As someone who's been a huge lover of ancient Egyptian history for over thirty years I never think to associate Isis with the terrorist group. I will always firstly think of the Egyptian goddess. She's been around longer then the aforementioned group.
This is probably one of if not my favorite name. It’s a shame it’s associated with the terrorist group, but i do feel like it’s starting to lose the stigma. And after all it was a name before the group existed. I’ve met many girls named Isis.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2024
A beautiful name with a long and interesting history, but also with an unfortunate association.
Nowadays, I see a lot of young girls named Isis and I am happy that it has almost completely lost its negative connotations. Most think of the rapper Ice Spice, and kids don't even know what ISIS is unless their parents tell them or something. This was the name of a beautiful, revered goddess, and it should be nothing less than that.
A famous bearer of this name is Isis Gaston, professionally known as Ice Spice, who is a female rapper from the Bronx in New York.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2023
People from Spain, France, Greece, Germany and -I believe- the Netherlands and many other European countries would pronounce it "EE-sis", "EE-zis" or even "I-zees". (I do not know about Ancient Egyptian, but in theory Ancient Greek should be the closest approximation.)So it may not be as obvious there to mix it up with the terrorist group which is only known in English speaking countries as "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria". (Frankly, I know this group as DAESH, and do not recognise it as a "State" as it does not fulfill the necessary conditions such as a known government, an anthem, a flag...) This "polemic" -if you could call it that- is very US centered. I do not say that people born before the 2010s in the States, Australia, or maybe even the UK would not have a hard time of it if they were named "IE-sis". But aggressive and judgemental adults should remember that I.S.I.S. is above all an acronym not a name! You couldn't well keep someone from calling their child Mia because those are the letters of "Missing In Action" or Seth because it could be read as "Slavery Extended over the Totality of Humankind". (There is nothing to prevent bullying children from bullying children, I'm afraid, except trying to explain simply where the name comes from and hope they will remember it as they grow up. That's were a middle name would come in handy: middle names and nicknames may not yet be your friends but -considering the level of violence a simple name can apparently bring- they could very well save your lives!)For me "I-zees" is a short, simple name, not very common as it is quite daring to call one's child with a deity's name. I wouldn't use as a first name because of it, but I have nothing against using it as a middle one.
― Anonymous User 1/20/2023
I'm neutral over this name. I wouldn't use it because of a certain terrorist group, even though I don't live in the Middle East. I went to high school with someone with this name, except that her name is spelled with the first S doubled, to avoid confusion.
I went to school with a girl named Isis and the poor girl absolutely despised her name and was teased constantly about it. I remember her making everybody call her by her middle name Sandra instead. It’s a very pretty name but I don’t recommend.
― Anonymous User 10/12/2022
Naturally this is a beautiful name with a lovely meaning; besides you have that mythological tie to it as well. It is understanding why it's off-putting, but aside from that, I think it is a wonderful one to use.
This would've been a pretty and unique name for girls, but the connotation with that terrible group makes it off putting.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2021
A few years ago my dad wanted me to read a book about a boat called Isis. I didn't read it, and my dad didn't believe me that it was a terrorist group. I never heard about the boat ever again, not even on these comments.
― Anonymous User 7/30/2021
Isis is my favorite I name for girls, it's a shame the terrorist group ruined this name. Isis is a beautiful regal name being named for a goddess and all. Maybe one day after the terrorist group is erased from our minds this name will have a chance to be popular.
It’s a shame the terrorist group ruined this name, because it’s a pretty name otherwise. I think Isis has such a beautiful pronunciation, meaning, and history behind it. The first person who I think of when I hear the name is Isis King, who I really admire and respect from America’s Next Top Model.
Isis is derived from Auset, meaning “woman (she) of the throne”. The hieroglyphics for Isis were a throne, semi circle, and woman. All of that translate to “woman of the throne”. Of course the throne symbol is what the goddess Isis wore on her head, the semi-circle indicates feminine, and of course the woman symbolizes a woman. Isis can also be derived from Iset, (Which also means seat) this implies this is a feminine seat, not just any seat, but a seat of power. I think Behind the Name should allow hieroglyphics.
― Anonymous User 5/31/2021
Beautiful name, but unfortunately it's too associated with the terrorist group.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2021
This would have been a REALLY PRETTY name if not for the terrorist group ugh.
My name is Isis. Isis Ciara is my combo. I honestly love it, I’ve come a long way to say the least. I’ve seen some people (indirectly) say that I need to change my name just because of the terrorist group. I don’t think it’s as a big deal as people like to make it to be honest; my parents aren’t heartless or anything, they chose my name out of love and for a reason. I’ve never been bullied for my name, the most people would make is a small comment but it’s not like they were making my life a living hell because of it. It’s MY name, I’m not the only girl in the world with it, and if somebody doesn’t like it they’re gonna have to deal.
