is, naturally, overused and stale, but at least it's very unproblematic.
It's a nice name that ages pretty well. My brother's name is Jacob and he always goes by Jake, which is a great nickname.
I found it quite odd when I first saw the list of most popular names. My first name, Jacob, was first. My middle name, Michael, was second. I also must agree that whenever someone is yelling at another Jacob, I think they're yelling at me.
This name wasn't so popular when I got it. Now, I'll be somewhere like the store and some parent yells at their little kid when he gets in trouble "JACOB!", and my first thought is they're yelling at me. Took a little while to get used to. And I don't know why some people think this name is too Jewish. I've never met another Jacob who was Jewish. And I get asked if I'm Jewish all the time, because I also have a Polish last name, and some people mistakenly think of Polish names as Jewish.
Pronounced YAH-kopp in German.
Jonathan Jacob Walker is Panic! At The Disco's bassist.
Jacob is favored by parents who want their kids to be called "Jake", like some old fashioned detective. Lame name. Too Jewish anyway.
I love the name Jacob even though it's so popular.
Jacob Davis was the inventor of riveted denim jeans but Levi Strauss bought the patent from him.
My husbands name and I love it. Even though it is overly popular at the moment doesn't keep me from liking it. I will possibly use this name as a middle name if I ever have a future son.
I love Jacob despite how everyone says it is so popular. I have only actually ever met two though in my life. It is in the running as my favorite name with Joshua and Elijah.
I have to back up Jassie on this one. Although Jacob has indeed ranked high on popularity charts, I myself have never met one. That happens.
It IS popular--it's been NUMBER ONE for seven years and within the top 10 for the last ten years. The reason you don't know many is probably because it wasn't insanely popular until recently and most of the people you know probably aren't young children.
A famous bearer is Jacob Brent. He is a broadway dancer and starred in CATS (on Broadway, in London, and in CATS video). He's also done Starlight Express and other little shows. Now, he choreographs and even directs shows.
What a wonderful name. Makes me think of someone who is very handsome!
Very cute name.
Every young boy I meet seems to bear this name, but there are surpisingly few in my high school, given the popularity of the name in the late eighties/early nineties.
Listen to the German pronunciation of Jacob here:
I like the name Jacob. That's the name of my Husband. He likes to be called Jacob or Jake. He doesn't care either way. But it's a historical name and he likes it.
Cob is also biblical, which is a plus. Daniel Jacob is a good combo.
Jacob is a major character in the book New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. He's a friend of the main character and turns out to be a werewolf.
Jacob Marley was the business partner of Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol.' At the time of the story, he has been dead for seven years.
I think Jacob sounds more grown up than Jake.
Jacob is a great name, short and strong.
Rodney Dangerfield's birth name was Jacob Cohen.
Jacob is a common name but it's very masculine. I love the name because of the nickname "Jake". Michael has been the most popular mame for many years and now it's Jacob's turn.
The over-popularity of this name just makes it boring. Caleb sounds fresher.
A famous bearer of the name Jacob is Jacob 'Jake' Gyllenhaal who starred in films such as 'Donnie Darko', 'The Day After Tomorrow' and most recently, 'Brokeback Mountain'.
Jacob is a nice, strong biblical name. My friend's son's name is Jacob. It is very popular right now, almost too much.
There are now many Biblical scholars who don't accept the derivation of Jacob from "heel" or "supplanter" but believe that is a folk etymology created for the Biblical story, with the real original meaning of Jacob going back to Semitic roots meaning "may God protect." [noted -ed]For some references to the above interpretation see:
The true meaning of Jacob is deceiver and God changed his name to Israel which means Prince of God.
The act of holding a heel is a Hebrew symobl for deception. Thus, the word Jacob has also been associated with deception.
A cute nickname is "Cubby".
I didn't have a good experience with a boy named Jacob, but that doesn't mean I absolutely hate the name, it just sounds funny when you say it. Kinda rolls off the tongue in a weird way.
Jacob is also Biblical. He was the son of Isaac, brother of Esau, and father of twelve patriarchs of Israel. Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning 'one who has been strong against God').
My husband is of Dutch heritage and has a grandfather Jacobus. That is also our oldest son's given name. It is also my understanding that the "J" is pronounced as a "Y" in The Nederlands. He goes by Kobus.
Although the correct English pronunciation of the name is Jay-kob, from my travels in Denmark where this is a very popular name it would be pronounced Ya-cob. As far as I know the J is always a Y sound in Danish.
I still think it's an interesting name. Yes, it is as common as the name Emily, but I still think this name is interesting. It's also the middle name of actor Daniel Radcliffe.
Properly speaking Jacob and Wilhem Grimm are not the "authors" of the Grimm fairy tales. I am not sure of the most correct noun... collectors, or compilers. Just to be punctilious.
I don't really like this name, and I wonder why it's so popular now... I would think that Michael would still be the number one name every year.

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