When I first heard this name I thought it was stunning. It’s a gorgeous, smart, delicate yet strong name. I love the meaning and the association with the Egyptian goddess. But I hate how people associate it with the terrorist group, yes they have done horrible things but can’t we just stop associating beautiful names with disgusting groups and people. I’m sorry, but if there wasn’t Isis the terrorist group I would name my daughter this.
I love this name. It might be because it was my name. I had to change it at eleven because of the terrorist group, and because I was being bullied at school because of it. Now my name is Indigo. It was such a shame that I was practically forced to change my name from Isis because before the group rose to fame it had such a beautiful meaning being an Egyptian goddess. But, I was so afraid to say my name aloud or at public events because I was scared people would gasp or laugh at me. I am much happier now though.
Sorry to offend anyone, but you all are actin like idiots!
Isis was only recently formed, which all of you were alive before Isis. A lot of young preteen girls have this name because of its originally great meaning. Of course you don’t use it anymore, I wouldn’t either, but just to point out that it isn’t a name that shouldn’t ever have been used and that people with this name are the devil.
As the comment below has stated, the name most likely shall regain popularity in ten years time. By then the memory of that nasty organization shall most likely not be in the collective memories of the general public and some other topic will be the main focus of the day.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2019
I was born in 1995 and my name is Isis. Growing up I would whine to my mom about having given me such an unusual name and always wanted to change it to “Tiffani”, which I think is hilarious now. I used to be told I have the most beautiful name every time I introduced myself and as I got a little older (teens) I started to agree! I began to love my name so much. For the past three or four years since the terrorist group became common knowledge, I get the most INSANELY rude comments from people I’ve just met, “That's a terrible name” “Isn't that unfortunate” “I thought that was a joke”. It doesn’t bother me so much as I think those people are incredibly rude. Other people think of the TV show character/superhero. I've been told somebody's dog has the same name as me many times, lol. This sounds like a mixed bag I am sure, but honestly, I adore my name and feel blessed to have such a memorable one. It's feminine, unusual, powerful. Nobody ever forgets my name! I am sure in ten years the name will regain popularity and people will be telling me how beautiful it is again, and even if it doesn't I will still be proud to wear this name for life.
I think that Isis is a very pretty, elegant name for a girl but also a cool name for a guy. Shame that if this were your name the first thing anybody would think of is the terrorist group- yikes.
The terrorist group ruined the form Isis, but there is still Iset, which you could possibly get away with as a middle name, which is slightly weird but it is related. When I think of Isis, I imagined one of the coolest goddesses to ever exist, so I love Iset.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2018
The terrorist group killed this name. Such a darn shame.
This name is gorgeous. It sounds beautiful and has an interesting meaning and I would have loved to name my future daughter Isis. It's sad that we are now unable to use it due to that stupid, dreadful terrorist group. :(
― Anonymous User 10/5/2017
This name was once quite popular, until the terror group known as ISIS rose to power.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2017
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Islamic State, and by its Arabic language acronym Daesh, is a Salafi jihadist unrecognised proto-state and militant group that follows a fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam. ISIL gained global prominence in early 2014 when it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, followed by its capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, AKA the Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant, AKA Daesh, will come to most people's mind. Not saying that I hate the name, I'm just pointing out the obvious.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2017
At the moment, this is a name to avoid, due to those stupid terrorists.
I feel immensely for the poor girls out there named Isis who will have to endure hate and bullying just because they share a name with a terrorist group that has nothing to do with the original Isis.
Isis is a lovely name. Ignore the idiots who link it to a terrorist group.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2016
I heavily dislike this name. Not only because it's the name of that moronic terrorist group, but because it just sounds too ancient and I can't see it on a person.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2016
The name Isis was given to 117 girls born in the US in 2015.
Yup, no one's surprised this name left the charts. I'm very thankful this name has left and not just because of the terrorist association. I never been a fan of the name Isis, even well before them.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2016
My Isis was born in 1998, before the terrorist's name. She looks as exotic as her name sounds absolutely gorgeous. Her middle name is Tahjai, which I feel goes great with it. After the terrorists came out with HER name, she has been picked on some, but she knows who she is and is a strong, proud, beautiful young lady. I had a nice sized charm created in gold of the Egyptian Goddess Isis and a matching gold chain. So that she's able to show those who have no idea.
Due to the terrorist group of "Isis" I estimate that this name won't be on the charts for that much longer. I know it will keep declining. And because of the terrorist group, one would have to be either pretty brave or stupid in order to name their child this. To state it bluntly, "Isis" isn't a safe name to use anymore.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2016
The terrorist group is ISIL or Daesh. There's no need to shy away from the name because of transliteration problems.
Funny that several people have suggested the name "Iris" as an alternative to "Isis". Iris is a type of flower. Isis is the name of a Goddess. The two names have nothing in common except for three of four letters.
Iris is actually the name of the Roman goddess of the rainbow, not just the flower, so it is a very nice suggested alternative to Isis. I do like the name Isis though, and it's a shame the transliteration choice has ruined it for much of the west.
― Anonymous User 12/26/2016
Not only was Isis the wife of Osiris, she was also the sister.
Due to the idiotic terrorist group of "Isis" I can see this name declining rapidly in popularity and soon being off of the top 1000 name charts. I guarantee it. No big loss because in my opinion, the name "Isis" wasn't decent to begin with.
― Anonymous User 1/11/2016
Even with the terrible connotations, I still do like this name. I hope someday it will become a reasonable name again, and the terrorist group won't tarnish it forever.(And hopefully it'll become decent soon enough that I can use it for a child, or at least a character).
― Anonymous User 12/9/2015
I used to think this was such a great name, and it is, but the association with the terrorist organization really plagues it. I mean, imagine being called Nazi? It really sucks that such malevolent groups can have so much control over good things. >:(
― Anonymous User 12/1/2015
I apologize if you really love or have this name, but it is completely unusable. If you don't have knowledge of politics or news, you probably don't know that ISIS is actually a terrorist group. Unless you want that connotation attached to your child, do not use this name. It's kind of like naming your kid Adolf.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2015
It's so sad that this name is unusable now. If only more people knew about the Egyptian goddess. :(
― Anonymous User 9/17/2015
Sorry to all the Isis's out there - it's a beautiful name and I'm sorry that grotesque group is dragging it through the mud. Wish the media would just refer to them as something else.
My daughter is called Isis, she's 10. She's unaware of the media negativity associated with her name at present. I feel the media should use their proper name Islamic state - IS Such a beautiful name which has been ruined by media.
― Anonymous User 6/26/2015
Thanks a lot, ISIS. Now I feel really awkward using this name.
I have a 5 year old daughter named Isadora (meaning: Gift of Isis) and Isis is me and my husband's nickname for her. Some people have asked me to change her nickname because of the terrorist group. Can't the BBC just say the I.S.?I absolutely adore this name and I don't care what others think. This is a magical, ethereal name- why is there such a negative association with it?!
― Anonymous User 12/31/2014
Such a pity the terrorists are called ISIS. I agree with the person above me, why can't the media call them IS? It's such a lovely, pretty name, only time will tell if it becomes shunned by society.
This is an unusual name for an individual to possess. The IE-sis pronunciation could be an alternative to Iris.
― Anonymous User 7/30/2014
I just want to add that what I meant by this name's pronunciation being an alternative to Iris, I meant the NAME could be an alternative to the name Iris and that the pronunciation is different (of course) THOUGH it's sort of similar sounding, which is perfect for those who like this kind of sound.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2014
I do love the sound of this name but it feels a bit overused.
It's not a very sturdy name anyways... To be honest, it sounds like a porn star's name. Why not go for Iris instead?
― Anonymous User 7/30/2013
I think Isis is one of the coolest and most individual names out there. It's unlikely for you to meet more than one Isis in your life, so it's easy to remember them. If you were to name your daughter Isis there is no doubt that she won't have to go by Isis M. or Isis C. (or whatever your last initial is). The name Isis makes me envision a smart, exotic, pretty, and cynical type of girl, like someone with the personality of Megara from Disney's Hercules.
I'm afraid that I can never use this name because Isis, the trans gender, from cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2010
Isis the goddess. I like this name and I think it would be a brilliant idea to name a child Isis. Pagans would definitely consider it. It doesn't hurt to be unique.
In the mid '70's there was a cool TV show called "Isis." It was about a young woman, Andrea Thomas (played by JoAnna Cameron), who found an ancient, Egyptian amulet that could turn her into Isis. As the goddess, she fought evil and helped those in trouble. DC Comics bought the rights to the character and included her in some of their story lines.
This is one of my favorite names; it's beautiful on it's own, and the goddess this name comes from is very strong and feminine. She's the goddess of many things, and is one of the most powerful of all the gods and godesses in ancient Egyptian mythology. I'd definitely consider this name for a child. There was also an Egyptian character named Isis in the anime series Yuugiou.
This is the name of a fellow student in my acting class. I've never asked what her ethnicity is, but she appears to be Hispanic. We all introduced ourselves by name at the beginning of the semester, and after she introduced herself, I remarked aloud that Isis is "one of the coolest names ever."
This name is very used for Egyptian people. And you see that name a lot for Egyptian characters. And I know that in the ancient Egyptian time a powerful women was named like that. And I love it a lot and it's meaning to.